Chapter 38:Impress and Regrets
Dream's POV two weeks later
Ring ring ring ring....
"Hey Ink, it's me. It's that time I told you about. Check your scarf and you'll see what I mean. I'm getting ready now so just tell me where you are and I'll meet you. Alright, bye."I say as I flatten the wrinkles out of my shirt as my phone rests on my shoulder.
I grab my phone, hang up on the voicemail and tuck it in my pocket. I try to do my tie before there is a knock at the door.
That was fast....
I head downstairs, opening the door and jumping when seeing Evelyn on the doorstep. She looks surprised when she sees me.
"Oh! Hello, Dream! Are you getting ready for a date? Must be a lucky guy."She says
How did she even find my home? Do I say the truth? No, she may just take that as an opportunity.
"Umm, right...A date....What are you doing here, Evelyn?"
"Just checking in on you. How are you and the destroyer doing?"
"We're...doing okay...Why do you ask?"
"I see how you are around him, Dream. I may have just been made this year but I'm not blind. You look so much happier and comfortable with him than I've ever made you despite my attempts. I know to catch a hint. I'm sorry if I ever went too far. I just know that you deserve someone that makes you happy. Don't let me get in your way."She says
I stare at her for a moment, honestly surprised how observant and considerate she's being. She sounds so caring and honest, even when it doesn't benefit her.
"Thank you...Evelyn."
"Don't thank me for doing something so obvious. It's the decent thing to do. I know I was made purely for love since that's all I can feel...All I'm told is that I have to be the perfect embodiment of love but getting scolded or criticized with every move...But I know what love is. Real love doesn't make you miserable and you don't force someone you say you love suffer..."
I frown, seeing her clearer now. She isn't just some soulless stalker but a new person lost in the multiverse with incredibly high expectations placed on her. It must be horrible to endure that and not have any support or guidance...She kept reaching out to me but maybe it was not just out of love but reaching out for some help...
"I'm sorry that I don't return that love to you, Evelyn..."I say, unsure how to word my thoughts.
"Don't be. I listened to dumb voices saying I was meant to love you but they meant the wrong kind. Pure entitlement and that's not love at all. You shouldn't apologize for having feelings or preferences for yourself instead of others. There are different kinds of love and I was hoping we could grow to have the love between friends instead...Maybe you could guide me how to handle these impossible expectations? Surely you have some experience with the title of being the embodiment of pure positivity...Or we can just relate to each other with a common understanding..."She says
I nod, chuckling nervously.
"Yeah, the relating to part may fit better. It's been years and I'm still in the middle of figuring it out so I wouldn't be the best to give guidance...I appreciate you coming to be direct about this...I will think about it but maybe we could start fresh and become friends."I say
"Wonderful! Here, let me give you a hand!"She says, stepping closer.
She adjusts my tie, fixing it properly and tying it with a grin. She steps back, motioning for me to go.
"I don't want you late for your date!"She says with a grin.
I nod, remembering that I have to find Ink. I lock the door and thank her before she walks away. Then I teleport to find Ink and he brushes the dirt off of his clothes as if just remembering what today is. A giant hole opens beneath us and we fall through, landing on a large table.
Welp, guess this is the meeting.
A few hours later, Error's POV
I readjust my scarf, feeling a sense of comfort having it on again. It feels nice when I can just return to my usual clothes. Maybe I can check on Dream...see how he is doing...That'd be ok, right? Haven't seen him in a bit...
I open a portal to his house and frown, finding Evelyn outside it with something floating between her hands. She glances over after the portal behind me shuts and I cross my arms. What is she doing here when all she has done is make Dream uncomfortable?
"Ah, I see you're not wearing the suit this time. What are you doing here? I would think you have better things to do."She says
"WhAt aRe yOu dOiNg hErE?"I ask
"Doing Dream a favor and putting proper barriers on this place. I see his brother put barriers to keep the auras contained but aside from that, no substantial security. Now just switch this and...done."She says, tapping something
A bright red barrier rises over the house, wrapping around it tightly before fading from sight. The presence of it can still be felt.
"That should keep anyone he doesn't want from intruding on his home. Now I think you are late for something, right? Is your suit at the dry cleaners or something?"
"WhAt aRe yOu tAlKiNg aBoUt?"
"Don't you have a date to get to? According to my phone, you'd be three hours late now. Don't tell me you left your date waiting!"
"WhAt mAkEs yOu tHiNk I gO oN dAtEs?"
