Chapter 34: Beach Day Fun and Complications
Four days later, Dream's POV
"Okay, take it easy. You're doing good. Now what you do is lift your arms forward and push them down with a splash. That along with kicking your legs is how you'll move forward in the water. Try it."I say after getting Obscuro to float.
I hold onto him to keep him steady as he practices. He has never swam before and was amazed at the sight of the beach. Blip was nice enough to arrange another beach day once learning that he has never experienced it before. Nightmare sits in the shade on a towel under an umbrella reading a book while Blip takes pictures where he can for the next chapter of his scrapbook. Error is building in the sand while Swap unpacks the food he brought. I smile at Obscuro as he laughs and splashes the water, clearly enjoying himself.
I can also sense that Error is enjoying himself, much happier than he was a few days ago. We talked about the situation and he couldn't deny that he was feeling guilty when his happiness was evidently fading. I told him not to feel guilty for something he couldn't control and to ignore Fate's comments that say he is. I'm responsible for my actions and Fate is responsible for theirs. At no point is he responsible for either of us. Don't put himself down for something that isn't his fault. And if he does insist on holding onto this guilt, I will stand by him and help him move past it. I'm not going anywhere. Hearing that seemed to make it click in his head and he has been doing better since then.
I...didn't mention my newly recognized feelings for him or my suspicions about him when having that discussion. My only focus was to eliminate his guilt, and I achieved it. I'm going to get a better understanding and confidence before I even consider admitting that. Especially if I turn out to be wrong about his feelings.
Nightmare avoids so much as glancing in my direction and I can sense why. No swim-shirt could accommodate my wings so my scars are exposed as I swim with Obscuro and he has made it clear that he hates the sight of them. He says I'm too adjusted or used to their existence and the reminders they hold. But that's just his opinion and I don't see it changing nor will it change my opinion of my scars.
I glance over to see how things are doing and see Error absolutely zoned in on making a sand castle as if it's the most serious project he had. Now Swap is helping him. He also wouldn't look at me as soon as we got here for some reason but I don't mind it. He doesn't think I look worse with my scars or think less of me for accepting them so it's not something that bothers me. For all I know he was probably planning the sand castle already.
I release Obscuro to see if he can swim on his own, slipping floaties onto his arms and he smiles. We swim further into the water and he enjoys his first time swimming, playfully splashing me. I laugh, finding it funny as I return the splashes or he points out seashells that he sees, swimming over to collect them. Then I hear shouting in the distance like a call for help. I glance over to the deeper waters, seeing someone struggling to stay above water. This beach doesn't have a lifeguard on duty(or they certainly would've sent my group away out of fear) so I take a quick glance at Obscuro who nods for me to go. I go towards the person in trouble, seeing a lady with four eyes and red hair struggling to stay afloat. I grab her, pulling her to the shallow waters and she sits down on the sand, coughing as her snake tail is revealed.
"Are you okay?"I ask automatically, used to this routine after years of practice.
She glances up at me and grins. I internally sigh, recognizing that look in her eyes. It's usually recognition and the first sign of attachment from strangers I help so part of me is preparing for another addicted soul to my aura.
"Thank you so much...My friends tossed me in there as a joke and ran...Who are you?"She asks, rising up shakily.
I notice her scales are a soft purple shade with red hair, freckles, and eyes. I open my other eye, seeing a burst of pink and red from her. I could hardly sense a soul and didn't detect any signs that she was feeding off of my aura....And she didn't know me...
"I'm Dream, Miss...."
"Please, call me Evelyn."
I nod and she grins.
"What a nice name, Dream. Sounds so wishful...charming...What is your swim routine? You pulled me along like it was nothing!"
"I wouldn't say that I have a routine...Just...Plenty of practice..."I say
"Oh but what about these scars? They look so fascinating on you...Each one must tell a story about how tough you are..."She says, trailing her fingers up my arm as she scans me up and down.
"U-Umm, I don't really want to talk about that."
