Chapter 4: Respect
A month or two later, Dream's POV
Phew, another happy AU resident. Hopefully, that joy lasts so I can move onto the next AU.
"Ow!"I shout, rubbing my head.
Nobody was around and I glanced to see what hit me, finding a book at my feet with a bookmark sticking out from it. I pick it up, finding another note from Error saying he's on the ninth chapter so far and would like my opinion when we meet again. I smile slightly, tucking the book away. Who knows where he keeps getting these books from but it seems to have a large variety. He certainly enjoys the fact that I can read now, dumping books onto my head during my travels the past few weeks. The strange destroyer has been popping in more frequently, chatting a bit and excusing it as pleasing voices or looking for book recommendations. He looks for my opinion on what we've read and it has somehow become a routine. One that I quite enjoy personally. I'm rarely asked my opinion these days traveling AUs so it's nice to be asked or share such a simple activity. I've tried to avoid battles and spread more good where it's needed and help others, but have caught onto the feeling that I'm being watched as well. Sometimes I catch Error spying but he quickly shuts the glitchy portal every time. Perhaps he gets impatient and doesn't like waiting.
Considering that, I should probably deal with the next AU so I can start reading. Don't want to keep anyone waiting. I teleport to the next AU, wandering through it until I find a village full of people near a forest. It was big and bustling, shaded by gigantic trees. I see that as usual, many are noticing me and grinning. Well, recognizing my aura. It never takes long for most people to sense it and get into a happier mood. A group quickly marched over and I frowned for a moment, seeing that their smiles weren't the friendly kind. Then I quickly put on a smile before they snap at me for not being friendly or something.
"Hello there! I-"
"What took you so long?"They snap
"Too good to see us sooner?"One asks as they harshly grab my arm.
"Some of us would like the happiness you enjoy, ya know."Another says
"Please don't touch me. I-"I begin, tearing my arm away.
"We don't care. Now are you going to help us already?"
Ah, another AU with this sort of reaction. They're becoming more frequent lately...The last AU was nicer to me...I shouldn't be surprised anymore. Just get it done.
"Where do I start?"I ask
They start listing their demands, er, requests for help and the favors I can do. I keep nodding as they emphasize the importance of them but internally I'm frustrated by their needs. It already feels like a waste of time since none are emergencies or urgent matters, just errands they don't want to do themselves. Like adopting a dog or getting groceries and taking their kid to the park. I could be healing someone, cheering someone up or supporting someone who needs it and I'm here listening to their mundane tasks. They could've solved this themselves but I can't say that. I can just politely brush their hands off from getting too pushy with me as part of the polite role I must play in this job. I take few steps away once they're done, trying to locate the stores and consider what order to complete the tasks in. Then I hear a crack and then a loud creaking. I glance down the streets, then up as a looming shadow shrinks over me until it's behind me.
I turn around, seeing the group who made their requests crushed under a fallen tree. Some aren't visible under the gigantic tree while only hands or legs reach out from under branches. I see some struggle while others are knocked unconscious. I glance around, seeing that it's the only tree to fall on such a sunny day. I check the trunk it fell from to see a jagged slash cutting it from the tree it supported. But maybe that's natural and it simply died? A dead tree could be dangerous and easy to sway. Yet that wasn't something they asked for help with.
I shake my head, pushing the tree off of them the most I could and pulling any of them I could out. All of them were unconscious and after a few trips back and forth, I transported the group to get care at a hospital. I leave the doctors to do their work and find a peaceful park with a bench to sit on. I need a few moments before helping the next group.