"Well I talked with Dream earlier. I apologized for my actions and requested to start over. I can see when someone isn't interested and is happy elsewhere. He was heading out in a suit for a date and I guess I assumed that it was you since I can see that he's happy with you...happier than ever around you. Although his golden face doesn't exactly hide it that much."
Dream...wearing a suit...going on a date...?
An image of what Dream may look like has my face burning...The idea of him in a suit too with that charming smile...Focus! Could he really be on a date or was that to get her to back off? Perhaps....
"If you're not the one on a date with him, who have you been going out with?"
"WhO sAyS I hAvE?"
"I dunno, didn't think that the destroyer would wear suits for no reason. Given that answer, it must be because you're trying to impress someone. Who could you possibly trying to impress by looking so uncomfortable? And yes, it's very clear that you're uncomfortable in that suit as much as you try to be subtle about it."
I frown, glancing at Dream's empty house. She glances between it and me, then starts laughing.
"Are you serious? Him? You're dressing up like that to impress him?"
"GoT a pRoBLeM?"
"No no, stars no! Hah! But you must tell me how you can impress someone who is already impressed by you. How does that work? I would think that just cancels out."
I pause, feeling my face burn at that question. It is true, given that he asked why I changed my appearance and seemed perplexed by my response. He didn't even think that I'd change and want to end the "hobo destroyer" association for him...He didn't care for that...Didn't see why I did...She glances at me and shakes her head.
"He definitely notices the change in you but the thought that it's done for him must sail over his head. I see how he looks at you and can tell that you already have his attention and admiration. He may think it's for someone else without the thought of your real intentions crossing his mind. And him being who he is, he probably noticed your discomfort and wanted to help fix that."She says with a grin.
"WhAt dO yOu mEAn bY tHaT lAsT pArT?"
"Go look in the front window, Mr. Fancy. You'll see what I mean."
I walk closer to the living room window, glancing in. I see lying on the table a design for a suit in progress of being made. The sleeves are looser than the usual suit design as are the legs of the pants. They're stitched with blue and hints of yellow along with two accessories lying beside the suit as if two options to go with it. Either a scarf or a fluffy feather boa to go with the outfit. I clearly recall Dream walking in once when I was wearing one of those so there's no denying who this design is for...My face burns and I start to laugh, facepalming with a bit of frustration. After all my attempts! I should've known better!
Of course the first thing that comes to Dream's mind is to help! Focusing in on MY comfort when I'm trying to make him feel special! Look what he does! Do something special for me....I wonder how he would react if I wore THAT around him while continuing my attempts....He's adorable....
Then there's a booming sound up above and I glance up, seeing a portal opening in the sky. Dream flies through it, holding his spear tightly and glancing up.
"We have to keep Ink a bit longer but you did well today. Great updates of progress but you must remember what was taught today. Understood?"
"Of course."
"Remember the training and goals. And remember who you do this for. Stay alert."
Dream nods.
"I won't let Fate get close."
Then it shuts and he sighs with relief. I frown, sensing the greater presence still weighing down in the area. Then Dream starts to land carefully, glancing over and seeming surprised. My face burns up, now able to see him in his suit properly. I glance away, lifting my scarf and trying to keep my cool. He looks so good. I keep my mouth shut tightly, knowing the last time I panicked I made a dumb comment. I do not want to do that again.
"Oh, heeyy Evelyn...Didn't expect to see you back here...Hey, Error."Dream says
"Was that your date talking to you through the portal? That's odd phrasing to bid farewell to...."Evelyn says
"Something came up so I had a meeting instead."Dream says
"I see...Well, you won't have to worry about any intruders like Fate! I put a barrier up to keep any intruders out that you don't want!"She says
"Oh...Thank you..."Dream says as he folds his wings.
"WhY wErE yOu mEeTINg tHeM?"
"They wanted to see if Fate was meddling and have updates with Ink and I. It hardly lasted twenty minutes before Ink caused trouble so they took him away to be spoken to in private and I got some training. Didn't expect it to go that way but not much of a choice....Did you need something? I checked my phone in case anyone reached out to me but I'm not sure if the signal was blocked there..."He says
"I jUst wAntEd t0 uM, s3e y0u...I s3e tHaT yOu'Ve bEeN bUsY..."I say, glancing at the window.
He glances through and his face burns. He snaps his fingers and the curtains shut.
"I don't know what you mean."He says, his nervous voice offering no help in convincing me as his wing blocks the window as well.
Stars, he is adorable.