"Okay then how about these pretty wings? What, did you fall out of Heaven or something, handsome?"She asks, feeling my wings instead.
I grab her hands, nervously trying to set boundaries as my face burns from her odd comments. She's being genuine, I can tell that as the pink aura shines brighter. But that's odd. How can that be radiating so strong when she just met me and doesn't show any influence from my aura?
"Umm, let's not do that okay? Thank you."
"Do you have an UnderGram account? I want to follow my Dreams." She says with a wink.
Was that a joke? Winks usually signal jokes right or is that just a thing with Sanses?
I laugh along with her to be polite, not wanting her possible joke to be wasted.
"I umm, am not sure. I don't use social media often."
"I see..."She says before continuing her questions.
Dear stars...
Obscuro walks out of the water, placing his stack of seashells next to Error's sand castle.
"Want some to decorate? This big flat one could be the bridge for it or a door."
Error nods, welcoming the help with a smile. He continues working before realizing that Obscuro is beside him and takes another glance. Obscuro sits there soaking wet with floaties dripping off his arms. He had been so focused on the sand castle to avoid glancing at Dream that he tuned everything out. He didn't want to be caught staring and teased when he didn't have his scarf.
"What happened to swimming with Dream?"Swap asks
"A lady my brother saved is trying to ask him out. He's dealing with her but I don't think he realizes it. Her lines are sailing over his head."
Error hears a sigh and see Nightmare shake his head as he shuts the book.
"Yeah that isn't too surprising. Years of those lines kind of get old, especially when their authenticity or care can't be confirmed with his aura being the real target of interest. He usually doesn't catch on unless they made it clear."Swap says
Error glances over, seeing Dream with the lady laughing at something she said that he can't hear. He sees Dream holding her hands and face glowing yellow.
"Ya know, Dream, you happen to check off all the boxes. Would you like to grab some coffee together? I seem to like you a latte."She suggests
"That sounds nice. Where did you set yourself on the beach? I'll walk you back to your spot."Dream says
Error watches as he walks away with her, then feels eyes on him. He finds Swap and Nightmare glancing at him as if looking for a reaction from him. He shrugs it off and returns to working on the sand castle as if he wasn't bothered by what they saw. Nightmare frowns, able to sense how uncomfortable Dream was and hopes he didn't say yes to that date offer or let that lady cross the his boundaries. Swap can see how upset it makes Error and frowns, not wanting this to really be the path the two go down or what Error allows at his own expense. Blip grins, knowing better than both of them and not worried in the slightest. He has kept Dream's secret hidden well so far yet can't help but smile at the times they're worried like this.
Dream returns a few minutes later with a phone number in his hand, unknowingly entering an ambush from his friends.
Dream's POV again
I sigh with relief now that I'm away from her. Her stuff was a good walk from where we set up, which gave me a good reason to postpone her plans and let me step away. I'll have to figure out what to do with this number later. I pause, seeing all eyes on me and they're unusually quiet. Did I miss something?
"So? What did you think about that lady?"Swap asks
"She was alright I guess."I say with a shrug
"Just alright?"He asks with a doubtful tone.
"She could definitely use a few swim lessons."I say
"Did you take up her offer and get her number for it?"Nightmare asks
"Of course not. She wanted to go elsewhere today and today's our beach day. I'm not leaving with a stranger."I say
He sighs, looking relieved.
"Is that all she is going to be? When is the date for that to change?"Swap asks
"Who said anything about dating?"I ask, my face burning up.
That seems to catch Error's attention as he stops working on the sand castle to look at me.
Why would I date ANYONE that I just met? Why do they think I'd go on a date just like that? I wouldn't. Especially after learning how I've fallen...
"Dream, I may be a few hundred years younger than you but even I know that lady was hitting on you and trying to ask you out. She was using very strong attempts too. For a second I thought you were leaving with her. I wouldn't blame you either. She was very pretty and you seemed to get lost in a trance staring at her."Obscuro says
"Her aura was different in my vision. It was shades of pink and red that I haven't seen before. Usually I only see pink or red from Error. It was so bright that I couldn't see much of the soul it must be coming from. It was also odd how I didn't sense my aura affecting her...I guess she was pretty..."I say
Error's face burns up a bright blue, putting a hand over where his soul would be as if that would hide his aura from me.