Good job...You handled that group well...I didn't ask more questions that annoyed them...Didn't test their patience...But I also didn't let them get too comfortable with me...Get too touchy...I'm getting better at that...Boundaries just like Swap told me to make with them...I swear that some get too attached or too comfortable with me, er, my aura too quickly. I can't let anyone get close again. Those expressions are not the caring kind...They're demanding and invasive...just a few steps from being creepy or possessive...But I stopped them. They didn't get to that point. I won't get near anyone that gets too attached to the feeling my aura gives them...Don't want to send that text to Swap again...Experience that...It scares me...Have I ever done things right for others or was it just the aura that pleased them? Having them surround me is the bare minimum to make them happy but I want something that lasts...No, no. Don't go down that spiral again. I've done some good. It'll be ok. I'll be good.
"HoW iS iT gOiNg, GoLdiE?"
I jump in my seat, glancing behind me to see Error gazing through a portal again. He's seated comfortably on his beanbag chair this time with an unreadable expression.
"Oh...hello, Error. It's going well I guess. The last AU I was at was better though. I'm sorry but I haven't gotten a chance to start reading yet."I say
"D0 tHeY aPpReCiaTe iT? ArE tHeY aCtInG cOrReCtLy?"He asks
"I think most of them do...What do you mean acting correctly?"I say with a shrug.
"ArE tHeY bEiNg rEsPecTfUl t0 y0u? ApPrEciAtInG yOu? Or aRe tHeY be1nG sHiTtY? ThEy aRe iN n0 p0siti0n t0 mAkE sHiTty d3mAnDs aNd sHoUld apPreciAtE tHaT y0u'r3 hElpInG tHeM aT aLl. Y0u d0n't hAvE t0 aNd tHeY sh0uLd kn0w tHaT. I d0n't kn0w wHy y0u heLp tHeSe aNomAliEs."He says, crossing his arms.
"It's my job, Error. I'm expected to help them...It's not like I can do much else anyway since they can sense that I'm nearby. I'd rather do something to make them happy than just let them use my aura to be happy. It makes me feel better to do something to earn their joy instead of just getting handed it."I tell him
He rolls his eyes, leaning on his beanbag and twisting some strings through his fingers.
"YeS y0u aRe Exp3ctEd t0 b3 g0od aNd sHiT bUt y0u cAn hAvE s0m3 sTanDaRdS. Y0u d0n'T hAvE t0 hElP eVeRy0n3 t0 sprEaD p0sit1viTy. N0t ev3ry0n3 deSeRvEs hElP. If tHeY d0n't tr3aT y0u wiTh rEspEcT, tHeN tHeY'r3 t0uGh 0uT oF luCk."He says with a shrug at the last sentence.
"What...? I know some of them can be tough but it's nothing new. There have been worse reactions...Half the time it's from frustration or impatience because I haven't worked hard enough to reach them sooner and-"I begin
"AnD tHeY'rE aSsHol3s. If tHeY rEaLlY wAnTeD y0uR hElP oR aNy hElP, thEn tHeY w0uLdn't coMplaiN. InStEaD oF be1ng mAd h0w l0ng y0u t0ok, tHey'D bE hApPy tHaT y0u cAmE aT aLl. BeTtEr tHan NiGhtmArE 0r m3 sHowiNg uP t0 se3 tHeM, r1gHt? I d0uBt tHey'd hAvE aN iSsUe wiTh uS bEiNg lAtE. GoOd aNnomali3s d0n'T biTe tHe hAnD tHaT fEeDs iT. AnD aNy0ne tHaT c0mplAiNs wHeN y0u rEaCh oUt t0 heLp d0eSn't dEsErVe iT."He tells me sternly
I see that he's genuinely getting annoyed by this and grow curious. I know he said keep my curiosity to myself but I can't help it. A few months ago we rarely talked and only saw each other mainly in battles. Now we have random discussions like this nearly every week. And I've seen that he isn't just a ruthless destroyer devoted to only ruining lives. There's a method to his madness and he can appreciate or explain some things.
"Why do you care how they treat me?"I ask
He throws his head back, groaning as if I asked another dumb question. He shakes his head, shutting his eyes and pinching the space between them.