"Dr3aMy? WhAt aRe tHoSe cl0tHeS iNsiDe f0r?"
His face burns a deeper yellow and he glances away.
I step closer to him, seeing his face turn a brighter yellow.
"DrEaMy? ArE y0u oKaY?"I ask, admiring him and enjoying that I'm causing his face to glow so adorably.
"Wooow, never thought the destroyer would be such a damn tease."Evelyn says, making me remember that she's still here.
I glare at her and that sends her running.
"s0? Y0u hAd a dAtE?"I ask Dream
"N-No...That was just to keep her from getting ideas.....Well, before she apologized for making me uncomfortable. She's looking to start fresh..."He says, fiddling with his tie.
"I s3e..."I say, then feel a hand grab me from behind and yank me backward.
Error signs quickly fill my vision as my glitching increases as a warning about crashing.
I feel my body fall forward and two arms catch me. My body is buzzing too much for me to react and my mind is trying to process this without crashing.
"Stay away!"Dream snaps, his voice slightly above my head.
I'm in his arms....
"Well done, Positivity. You passed the test and applied training correctly. You'll easily complete the orders you were given if you keep this up. Just remember this when Fate really strikes."
"Of course."Dream says as I feel his wing curl around me.
Wait...They're using him to go against Fate? Trying to get him to fight Fate? Sending him on a suicide mission? Hell no!
I push my glitching down, forcing my vision to return and quickly pulling away from Dream to charge at the opening.
"LiStEn hErE yOu gIaNT-!"I growl, getting my strings out
"Error no!"Dream says, using his wing to hold me back from going through.
"PuT tHe wInG dOwN, DrEaM! I aM n0t lEtTiNg THeSe foOlS uSe y0-!"
"Use him? No no no, dear Destruction. You misunderstand. We are not like Fate who seek to harm or toy with the balance keepers. We are simply providing the resources to have a fair shot at maintaining the progression of the multiverse. Fate is going to cause trouble either way so it's better to give Positivity a fighting chance at unlocking the deeper potential that will end up saving him."
"And our knowledge indicates that Fate will try to eliminate balance keepers or toy with them so Positivity can help prevent it while he is still among your ranks."
What the hell is that supposed to mean? Do they intend Dream to be lost for the "greater good"? I hate these higher-ups..
"WhAt d0 y0u meAn bY tHaT lAsST pArT?"
"We cannot share or it may change the outcome for the worst."
"AnD i sHoUlDn'T tRy tO bLaSt yOu bEcAuSe?"
"Aren't you two just the cutest? And Destruction, and hostility will do you no good here. It is too late to prevent."
Then the portal shuts. Dream frowns and glances at me worriedly.
I step closer to him, carefully using my strings to check his condition. Luckily he isn't hurt and that makes me smile. I sigh with relief.
"Are you alright, Error?"
"I'm f1n3. WhAt 0rDeRs diD tHeY giVe y0u eXaCtLY?"
"Most of it was vague but...the next step is to go check on my brothers. And I have to find Brother's counterpart."He says
Obviously that meant Obscuro, which means he is a balance-keeper and not just some random agent of chaos...It's interesting to consider what his opposite may be like....Could the keeper of peace pose a threat?
"AnD hOw aRe yOu sUpPoSeD t0 fiNd tHeM?"
"They gave me a helping hand....Some intel..."He says, seeming to think things over.
I see his wings twitching and frown, able to see how nervous he is. I gently brush my hand on his wing to help calm him.
"I cAn hElP yOu. JuSt bEcAuSe y0u g0t theSe oRdErS d0eSn'T mEaN yOu hAvE t0 d0 iT aLoNe."I tell him
He nods slowly.
"By tHe wAy YoU lOoK g0oD iN a sUiT."I say before glancing away.
I can feel his eyes on me and the increase in his aura. Then it fades and I glance over, seeing that he is gone...He probably teleported away....Great...
Wait....I should probably contact Swap...
"HEy sWaP? Ya kNoW hOw wE wAnT DrEaM tO pUt hImSeLf bEfOrE oThErS?"I say after he picks up the phone.
"Yeah? And to stop the reckless plans of self-sacrifici-What did he do now?"
"WeLl hE haSn'T dOnE aNyThIng YeT bUT hE bAsIcAlLy gOt tHe gO-AhEaD fRoM hIgHeR bEiNgS t0 d0 jUsT tHaT. ThEy KeEp pUsHInG f0r iT tO avOiD sOmE pOsSiBiLiTy...It EvEn iMpliEs tHaT s0meThIng bAd wiLl hApPen t0 hiM bUt w0n't sAy wHaT oR tHaT tHreAtEnS tHinGs..."I say
"Where is he?"