"You guess?"Nightmare asks
"I'm sorry that I didn't focus much on her looks and was trying to see deeper than that with her intentions! I'm used to getting more requests for help after doing a favor or them getting more ideas once affected by my aura! When she started talking sweet with her suggestions, my mind thought it was the sugarcoating they usually use before wanting more! I was automatically preparing to hear the next list of requests so part of me went on auto-pilot and didn't think it was more. Old habits die hard, ok? It's hard to tell which I want to get to know you better sentence is true or really means I want your aura longer after hearing it hundreds of times. I was more focused on trying to understand my vision to see if the feelings were genuine. I've only seen red auras from Error a few times and those were very faint. And when she wouldn't take the hints I gave or polite rejections, I knew to be more subtle. I held her hands so that she wouldn't get too touchy again and walked with her back to her spot to subtly end the interaction. I've learned to do it dozens of times. Was I supposed to let her hands touch all my scars and feathers and focus on her just because she is perceived to have good looks? I don't think so."I say, not understanding why this is so important to focus on or why they're so uncertain about my actions.
Was I wrong for how I acted? Was I supposed to think she was pretty and let her invade my personal space? Why do they doubt my answers and push this subject so much?
Nightmare and Swap sigh, nodding with small smiles. Error goes back to working on the sand castle, patting the spot beside him invitingly....But that would put me closer to Swap and Obscuro who don't seem done with questions or comments as he still shows me an uncertain expression. I appreciated the offer though. At least this was enough to be said for Error to move on from it. At least someone believed or understood me.
"What a relief. I was concerned that you gave into her requests despite your discomfort. Sorry, Dream. I was just concerned that she might've pushed you too far and wanted to be sure that you weren't trying to justify it. I know sometimes you'll reject an offer and then feel guilty or second-guess yourself so I wanted to know that you're sure about your actions so that she can't use that against you to get a next time that you don't want. Some people try to use their looks as a form of entitlement saying that they should get something or you'd be lucky to get something with someone attractive. I wanted to know your thoughts to know that she can't use that argument against you. Again, sorry for pushing you with this. I just know what some scummy people can try and don't want you dealing with that."Nightmare says
I smile at him, understanding his reasons. He can sense my doubts or discomfort and his argument makes sense. He probably knows all the tricks of manipulation that could be used and now is using it to warn me, which is a nice change. It's coming from a place of brotherly concern and he is recognizing that I was upset and apologizing for it, which means a lot to me. I really appreciate that he's doing so and explaining this. Is this why they're pushing the subject? Or for other reasons? Being ambushed with questions over a stranger isn't the nicest experience but at least I know it's not for the wrong reasons...right?
"I see...Thank you for telling me, Nightmare. I appreciate your concern and apology."I say, feeling a bit more at ease.
"So you were attracted by her aura and not her looks?"Obscuro says
"I wasn't attracted, Brother. I was just following the routine I'm used to when helping someone. And when I saw that her questions weren't going to stop intruding on our plans, I set the boundary with a polite no and escorted her back to her beach spot. Not saying that she wasn't attractive, though. She looks lovely and I'm sure others would be attracted to her. I'm just not one of them."I say
They look at me, seeming shocked by what I responded with and I glance at them in confusion. Error continues poking windows into his sand castle, seeming unbothered. Blip starts to laugh, breaking the shocked silence.
"What? Is there something wrong with me saying that?"I ask
"I tHiNk tHeRe iS a WoRd fOr tHaT!"Blip says teasingly
Nightmare grins, glancing at Error for a moment before looking at me.
"Nope, nothing is wrong with that. Glad you're setting boundaries."He says
"Why do you have her number then?"Obscuro asks
"She wanted me to have it in case we meet again. She said next time I can give her mine and it seemed to please her. This isn't the first time a stranger did this so I saw no issue."I say
Swap hums, nodding.
