Chapter 3: Investigating a Golden Fool
A few days later, Error's POV
"SwAP, y0u suCk aT cHo0siNg aLliEs."
"Huh?"He says
"On3 cAuSeS m0r3 meSsEs tHaN tHe aSsH0l3 s0lVeS aNd tHe oThEr hAs N0 s3nsE 0f s3lf-pres3rvAt1oN. H0w d1d y0u maNaGe tHaT?"I ask
"I'm guessing Ink is the asshole and Dream is the one with no self-preservation."Swap says, taking a seat beside me.
"YeS! HoW tHe hELl dO yOu deAl wiTh tHaT?"
"You say it like I planned it. I'm just doing my best. Do I even want to know what you were doing with Dream to dump him here?"
"ThE vOiCeS wAnTeD hIm sO I tOoK hIm fRoM bAtTlE uNtiL hE rEcOvErEd. He dOeSN'T sLeEp oR eAt sO hOw dO yOu hAvE a fUncTiOniNg tEaM?"I ask
This doesn't make sense. How is someone so respectful able to be so disrespectful to themselves? And if their team is such a mess, how the heck does Nightmare keep losing? How does Nightmare keep losing to Dream?
"Oh trust me, it isn't easy. I try to tell Dream or get him into a healthier routine but he isn't the easiest to convince. I can't blame him either since all he knew before turning to stone was a life of expectations. They didn't let him live if it wasn't benefiting someone else in that moment so it'd be hard to break away from that, especially when thousands of AUs expect him to help them. Ink isn't much help either. He feels like he owes the multiverse so the most I can do is try to support him."He says
"WeLl iT mAkEs n1gHtmAr3 seEm pAtHeTiC. He hAs a cAsTlE wiTh hOuRs oF gAnG mEeTiNgS dEdicAtEd tO dEfEaTiNg DrEaM. He mAkEs pLaNs sO cOmpLeX aNd yEt hE stiLl lOsEs tO dReAm aT hIs wOrSt...ThIs iS jUsT sAd."I say, shaking my head.
Dream really is this bad? Nightmare always talked about Dream having the best life and "having it all", having disdain in his voice when he isn't insulting him. Yet he's also giving Dream a lot of credit with the level of sophistication and effort he makes his plans with. As if the brother who is his own worst enemy is a formidable foe to battle.
"The meetings are sad or...?"
"WeLl yEs, tHe mEetInGs aRe. He wAstEs sO mUcH t1me fOr tHeM aNd tAlKs iT uP sO muCh but tHiS iS tHe eQuiValEnT 0f uSiNg a ToRpEdO oN aN aLrEaDy sInKiNg sHiP. It's uNfaIr aNd iF hE eVEr cAtCheS On, tHe mUlTiVeRsE wOuLd bEcOmE a m3sS. It'S BaD eNoUGh kEePiNg bAlaNcE wItH iNk oR tHe vOiCeS' dEmANds. DoN'T nEeD nIgHtmAre bReAkInG iT."
"Do for Dream?"He asks, grinning wider at the suggestion.
"WHaT? No. I jUsT like tHinGs fAiR. I jOiNed NigHtmArE sIncE hE said we cOuLd bEnEfiT eAch OtHer. He hElPs mE deStrOy, I hElP hiM sPreAd nEgAtIvIty aNd dEaL wiTh a PoWeRfUl eNEmY his gAnG cAn'T hAnDlE. TuRnS oUt tO bE hIs bRoThEr. I lEt h1m tRy bUt bReAkiNg tHe bAlaNcE wAsn'T pArT oF tHe deAl. InK bEiNg aN uNpReDicTaBlE liTtLe sHiT aLloWs mE tO pLaY dIrTy tO gEt tHe jOb dOnE, bUt n1gHtmArE hAs nO eXcuSe. I jUsT wAnT tO avOiD mOrE sKuLlAcH3s."I tell him
"Alright, I'll take your word for it."He says
We continue chatting for a while and then I get a call from Horror so I say goodbye and go to help him deal with Killer.