"He wAs bEsiDe m3 bEfoRe bUt n0w h3 iS g0nE. ProBaBlY oFf t0 cHeCk oN hIs bRoThErS." I say
"You really need to be more observant, Error. I might have to report to my love that you're losing your touch and forgetting your training. I am sure he won't enjoy that."A voice says
I frown, glancing over to see Cipher giggling mischievously as he floats beside me.
"You made it too easy to snatch him!"He says
"WhY w0uLd y0u?"I ask
"For my love of course."
Stars I forgot that these two are dating.
"WhAt d0eS h3 s3e 1n y0u b3siDeS a d3aLiNg d3m0n?"
"I dunno, what does Dream see in you besides a destructive glitch?"
"If y0u w3r3 l0oKiNg t0 d1e oR gEt y0uR aSs k1cKed, y0u c0ulD'v3 juSt sAiD s0!"I growl, pulling my strings out.
"Error?"Swap calls out.
"On3 s3c0nD, I'm d3aLiNg wItH a p3sT."I say, quickly trapping Cipher in my strings.
"You're quicker than he recalls!"
"WhAt d1d y0u d0 t0 dReAM?"
"Quickly took him to Love. He wants to test Dream since they didn't interact that much and he wants to check his reliability for you. Some calculations raise some doubts and you know him. However, I might have to grab a few versions of Dream before his calculations are satisfied. You don't mind, do you?"
"SwAP, i aM g0iNg t0 cAlL y0u bAcK."I say, hanging up.
I grin, dragging him through to find 404. I end up having to go through a few portals before spotting 404. He paces, surrounded by code screens and I toss Cipher down.
"ERROR!"He snaps, stopping his pacing.
"TeLl yOuR DuMb bOyfr1eNd t0 kEeP hIs hAnDs oFf mY pEoPlE!"I snap back, glaring at Cipher as he laughs.
"My cAlCuLaTioNs sh0w tHAt h3 iS, aHem! That he is a THREAT!"
"WhIcH oNe oF hIm? ThErE's iNtEl tHaT tH3 sWaD v3rs1oN iS a tHr3aT, NOT h1m! HaNd h1m bAcK oVeR n0w!"
"And you're sure that he's not an emotional risk? He IS quite good at changing how others with his aura."
"YeAh aNd y0uR b0yfriEnD hAs a tAlEnT oF piSsInG aNy0n3 0fF bUt y0u d0n't s3e m3 wAsTiNg w1tH aN aBduCt1oN!"
"I'm just trying to look out for you."
"YeAh, i kn0w. BuT i hAvE a hAnDfuL oF oThErS alr3aDy ah3Ad 0f y0u! InCluDiNg h1m! HaNd h1m bAcK 0r i wiLl c0ntAcT hiS br0tHeRs! y0u rEaLlY wAnT neGaTiViTy aNd Cha0s aNgRy wItH y0u? Y0u mAy bE my 0lD meNt0r bUt y0u d0n'T gEt t0 c0ntr0l h0w tHiNgS g0, eSpeCiaLlY bEhiNd mY baCK aS iF i cAn'T d0 iT mySeLF! So g1v3 h1m bAcK n0w! AnD iF tHeRe iS a s1nGlE sCrAtCh oN hiM, i sWeAr-"
"Message received. I approved of him anyway and was just weighing it against my calculations to make sure I wasn't being biased. I'll get the keys."
I see a large cage appear....a bird cage...Dream sits in it, shielded behind his wings. 404 unlocks it and I quickly run into the cage, kneeling down and dismissing my strings. I gently feel his wings, checking for wounds and he jolts, dropping them to look at me. His eyes shrink at the sight of me.
"I'm s0rRy aBoUt 404, DrEaM. I-"
"That's not him, Error."He says, both his warped eye sparking a few times.
The meaning behind those words hits me hard and I freeze up, realizing I rushed into a trap. He can definitely read the auras to tell.
"Sorry, Error. I made a deal for my Love and had to play along to spare him from their beasts..."Cipher says
I glance at him, seeing Cipher look genuinely upset and how pained he looks at the sight of the fraud pacing closer.
"You did so well too, Cipher. But unfortunately, we have no use for you anymore. And we can't risk someone warning the brothers so this is where we part ways."The fraud says, shoving Cipher in the cage before slamming the door behind him.