"YoU'rE a guArDiAn, dr3Am. Y0u hAvE a r0l3 t0 keEp tHe bAlAnc3. If iNk cAn gEt rEsp3cT f0r h1s r0lE iN tHe muLtiVeRsE dEspiTe bEiNg a pa1n iN tHe aSs tHeN tHeRe's n0 reAs0n wHy y0u caN't bE rEspEcTeD. NoboDy eLsE cArRieS tHe mult1veRsE's buRdEnS s0 tHeY sHouLd apPrEciAte tHe oNeS sTuCk d0iNg iT. It d0eSn't mAk3 sEnSe t0 diSrEsPeCt tHe 0n3 tRyinG t0 cl3aN uP tHe mEsS aNd mAkEs eVeN leSs sEnSe t0 l3t tHeM diSrESpEcT y0u. It's y0ur p0wEr aNd y0ur t1me, DreAm. Th3 oNly onE eNtiTlEd t0 h0w y0u uSe iT iS y0u."He tells me, looking disgusted at the mention of Ink.
He glances at me again and smiles for a moment, yet I don't sense an increase in positivity from him. I've specifically adjusted to recognizing when my aura affects someone or improves their mood, yet I don't sense that artificial increase from him. He has never been boosted by my presence or changed as far as I can tell. The only other person it doesn't change is Ink but that reason is obvious. It's an interesting difference. Is he immune to it or is it another form of Error's strength?
Focus, Dream! He is talking to you!
"YoU cleArlY kNoW tHaT y0u hAvE a cHoiCe. Y0u sp3nT t1m3 t0 gEt m3 a g1fT wHeN i diDn't eVeN heLp y0u f0r y0u. I diD s0 t0 heLp mySeLF yEt y0u rewArDeD m3. It d0eSn't mAkE sEnSe bUt iT sHoWs tHaT y0u kn0w h0w t0 cHo0se wHiCh uNdeSeRviNg sTraNgErS t0 hElP. I se3 n0 reASoN wHy yOu cAn'T aPpLy tHaT fr3ed0m Of cHoiCe f0r th3 muLtiVeRsE."He says
"Well, I wouldn't call you undeserving, Error. You still had the choice between helping me or finding another way to benefit yourself and silence the voices. And you had no reason to continue helping me or show me how to read, but you did. You did things you didn't have to so that should earn some appreciation. But that certainly gives me something to consider."
He hums, thinking for a few moments. Then I think of something and smile.
"You're the second person who has said that I should be more picky with who I help. Although you're the first to say it to my face."I say
"Wh0 iS tHe OtHER?"
"Swap but he made that statement in an argument with Ink a short while after we formed the Star Sanses. I wasn't supposed to hear, I could tell, but I did. Swap was mad at Ink and snapping at every excuse he gave. Ink didn't understand the issue that his words caused since he knew I had a role to play. Swap told him to never disrespect me or allow others to do so again...I should be able to choose who to help and how I do so. Ink didn't get it but Swap says he can't understand since nobody gets addicted to his role like they do with mine...Then he gave me a lecture too. That's when I realized who I could trust..."I tell him
He stares at me blankly and I shake my head.
"Sorry, I spoke too much. You wanted a simple answer and I gave a story. The straight answer is Swap ages ago. I appreciate both of your concerns and will think it over..."I say
I get a ding from my phone and see a text from Swap asking if I'm ok. And a reminder of the code word he made for me. I hear the buzzing of glitches and turn to see him peering over my shoulder to see my phone.
"CoDe w0Rd?"
"It's just a method that Swap came up with whenever I dealt with AUs alone. He made it after that argument with Ink. I send it to him when I'm made uncomfortable or a group is being too...pushy I guess you could say with their demands. You'd be surprised by the things they tell me will help them or how far they'll go to get it. I simply text him the chosen word and he will create enough positivity for me to teleport to him. It's an escape plan basically and I've gotten better at using it."I tell him, texting Swap that I'm ok.