A few days later, I decide to check the code of DreamTale. Dream and Nightmare can act or make all the claims they want, but the code won't lie to me. I start running analysis on it and replaying it to see for myself. The first replay showed all of Nightmare's suffering and his history of abuse before eating the apple. The second replay let me get a clearer view of the events. Dream wasn't doing much better than Nightmare. The villagers made endless demands, pulling or pushing him around. As much as Nightmare claimed that Dream was happy to leave him for them without looking back, his head was too stuck in his book to see that Dream was looking back to him. Many times he looked too reluctant or even scared of returning to the villagers but put on a smile anyway because he was told he had to by them. They pulled all the manipulative tricks in the book or guilt-trips on what would be around a four-year old Dream. He was suspicious of Nightmare's wounds, often mumbling theories to himself after Nightmare fell asleep. But he couldn't accept the idea that the same people pressuring him were harming his brother. I see many good times between the two brothers, many details of them taking care of each other that Nightmare leaves out. I also saw the brother, that Nightmare claimed never had a bad day or was never bothered by anything, break down in a hidden spot. There were multiple times that he cracked under the pressure, crying about failing everyone and that he should be better. That Nightmare wouldn't fail like this. He was alone and miserable. Swap was right, it'd be incredibly difficult to break the habits formed under that pressure after being stuck in stone for five hundred years. Especially with the heightened pressure or increased expectations from a village's demands to an entire multiverse.
These twins were stuck under expectations and only one has broken free of it...Nightmare...He got empowered and Dream hasn't broken free yet. They both thought the other was doing better than them and were great secret-keepers, I'll say that much. Nightmare hid his bullying and Dream hid his insecurities or mistreatment. They truly were alone, isolating themselves from each other. But I also see obvious lies from Nightmare. He claims that Dream deserves this for what he did before he ate the apple, but there's nothing that Dream did to earn his hatred. Dream never took part in harming him and was the one that healed him or blocked the villagers from getting near him when he grabbed the apple...Nightmare always talked as if he was the only one who suffered the most and how it broke him, making him bitter to Dream. But this doesn't seem to be the case. Dream's behavior indicates some issues that may not have been as obvious as the bruises left on Nightmare. They both seemed to be used by their AU so how do two broken fools manage to be put in charge of the multiverse's balance? Is it another game of Fate's? Prolonged by a misplaced grudge of Nightmare's?
And that was 500 years ago. The bullies are dead and he has a fancy castle while Dream is letting himself suffer. What does Nightmare have to complain about? The full story here, all the circumstances and the current outcomes makes Nightmare a vindictive ingrate. No matter how much he tries to justify it as reasonable or something he deserves, the optics of it don't line up. Anyone can see that this is unfair. Nightmare is complaining even though he has everything he could've wanted, freedom and a better life away from his AU. If anyone it should be Dream complaining about his situation since he is the one suffering. Nightmare was rid of Dream for 500 years and was the one to start the fights up. He caused his own issue. He could've just left his brother and continued to enjoy what he had, Dream had enough issues on his own. But he was fixated on Dream and made this big feud. He had it good for 500 years, why even bother with his brother? It's unreasonable...He says there is a reason behind everything he does, which was part of what got me to ally with him...I didn't want to be part of something pointless and still don't. But right now, all I see is a feud making a mess and he's leading it motivated by a grudge against an AU that he hasn't grown past. But why does the brother that came out of the AU with nothing refuse to complain? What keeps him from complaining? Sure he is the positive one but he has clearly cracked before, so what stops him now? And what am I working with? Allied for? Am I wasting my time with this gang? No...I've built a friendship with Nightmare and I'm too close with Horror to leave him in that mess now. We've built a connection and I can't just back out because I learned things that are from centuries ago...But that doesn't mean I can't explore my questions and get my own answers...