"Most of them ended up being Cider-Addicts' phone numbers though."Swap says to confirm it.
If you know it's true, why are you so surprised this time?
"So you're...not going out with her?"Obscuro asks, looking confused.
"Do you...want me to? I literally met her five minutes ago."I ask, gripping my arm tightly.
It feels unsettling to do that with someone I hardly know...something about her is off too...I can sense it...Why would I do that when Error's here?
They glance at each other and sigh.
"No, I just wanted to be clear."Obscuro says
"Okay..."I say, not really knowing what that was all about.
I sit down, starting to work on my own sand castle with my back to them. As I made a few towers, I see a few familiar fingers poking into the structure to make windows. I glance to my left, seeing Error beside me, starting to help shape mine. He smiles at me and I feel my face burn a bit, unsure how to react as one of my first thoughts is complimenting his smile.
"ArE yOu aLriGhT? ShE diDn'T gO tOo fAr, diD sHe?"He asks
"I'm alright. She didn't do anything hurtful. It was just unsettling how quick she was to try touching me as if it was normal....Not even asking either, just reaching for my scars or wings...She was definitely pushing it with my comfort zone...Too much for someone who didn't know who I was..."
"WhAt's tHe vErdIcT oN hEr? CrEeP oR...?"
"Hard to tell. Her soul wasn't feeding off of my aura to get addicted to it like other creeps usually do. It just doesn't make sense how her aura was just those colors and radiating so strongly when we hardly said six sentences to each other....I guess she's just not someone I want to get so close to again..."
"I'm sORrY sHe mAd3 y0u uNcOmFoRtAbLe."He says, smoothing out the sides carefully.
"It was even more uncomfortable being interrogated about dating her when I got back as if dating was the expected or normal response. I didn't know that helping a stranger and them being good-looking means you should accept their date offers. And the shocked silence at my disinterest in dating her was really unsettling....It spoke volumes about what was thought about me...Me of all people...Didn't know I had to be attracted to her with appearances alone...I hate when people are that shallow with their interest in me instead of something deeper so why would I have that surface-level treatment of others?"
"BuT yOu cOuLd hOlD hEr hAnD aNd ShE cOuLd hUg yOu..."
"Why does that matter if I don't want her to? Her touching only made me uncomfortable. Personal space is a thing for a reason."
"SoRrY, dReAm...We cOuLd sEe yOu hOlDiNg hEr hAnD aNd...aPpeAriNg hApPy aS yOu lAuGhEd aNd lEfT wItH hEr. GuEsS tHeY aSsuMeD tOo sOon tHaT yOu tOok tHaT cHaNcE."
I frown, shaking my head. Part of me is disappointed or hurt by their assumptions that it would take so little for me to take that risk. Or won over in this case. What makes her different from dozens of others that tried the same thing?
"It is kinda upsetting to have that assumption made when I've done this routine dozens of times. I can understand Nightmare's reasons since we're just starting to reconnect and he was concerned that I gave into old habits. I could sense that his questions and concerns were about my safety...But Swap specifically has seen me do it dozens of times without resulting in a date so for him to be the one to suggest it....When he was the one saying I don't owe anyone a date....Doubting that she won't become more...Nevermind. It's not a good feeling and I don't want to dwell on it. It was a minor misunderstanding..."
I see Swap whispering to Nightmare under the umbrella, both of them glancing over a few times and nodding.
What are they planning? What's going through their heads?
I glance at Error curiously.
Did he think the same? He didn't say a word that whole conversation...
"Did you think I was going to date her because it appeared good?"
"If yOu diD oR dIdN'T, I diDn'T cArE. YoU lOokEd hApPy aNd I aSsuMeD yOu'd dO wHaT mAdE yOu hApPy. ThAt's wHaT maTtErS."
Error offers his hand to me.
