Chapter 27: A Truce and a Truth
"How do you leave with Death and return with a pipsqueak?"He asks
"This is his son's friend who doesn't have anyone to look after him. Another version of me is a disappointment apparently for continuing the cycle I'd want to end if given the chance. Reaper didn't want this kid getting on his list. And I have no issue giving him a place to rest."I say
"What cycle would that be?"
"Nightmare, you and I both know that neither of us got guidance or support as guardians. We came into this life with nothing but expectations put on us and being tossed to the wolves of the multiverse. I'm sure you can sense the positivity radiating from him. I'd do anything I can to make sure a kid doesn't get robbed of his childhood, forced to grow up early, and taken advantage of like I was. I thank the stars I got to meet Swap and befriend him but I don't want this kid to have to endure that stressful experience. I want him to know someone genuinely cares about him, not his aura."I say
"How does he have such a powerful aura?"
"He is apparently the child of another version of me and Ink. Hence my disappointment at how he is abandoned."I say, sitting on the front porch.
I set my cup aside and quickly dismissed my resentment for a version of myself that I didn't even know.
"What brings you here, Nightmare?"I ask
"I wanted to see if Obscuro has looked through my offer yet. I knocked but nobody answered."He says
"No, he hasn't. I can tell you that now. And he isn't home today. He is hanging out with Blip as far as I know."
"Are you sure that's smart?"
"They can find plenty of things to bond over I bet. Two protective brothers who love games or crafts and scheming methods to handle whoever harms their loved ones. What could be so wrong with that?"I ask
He shuts his mouth, glancing away nervously.
"Are you nervous that they could combine forces against you?"I ask
"Blip certainly doesn't like me so he could sway Obscuro's judgment about my offer before I even get a chance."
"Well, you'll be pleased to hear that you're not their priority at the moment then. There are bigger fish to fry as of right now."I say
"Those being?"He asks
"Apparently his bullies survived despite his AU becoming a wasteland and they found their way into the multiverse. They terrify him and have shapeshifting abilities so I doubt he'd answer the door to you today. He may think that you're one of them in disguise."
He frowns.
"How many are there?"
"He said there were a total of twelve that bullied him but there's no way to tell how many got here. I already dealt with one. Speaking of which...I should go check on that fool."I say, marching over to the edge of the property.
The property is marked clearly with a line indicating Obscuro's code placed on the area to try to keep threats away. I hear the snow crunch and find Nightmare beside me.
"All I see is one of your arrows in a mound of snow."
"Blip tried to question him and wasn't going easy on him. He put the snow here as the reward for being so cold or cruel to Obscuro."I say, pushing the snow aside to reveal the beaten, unconscious body beneath it.
His eye shrinks at the sight of the bully's wounded condition. Then he looks at me in shock.
"What? I'm more focused on helping Obscuro than him. And I certainly wasn't going to defy Blip when he seemed so angry. Besides, all this soul has done is harm others. He came here wanting to cause more harm. He doesn't deserve my help."I say
"I'm just shocked that you allow such filth on your property."
"It seemed better to have him somewhere known instead of in the unknown and questioning everyone near us."
"Is that why you have a different scarf?"
"Mhm, it's to indicate that I'm the real me."I say
He nods, then reaches out, holding my hand carefully.
"Your hands were shaking and not from the cold. You are uncomfortable near him and he's unable to do anything to you...He...He did something to you, didn't he?"He says, his eye narrowing.
His tentacles start flicking back and forth, indicating building anger in him.'s anger about me...getting mistreated? different...He is different. I didn't even mention Error's involvement or the harm this fool did to him so it's not like he's upset for Error and I'm just included afterward...He's upset considering what was done to me. Part of me got so happy seeing this, reminded of the Nightmare I used to know that always had my back. Could we really go back to those days? Then I shut that joy away. I need to focus.
I pull my hand back and glance away.
"...His motives are more of the same when it comes to my aura but he wanted to get a more...scientific look at me I guess. Learn what makes me tick...I wasn't exactly comfortable with what that implied. Power seems to be all he can focus on now that I know who he is...He mistreated Obscuro since he couldn't control or get a taste of Brother's power....and he seemed intrigued in my abilities and likely wanted to learn how I got it instead of him...."I say
His tentacles strike down, tearing the soul out and crushing it. I watch as the wounded body turns to dust. Then I feel a chill go down my spine, but not from him. I walk closer to the house, trying to shake off the unsettling feeling.
"Crap...Stale apple cider....addicts...Not again..."I say, holding my head as it gets stronger.
"Is it that bad? Don't tell me that I screwed up again!"
It's not him...I can feel his strong aura...That can't be faked...
"It's not you. I just need to sit and focus."I say, sitting down.