I proceeded to use any spare moment I had to explore deeper. It usually was just watching him from a distance or through a portal, but other times we'd find each other alone after battles or after I chased Ink. We'd chat, but it was usually brief. Despite our positions, it was amazing how few walls he had and how friendly he was. He never complained unless it was an eye roll at Ink or mentioning how he adjusted to the obstacles Ink made. It's either his aura is preventing him from feeling upset about his situation or he has very strong restraint. I take peeks at his code sometimes to get a better understanding as well. Whenever someone asks, especially if Dream catches me in the act, I say that it's to satisfy the voices or keep Fate off my back. This is kinda true since the voices like asking questions to learn about my analysis and starting trouble with Dream wouldn't please Fate since I'm meant to fight Ink. But a good excuse is a good excuse aside from the blunt "none of your business" answer that others ignore.
I sit in OuterTale one day, admiring the view. Then I hear pounding footsteps getting closer.
"Error, I didn't take you for a traitor."Nightmare hisses.
I glance at him and roll my eyes.
"Oh? I diDn'T rEaLiZe iT wAs iLlEgAl t0 lOoK aT tHe sTaRs. Ya kNoW tHeSe aRe cOnsTelLaTiOnS, n0t SanSeS rIgHt?"I say, gazing up again.
So beautiful...It was so peaceful and relaxing until he came...
"Killer caught you talking with my brother."
"Oh yEaH? I diDn'T rEaLizE yOu hAd oNe."
"You know who I'm talking about. You were talking to Dream."
"WhEn? YoU kNoW i aM bAd aT tImE."
I hear him stomp closer but remain seated. I'm not going to let him take what little time I get to relax and enjoy myself.
"In this AU a week ago. You were sitting on one of your blasters."
"Ah, i SeE. I rEmMeMbEr tHaT. InK wAs tHe lAsT pErSoN t0 dIsTuRb mY sTaRgAzIng bY dUmPinG shItTy pAINt On mE. I cHaSeD hIm aNd hE dIsaPpEaRed pAsT dReAm. I wAs aSkIng DrEam f0r iNfoRmAtIoN. i dIdN't rEaLiZe i Wasn't aLlOwEd t0 dEmAnD aNsWeRs wHeN hUntInG aN eNeMY."I say
"YoU dOubT mE? I cOuLd gIvE a gOoD rE3nAcTmEnT aNd yOu cAN pLay tHe iDiOt wHo dIsTuRbEd mY stArgAzInG."I say, rising to my feet.
He sees me about to snap my fingers and shakes his head quickly, his tentacles lowering.
"I know better than to try to call your bluff."He says
"ThEn wHy aRe yOu hErE? UsInG KiLlEr oF aLl fOoLs aS yOuR sOurCe t0 bOtHeR mE wiTH?"
"I wanted to be sure that my closest ally wasn't getting ideas to betray me. I don't like when the group spends more time talking to others."
"Oh tHaT'S sOme bUuUulLsHiT! YoU lEt KiLlEr vIsIt UndErLuSt hOw mAnY TiMEs? WhO thE heLl kNoWs WhErE duSt sneAkS oFf t0 aNd y0u hAvE hOuR-LonG diScuSsIoNs wiTh tHaT CcInO gUy! SiTtInG tOgEtHer In hIs eMpTy shOp wItH mUgS aNd yOuR fRiEndLy smiLe iNsTeAd oF tHe hOstiLe oNe! i d0n't sEe hIm fiGhtIng bAttLeS OR jOiniNg oUr mEeTiNGs s0 y0u aRe ThE laSt 0nE t0 be tAlKiNg! AnD eVeN if yOu wErE oNe t0 tAlK, y0u'rE stiLl n0 bOsS oF mE! I cAN d0 wHaTevEr sHiT i wAnT! I aM tHe dEsTroYer, n0t oNe oF yOuR laCkEyS t0 0RdEr aRoUnd!"I snap at him
He noticeably takes a step back, looking alarmed when I raised my voice. Then he frowns.