"He sAiD pe0pLe cAn gEt aDdiCtEd t0 y0uR r0l3....tHaT mEaNiNg?"
"Some people only want to feel happy or have the positivity for them. Not only does my aura make it nearly impossible to tell how genuine others around me are but it can attract the wrong type of people...I've heard ridiculous ideas or interpretations of my job to spread positivity. Some have made the belief that they're some kind of chosen one destined to be the soul that I specifically make positivity for. Nobody makes beliefs or tales of how they're the ones destined to be the only soul that Ink creates for or something. Ink doesn't have anything that makes others attracted to him to the unhealthy extent of wanting his creativity for themselves or something. I think that's the point he was trying to get across to him."I say
He hums with a slight nod, going quiet again. His gaze drifts off to another place in his antivoid and he leans back through the portal to rest on his beanbag again. He folds his hands together, seeming deep in thought and annoyed. Then he shakes his head.
"WeLl wHaTeVeR tHe cAsE, 0uR w0rDs bEtTeR sTiCk iN y0uR hEaD. JuSt...ReMeMbEr tHaT y0u'Re iMpoRtAnT t0o. ThOsE aNoMaliEs d0n't. If y0u'r3 t0o bUsY pRotEcTiNg oThErS, tHeN tHeRe mAy nOt bE aNyOnE pRotEcTiNg yOu."He says
I nod, taking a few moments to think those words over.
He does make good points...It's my help to give and my positivity to spread...I should be able to choose who I help and who should work to improve themselves first. Anyone who tries to force me isn't right...Are my efforts so good if I never had a choice? And I don't know half of the people that I meet in these AUs. Blindly agreeing to help them just because the balance requires more positivity could be dangerous and get me into the wrong situations...I don't want to bother Swap with frequent use of the code word...But it is interesting how Error is concerned about this. Maybe it's because he works alone to keep his end of the balance? Nobody else carries the burden of responsibility for maintaining destruction in the multiverse. Or my words give him more reason to look down on the AUs or who he calls anomalies. He deals with voices making demands so he may not like others feeling entitled to things and that's how these AUs have been treating me...I have a choice...I should work on using it...
"Do yoU...liKe tHe b0oKs?"He asks, changing the subject.
"They seem good so far. "I say, smiling at him.
"WhErE d0 y0u uSuAlLy rEaD?"He asks
"Wherever I can."I say, tucking my phone away.
"WhErE d0 y0u sLeEp?"He asks
"Wherever I can. Preferably away from anyone who can notice my presence."I say
"D0n'T y0u hAvE a bAsE 0r s0metHiNG f0r tHe sTaR sAnSeS?"He asks
I shake my head as he gives me a confused look.
"Do you really think Ink will stick around long enough to have a base?"I ask
He frowns, then quickly ties me in his strings. He pulls me through numerous portals with him until he finds one that makes him smile. He opens a coding screen and starts typing into it. I glance around as his strings tie around me more. I feel like I'm in a cocoon with my feet dangling out and only able to move my head. I can see the strings tying me up to my shoulders and I glance at him as he works. Then he glances at me and seals me in with a grin. I feel something pressing between my fingers but can't see.
I get dropped a few minutes later, finding myself on a couch. I glance around, seeing a living room that I don't recognize. I glance out the window, seeing the peaceful AU Error stopped in outside with a glitchy portal closing. It's an isolated area full of plants and short grass, giving a horizon view. I check my hand, seeing a pair of keys pressed into my glove. I check the door, finding the keys fit the locks. I glance around, surprised by how warm and cozy it feels.
Did he...make a house with his code?
I step into the kitchen, finding different appliances mixed with the cabinet spaces. I find a note on the fridge reading: It's already stocked full of food so you have no excuse not to eat. I better not find this place burning down so don't screw it up. And no, you can't return this to me.-Error
He really made this for me...He gave me a cozy space to stay...I should be careful with this...Hopefully I can learn the new technology.
