Chapter 29: Phases and Changes
Hours later, Dream's POV
So this is the giant complainer that bothers Error...I can see why he's stressed all of the time...
I sit on a smooth surface, unable to see anything or move as a booming voice complains for hours about my role, the expectations I'm meant to follow, and how I'm screwing it all up. I may not be able to see, but telling by the overpowering aura that makes mine look like an ant in comparison, this person must be a greater being with more power.
"Listen, I am a very patient being and I can be very forgiving if given reason to. I let you entertain this little idea of self-exploration or period of change. I let you have your fun. You rose, you fell, you got hurt, you healed. You went through all the stages necessary. I let you bend the rules and throw your tantrum, waiting for you to come to your senses eventually. But you must have nothing going on in that skull because you still haven't come to your senses! This phase is over! You are a guardian of positivity! You fight negativity and are a traveling hero, not some average soul who settles down and babysits two outliers! Two mistakes!"
Oh, plenty is going on in my head. Just not what you want. You had no issue with 500 years of my suffering as a "phase" but when I have a shorter period in comparison to that where I'm happy, you have an issue? Is this really the crap Error hears all the time? What a pain.
"I had no issue with you bonding with that Obscuro creature or whatever it calls itself. The game was a nice surprise to see and it tormented your foe, just as I wish you would. I thought you were getting back on track by cutting ties with Nightmare and shutting him out. I thought you were finally getting over this brotherly fantasy you had of your family but no, you're trying to live a life and surround yourself with people as if you have a family. You still won't finish that worthless freak off. I made that weak pile of bones into a powerful king reigning terror over everyone and what does he do? Fuck it all up like a blockhead! You must really be twins since neither of you can handle the concept of responsibilities properly. And now you think you can just have a truce and end it all? Put all my work to waste and let it crumble apart? I don't think so! This is just a phase of yours! You'll move on from it and return to what you're meant to do! I'll make sure of it!"
It irritated me that they went right for insulting my brothers but it irritated me even more that I can't do anything about it.
"Oh, and your attachment to that glitch is getting worse by the day! I let you both connect since I knew it wouldn't last or go anywhere! He knew his purpose and so did you. Destruction cannot do much else but that and you have your duties. I guided Ink to remove the problem when his brother started to distract him so I knew nothing would ever change unless I decided it to. But then you started helping him and he started accepting it, questioning his beliefs, and getting attached to you. You brought the problem back into his life and he has never been so resistant. There's nothing good that comes out of destruction, yet you both defy that and that mistake keeps helping you in your phase of rule-breaking. So I made the voices increase, specifically the one against him to remind him where his place was. That this was not a phase and that your bond will break eventually. You'll move on at some point because you were never meant to be close to him. Do you have any idea how frustrating it is to just finish up reminding him that he is just part of a phase of yours and find you proving me wrong? To find you defying me again? I tell that mistake to stop getting attached since things will not last and what do I find you doing? Infiltrating groups that I made to force him into place and trying to warn that worthless king! Then I rewind things and see you admitting that you want to protect that glitch and considering him a friend! What else do you know aside from fucking everything up?"
They're...telling Error that this is just a phase? That our bond is nothing? I guess that explains why it takes so long for him to trust or consider people friends. If someone constantly tells him it won't last and that they don't matter, it makes sense to question it or be reluctant to open up. I'd question how much it would take to stop opening up and stop myself from getting hurt. I'm happy to defy those lies.
I don't honor that insult-infested tantrum with a response. If this complainer thinks over 500 years of suffering is a phase, then they're going to see how long my phase of living my life can last. I'll make it last as long as possible. My silence only seems to frustrate the person even more as they groan and stomp away.
"When I come back, you better realize that it's over or you'll pay!"
I guess I am not leaving anytime soon...
Then I sense another strong presence coming closer and a giggle.
"Oh my my my! I was wondering when Fate was going to bring you in! You have been wonderful to watch! Your journey and growth have been remarkable! How has it felt for you to be free?"A different voice says
"To make your own life and decide your own life? You've built a wonderful life so far! You have a home, friends, at least a brother, so much greatness! It's so wonderful to see you live your best day in years! You're finally healing! It's my favorite arc to see so far! Tell me how it feels!"