"We're allies. We agreed to-"
"Oh I kNoW WhAt We aGrEeD t0! A qUiD pRo quO! I hElP yOu hAnDlE tHe StAr sAnSeS aNd oRgAniZe yOuR shItTy gAnG, yOu heLp mE iN reTuRn! I pr0viDe mOrE neGaTivItY, yOu prOviDe mOrE deStRuctIoN! EaSy! AnD i'Ve kEpT mY eNd oF tHe dEaL! I'vE dEstRoYed, pr0viDeD yOu sCaReD s0uLs tO fEeD oFf oF iN yOuR dUnGeOn, gOnE t0 y0uR sHiTtY mEeTiNgS aBoUt ThE sTaR sAnSeS, aNd hElPed In bAtTlE! I eVeN rEcRuiTeD hOrRoR fOr yOu! YeT tHaT's wHeRe tHe liNe iS dRaWn! I aM stiLL iNdEpEnDeNt fRom YoU aNd miGhT i aDd tHaT i cAn'T rEcAlL tHe lAsT tiMe y0u heLpeD cAuSe mOr3 deStrUctIoN! YoU hAvEn't hElPEd wiTh aU dEstRuCtIoN iN a LonG wHilE! So tHe oNe slAcKinG oFf sHoUldN't bE tHe oNe tHroWiNg aCcUsaTiOns aBoUt breAkInG oUr AgReEmENt!"I growl, stepping closer to him.
I didn't want to have an argument when I could be stargazing, but if he's going to push these dumb accusations at me with crappy reasoning then I guess I will. If he's looking to start shit, I'm ending it.
"But do you have to approach him? It could appear treasonous. I would think that part of the deal is not to get near each other's foes."
"Oh s0 iF y0u'rE bEiNg fiReD aT bY y0uR eNeMy, i cAn't gEt nEaR h1m t0 deFeNd y0u? Or y0u w0n't g0 neAr InK?"I ask sarcastically
"That's not what I meant E-"
"BuT y0u rEaliZe h0w duMb iT s0uNdS. LiStEn n1gHtmArE, s0m3 oF uS hAvE tHiS w0nDeRfuL tHiNg cAlLeD l1vEs wHeRe wE sp3nD iT h0wEvEr tHe fuCk wE wAnT. AnD gUeSs wHaT? It iNclUdEs m0rE tHaN s0ciAliZiNg wItH y0ur sTaCkS oF pApeRw0rK oR d0ziNg oFf t0 aN elAb0rAtE rAnT fr0m a wAlKiNg 0cTopuS. W0oOw! WhAt a NeW c0nCePT! I tHiNk aFtEr w0rKiNg t0gEtHeR f0r yEaRs tHaT y0u sh0ulD kn0w tHaT i d0 tHiNgs diFfErEnT tHaN y0u. Y0u hAvE aN eYe tHaT cAn sEe tHaT fAcT jUsT f1ne iF y0u uSe iT. AnD i d0n't oWe y0u aNy cHaNgEs."I say, rolling my eyes.
"And how do you do things?"He asks
"I d0 wHaT iT tAkEs t0 n0t hAvE m0r3 mEsSeS tHaN wHaT's nEeDeD. AnD wiTh a sHiTtY gAnG aS mY aLlIeS, soUlLeSs aSshOlE t0 fiGhT AnD cOnsTaNt v0icEs MaKiNg n0iSe, iT iSn'T eAsY. I hAvE a JoB t0 d0 aNd I wiLl gEt sHiT dOnE uNliKe s0m3 pEoPlE. i n3eD t0 ke3p mY sAniTy t0 d0 tHaT s0 iF tAk1nG y0uR br0tHeR tEmporAriLy sHuTs ThEm uP, s0 b3 iT."I say
"Don't you know what that AU did to me? Why are you helping the one that let it happen?"