I wander through the rooms, seeing what was made of it. It seems like a cozy cottage-like structure with a chimney connected to a fireplace in the living room(which also has a note from Error for me to be careful with). I see what Swap calls a TV on a stand surrounded by books across from the couch and small tables on either side of the couch with lamps on them. There were a few closets and a bathroom with a smooth floor. The bathroom closet was stuffed full of towels and the shower was arranged with a curtain blocking any view. I'm never using the toilet it came with but I guess it's in case of guests. I chuckle at the sight of a hook labeled For Crown by Error. Does he really think that's where I put my crown when I take it off? On a hook? Still, it's well-intentioned. There was a room labeled for me with a large closet full of hangers and a desk and rocking chair near the room's corners. There's a cozy bed stacked with soft pillows.
It's all so sweet...What did I do for him to give me this? Why would he do this? Does he want me to read that badly that he gave me a place to do so? No, he gave much more than a reading space...How can I thank him for this? Hah, he thinks he is undeserving of my appreciation but he only does more things that deserve appreciation...
I wander through the house, curiously taking all the details in and admiring his skill. Part of me is in disbelief that this is real and coded up within a day. My mind is also running through everything again to get an understanding. Through all the AUs I've heard numerous complaints out of fear or hatred for the destroyer, even before I encountered him. Ink had plenty of complaints too that he'd fill me in on during rants that hardly stayed on topic.
"He ruins everything, Dream! He's so annoying! He is nothing but a troublemaker!" He'd say, despite being an annoying troublemaker himself.
Many people that I encountered throughout the AUs never ran out of complaints or reasons to look down on Error. Yea, some people didn't need actual help but just wanted to gossip or vent about other people. I'd tell them not to since gossip or rumors eventually hurt somebody but they'd continue anyways, saying that it's fine since it's about Error and Error isn't a person.
"Error is the worst! I mean just look at what he did to our town! Our businesses and homes! He ruined them!"
"If not now then he eventually will!"
"And he works with that disgusting gang of abominations!"
"He kills for a living! There's no reason for that or redeeming that!"
"He shouldn't exist! Why are we cursed with his existence? We didn't do anything to be punished by his torment!"
"His name is admitting it too! He is defined as a mistake! He should never exist! He's a failure just by living!"
"Why can't he be more like Ink and make something good of his life? Make something good for all our lives?"One whined to me once, which I thought was the worst comparison ever.
A glitching skeleton that calculates his plans of destruction carefully versus a soulless skeleton with short-term memory and can flip on a dime depending on his amusement or vials and they choose Ink? If a destroyer were anything like Ink, we'd all be doomed far worse than we are now.
But sometimes it wasn't even complaints about what he did from these people.
"He looks disgusting! Horrific and repulsing freak!"
"Have you ever seen that glitch? I doubt it has a soul. A skeleton monster isn't supposed to buzz the way it does or have such a broken appearance. You'll regret it just looking in those crazed eyes and nothing good comes from something that can wrench deadly weapons out of itself...It's horrific seeing that glitch make the mistake of wrenching its eyes out for those strings. There's nothing good about that glitch."
Yet, thinking it over, I'd have to disagree with them. There's plenty of good in Error and he definitely has a soul. They're so lucky he wasn't around to hear them complain and remove his monsteranity(I think that's a word) and refer to him as less than a person or Ink. He'd probably get pissed at being considered less than Ink of all people. Anyway, I've seen him appreciate and spare AUs before. There are times when he is protecting AUs from Ink's mischief. A destroyer that can enjoy the stars or novelas seems much more complex than their simplified assumptions or complaints. And from the day I got into the multiverse, I've mainly understood that it runs on balance. Very few are responsible for maintaining it and that responsibility comes with hard choices or burdens that not everyone would appreciate or be able to do. Some have to do the work others wouldn't want to do. As much as people hate it, there has to be a bad for every good for the multiverse to function at all. Error doesn't just destroy out of pleasure but for his job and if he didn't do so, leaving the multiverse in Ink's hands, things would not be as great as they think. Abandoned or empty AUs wouldn't be fixed and the overflow of them would gradually make the multiverse crumble. Just like how if Nightmare wasn't around, then the multiverse would be in unhealthy conditions. I just have to keep it in check. But Error...