This being seems much nicer. A lot more excited.
"It feels wonderful...for the most part. Keeps seeming to get complicated or disrupted."
"You can blame Fate for that. They can be so strict and petty. So stubborn and wanting things fixed and unchanging but that isn't how the multiverse is meant to work. I am so glad you are finally settling the conflicts and battles. Lines are being crossed and progress is finally happening! You and Destruction are so sweet in building each other up and I look forward to seeing your growth with Nightmare!"
I feel a hand lift me up yet can't move still. The aura around me is much warmer and friendlier.
"You've always been my favorite balance-keeper but Fate doesn't let me play with you. And when I'm finally happy with what I'm seeing in the multiverse, they stack the cards against you and make things so unfair to ruin it."The voice says with a pouty voice
A favorite...? I'm their favorite...? Maybe I could have their support. They seem to really want things the continue the way they are.
"That being said, I think I know how to shift things in your favor. I don't want them ruining things again. They plan to wipe your memory as a solution which I won't allow. I just have one condition. Are you willing to hear it?"
I nod.
"You tell Destruction that the Giant Complainer speaks only in bullshit and that he has supporters up here. Make sure he doesn't stop being the fabulous soul he knows he is. That's an order. What do you say?"
"Was already planning on it so works for me."
"Alright then. Hold still."
I feel something injected into my arm but couldn't move to react and then feel something as pointed as a needle drag down my spine briefly.
"What are you doing, Destiny?!"The complainer's voice, Fate, snaps
"What should've been done much sooner! Letting them make what they wish of the multiverse! Design their own paths! They've suffered enough, Fate. Your paths have tormented them beyond comparison. They deserve to explore what else is out there."
"And let them defy my work and orders?"The voice growls
"The creators enjoy it. Haven't you heard the voices or do you block them out better than Destruction does?"
It's weird hearing Error getting just called his role...
My head starts to hurt and my back aches, feeling a weight pressing down on it.
"You do realize that he will hate what you're doing to him, right?"
"Compared to how he hated what you do to him? I think this will be easier to redefine for him."Destiny says
"Hand him over."
"Not today."
The auras get stronger and I feel two hands dig into me, pulling two different ways. I get pulled to the left and the other hand loses its grip. Then I feel like I get thrown up. I feel the weird sensation of going through a portal, followed by falling hard against the ground. I wouldn't be surprised if I made a hole. Now it feels like my entire body is aching and the fact that I landed in freezing cold snow doesn't help. I slowly sit up as my vision returns to me, quickly noticing that something is different. Each eye is giving me a different view and the combined view is giving me a headache. The powerfully suffocating auras are gone at least. I close one eye and see that I did fall in a hole. I get up in shaky feet to reach up and pull myself out of the hole. My arm still hurts from the injection. I glance around, seeing nothing near me fo identify where I am. I shut my eye and open the other, seeing the snowy ground and blue sky turn into shades of yellow to orange and green in an overall black environment. I see souls of animals shining yellow or orange as they cuddle in trees together or dark shades of green as they run in fear from a predator hunting them. I see faintly yellow trails of footprints in the ground in different sizes and catch onto what changed.
This seems like some sort of heat-vision except for auras. Those animals are scared glow green for negativity and the yellow or orange must be positivity...Interesting....Nobody will hide from me anymore...Is this the redefining part that they meant?
I get up and switch eyes to see normally. I glance down, seeing my shirt and sleeves are torn to shreds from the tug of war that I was used as rope for. But I notice something different aside from my vision. I see feathers sprouting from my back, arching out into mint green wings.
That must've been what they meant. Having something in common with Swad...Oh joy....But it's meant to make things fair so I guess I can't complain and should use this to my advantage. But stars does my back hurt and it's soo cold....
I jump back as a spear pierced the ground in front of me with a blade on each end. I see a brief inscription glow on it saying: FOR YOU DREAM-Des.