"HeLpInG? HoW dO a FeW cOnVeRsAtiOns hElP hIm? YeS I kNoW wHat iT dId bUt i AlSO kNoW iT's 500 yEaRs AgO aT tHiS pOinT aNd yOuR siDe iS nOt tHe oNlY pArT oF tHe tRuTh. 500 yEaR oLd GriEvAncEs tHaT yOu hAvE t0 iT hAS nOtHinG t0 d0 wiTh mE."
"Why do you spare him after what that world did to me?"
"WeLl i Am s0RrY tHaT i d0n'T h0lD h1m reSp0ns1bl3 f0r eVeNtS tHaT oCcUrReD wHeN y0u b0tH wErE s1x! I lo0k3d tHr0uGh tHe h1sToRy oF y0uR aU! YeS, iT wAs ShItTy anD y0u g0t sHiTtY tReAtmEnT fr0m aSsHoLeS! BuT tHos3 sAm3 aSsHoLeS uSeD h1m anD wErE sHiTtY t0 h1m t0o aS iF hE wAs aN eNdl3sS suPpLy oF hApPy piLlS! YoU b0th JuSt nEvEr aDmiTtEd iT, cla1miNg tHaT y0u wErE fiNe t0 eAcH oThEr! Tw0 tHiNgS cAn b3 truE aT 0nCe n1gHtmaRe! YoU bOtH sUcKEd aT cOMmUniCatIon aNd y0u iN pArtIcuLaR sTiLl dO! JuSt bEcAuSe i t0oK t1m3 t0 be neAr h1m 0r cHaT pLeAsE tHe v0iCeS doEsn't mEaN i aM tUrNiNg 0n y0u! StArS yOu aRe s0 iNsEcuRe aNd iRrItAtInG! Y0u mAy bE aNgRy wItH h1m bUt i aM noT g0iNg t0 b3 a dEsTroYeR tHaT hAs cHilDiSh eNemiEs! BaD eNoUgh wiTh iNk's bUlLsHiT bUt iF i hAtE dReAm spEciFicAlLy f0r sTuFf fr0m wHaT w0ulD bE chilDh0od, tHen iT'd b3 liKe fiGhTiNg a cHiLd! It'Ll bE a j0ke aNd I'm not lo0kiNg f0r m0r3 pr0bl3ms tHaN i aLreAdY hAve. WhY hAvE aLliEs iF yOu aReN'T g0iNg tO tRuSt ThEm, NiGhTmArE? IF iT iS tHiS eAsY f0r y0u t0 aSsUmE I'Ll tUrn On YoU, wHy diD wE mAKE tHaT aGrEeMeNt tO BEgIn wITH? Do YoU wAnT mE t0 mAkE it eAsY aNd cUt t1es wiTh You nOW? I cAn d0 aLl tHe pApErwOrK yOu wANT, ciTiNg eVeRy iSsUe yOu cAuSeD aNd wHaT yOu faiLeD t0 d0 f0r m3 aS aGrEeD."I shout at him, infuriated by his stupid argument wasting my time.
That grudge he has is unrelated to me. He can't expect me to carry it on for him and use it as fuel for conflict when I have enough issues on my plate as it is. It's not my job nor is it my balance to keep. His brother, his enemy, his issue. Besides, there's a time to be civil and a time to be hostile. When he hasn't provoked me and can point me to Ink, it's not the time to start another issue. I can't believe that he's pushing this argument when I can be enjoying the stars. A brief conversation seen by that bastard Killer is all it takes for him to think I'm a traitor? Remind me again why we are allies he's that immature and mistrusting on top of not keeping his word. Just the accusation with only Killer as a source of evidence is insulting when I can list numerous events or places as counterpoints on how he hasn't been a proper ally to me.
He pauses, then shakes his head.