I take a few deep breaths before focusing on the feelings I can detect near me. I catch onto an eerie positivity connected to those addicted or obsessed with my aura...the feelings of creep...then I focus on it and catch traces of twisted at harming other souls...Namely Obscuro. I tense up, realizing this is one of his bullies approaching. I take a few deep breaths, shutting my eyes to focus again. I sense Nightmare beside me and somehow it feels...comforting. I can sense his desire to protect me radiate from him beneath the corrupted layers of negativity. Then another presence quickly gets closer and I start focusing my power. Then when I feel it getting too close, I snap my fingers and hear something get summoned.
"Gah! Dream you nearly struck me!"A horrible impression of Ink's voice yelps
I open my eyes, seeing a wall of arrows rising from the ground, inches from someone appearing to be Ink. Except I can sense a soul from him. That's a dead giveaway. I frown, unsettled that another creep has found their way here and based on the past positivity the soul has, another bully.
"I'm sorry...."I say, summoning my bow and arrows next to me.
Sorry that I missed...
"It's fine, buddy. My apologies for startling you and setting that off. Greetings Nightmare. Your presence is always a surprise. Could I bother your brother for a moment? I have something to give Dream."He says calmly.
I glance at Nightmare beside me as he rolls his eye.
"Stop talking to me as if he isn't here, Ink."
You've got to be joking.
"Well, Dream. I got a few gifts for you. Two are from admirers and one is from another version of you that can fly! Here!"He says, tossing to me three puppet dolls.
I look at them as they land on my lap, seeing two of them are of Error and one is of me. One puppet of Error has a note stuck to it saying: Don't get close to what isn't meant to be yours -SD. There's even a tag sewn into the ankle that says: Puppet of Error, the glitch waiting for his golden prince to fly in.
Fly in? SD? Wait....Is that Swap!Dream signing off? That version can get so obsessive and does everything I don't want...force positivity using a strong aura...And fixating on Error...?
I get an unsettling feeling just holding that one in my hand. It reeks of such possessiveness from whoever made it. The other two also reeked of an obsession but not as strongly as this one. I notice strings on the back of the other two puppets.
"Do you like them? The admirers could always send more! That way you'll have everyone you'll ever need! They're thinking of seeing Blue next!"
I frown, looking at him and seeing his eyes staying the same shape and color even when blinking. And Ink never calls Swap that. He has fifty reminders on his scarf telling him why not to.
"They're...creative..."I say, placing them beside me.
"Alright! I'll go see them now! I'll be right back if my memory permits it. Cya!"
He turns his back to walk away and I carefully grab my bow, pulling an arrow back.
You're not coming back to harm anyone or torment anyone.
I fire the arrow, striking through his back. He falls to the ground and I fire another.
"Since when do you fire arrows at Ink?"Nightmare asks
"Oh come on, you cannot believe that was Ink!"
"Nightmare, when have you ever seen Ink stay in one place for more than a minute and speak so calmly?"
"Yeah and his eyes change every time he blinks. This fool didn't show that. And I can sense his soul which should've been a dead giveaway for you as well. Now there's only ten bullies that could be out there."I say, watching the fraud turn to dust.
"How are you so stern or cold about that claim? I thought when I killed the other one that you were starting to freak out."
I shrug it off.
"No, I just got overwhelmed sensing a creep coming closer. It's nothing new to experience it. This is the second time I sensed it near my home. But that doesn't mean I'm going to let jerks take away the security I have just because they're too attached to my aura. I have to keep this place secure for Obscuro after all. Trust me, Nightmare. Witnessing death or your actions has lost its weight on me. It gets harder to freak out when it's more of the same."I say
"What makes Obscuro so important? That scum intended to hurt you."
I bow my head, clenching my hands tightly.
"They're his bullies running wild. If they get past me, they can get to him. He went against an entire multiverse for me, Nightmare. The least I can do is protect him from some jerks. I already lost one brother by failing to protect him from bullies, I am not failing another. I'm not losing another."
I don't hear him talk after that. Then I feel a hand on my shoulder and glance at him, questioning if I really see a few tears intrude on his eye.
"We both failed each other, Dream. But we were failed by a world that didn't treat us right. We were simply doing our best. I'm sorry for leaving you to carry this burden alone."He says
I gaze at him, surprised by his words. He's trying to..comfort me? Apologize...? He is really changing...
He clears his throat, glancing away and a tentacle hides his eye.
Huh...he seemed genuine...but he seems almost ashamed to be so genuine or vulnerable...emotional....But it makes sense that it would be hard for him to drop his walls after what the AU did to him...
"Now can I have those puppets? I think I should return them to Error."
Right, this is the guy married to paperwork as far as Error and Horror have said. He won't just open up like that without switching to a goal...
I glance at the puppets in my lap and frown. I pick up the one with the tag and shake my head, ripping it in half.
"I get that you're friends now but I think he is going to kill you for that."