"LeT's gO hAvE fUn aNd wAsH oFf tHaT iCkY fEeliNg. YoU'rE sUpPosEd tO hAvE fUn tOdAy."He says
I smile, taking his hand to get up as he leads me to the water. He still has a hand over where his chest is and I chuckle.
"You do realize that hand doesn't block your aura, right? I can just shut my eye if you don't want me to see it."I say, shutting my eye.
He splashes me as his face burns and he grumbles in embarrassment. I chuckle, splashing him back and ducking underwater to avoid another one. That started a period of fun in the water between us. Obscuro floats over, apologizing for his questions as well and citing his own brotherly concerns as the cause. He could tell that she was being very pushy with her attempts to "hit on me" and I didn't seem to be noticing it in his eyes so he wasn't sure if he'd have to make a game to test her or not. It just seemed too coincidental that the time that the guardian of positivity goes for a swim that someone struggles to swim and quickly starts to flirt with me according to him. He doesn't get how someone would "accidentally" get that deep in water without swimming at some point and given how the waves were gentle and she wasn't hurt, it didn't sit right with him. He was going to test her intentions if I didn't see through it. His reasons made sense and they were coming from a brotherly sense of caution fitting him and his history with me of testing the intentions of others to weed out the wrong people. It made sense to me and I forgave him, seeing that he was genuinely upset that his words made me uncomfortable.
Swap on the other hand didn't make sense to me. He has known me the longest and has been the one teaching me boundaries for years. He has seen me work on it and set the boundaries, especially from those who desire or demand dates from me, and work around them to avoid it. I don't get how he would make that assumption or not trust me today to step away and expect me to date her. I don't get what's different today for my best friend to think that...His shocked silence at me doing the same thing he taught me to do said a lot and it hurt in a way.
I brush this feeling off, having fun with Error and Obscuro, soon joined by Blip. Swap has been my best friend and most trusted friend for years and has been there for me through so much. Surely this is just a slip up and it will be fixed soon. He will give his reasons and apologize for the hurtful assumption. I'll understand and we'll trust each other again. Simple as that.
But he didn't. He spent most of the time whispering to Nightmare in the shade as we went through different activities. Then Obscuro starts picking the sand from my wings carefully and Blip calls everyone to gather around for a group picture. I stand between Error and Obscuro, smiling into the camera. Blip smiles and promises to send it to each of us.
"Anyone want to grab dinner? I feel hungry."Obscuro says
"I cOuLd g0 f0r a bItE."Blip says as Error gives a nod.
"Then let's go see what's around! Come on, Error!"He says, pulling Error away.
Blip follows after them and Nightmare elbows Swap, nudging him. Swap doesn't do anything.
"Dream, I think he has something to say to you. Right, Swap?"Nightmare says, poking him with a tentacle.
"I have to pack my bag."Swap says
"Come on, Brother!"Obscuro shouts
"Coming!"I say, flying after them.
I land beside Error and smile at him. He smiles back at me as we try to find a place to eat with our brothers. I snap my fingers, summoning a shirt and putting it on as we walk. Obscuro hugs my arm and I smile, glad today is ending on a good note.
With Nightmare
"Welp, that really could've been handled better. And to think that the problem originated with us. At least he can enjoy himself now."Nightmare says as he helps Swap pack up.
"What are you talking about? We both saw what it looked like! And we saw Error's reaction!"Swap says
"Yes, but we jumped to assumptions for different reasons. Our assumptions didn't factor in his choices or trust him to handle himself. It's a personal matter too so we didn't really have a place to push the topic so far. And you essentially opened the gates to an ambush of questions on him. You came out swinging with your doubts. And what can you really say to justify it? Sorry Dream that I didn't consider your feelings because I was concerned about Error's? You're the one who has known him the longest and told him he doesn't owe anyone anything, yet we each acted like he owed us answers to something that made him uncomfortable. We doubted him and didn't really explain why we were so pushy. Point is, we were in the wrong and hurt him doing so. We honestly should've just dropped it and let him bring it up himself. That would've shown us if there were any issues to handle instead of forcing the issues out. You know it's bad when I'm the one pointing it out."Nightmare says
Swap frowns, thinking the words over. He crosses his arms as he lifts his bag over his shoulder, uncomfortable with the idea that he hurt his friend. As the main contributor to the issue too without a proper reason. He can't say it was for Error because that would expose Error's feelings, violate his trust and go against the you-owe-anyone-nothing message he told Dream for years. And yet, he went against that and has nothing else to explain it.