" apologies, Error. That was improper of me. I really do appreciate your work and value not just our alliance but our friendship as well. I shouldn't have snapped at you or expected more participation in our feud. You know how Killer's a talker. His words put a few ideas in my head and struck a nerve. My mistake."
"AnD y0u WaStEd tHe t1mE oF liStEniNg t0 h1m? YoU rEaliZe h0w iNsUlTiNg tHaT iS, r1gHt?"
He is silent.
"I'd sAy sToP g1v1nG mE tHaT liP sErViCe bUt wE d0n'T hAvE tHaT. s0 h0w abOuT y0u cUt tHe cRaP, st0p tHe sm0oTh tAlK aNd aCt AcC0rd1nGlY. Ya kNoW, liKe pr0viDiNg dEsTruCti0n aNd n0t diStUrBiNg mY sTaRgAz1nG liKe y0u sAiD y0u w0uLd."I say
He doesn't say anything before he stomps away. I shake my head, watching him disappear.
He ruined my stargazing. I'm not in the mood to continue....He only based it off of one conversation I was spotted having. Heh, I guess I'm good at keeping secrets and he doesn't know my current research focus...I'm feeling spiteful, why not do it now?
I hop through a portal to my antivoid, searching through peekholes until I find the right one. I step through, startling a very tired-looking Dream.
"Oh..Hello, Error..."He says
I wave to him and sit down, observing our surroundings. It's currently night in this AU and I smirk, admiring the stars. I guess I could have my stargazing time again...I enjoy it for a few minutes but can feel Dream's gaze on me.
"HeY, DrEaM. I g0T a QuEsTiOn f0r yA."I say
"...Yes?"He says reluctantly.
"WhY iS iT tHaT wHeNeVeR wE me3t 0uTsiDe 0f bAtTl3, y0u'r3 friEnDlY t0 m3? Alm0sT uNboThErEd bY 0ur oPp0siNg siDeS t0 h0lD a ciViL c0nvErSaTi0n wiTh m3? WhY d0 y0u h3lp mE, eVeN iF iT wAs wHeN i huNt iNk d0wN?"I ask
"Well, I'm guessing those extra questions are meant to elaborate on your first...Umm..."He says with a nervous chuckle.
I glance at him and he steps closer hesitantly, taking a seat on the grass.
"I actually admire you and your strength Error. Sure, you're physically strong but you're also mentally strong. You have levels of confidence that I wish I could get away with having. You don't let anyone or anything stop you from what you want, going against many things expected of you. That independence to go against what others want and enjoy it too is quite admirable. And of course, there's the obvious reason. Your work keeps the multiverse going even if others may not see that. In a twisted way, your destruction keeps the multiverse alive so I can't help but respect him for that. I know keeping the balance can't be easy, especially with Ink getting in the way. And maintaining the balance never seems to get enough appreciation. It's either too little or too much to others so I know it could be frustrating. We may not be on the same side but I can at least show some respect as we both try to do our part."He tells me, rubbing the back of his skull.
I stare at him in shock as he takes his crown off, gazing at it for a few moments before sighing and putting it back on. Given what my analysis of his AU showed me, there could be two reasons he's upset seeing his crown. It's a reminder of the past and what balance has costed him, a home and a brother...I doubt any anomalies acknowledge how much of a toll it would take to constantly fight your brother and lose only to return again another day. Or given what he said, it could be a manifestation of all his frustrations. The very role full of expectations that weighs him down, even if it's just an accessory resting on his head. He may wish to be rod of it or take the weight of the crown, the expectations, off but can't. Not permanently. But then his words sink in, only managing to stun me.
