Chapter 46: Love Retrieved
Dream's POV
"Do you have a fear of touch?"
"Is it that obvious?"
"You seem uncomfortable and shaky so it was just a guess. If you don't want t-"
"I'm fine. I want to do this."
I hesitantly nod.
"Do you like stargazing?"
"Yes, OuterTale is something wonderful this time of year."
"Have we stargazed together?"
"More than a few times."
"I see..."
"Do you read very often?"
"Yes, although it's personal stuff."
"Have you ever had an embarrassing moment?"
"Oh I do as weird as it may sound...I got drugged by someone once and that nearly made me give roses to my first crush...My memory is blurry especially for that but I can't help but feel embarrassed about it and how uncomfortable he must've been."
"Oh! Yes, I...had a crush on a guy before my memories were lost. I don't think I ever got the chance to confess other than that embarrassing moment...It's so blurry..."
"'re bisexual?"
"Umm, I'm actually not sure. I just recall learning that I'm demiromantic or get romantically attracted after having an emotional connection."
"I see...What would you call your biggest flaw in a relationship? What upsets your partner the most?"
Surprisingly, that question is what sparks memories for me. My mind gets filled with memories of Error snapping at me for being "reckless" when I was doing stuff to protect others, including him. I chuckle at the memories, not regretting anything even with the times he scolded me. I shut my eyes and was able to see him clearly for the first time from memory. Those bright red eyes...those blue tear marks down his cheeks...his smile...It's so clear now. It's like once I remembered him clearly, the floodgates opened and all my memories of him start rushing in. But I can't say anything about it without someone hearing and causing trouble or getting alarmed at the very least.
"I would say putting others before me is often what gets on my partner's nerves, even if it's for a good reason."
"You don't prioritize yourself?"
"I guess it's a habit I have to break. What would your boyfriend say is your worst habit?"I ask, already knowing the answer.
He glances away, nervously chuckling and turning me quickly to the right.
"What do you think he'd say?"
"I dunno. I don't want to assume anything."
"What was the biggest flaw in your crush?"
"Hmmm...I definitely remember him having an issue with his self-worth or confidence."
"Ah, so he was a narcissist or egotistical?"
I roll my eyes at the suggestion.
"Quite the opposite. There were times that he didn't think he was good enough and tried to change himself when he was already wonderful..."I say
"Then I guess that's my flaw. You're a good dancer. Have you ever danced with someone before?"
"Only with a friend who taught me."
"What about your girlfriend?"
"She doesn't exactly like dancing. I offered when we came here but she doesn't want people stepping on her tail either. I can understand seeing the heels some guests wear. Those can definitely hurt even if by accident."
He seems to smile wider when he hears that, then clears his throat.
"I see...."
He continues leading me through the steps and he squeezes my hand. He seems to be proud of something after hearing that, taking me left and right and trying to sway. Then he pulls me into a dip and smiles at me.
"Anything I can say to help remind you of more? Help spark your memory?"He asks
My face burns, seeing his intense gaze fixed on me as my next question sparks in my mind.
"Remind me please, what did you ever see in me or like?"I ask
"Your laugh and smile most but your strength and resilience...I loved how creative you could be..."
I grin as an old memory comes to mind, telling exactly what he thought about me...So familiar...
"Ah yes, you liked those moments enough to put them in a puppet. What did you call it? Oh right. Captivating. I can say the same about you."I say with a grin.
He jolts and pulls me out of the dip, seeming surprised by my answer. He keeps shifting us in a circular routine but seems a bit stiffer.
"Now tell me. If you were to have a nickname out there, what would I hear?"
"Dumb glitch."He huffs without hesitation.
So this IS Error...That comment definitely confirms it...I gave him that necklace and he said that his...So am I his...? And my wings are from him and having a re-? FOCUS! I should correct him!
"Hmm, no. I was thinking more along the lines of Erry. You're much smarter than that insult gives credit for."I say
His face turns a bright blue and I grin, returning the favor of pulling him into a dip. I lean in close, seeing his face get consumed in a bright blue color that seems to burn through his mask.
"Is there someplace private nobody will peek or eavesdrop?"I whisper
"Not around here."He says
"How do you feel about going back to my place? I think that will be much more private for us to chat."
"You're sure about this?"
"My put in some security and soundproofed it. Nobody can get in unless I let them."I say, unsettled with the words I use to keep suspicions away from us.