"I think he will understand when he sees the tag or note trying to claim his as theirs."I say, showing them to him.
He glances at them and frowns.
"You think you know who sent that?"
"SwapDream as far as SD indicates. Seems like today is a reminder about why I don't like alternate versions of me."I say
"Huuh? Who is that?"
"Nightmare how much time have you spent outside? Aside from battles or paperwork in the castle?"
He has to think it over, putting a hand to his chin.
"The funny thing is that I'll probably have to check my paperwork for that answer....Aside from stargazing with Error in OuterTale or visiting his void, I rarely explored AUs if it wasn't for a mission or plan. Maybe that's part of why he's happier with you."He says
Of course Error had to be brought up.
"That's a tough claim to make."I say
"It's true, Dream. I can see it with him. You make him happier. I gave him random books and meetings on his birthday. You gave him the thing I never considered, freedom with that birthday necklace. I had full knowledge of his phobia and would only use that knowledge in violent situations to either hurt him or shove him away from an attack. He touched you to free you and acted like it was nothing. You're so cautious with him but you don't even realize how comfortable he is with you and how much trust you got from him for him to act like that. Don't make me write another document to prove it. I can write an essay and cite my evidence."He tells me
Yeah...He'd definitely know the changes in Error after years as friends or allies...Wait a second...
"Birthday necklace? What are you talking about?"I ask
"The necklace you got him. I asked Horror about it once and he said he saw you give it to Error on his birthday."He says
That was his birthday? No wonder he was surprised...He never told me when his birthday was...Guess he really enjoyed it since I cursed Ink out on the phone that day too....
"Is it celebrated often?"I ask
"No...It usually wasn't. He either had work to do or I made the dumb choice of enforcing a no-holiday celebration rule in the castle. He hardly reminded me either..."
"He never told me it was his birthday."I admit
"Then why did you give him the gift?"
"I didn't know how things would turn out after Obscuro messed with the multiverse. I wanted to give him that before I missed the chance. I didn't get why he'd make one for me to avoid people when he could've easily given himself that peace. I've heard how people talk about him so I could imagine what they do when he is around. It just seemed fair."
"So who is this version of you that made that puppet?"
"SwapDream as far as I can understand is the opposite of me. Stronger with an even stronger aura and can be as obsessive as the creeps I try to avoid. Where I want people to be genuine, he wants everyone to soak up his aura and stay happy. His desires are the definition of toxic positivity and can be very dangerous when he doesn't get his way."I say, tearing the puppet again.
"I see...Any known weaknesses?"
"Hell if I know, I've only heard of him and read posts about him. I assume his wings are a weakness point since he's said to fly a lot."
"And you're sure the other puppets aren't Error's?"
I glance at the other puppets and frown.
"That fool said the puppets were from admirers and they don't have Error's stitching pattern so no. I'm sure it was really from him or other creeps given how they both are oozing with a sense of an obsession. If they were from Error, he would've just dropped them on my head by now or something."I say
He nods, then sinks away into a pool of goop. His way of teleporting I guess. I watch the puddle disappear, cleaning itself off of the doorstep. I focus on the puppets in my lap again and shake my head. I take a sip from my cup again, trying to process what happened today and consider what to do next. I shove the broken remains of the puppet aside, picking up the two remaining puppets to examine them. One of me and one of Error now....I set them down, unable to get anything from the traces of the emotions that made it. Nothing to indicate who made them for certain aside from an obsessive person. I pick up the unbroken Error puppet and find a tag on this one as well saying Glitch puppet for Dream. I frown, tearing the tag out but tearing the arm with it.
"WhAt tHe hElL aRe yOu dOiNg tO tHaT pUpPeT?"A voice snaps
I glance over, seeing Error walk over and giving me a horrified look as if I just decapitated someone.
"Removing the tags and trying to see what it's made of."I say, finding a voice box in the stuffing of the puppet.
I press it and a Siri-like voice proceeds to repeat insulting sentences about Error like:"I am a dumb glitch" or "I screw shit up and somehow managed get friends." sort of things. He glances between it and at me and I shake my head.
"These puppets aren't mine but meant to be gifts or warnings. Now you can see why I'm ripping them."
"WhAt dId tHe oThEr oNe sAy fOr yOu tO rIp iT sO mUCh?"
"Nothing from a voice box. The possessive notes and tags didn't save it though. I think you should reinforce the barriers of your antivoid."I say
I show him the tag and the note. He puts on his glasses and his glitching spikes, error signs filling his eyes. His hands clench into fists.
"I'm nOt wAiTinG foR aNy aNomAlY!"He snaps, his strings quickly ripping all of the puppets to pieces.
"I know, Error. Do you want to sit until your vision comes back?"I suggest.
"No. Wh3r3 iS tHe cr3eP nIgHtmar3 m3nt1on3d?"He asks
Ah, so he's tattling on me now. And to think we ended that conversation so reasonably.