He...respects me? Admires me? I'm far from free of expectations or work, but I guess I do push the limits more than him...And I often get away with it. A destroyer doing bad things or breaking rules is fine but a good person may not be the same case. But that certainly wasn't the answer I expected. Nobody around me really understood my frustrations with maintaining the balance. Swap or Horror get caught up in the chaos and aren't held to the same level of responsibility as me so they're mostly supportive with my reasons. They try to understand why I work the way I do and appreciate my help, but sometimes it seems obligatory unavoidable when I'm the one sparing their AUs. Nightmare is too busy handling the gang or plotting Dream's demise to acknowledge much else, let alone respect or understand it. He considers my work useful but also hasn't made it any easier or shown appreciation it beyond his words but even that I have to get by pointing out what he ignores...His only frustration is that negativity isn't up to his standards, not the frustration of keeping the needed level of balance. He hardly understands the frustration effort it takes to do it alone since he has others do the dirty work for him to collect negativity...All the voices give are demands or headaches...yet he does? He has some understanding or respect and has no issue saying so? I guess it would be true considering that he has the tough job of spreading positivity alone so he would understand the frustrating work or expectations...But to respect work that goes against his? How?
His words were as puzzling as they were appreciated by me. I can see the honesty from him that he meant his words and it's nice to get appreciation or respect from somewhere, but him? The one who can't even respect himself and give himself the proper boundaries or care? How can he appreciate or respect me but not himself?
Then Dream hands me a bar of chocolate with a paper attached, taking me out of my thoughts.
"This is thanks for helping me. I know you didn't have to but I still appreciate it, even if it was to please the voices. I hope they're treating you better now. Given that chocolate is all I saw you eat in the two weeks I stayed with you, I thought this would be something you like. I think you will like the note since I got it passing through UnderNovela."He says
I unfold the paper, finding that it's a picture of Asgoro with his signature in the corner along with a brief message. It translates to Asgoro wishing me well by name before signing his. It was simple but holding it in my hands was still shocking.
"HoW'd y0u g3t tHiS?"
"Sometimes having an aura that puts people in better moods works in my favor. Besides, I had a hunch you liked Asgoro when you snapped at Ink's opinion of him."He says
"I don't like being unable to tell how genuine those around me are. If I didn't have it or couldn't help them, I doubt half of them would even acknowledge me. That said, I hope you like it. I have to go see where Ink and Swap ran off to before trouble starts. Bye!"He admits, running off quickly.
I'm left with the gift, processing what happened. First, he admits respect for my work, now he shows me appreciation with a gift. Even if it wasn't to benefit him? I've rarely gotten gifts...none being thanks for something explicitly. Sure, Swap makes me tacos to try and spend what little time he can with me, but it was never to thank me. The gang hardly does anything positive like gifts or it would annoy Nightmare for causing positive feelings. But this is the appreciation for something I did with a gift? A gift that I have a liking for? When he won't give him the basic gifts of sleep or food?
His mind is more absurd than I thought. It's fascinating how sincere he seems yet with such broken logic. He won't complain or gain more than what little he has, yet keeps giving to others what he doesn't have for himself. He seems sincere but there has to be something wrong with him to go this far. There's no way he can justify giving his brother's ally a reward for a selfish act when he won't even be selfish to reward himself with basic needs satisfied. No sane person could justify it. I shouldn't have this and he shouldn't have given it to me...It'd be preposterous to any reasonable foe unless they had something to gain from these actions...But even there he has nothing to gain by denying himself support and giving me more...It simply doesn't make sense. More analysis is needed I guess before I get my answers...He's more than just the assumptions or tales I've heard...Who knew that the guardian of positivity had such a distorted mind? So many misrepresent this fool as a confident, healthy hero...How ridiculous...
Then I smirk, noticing the small defiance in this act. Nobody would expect him to do so nor would anyone want him to, yet he did so. He claims he wishes he was confident or capable to break the rules like I do, yet he has already started to. Then I frown, a bit annoyed that this is the most he can manage. Why waste such defiance on me when he can use it with those annoying anomalies? He's so irrational when sleep-deprived...I get up, making the trip back to my antivoid with the gift. I'd never get rid of some good chocolate or UnderNovela-related stuff. It's still nice, even from an oddball like him, the golden fool.
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