"And you want me?"
"My only condition is that I see the Asgoro-adoring craftsman that I love as soon as we get inside."
I didn't realize his face could burn any brighter, but it did. He didn't say a word, seeming shocked before he nodded.
I lead him away and unfold my wings, picking him up. He clings onto me and I fly back to my home, seeing him gaze up at the stars above us. Then his gaze fixes on me again and I can feel him shaking as if struggling to stay still with a smile on his blue face. I land on the front deck, set him down, unlock the door, and bring him inside. I shut the door behind him, already feeling the barriers activate. I take off my mask and so does he, glancing around curiously.
"The barriers are strong here..."He says
"It provides good security."I say with a shrug.
He takes off his necklace and I watch as his appearance changes. His blue freckles turn into the familiar tear marks hardly visible as his face burns and his eyes change in shape and variety of colors. His suit becomes a jacket with the tie becoming a blue scarf hiding his neck and chin. His shoes become sandals, his gloves fade to reveal his multi-colored hands, and glitches start to buzz around him. I smile wider. This is him. This is Error and just the sight makes more memories fall into place. It's so good to have him and my memory of him back.
"There you are.~"I say, stepping closer to him.
Error hides in his scarf, his face seeming to burn even more as his eyes dart around the room before landing on me again.
"ThiS iS wHaT yOu wAnTeD?"He asks
Oh, and his voice....So nice to hear again...
"It's your authentic self, isn't it?"I ask
He nods.
"Then you know my answer is yes. Do you need a moment so you don't crash? I'm sure we triggered your phobia and your glitching is picking up."I say, realizing he may be uncomfortable and stepping back.
"YoU...ReMeMbEr mE?"He asks, sounding surprised.
"Yep. Something in our chat clicked and caused my memories about you to return. Now I don't need these notes anymore."I say, pointing out the table stacked with so-called love notes.
He glances at the table, seeming to count the amount of them before turning to me again. Now he looks beyond confused.
"WhAt AbOuT yOuR gIrlFriEnD?"He asks
"Girlfriend?"I repeat
"YoUr dAtE?"He says, pointing to the mask in his hand.
I stare at him, quiet for a few moments trying to process the issue. Then it clicks. Evelyn....He actually thought it was real? On one hand, I can't help but feel bad about what he would've thought or felt seeing that...Someone so special to me thinking that I moved on to someone else...But on the other hand, given what Evelyn has said to's hilarious. I can't help but laugh, shaking my head.
"And she told me I was bad at pretending! Hah! If it convinced you, I'd have to disagree! I would've thought that you'd see through it given how bad she said I was!"
"WhaT aRe yOu tAlKiNg aBoUT?"He asks
"She wasn't my girlfriend, Error! That was just an act so that she could give me information without getting caught! She told me what went wrong and tried to give me my memories back! She told me that she wouldn't be used by Fate in this plan anymore."I say
"WhAt dOeS tHat mEaN?"
"She says that she was made to be perfect or show what Fate would approve of. She was coded to only be happy or build a connection with me apparently to get between us but she wasn't very supportive of that once she saw what the plan was causing. Love is about making sure the other is happier, even if that means letting go according to her. And they never specified what kind of love she was made for so she settled for friendship. She says love shouldn't cost me my life."I tell him.
"AnD tHe lOv3 l3tTeRs?"He asks
"Oh right. Here you can see this."I say, taking the poetic one out of my pocket.
He stares at it blankly, looking shocked. He holds it in his hands, his gaze scanning it for secret messages. Then he glances at me.
"Do yOu rEmEmbeR aNyThInG eLsE?"
"Not really...Well, I do remember other things but it's very brief and in pieces. You're the first memory that clicked...The first person that I think I can clearly remember...."
"YoU sAiD...YoU loV3 m3?"He says softly, sounding like he's in disbelief and his eyes twinkling.
I can't tell if he's happy or upset when he asks this question. He just looks shocked. Then another memory clicks in my head...a hurtful one...
"WhY wOuLd aNyOnE sHiP oR sEe uS aS a CoUpLe?"He asked in my memory
Shit shit shit! Did I just screw up? Did those words slip out too soon? He has no interest...Yet he said a boyfriend gave him that necklace...If not me, did the one I give him break and get replaced by another? Does he have someone else? Did me opening my dumb mouth just ruin things when I finally have memories and someone to reconnect with?