I carefully grab it and it quickly turns as into the same color as my arrows and I shiver, feeling a spark of magic run up my arms. I lift it up, examining it carefully. I guess for now I can use it as a crutch.
I shakily guide myself through the environment and find a frozen lake. It was so solid and clear that I can see my reflection in it. I open both eyes, seeing that one was changed to have a dark green circle around my eyesight. At least this doesn't have me looking like Swad as well. I can work with this.
I walk to the nearest village using the footprints to guide me. The funny thing was that the snow hid the trails from my normal vision but the traces of auras made them noticeable in my other eye. I quickly realize that I couldn't see people with that anymore, just the auras their souls radiate. I see a rack of clothes left by an alley and search through it, finding a comfy jacket to throw on and shut tightly around myself. I grabbed a cloak to wear over it to bundle up and hide my wings. I grab some extra cloth to use as an eyepatch over my eye so that I can keep both open without getting that headache. I wander to the edges of town to see the sign that names it. That could indicate my location. Then I feel my phone in my pocket ring, reminding me that I have it.
"Hello?"I say, not even checking before I answer.
I hear nothing but silence. I check the ID, seeing Error's name.
"Error? Are you alright?"
"WhAt ThE hElL KiNd oF qUeStIoN iS tHaT?"
Yep, should've expected that response.
He hangs up and I hear a portal open behind me. I turn around, seeing him stomp over to me with a stern glare.
"YoU aRe tHe lAst ONe wHo sHoUlD bE aSkInG mE tHaT! NoW wHaT diD tHeY dO tO yOu?"He asks, stomping his foot.
"Lectured me for hours about roles and expectation nonsense. Apparently I've been going against that Giant Complainer's plans and influence without completely realizing it. The last straw seemed to be talking to your brother with claims that went against what they were trying to remind you. Now I know why you have a headache from them and those voices. They didn't like anything I did today...They wanted me to apologize and have my memory wiped but someone named Destiny interfered. Destiny wants you to know that the Giant Complainer speaks only in bullshit and that you have supporters up there. I also have orders from them."
"ThOsE oRdErS bEiNg?"
"To make sure you don't change, Error regardless of what that complainer says. Destiny wants you to keep being the fabulous soul you know you are."
"HoW'd y0u g3t h3r3?"
"Destiny threw me here when Fate caught them helping me. Their lectures told me a lot. Error, I want you to ignore those lies Fate and the voices are giving you. You aren't a phase or whatever they're calling our connection. I'm not going anywhere unless you want me to."
He steps closer, his cheeks turning blue as he seems to process what I said. He hides it in his scarf.
"WhAt ThE hElL diD yOu d0 t0dAy?"
"Well I have been tracking auras the last few weeks and showed your brother my progress. He teased me because I also tracked anyone who felt joy considering causing you harm and I told him I'd do what I can to help you. Guess that statement wasn't favored by Fate and I warned Blip about Swad's fixation on you. I managed to get into one of those gatherings that the auras of those creeps met at. I recorded their plan on my phone before getting out there to warn everyone, including Nightmare. By the time you called to tell me not to do it, I was already done warning everyone."I tell him
He groans, shaking his head and pinching between his eyes.
"I d0n't kNow iF i ShOuLd bE aMaZeD aT wHaT yOu acComPlIShEd oR pIsSeD aT yOu f0r tRyInG iT."
"Told ya he wouldn't like it."A voice says behind me.
I turn around, seeing Nightmare behind me and walking over with his arms crossed. He takes one glance at me and frowns.
"I thought I was supposed to be the one-eyed twin. What happened to you?"
"I'm just wearing this patch to prevent a headache. They changed my vision but I'm ok."I say
Error and Nightmare seem to communicate so much to each other without words by just using a look and a nod. Nightmare wraps his tentacles around me and lifts me off the ground. His eye shrinks and he frowns.
"I can already feel some cracked ribs and arms. Spine is definitely weaker. I think he got experimented on. Want to handle this at my place or yours?"Nightmare asks
"YoUrS. KiLler wiLl jUsT gEt In tHe wAy aNd i d0n'T wAnT iNk sNeaKiNg uP oN US iN mY anTivoId."Error says
Nightmare nods and Error opens a portal while I get cocooned in the tentacles. Another tentacle takes the spear from my hand.
