Chapter 25: Offers and Frauds
Dream's POV a week later
"Brother! Brother! Look outside!"Obscuro cheers eagerly.
I glance outside, seeing snow cover the land as little snowflakes drizzle down softly. Obscuro hovers at the window with a big smile. I shake my head, going to give more small blankets to keep Squeakster and Nocturne warm. When I return, he's still gazing out the window giggling.
"We can play in the snow now! It has been ages since I got to make snow angels!"
"I'll go get bundled up then."I say
"I can do the building part for you! We'll be careful since your back is healing!"He says
I nod with a grin. I have healed and Error made sure that no code could trap me again but that doesn't keep the newest scar on my back from being sensitive. I put on a winter coat and then the gloves and hat Error gave me. I slip on the boots and grin, following Obscuro out as he excitedly throws himself into the snow. He shows me how he makes these "snow angels" as he rolled around to make almost a dozen of them. Then he made a snow fort around me before starting to make snow sculptures, making a snowman as practice. I sit in the walls of the fort as I watch him, taking it easy as I smooth out the walls with a few pats.
"Did you ever get to enjoy a snow day before?"He asks
"Back in my AU, it was still a new experience for me. It mostly involved climbing the tree to make sure there wasn't too much snow that would break the branches, finding ways to stay warm, and helping the villagers with their requests as usual. Snow days were often when they gave more demands for help to the point that I didn't get to enjoy the snow activities they did. I found out about ice quickly after slipping on it multiple times. Ink tried to get me to experience the snow days myself but it never really worked out. His well-intentioned ideas were usually carried out by impulsive actions that put me in danger. Like dragging me onto a thin lake to try ice skating. Either that or Nightmare would interrupt it, causing trouble with his gang."I explain
"I thought Ink was the chaotic one..."
"He can be chaotic and cause trouble, but he has his good moments. He often tried to get me to live life while Swap was the careful one trying to give me the skills to understand the multiverse. And he had no problem using his chaotic plans to keep Nightmare away from me if it was needed and give me an opening to escape. More fun for him. It just became a pattern of bailing him out or being expected to get him out of his messes that I grew tired of."I say
"I see...."He says
He finishes another snowman, then pauses. He glances over and frowns.
"We just summoned the devil."He says
I glance over, seeing Nightmare walk over with a grin. He looks confident again and his gaze shifts between us as his tentacles sway back and forth. The way they're swaying is usually when he's planning something and that is never a good sign. His hands are tucked behind his back which makes it worse. Obscuro starts to hover above the ground with narrowed eyes at him, blocking me from him.
"What do you want, Ursula?"
"One, that's not my name. Two, I have proposals for both of you."He says
He reveals one hand holding a rolled-up piece of paper with a green ribbon around it.
"I want to eliminate all those Owl Demons or make a labyrinth to trap them in where they can't hurt anyone again....Unless they deserve it. Killing them may not be enough since traces could be left behind and clump together into another creature so keeping them locked away may work better. And it'd be a fun game to watch any poor soul of any asshole that gets thrown in there with them as a punishment for their actions. I was thinking since you like games and hate those things that you'd like to work with me on it."He explains as Obscuro cautiously grabs it.
"And who would get thrown in there?"Obscuro asks
"Remember during the quiz game how I snapped that nobody would dare do what you suggested in other AUs? Yes, I was wrong but with this, that could change. If anyone steps out of line again, this is where they're going. That's the sort of people that will face their doom in there if they insist on disrespecting the good fortune they have. They'll live the worst lives instead. Think about it. You could always do another livestream of it to serve as a warning to others."
Obscuro gets a mischievous grin hearing this and part of me is concerned that these two might be scheming together. The multiverse may be doomed if this comes to fruition. Then he frowns.
"I'm going to check this carefully before I agree to this. I'm not going to sign my soul away just because you talk about a good deal."
"I wouldn't expect anything less."He says, a tentacle dropping a scroll in my hands.
"What's this?"I ask
"A truce proposal."He says with a grin.
What...? After everything? A....a truce? He really wants one? It could end...?
"We will read it over carefully so you don't catch him on a crappy term or wording. It better be fair."Obscuro says, snatching it from me.
I glance at Obscuro and he smiles at me.