My face burns and I glance away, trying to find the right thing to say. I can't lie to him so...
"I...I guess I did...Yeah...Um, excuse me for a moment..."I say, slowly backing up.
He nods, starting to look through the notes on the table. I step into another room, shut the door and slide down against the door.
I'm so stupid stupid stupid! Ugggh! I hate this! Why did I have to screw it up? First one I actually remember AND reunite with! And what do I do? Screw it up! Ugggh, what's wrong with me?
I step away from the door, grab a pillow, and scream into it. Then I hear the door slam open and peek over the pillow, feeling even more embarrassed seeing Error march in.
"WhAt hApPeNeD? ArE yOu OkAy, DreAmY? I hEaRd y0u sCrEaM."He asks with his strings ready.
My face burns, embarrassed for making him worry and feeling my soul beat faster hearing that nickname. He's so worried and caring...looking ready to protect me. Evelyn is right with that little note...
He quickly notices that there isn't a threat and I hug the pillow to my chest as he steps closer.
"DrEaMy? WhAt'S wRoNG?"He asks
"I was stupid...making you uncomfortable...I'm sorry..."I say glancing down.
He gently lifts my chin up to look at him.
"DrEaMY, whAt ArE y0u taLkInG aBoUt?"
"I said I love you and that made you uneasy...I could tell..."
"WhAt'S tHe lAst m0m3nT tHaT y0u r3membEr b3twEen uS?"
My face burns even more, knowing the answer.
"Vaguely seeing you with flowers while on Ink's crap...making you uncomfortable...I'm sorry....I really don't mean to but I don't think before I-"I tell him, pausing as he brushes my cheek and hushes me with a smile.
"YoU dOn'T rEmEmBeR tHe rEsT, dO yOu? OtHeRwiSe, yOu wOuLdN'T bE aPoLoGizInG...eVeN iF yOu look cUtE rIgHt nOw..."
"What...? Why wouldn't I apologize for making you uncomfortable?"
"BeCaUSe I lOvE yOu tOo, DreAmY. WhAt's sO wRoNg wItH a bOyFriEnD sAyInG tHaT?"
"We' But you looked shocked! Upset even!"
"I wAs aMAzEd aNd ShoCkEd, DreAmY, bUt nOt uPsEt. YoU gOt sO mUcH mEmOrY bAcK...iT's a MirAcLe...I wAsn'T sUrE iF y0u'd kEeP yOuR fEeliNgS fOr mE bUt tHoSe wOrDs...mEaNt a lOt tO mE, DrEaM. I pRomiSe tO tAkE yOu oN a rEaL fIrSt dAtE sOoN."He says
We just started recently by what it sounds like...
I smile, leaning into his touch. That...sounds wonderful. Then he pulls his hand away and I find his strings carrying me into the living room. I get wrapped in a blanket and he leans against me with a scrapbook in his lap.
"WhAt mEmOriEs wOuLd yOu liKe To fOcUs oN nExT? EvErYoNe miSsEs yOu aNd aRe tRyInG tO mAkE tHinGs sAfEr. ThE sOonEr, tHe bEtTeR."He says, smiling happily.
"Any section would be a good section then."
He smiles wider, putting his glasses on and flipping through the pages. Then the door opens and Evelyn comes in.
"Ah, so the plan did work. Great to see that you got off your beanbag."She says as they hold a tense staring contest with each other.
Error seems to glare at her, then turn away with a hmph and focus on the scrapbook.
"YoU'rE jUst lUcKy tHaT hE tOlD mE tHaT yOu wErEn'T tAkInG aDvAnTaGe oF hIm aNd hIs aMnEsiA."He says
"Riiigght, because taking advantage of others is your territory or something?"
Error glares at her again.
"I dOn'T liKe cReEpS gEtTiNg nEaR mY bOyfRiEnD. Your wEeKs oF foLloWiNg hIm aNd mAkInG hIm uNcOmfOrTaBlE d0eSn't hElP yOu nOw. ApOloGiEs iF I dIdN'T tRuSt tHe sNaKe wItH a bAd hiStOrY tO dO sOmEtHiNg g0oD."
Then he turns to me with a smile.
"WhAt wOuLd yOu liKe t0 r3Ad aBoUt nEXt?"He asks sweetly.
It amazes me how he can go from venomously hostile to incredibly sweet and loving. Evelyn shakes her head behind him.