The cage gets locked and suddenly Cipher drops as if he lost the ability to hover.
"The magic barriers were good to add. You're in for a ride. Let's see if you'll survive and how resistant you are by the end of it."
Dream grips onto me, pulling me close to him as the fraud snaps his fingers and the cage starts to fall. His wings curl around me as he braces for impact and I find myself holding onto him as well. The cage gets knocked around down a rocky cavern, then I hear a loud splash as the dented bars form jagged edges pointing in at us. Somehow, the cage starts floating downstream and Cipher holds onto the bars tightly. This certainly isn't the end but someone will find us. There's no way a huge bird cage won't attract attention.
"We're so doomed. They put chameleon code into this cage so it won't be seen when locked...That and the barriers mean that unless it's unlocked or broken from the outside, we're stuck here."Cipher says
Well, excuse me for hoping.
"Just because it's hidden from sight doesn't mean it's hopeless. There are more skilled coders after all. We just have to hold on."Dream says, then grips me tighter as the current starts to toss the cage around.
I frowned, able to tell that behind his confident words, he was scared. Then he glances at me and frowns.
"Sorry, Error! I must be making this worse for you! I will-"
"DoN'T lEt g0."I say, gripping him firmly.
He hesitantly hugs me close and it....feels nice, all things considered. It is putting him at more ease and comfort, just how I want it to be.
Hopefully, he is right.
Meanwhile, at Nightmare's castle
Crash! BOOM!
"What the hell?"Nightmare snaps, hearing walls crumbling upstairs.
"Those bastards! Aaargh!"
"Sounds like 404 came to visit. Now, is he after us or someone else for some reason?"Obscuro says, curiously going up to check.
Obscuro finds the wall crumbling as a gaping hole burst through it and 404 lays among the rubble cursing to himself. His hands are bound by glowing ropes and has a deep wound growing visible through his clothes on his right side. 404 glances up as Nightmare joins Obscuro, shocked at the sight.
"This is the last time I let Cipher pick a date without running through the calculations first! Uggh, those fuckers!"404 mutters, hating himself for being so weak.
He felt stupid for letting his love cloud his decisions, seeing Cipher so happy....his current state leaving him powerless to do anything...Except...He glances at the pair again. Negativity and Chaos in the same room...and the info he has could cause...Oh, that'll do just fine. Those fools made a mistake tossing him here for "humiliation points" by being found in such powerless conditions.
"Can you get these off? I have a few assholes to kill."
"You're in no condition for that. Let me help you."Obscuro says, fixing the wall and changing 404's position with a snap of his fingers.
404 finds himself bandaged and free on a bed instead. Just an attempt to sit up had him cursing in pain, proving Obscuro's point.
"Then you both have to handle those assholes...Cipher and I got jumped by a group and beasts with a strange resemblance to your past bullies, Nightmare. We would have easily beaten them if I didn't freeze up...They overpowered Cipher and threatened his soul if I don't surrender...I was not going to lose him because of a miscalculation. They restrained me with what you found me in that blocked my magic and left me in the den for abominations as they explained to Cipher their plan above me. They wanted him to get Dream and Error as a bonus for them to be broken down...They were watching and knew our connections...I saw one turn into me and force him into a deal for my safety...But it doesn't take any calculation to know that they'll break the deal ASAP once he doesn't serve a use...Please get those assholes and stop it. I don't want my lover and apprentice to pay for my failure to foresee this...I can't lose them..."404 explains shamefully, disappointed with himself.
Obscuro frowns.
"It's not your fault that some jerks are unpredictable. Them being scheming jerks while you're doing a little something they can't called having a life doesn't mean you're in the wrong. We'll get them."
Nightmare nods in agreement with his words.
Then Obscuro gets a call from Swap, informing him of what he heard on the phone with Error and his concerns. Obscuro reassures him before hanging up. He glances at Nightmare and shrugs.
"Cipher filled his end already. Meaning it's hunting season."
"You don't seem so worried this time."
"You saw what I could do when someone hurt Dream. You really think these AUs can hide them for long when I start using my...unique methods? There won't be a rock for them to hide under and more importantly, we each have our ways of finding our loved ones. They can't completely be hidden. My bullies aren't Error's level of coding. You can find Dream's aura somehow, I can warp things until they're revealed and Blip will probably wage war on the multiverse until his brother is found. I think we can make their mistake a living hell."Obscuro says
"Fair points. Let's do it."
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