"Swap, I can sense his emotions and he is frustrated. He is confused and hurt by what unfolded. Your words stung him the most because of your bond over the years. If you've seen what he does to handle these people, he doesn't get why you doubted him this time. You got upset with my words hurting him but this time your words caused damage. He doesn't think you believe in him and that hurts for a best friend like you to not believe him. We each messed up but right now, you're the only one who hasn't apologized. That's what I was pushing you to say. But nooo, you had to talk about that lady and your suspicions with me under the umbrella when I was trying to read or focus on Error getting closer to Dream. They were having fun, Swap. Error was probably doing damage control and helping move past the issue to cheer him up. It worked too since his mood improved. I could sense that he was waiting for you to talk to him, give an apology or reason that you did that for him to understand. That's why I kept nudging you because he got hopeful when I said that and was disappointed when you didn't take the chance. I apologized, Obscuro apologized, hell even Error apologized and he wasn't even talking in the conversation. I know he did because Dream's mood shifted when he heard an apology as they made the sand castle. You're the one who said that we can't control their decisions or the outcome but that whole discussion was as if you expected him to act a certain way and reacted negatively when he didn't meet your expectations with the outcome you thought of. Set aside your motives for a second and realize that was wrong. A wrong that has to be fixed."
Nightmare pauses, letting the words sink in.
"What am I supposed to say for this? Do for this? I've never damaged our trust."
"Well as you said, it'll take more than a taco to fix a trust issue. Think of a good apology or a reason for him to understand. And if there isn't a reason you can justify to him, think of things that can make up for it. But you do have to make it clear to my brother that you believe him and this won't happen again. Don't let it fester in him or he will think that's your real view of him. Let's go catch up to them."Nightmare says, carrying their things in his tentacles.
"Are you sure that he'd want me there? I don't want to spoil his fun."
"The quicker you fix it, the less you'll spoil it. The worst thing you can do is avoid it. Are you coming?"
Swap's phone rings with a call from his Papyrus.
"Saved by the bell."Nightmare says, rolling his eye.
Sure enough, Swap's brother demanded he come home, claiming that he was past his multiverse curfew, which they had agreed on. Swap gives into these demands and leaves through a portal that shuts behind him.
Nightmare shakes his head as he walks along the sidewalk. He better follow his own beliefs, own up to his mistakes, and face the consequences as far as Nightmare sees it. If he can own up to his mistakes and face the consequences, including the reminders of the past in Dream's scars or words, then so should Swap, especially with the issue of trust. Nobody is perfect, he knows that. Swap can make mistakes too and this is in no way as bad as what he has done to Dream in the past. But he still thinks that Dream deserves something for being hurt by this mistake. Just because Swap has treated him better doesn't mean he shouldn't make up for this hurtful action. If Dream can grow to forgive and trust Nightmare with the right work put in, Swap can fix it too for a smaller mistake. Then he shrugs it off as he walks down the sidewalk and glances in through a window. He sees Dream laughing beside Error as Blip and Obscuro chat with him and Error adjusts his glasses to see the menu. He smiles, dismissing the thoughts about Swap as just Swap's issue to handle later. He is glad to see his brother so happy and that he can see him so happy, even with the issues that nearly ruined it. He feels lucky to be in Dream's circle and proud that he has grown enough to remain in it without hurting Dream. Obscuro spots him and waves him to come inside. Nightmare smiles, snapping his fingers to teleport his items in the tentacles away, and marches inside. He gets a warm welcome and sits beside Dream who starts to show him the menu and catch him up on what he missed in the conversation.
Some beach day.
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