"You're unbelievable. Treat him right or you'll learn what venom this snake has."She says, then walks up to the room she has been staying in.
Error doesn't give her a hint of attention, seeming much happier focusing on me and placing his hand on mine. A gentle hand on my cheek takes me out of my thoughts as he smiles wider.
"MAyBe wE sHoUlD sTaRt s1mpLe wItH tHe br0tHeRs tHaT m1sS y0u."He says, flipping through the pages.
He leans against me with a smile and starts to tell me about the pictures Blip put in the scrapbook for Obscuro. I smile back at him.
A few days later, I was packing up what little I had here as Evelyn checked other AUs and Error made plans with our brothers on the next move. I'm going to return home soon and settle back into my room and usual routine with Obscuro. And figure out how to become myself again, memories and all. The aura and reputation may get on my nerves at times I wish it was gone, but it's better to live with it than lose everything and everyone dear to me in a possible life without it. I step out, leaning against the rails of the treehouse deck to examine my surroundings. Then I feel something get dumped onto me from above, spilling onto the deck before I get blinded by something pouring over my face.
"What the hell?"I say, trying to wipe it out of my eyes.
"Heeey, Dream! I heard from Swap that you were put here under a different identity with memory issues so I thought I'd try to fix it! Don't mind the stinging! It's just some chemicals I stole from Science to help you!"I hear Ink say
"Nice to see you again too..."I say, wiping the paint out of my eyes.
He looks at me and his eyes shrink. I glance down, seeing my clothes get burned apart by the chemicals.
I did not miss his tricks....
"That...wasn't meant to happen."He says
"I guessed that. I'm going to wash this off and I hope you clean this up, okay? Okay."I say, going inside.
I take a quick bath, hearing a portal open and shut as I get my clothes back on.
"Oh dReAmY!~ I hAvE gOoD nEWs fr0m n1-Wo0Ah!"
Then I hear glitchy noises increasing in pitch and run quickly out to find the chemicals still spilled across the deck like a slippery mess. Error slipped right on it and there's no sign of Ink. I groan, shaking my head, and see that it's seeping through Error's clothes. I scoop him up before it can continue and feel the burning reaching his spine.
"I'm so sorry, Erry. Ink dropped in and dumped chemicals thinking it would help my memory. He was supposed to clean it up while I washed it off before it burned me too much but clearly, that didn't happen. Want to wash off while I clean this and fix your clothes?"I ask
His face burns up as his gaze is fixed on me. His eyes start to blur around the edges. He opens his mouth like he wants to speak but shuts it.
"Error? Error are you okay? Can you hear me?"
"DrEaMy...? YoU lOoK dIfFer3nT...aGaIn...BaCk hUrTs...S0m3tHiNg StAbBy..."He says
"Do you want me to help you? Is that okay? Or do you want to wash off alone? I don't want to make it worse..."
"I l0v3 iT wHeN y0u g3t sw3eT liK3 tHis...S0o cArEfUL...It'S f1n3 wiTh y0u..."He says, then groans in pain.
"Okay, okay I got you. I got you Erry."I say, seeing his face burn brighter hearing that name.
I bring him inside quickly, getting the tub ready for him. I get him in the tub after removing what remains of his clothes. His face burns brighter as I lower him into the water carefully, pushing him to lean forward so that I can check his back. I wash off where the chemicals are and see him grip his knees, humming softly. Then I see something forming from his back and taking shape. He leans into my touch, humming softly.
"I got you, Erry..."I say, then feel something soft hit my hands.
I glance down and see feathers hit my hands as a pair of wings folded on his back. I grin, feeling how soft they are. I glance at my wings and grin, glancing at his new pair.
"I'm going to have fun with these.~ Give you something nice to suit them.~"
"WiTh wHaT? WhAt aRe tH3sE?"He asks
"I know it probably hurts right now but it seems to be making some magnificent wings on your back. I'm ready to return the favor to you, Error.~ A sweet gift for you.~"I coo to him as they gain a beautiful black and blue color.
I can see his face burn so much that his shoulders seem to glow bright blue.
"Error? Are you okay?"
"Mmm..."He hums, turning his head so I can't see his face.
I gently feel the back of his head and then something bursts into my mind, seeing different images of Error with wings and different decorations on them as well as him flying with me. I grin as the images fade.
"Have you had ideas of this happening? Getting wings? Getting me to decorate them? Make it special for everyone to know that you are loved?"I ask, trailing fingers up his spine gently.