"Do you think this is enough to hide his aura?"Nightmare asks
I glance around, seeing nothing but the tentacles around me.
"YoU gET hIm InSiDe aNd i wiLl gEt hIs nEckLaCe t0 bl0ck thE aUrA fRoM dEtEcTiOn."
"Do I start examining him?"
"YoU dO pHySiCaL, I d0 coDe WhEn i g3t bAck. DoN't sTaRt uNtiL I dO."
"Nightmare! Error! I can hear you!"I say
"Do we tell Obscuro?"
"NoT uNtiL wE kNoW wHaT wAs d0nE. He wiLl l0se hIs mInD iF wE d0n'T hAvE aNsWeRs."Error says as I hear doors shut.
"See you in a few minutes then?"
I hear another portal shut, then some footsteps before another door shuts. I feel the tentacles unravel and I land on a bed. I glance around as my vision adjusts, seeing Nightmare standing beside the bed with his arms crossed.
"You're not getting out of being examined and helped. Now are we doing these the easy way or do I have to make a few calls?"He asks
I feel my arm that's sore from the injection, then glance at him.
"It's not going to involve needles is it?"I ask
He shakes his head.
"I just want to see what needs to be healed."He says
"How many times have you dealt with wounds?"I ask
"About three times."
"And how severe were they?"
"Few cuts or so. It was mostly trying to figure out how to get Horror to unlatch his tight grip from his axe or get his grip off of Dust. Why?"
"I see....Well, Swap says my condition is complicated so I just want to know how far you are familiar with it."
"I read a lot of books, Dream. I'm sure I can understand your condition. How about we start with a vision test? Take off the eye patch."He says
I reach up to do so, then think twice about it. Look through the eye that can only see auras at Nightmare?
"I...don't think that would be a good idea."I say
"Why not?"
"I'll go blind in that eye if I do."
"Wait, so you're not already?"He asks
"No. I think the injection was just meant to change what I see in my eye. And given that I can't see people or places through it but I seem to see auras, I don't think opening it here would be a good idea."I say
"Okay...I want to see the condition of your ribs. I already know what's coming from your back."He says
"Okay..."I say
I take off the cloak, then the jacket to reveal the shredded remains of my shirt.
"I was kind of used as a tug-of-war rope before I was tossed out."I say, rubbing the back of my skull nervously.
"How are you so casual about this?"
"Ink once tried to help make me more flexible or he'd pull me somewhere too roughly out of excitement so I'm kind of used to dealing with the aftermath."I say
"So...many cracks...So many scars..."
"Oh! Right! I've run out of spots where they don't overlap on some ribs."I say, feeling them gently.
"And you're used to this....this sight?"
"Ink once called them weird but Swap says they're signs of strength. It just came with the work."I say with a shrug.
"And such blemishes?"
"I've accepted them if that's what you mean."
He frowns, stepping closer to examine my condition. He steps around the bed behind me to continue his examination and a tentacle lifts the eye patch. I see through the walls a warmly golden aura surrounded by a green one walking closer to where the door was.
"Any reason I sense irritation from you?"
"The Giant Complainer as Error calls them was painful to listen to. Never knew the embodiment of Fate could throw such insulting tantrums. As if insulting my loved ones would make me listen."
"That's dumb logic if I've ever heard it."
"Yeah...Did you lock the door?"
"No, the place is empty. So there shouldn't be an issue. Why-?"
"I g0t ThE nEcKlAcE s0 wHaT aRe wE sTaRt1Ng wItH? I cAn uSe mY sTr1------?"
There's a sudden increase in the golden aura as it glows as bright as a star. Then the door slams but I can still see it.
"Oooh, that's why."
"Y0u aRe h0rRiBlE aT liStEnInG, NiGhTmArE!"
"What? You said I do the physical examination."
"WhEn i gEt bAcK!"
"He did say that."I say
"AnD eVeN iF i dIdn't, haVe y0u n3vEr hEaRd oF a l0cKeD d0oR?"