"I'll go put these away. Do you need anything, Brother?"He asks
"I'll probably need to take my meds again soon but I think I'm ok."I say
"Alright. I'll be right back, Brother!"
He zips inside with a grin.
I swear he says it more on purpose whenever Nightmare is around....I love hearing it though...Feels so right and good....So loving...
Then a tentacle pokes me and I glance over to see Nightmare standing closer with a different expression. It looks like a mix of what seems to be awe and sadness...I think disbelief may fit better. His tentacle cups my chin, feeling my cheek as he seems to examine me.
"So, he takes care of you?"He asks
"Yes, he is a wonderful brother."I say, moving his tentacle away from my neck.
He notices how uncomfortable I am, pulling his tentacles back.
"How does a truce sound to you?"He asks
"It sounds nice...I'll read it over later."
"Good. I worked on it between shifts."He says
"I want to earn Horror's trust and that starts with his country friend. That crop planter has no issue putting me to work."
He's actually trying to fix things? With Horror...? But going through Farmer to do so?
"How bad is it?"
"My back hurts from the amount my tentacles have to lift at the end of each shift. Feels like I can snap in half. That farmer really knows how to push it with harsh, long hours of work ....That Papyrus doesn't extend any help and only laughs at his brother listing demands."He says
I chuckle, shaking my head.
"Horror does seem to be Sprout's favorite so he wouldn't extend a helping hand to the one who starved said favorite. He spends hours making meals to get Horror healthy. And then there's Farmer...His actions don't surprise me at all given how he feels."
"What? He said it'd just be useful for him!"
"Uh-huh, that's what he tells you. But if you could sense what he feels toward Horror like I can, you wouldn't be surprised by the harsh treatment."
He gives me a look that seems beyond confused.
"Am I ever going to see an end to this?"
"Probably not anytime soon. But you have to start somewhere, right?"
"Yeah...I guess so. Nobody has touched you, right? No scum making demands?"
I tilt my head at him.
"No...? They got too scared of Obscuro last time. Why do you sound so concerned?"
"Nobody should touch you or use you. Especially those AU scum. They're beneath you, Dream. They should be begging for your help the same way they beg for my mercy."He says, crossing his arms.
"Oh..."I say, unsure how to take that.
Somehow it sounds like their disrespect toward me is an insult to him or an offense against him that he has to correct. Like all of it is beneath him. I guess part of it is true since we're from the same AU and have connected reputations. So whatever happens to me may reflect on him...Or he just doesn't want to be considered to be on the same level of "scum" that mistreat me and he acts more sophisticated than. Yeah, that's probably it. He has never considered us anything close to equals like he is now. I used to be among the scum he considered beneath him or inferior to him. He never thought of me worth anything until recently. Maybe it's easier for him to consider us equals if he imagines both scenarios having negativity of others begging to someone superior than them. Maybe it's easier for his pride to raise me to his level than to let himself be associated at a lower level like them. It makes sense for that to be the case with how much he cares for his reputation or considers himself more sophisticated than others.
Although the actual sophistication quality should go to Error now that I think about it. Experienced, organized, calculatingly precise, confident, fashionable, refined in a sense that he won't deal with impurities or those who aren't worth his time, very intelligent and skilled....Has standards and holds himself higher with dignity and knows how to act in most social situations if he has to. Sure, most of it comes with snarky or sass if he gets annoyed and grumbling or may be based on his code screens giving him info, but he still knows a lot about the multiverse he tries to destroy and the inner workings of it. He knows how to treat others with respect or react in certain situations. He doesn't take the dignity of those around him away so he doesn't lose his either. He has plenty of knowledge and ideas from the books he reads and his discussions get much deeper than that on various matters. He has a certain charm to him and the way that he carries himself cannot only make his presence be one of power but a sophisticated one that demands respect. Nightmare on the other hand only knows how to escalate conflicts or snap orders at others which are limited social skills. He doesn't know how to consider others if it isn't for his benefit. The extent that he breaks others down or talks to them is degrading to extents that Error doesn't do to those around him. He has put so much time into battles that he has little knowledge or skills in anything else and probably doesn't know about AUs or books if it doesn't help him cause more damages. He has only made messes or added to them, the opposite of sophistication that usually eliminates
I shake my head, getting out of my thoughts. Why did that go so deep or Error come to mind? It's true but now is an odd time to consider that...I've got to stop spacing out...