His chest starts to rumble as I realize it's a purr. He cannot shine brighter than he does right now.
"I'd be happy to make it a reality, Erry.~ But first, what did you mean about me looking different?"I say, feeling a tingling feeling go down my body.
I lift up my hands, seeing human skin covering them. I see that it covers me down to my hips since that was as far as it got before I washed it off. Guess it didn't get time to settle on my lower half. Then I see some hair resting on my shoulders with gold tips.
"YoU'rE sTiLl hAnDsOmE..."
He turns his head to glance at me and quickly glances away again. His wings hide him and he tries to lift himself out of the water. I lift him up with a towel to dry him off. He curls up in my arms, his purrs a bit louder.
"Your purrs are adorable.~"I say
He clings onto me tighter, resting his head on my shoulder.
"YoU aRe goInG tO mAkE mE cRaSh If yOu kEeP tHiS uP. DreAmY..."
"What? I'm just loving you.~"
"Alright, I'll stop but you're not getting out of this, Erry. I'll make sure you know that you're loved."I say, carrying him to my room where the bags are packed.
I grab a shirt and throw it on, adjusting my wings through the holes. I glance at Error as he tries to get clothes on. I grin, stitching his ruined clothes together again. I even made holes for his new wings to slip through.
"What do you think, Erry?"I ask, lifting it up to him.
"WhEn diD yOu gEt sO gOoD aT tHiS?"
"I kind of....practiced it a lot since doing so helped me remember you..."
He smiles hearing that. Then we freeze up hearing the front door creak open.
"Right this way, Obscuro. He should be right inside. You'll recognize him since the changes to him were only slight. They basically switched his appearance with his disguise that the necklace gave him."I hear Nightmare say
Error tries to get to his feet but he groans in pain, feeling his back. I gently have him sit down again, surrounding him with pillows to soothe his back.
"You stay here, Error. Rest. I'll handle it and be back in a few minutes."I say
He nods, resting against the pillows. I step into the hallway, seeing Nightmare walk in with Obscuro. I grin, finally able to remember the memories I made with them as my brothers. I approach them in the living room and Obscuro's gaze locks onto me.
"Hello, Obscuro. Would it be okay for me to hug you?"I ask
His eyes spark with recognition, then he glares at Nightmare.
"Changed slightly huh? I see a half human half skeleton in front of me. Top human and bottom half skeleton. I don't think that's slight at all."
"What happened to you?"Nightmare asks
"Ink apparently thought that pouring stolen chemicals on me would fix my memories. I washed it off before it could settle on me entirely while he was supposed to clean it up but he left that job to me."
"Oooh, so that was the sludge on the front deck? I just erased it all since it looked icky."Obscuro says as Nightmare shakes his head
I smile, thanking him. Then I open my arms to them and they both pull me close for a hug, telling me how happy they are to have me back. They're so happy that I am okay. I'm just happy to remember my brothers again, hugging them back.
"Error was supposed to see you to tell you that we were coming. Where is he?"
"He umm...slipped on the mess and is recovering right now."
"Is he half-human too?"Obscuro asks
I shake my head with a smile. Then I feel a string tugging my hand. I glance down, seeing him tug at my hand and slither up my arm.
"I should get him some pain meds though. It really messed with his back."I say, stepping into the kitchen.
"And turning half-human didn't hurt you?"
"I washed it off before it could hurt worse."I say, grabbing the meds and a snack or two.
I walk into the bedroom and see his face scrunched up in pain. I sit beside him and he leans against me, his wings slipping into view.
"Okay, you both are officially lovebirds!"Obscuro chuckles as I give Error the medicine with some snacks.
Error munches on the snacks, slipping into my arms and purring quietly.
"ThAnK y0u....s0rRy f0r iNtErRuPtiNg tHe ReUni0n..."
"It's okay, Error. You shouldn't suffer if you don't have to."I say
"Amazing how you're not a couple yet and act like this."Nightmare says
I glance at Error and he grins, resting his head under my chin. I smile back at him.
"Who knew?"I ask quietly.
"OnLy y0uR mOm iT sEeMs."He whispers to me.
Then Mom appears in the room and I grin, waving to her.
"Is it done?"She asks
"YeP, hIs mEmOrY Is rEtuRnInG. I'm g0iNg t0 gEt hIm wHaT hE's oWeD aS s0oN aS iT's rIgHt."