"Oh calm down, Error. I didn't realize you'd be back so quickly. Would it make a difference if I lock it now? You already entered without knocking and fled."
"He left?"
"YeS! CuZ i kn0w wHaT pRivAcY iS!"
"Can't you see?"
"Your tentacle switched the eye my eye patch was covering. I can only see through the sensitive one. I don't see any walls, just a lot of colors..."
It's quiet for a few moments and Nightmare carefully feels near my back. I can see Error's soul radiating waves upon waves of yellow aura which must be positive as the negative colors fade away. Then it releases a different color, a bright red in waves.
"Are we good to take him to the bathroom or do you need another minute out there?"Nightmare asks him
"I see red coming from him. He might be mad at you..."I say quietly
"No, I would've sensed that. Should I check if he crashed?"
"We would've heard something if he did."
Then I see words swirl around in circles away from Error's soul.
"I think he's lost in thought."
"I'll go snap him out of it."
I shut my eyes so that I don't get blinded by the negative aura.
"Hey, Error. Snap out of it. His bones are stiff and freezing. I need to get that handled."Nightmare says
I hear whispering too low for me to hear.
I readjust the eye patch and put on my cloak. I step out curiously, seeing Error hiding his face in his scarf and Nightmare shakes his head. Then he glances at me and grins with an idea.
"I think I can help both of you loosen up."
He pulls us each with a tentacle into the bathroom and I glance around, surprised by the size of it. There were two separate tubs. Why? Probably just for the hell of it. He releases us and shuts the door.
"Call me when I can step in. I'm sure you can handle it."
I glance at Error, seeing him glance at me. Then he steps closer, seeming to examine my face. His gaze focuses on my face, seeming to avoid looking down.
"Y0u 0kAy?"
"Are you?"
"Y0u aRe iN n0 p0s1t1oN t0 aSk tHaT."
"Your face is as blue as your scarf and I'm pretty sure Nightmare was messing with you just now. Couldn't hear what he whispered but your reaction gives some hints."
He carefully pushes my eyepatch off, gazing at my eye and seeming to ignore what I said. His cheeks turn a brighter blue. I shut the uncovered eye to avoid getting a headache.
"This is definitely something to get used to...."I say, noticing his eyes scanning my body for wounds.
He can't see much with my cloak.
"I wiLl cHeCk yOur cOdE."He says, taking his strings out to prepare the tub.
He turns his body to face the door when it's ready. I remove what little I had on and go into the tub, then feel strings feeling along my wings. I glance over, seeing his gaze fixed on a code screen but a sense of relief washes over him and out to me. It hits me that he's relieved that I wasn't hurt too badly. He keeps scrolling, muttering quietly.
"I hOpE nIgHtmArE wAs cArEfUl wItH yOu."
"He was. I think he got freaked out by my scars though."I say
He rolls his eyes.
"ThAt'S dUmB gIvEn hOw mAnY sCaRs hE hAs cAuSeD oR sEeN. Did hE iNsUlT yOu?"
"No, he seemed concerned and trying to understand it. He seemed confused by how accepting I was of them, calling them blemishes."
"ThAt'S sTuPiD...BlEmiShEs rUiN aPpEaRaNcEs bUt...ThOsE dOn'T rUiN yOu."
My face burns as he takes a quick glance at me after saying that.
"Thanks..."I say, unsure what to say.
"AHEM, yOuR cOdE wAs mAniPulAtEd aNd thE cHaNgEs aRe liNkEd tO pOwErS dEepEr iN yOuR cOdE. It wiLl prObAbLy tAkE a fEw dAyS tO sEtTlE."He says, glancing away.
"Alright...That's good at least."
He walks to the closet and gets me a towel as I wrap things up. I start draining the tub and the strings hand me a towel. I climb out, wrapping the towel around me and Error keeps his back to me.
"I'lL sEe iF hE hAs aNy gOoD clOtHeS hErE."He says, stepping out.
A string slips under the door to make sure I'm locked in the bathroom. Then I hear a complete mood change in Error.
"NiGhTmArE!"He shouts as I hear angry stomps going down the hallway.