Error contradicts their assumptions or claims. Reducing him to just a destroyer isn't fair nor would it be true. He contradicts those expectations or assumptions naturally by admiring AUs or sparing them. Would a destroyer be expected to passionately love the AUs he's meant to destroy? Yes, he calls them anomalies but they're not much better at name-calling. And if there's nothing good about him, then why is he one of the few showing concern for me? If he exists to harm all that is good in the AU, why does he argue against my situation and correct me on things everyone else was fine with continuing? Why am I getting help and concern when hundreds of AU residents don't even care to ask about me or suggest? Is the multiverse so good if his words break the routine it made for something better? His points are valid and Swap also argues them so it's not like it's a rotten idea from a rotten source unless someone wants to claim that Swap is evil.
I shake my head at those thoughts.
He is one of the first to voice concern for me. If he's so bad or a threat to anything good, why would he help the embodiment of positivity? Telling me that I have a choice, deserve respect, and to prioritize myself? Essentially challenging what I was told or left to believe for years? His words contradict everything I knew for as long as I can remember....That I must help everyone, do his job and be in the wrong for saying no...He insists on the opposite but maybe that's for the better...He says my duty isn't just to others...If working endlessly without breaks regardless of what people do to get me to help them is the good that's meant to exist in the multiverse, maybe it isn't that good. There has to be other ways, better ways to meet the needs of the multiverse, even if it doesn't fit these expectations...I must admit that it's unhealthy to continue like this...Error seems to give contradictions that the multiverse needs even if it's not the contradictions they want, if any...His presence in some twisted way brings a positive change...Things aren't as simple or black-and-white as it may seem and souls are more than the names and titles given to them. Just because people don't understand the need for his work or the nuance or complexity of balance and people doesn't mean he shouldn't exist...Maybe they just fear his confidence and independence...I hear that there could be biases toward powerful individuals. Some admire strong, independent individuals while somehow others are hated for their confidence. Maybe Error is one of those exceptions. A strong, independent individual full of confidence could be intimidating...I've heard plenty of strangers complain about other people in their town who don't return their feelings or dislike others simply for enjoying a life of independence and succeeding. Those complaints either come from a place of envy or insecurity and ignorance. How can a person enjoy an independent life? Pretty easy actually. I wonder what anyone would say if they learned I desired half of his confidence or if they saw me becoming just a bit more independent life...being able to live my own life and support myself...
I shake my head at the thought. No, I doubt anyone would accept that and it'd hardly work out for me. I can hardly stay in one place if I desire to maintain the balance. Small improvements are okay to consider but I have to be realistic.
Yet...why would he do so much for me? Make me a house? Helping me recover and teaching me to read was one thing, but this seems different. Those actions, although helpful, were to keep me or the voices he hears busy. I got the sense that he wanted to be rid of me but now he keeps appearing or dropping books on me, giving chances for more interactions...And he seems so annoyed by things that don't impact him when I answer his questions...I haven't sensed any change in him that my aura may cause so it's not like I caused this shift in him. Error is up to something that I can't pick up on...But at least it isn't my fault. I don't know why my aura doesn't affect him like it does to others but I don't really care. I don't mind it being something that just happens without explanation. Perhaps it's another way he contradicts what's "normal" or accepted in the multiverse...or maybe his glitching rejects my aura and makes him immune or protected by it...Whatever it is, I'm fine with it...I should start reading...
I take my seat on the couch, set the keys aside, and open the book Error gave me, starting to read. Chapter One...I love new chapters to new stories...
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