"So Fate isn't going to make this end prematurely?"
"NoT iF i hAvE aNyThInG t0 sAy aBoUt iT."
"What's this?"Nightmare asks
Error grins, intertwining his fingers with mine. Obscuro gasps with a big grin.
"Dream why didn't you say something before you lost your memories? This is amazing! When did this happen?"
I chuckle.
"From what Error says, while Nightmare was getting medicine for my fuzzy head."I say as Error grins wider.
Nightmare's eye shrinks.
"Wait a minute, did you both get to-? Are you kidding me? That's why Error was acting so weird? You've got to be joking!"Nightmare says
"They're a lovely pair."
"All under your nose! Hah!"Obscuro says
"After everything....sensing all your damn insecurities....You confess when his mind is fuzzy?"
"He WaS aPol0g1z1nG f0r g1v1nG fl0w3rs s0 i hAd t0 c0rReCt h1M."
I elbow him when he says that.
"I also had to correct you if my memory is returning properly, Mr. You-Deserve-Better. You seemed shocked that your words were accepted and you were shocked again when I said I love you the other day."I say
His face burns up brightly.
"ThAt y0u diD..."He admits
"So if you're together, what do you owe Dream?"Nightmare asks
"We wErE sUpPoSeD t0 hAvE oUr fiRsT dAtE wHeN tHiS mEsS sTaRTeD. It'S wHy tHeRe wAs a rOsE iN yoUr mAzE."
"Those...things...approached me after I got things prepared and well....the rest is obvious..."I say
"We'lL hAvE a pRopEr oNe oNcE aLl oF hIs mEmOriEs rEtUrN."
"But before anything happens, can I just say something?"Obscuro says
"Dream, don't ever expect us to use the box full of poisons for you. I know you made them for the worst-case scenario but it's not happening."
"I do not remember what you're referring to but alright."I say
"Obscuro, I do not think we had a chance to speak properly. Shall we? I'd like to know the new son brought into the family."Mom says
"Why of course. You're his little brother, are you not?"
He nods and I watch as she follows him out of the room. Nightmare scoops up the boxes in his tentacles, opening a portal.
"Let's get you back home."He says
I pick Error up and follow Nightmare through the portal. I glance around, vaguely recognizing the living room and pictures hanging everywhere. This is definitely the home Error made that I shaped into a home....I see the tree growing outside with a golden flower in front of it. I set Error down so that he is comfy on a couch as Nightmare sets the boxes of things down. He motions for me to follow him so I do. He leads me to the tree and I can feel something radiating from the flower.
"You know what this is, right?"He asks
"Is this what happened to the aura?"
"Your aura, yes. It's where it was put. We will find a way to solve this."
"Alright. I'm just happy to have you by my side and not watching from the shadows anymore."I say
"Yeah me tooo——Wait you knew?"
"You and Error aren't exactly subtle. I may have lost my memories and aura but that doesn't mean I can't sense other auras. Yours is a very strong presence but given how Error would shut his portals whenever I acknowledged him, I didn't want to risk you leaving as well so I let you think you were hidden. You didn't answer the phone so I doubted you'd answer me if I called out to you. I saw you at the rink too and your eye doesn't exactly blend in with the shadows. Evelyn also isn't a good actress so I knew she was just getting rid of me to talk to you. It took five minutes to get her what she was looking for but I stayed away longer to give you both privacy for whatever you discussed."I say with a shrug.
He stares at me in shock. Then he crosses his arms and huffs.
"You're not the best actor either."He grumbles
"I acted well enough to convince you that I was clueless to your presence and despite Evelyn's critiques, I managed to follow her plan and convince others of a fake relationship. She said I was a bad actor too but apparently I was a good enough actor for Error to think I had a girlfriend."I point out
He frowns.
"You have a point...That also fooled me..."
I chuckle, shaking my head and smiling at him.
"I'm just glad that I can stop the act and be back with you again, Brother."I say
Then I see the flower get pulled from the ground and feel a hand grab me...a big hand. The ground leaves my feet and I get blinded by a bright light.
"We will be taking him for a moment."
"Dream! Give him back now! Ugggh, GUYS GET OUT HERE!"Nightmare shouts
I hear a portal shut.
"What do we do to fix this?"A voice wonders
"Let's start with his head."Another says
"Let's be quick before Nim comes."A third says
Why do I get a bad feeling?
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