Don't know what they were whispering about but I think Nightmare is dead. He definitely pushed Error too far with this trick.
"Brother! Here you are! Blip said that something bad happened to you! Why are you here and are you okay?"Obscuro asks
I see him appear in front of me looking worried and then his eyes shrink seeing my current state.
"What happened to you?"He asks
"Apparently I upset higher beings by living my life but got released with a few changes. You can blame the Giant Complainer that bothers Error. Nightmare and Error were just checking if I was ok."
"They're working...together?"
"They tried to but I think Nightmare got too comfortable with Error."I say
"But...he helped you?"
I nod.
He snaps his fingers and a pair of pajamas appear on me with custom holes for my wings comfortably. He switches my crown for a soft sleep cap and smiles. I see him radiating bright yellow from his soul in my other eye.
"Much better."He says, leading me out of the bathroom.
He glances around curiously at the empty halls. Then we hear muffled shouting upstairs and we both recognize the glitchy voice. He quickly pulls me upstairs and the shouting gets louder. Then he kicks the door open, catching Error mid-shout at Nightmare who seems split between laughing or being scared for his life. They both pause before looking at Obscuro.
"Hello you two. Next time my brother is in trouble and you make a plan to help him, include me. I'm glad he's ok but don't like worrying about him when there's jerks from my past roaming with a fixation on him."He says, marching closer to them.
They both nod. Then he slams a paper on Nightmare's desk.
"I believe this belongs to you, Nightmare."He says
Nightmare glances at it and I see a twinkle in his eye.
"You signed it...."
"Sure did. Looking forward to working with someone trustworthy."
He extends his hand and Nightmare shakes it with a smile. Error steps over to me nervously.
"ShOuLd I bE cOnCeRnEd?"He whispers with a nod to the two now eagerly taking out blueprints and plans.
"The multiverse should be with those two working together. I think you're fine though."I say
I glance at the two and smile. For a brief moment instead of seeing Nightmare pointing to a blueprint and eagerly explaining it to Obscuro, I see the flash of a memory where my brother was pointing to a book page and eagerly telling me about it. Our past selves took their places for a brief moment and I could faintly hear our giggles from ages ago. Then the sight fades and I realize my other eye was open when I had that sight. It took a moment to process what I saw.
Heh, my brother is acting like himself again...I missed these moments...
I feel a string swipe under my eyes and catching tears I didn't realize I had.
"YoU oK? YoU kiNd oF zOnEd oUt tHeRe."
I glance at him, seeing the yellow waves from his soul have faint ripples of red. He looks concerned with a frown on his face. I smile to reassure him.
"Never better."
"I tHiNk yOu sHoUlD rEsT."
He leads me away and steps through a portal to my house. He walks with me to my room and sits in the chair for my desk. His strings don't give me much of a choice as they pull me under the blankets. I glance at him to see if he's happy and see that he's already working on something in his lap. I see some words rise in yellow from his soul and this time I can read them: I want to feel those majestic wings...To see that smile and keep anyone from ruining it. To find a way to keep this fool out of trouble with his selfless plans...To have something greater...
Am I reading his desires? Is that what these words are? His soul's desires? I wonder if there's a way to control this...He really cares about me and likes my smile...
My face burns as the words sink in. He glances at me and tilts his head.
"ToO mAnY bLaNkEtS?"
"I learned that the change in my eye lets me see the desires of a soul as well as its aura..."
He jolts, quickly realizing that his soul must've been read. I turn my back to him, lying on my side so my wings can stretch out from under the blankets.
"I may not be able to give you something better but I can do this. You can touch them if you think you can without crashing. I won't move. I'll even go to sleep like you suggested."I say
"Is tHeRe aNytHiNg yOu wOn'T oFfEr uP fRoM yOuRsElF?"
"For someone I care about? I don't think so...Unless it's Ink..."
"So I gOt tHe fRiEnDs aNd fAmiLy dIsCoUnT?"
"I guess so..."
I hear him chuckle, sounding closer.
"OkAy...rEsT wElL, DrEaM."He says
I nod, closing my eyes to rest.
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