"Dusted after making the worst impression of Ink."I say
"Eyes not changing shape or color, being able to stand still, and mistaking Swap for Blue with a beating soul in his chest? Yep, worst disguise ever. He didn't even have his brush with him."I say
"JeEz, tHaT iS a sHiTtY iMpReSsIoN oF iNK."
"I heard my name?"Ink says as he rises from a puddle of paint.
Error shakes his head, blindly walking toward the steps and feeling around. He carefully leans against the railing of the front porch.
"Hey, Ink. What brings you here?"I ask
"Well, I wanted to see if you could help fix Broomie...And I want to spend some time bonding that isn't related to you getting me out of trouble. I got inspired with an idea too!"He says, showing his cracked paintbrush.
I pick the brush up, working to fix the crack and minor damages to it.
"And what idea is that?"
"I heard from Swap that you have the ability to enter people's dreams and interact with them! I thought it'd be cool to share a dream!"
"Well...I don't have much control over it. I don't choose which mind to enter so I don't think that'd work."
"Oh come on! You had to enter everyone's mind and have cool adventures in your sleep by now!"
"Ink you and I both know that's impossible. Too many minds to enter."I say
"Have you entered Error's mind and interacted with him? Talk with him?"
Error's eyes load back in and he glances at me curiously for the answer. I glance away nervously.
"Not exactly...No interactions in our sleep..."
"Our? So you did share something with him! So that means you shared dreams with others and skipped over me!"
"Ink, I can't skip anyone when I have no control over it! It's completely random!"
"You're not denying that you randomly connected with Error instead!"
"Ink do you want your brush fixed or not? Don't fight me over something I can't control if you want us to bond!"I say
Error pulls me closer suddenly by the scarf, looking furious with his cheeks a deep blue.
"WhEn diD y0u gEt iN mY hEaD aNd wHaT diD yOu sEe?"He asks
"Are you sure you want me to answer that with Ink here?"I ask, then get yanked backward.
"Let go of him, Error! He isn't one of your puppets to mess with!"Ink snaps
"Both of you cut it out and let go of me."I say, shaking my head.
They both listen and Error hides his face in his scarf.
"Can we spend time elsewhere, Dream?"
"Sorry, Ink. But even if I had control over that ability, I have other things to do today. It has been a long day and I have to get things settled. I have other matters to handle."
He nods.
"I'll pop in another time to hang out."He says, taking his paintbrush with him before he disappears.
"CaN yOu AnSwEr mE nOw?"
"I appeared in the dream and you were surrounded by puppets. I couldn't move and could see that for you, I was just another puppet. You talked about finding a way to give your puppets a voice and showed a few memories you thought of putting into the puppet. I never said anything and left your dream after that. I...didn't know you liked my laugh..."I say
His face turns a brighter blue.
"WhAt tHe hElL diD I sAy?"
"You asked rhetorically why I need an aura when I have other captivating my laugh as an example..."I say, glancing away nervously.
He steps in front of me so that I can't avoid looking at him.
"AnD wHaT wOuLd I fInD iF I sOmEhOw gAiNeD eNtRy iNtO yOur hEaD, hMmM?"
"I honestly don't know, Error. I rarely land in my own dreams."
"AnD wHaT dO tHoSe sHoW yOu?"
"I can hardly remember."I say
"MaYbE yOu sHoUlD sLeEp tO rEmEmBeR."
I shrug.
"Maybe later."
"YoU lOoK tIrEd."
"Today was very long."
"ReApEr wAs tHaT drAiNiNg?"
"Nah, he was ok....I heard you shut one of your portals....Checking in during that conversation?"
He glances away.
"Alright then, Error. Must've been a weird conversation point to drop in on."
"...DiD yOu tHiNk oF aNyOnE wHeN hE tEaSeD yOu?"
My face burns, knowing the answer. I quickly shake it off. I'm lucky to be considered his friend so there's no way I'm ruining that with my response when I don't even get why he has been coming to my mind so often.
"My mind was just being silly and imagining scenarios where his examples were true...Imagining what that must feel like...But I doubt I will ever find something that genuine without having a suspicion that it's because of my aura..."
"YoU nEvEr kN0w iF sOm30nE wiLl cHaNgE tHaT."He says
"I guess that's true."I say
"I wiLl gO sEe wHeRe oUR bRoTHeRs rAn 0fF tO."He says, going through a portal.
He waves to me before it shuts, his face still hidden by the scarf.
I smile, taking my now empty cup of coffee and going inside. I throw it out and check on Palette, finding him asleep in a bed. He chose a guest room just like I told him to. He is hugging the pillow with a smile that makes me proud of my decision. He's safe and happy already. Then I shut the door, going to my room. I take the papers out of my bag, untying the ribbon around it.
It's about time I start reading through this truce offer.
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