"Do you know if Horror is doing well?"
"He is still recovering last I heard. Blip keeps a close eye on him."I say
"Are you doing better?"
I nod.
"How is Error?"
I glance at him, seeing anxiety written all over it. A question crosses my mind and I frown.
"He's fine. Nightmare, are you just doing this to get him back? Am I Farmer to you? Just someone to please to get to your end goal?"I ask, testing how genuine this is.
If this kindness and truce is on the condition that he gets Error back, then it's unstable and ingenuine...something I don't want. I'd rather have no truce than a fake one.
"No, of course not. You're the brother I have to earn back and that truce is the first step."He says
He's...serious about being brothers?
"And Obscuro?"
"He's just a brat that I have to get used to having around. Maybe that proposal will make things easier."
For a moment as he spoke, the goop sank away to reveal a purple eye underneath. But within a blink, it was hidden again and he didn't show any indication of feeling the difference. I didn't know how to take what I just saw.
"I...I see..."I say, glancing down as I smooth out the walls of snow.
Obscuro appears in front of me with a grin.
"I put those away, Brother! I'm thinking of setting the fireplace up and taking you inside soon! Does that sound good?"
I smile and nod. Nightmare clears his throat.
"Oh, right. Is there anything else, Nightmare?"
"That's all I had to give."
"Then you can go."He says with a dismissive wave.
Nightmare rolls his eye as Obscuro smooths mounds of snow around me into lumps and walls, blocking me with his back to Nightmare. It would usually be a boldly stupid move to make with such an unbothered grin but Obscuro only had to glance over his shoulder and narrow his eyes for Nightmare to leave. Then I hear footsteps coming closer.
"HuH, tHaT's aN iNtErEsTiNg SNoW aRmY fOrMiNg."
"It's going to be the best snow defense ever! They'll surround the house and protect it!"Obscuro giggles happily.
I glance over and see Error walk over, twirling his necklace around his finger with a grin. I smile at him as he wipes his glasses with his scarf, placing them on carefully. He grins as he greets us and Obscuro continues making his snow army. I smile, knowing that he and Obscuro have been on better terms, especially after Obscuro learned that Error freed me from stone.
"BlUe iS a nIcE cOlOr On yOu."He says with a wink.
I smile, seeing how proud he is of his work.
"You're very good at crafting these. They feel very cozy."I say
"Is tHiS yOuR fIrSt tiMe iN sNoW?"
"The first time that I've gotten to enjoy it without something ruining it, yes."
"Do yOu kNoW tHe bEsT wAyS tO wArM uP?"He asks, sitting beside me.
"I've read about them. Brother plans to use the fireplace. Are you cold? We could go in if you'd like."
He shakes his head.
"I wiLl sHoW yOu wHeN yOu fEeL liKe gOinG iNsIdE."
"What brings you here today, Error?"I ask with a grin.
He didn't say he was coming over today, which isn't a problem. I'm not complaining. It's just unusual.
I see him pause, looking like someone who just got caught.
"WaSn'T I cOmInG oVeR tOdaY?"
"No...?"I say, even more confused.
He is a calculating planner and uses code screens as reminders to compensate for the lack of time awareness he has in the antivoid. How would he forget?
"Oh, wElL doEs nOw woRk?"He asks, sliding his hand closer to mine.
I feel another hand start to climb my back and jolt, seeing him completely unbothered by this action. But he's not the touchy type...He can't even cross fingers with someone without glitching up and his phobia makes him crash...He even has to be careful with his brother's hugs...Why would he take such a risk and do this? It's not like him...Then I feel a chilly sensation crawl down my spine. The kind that I usually felt when a creep or "Cider-Addict" was nearby. I glance around, seeing nobody around. Then I noticed that the necklace I gave him was cracked in his hand and had little sparks coming from the locket. I glance at him, seeing an unsettling grin on his face, and notice an unnatural fizzling by his nose that is switching between white and black. And by unnatural, I mean unnatural for Error. He never has any fizzling like that. Is it....him? Is he the source...? No, this isn't even him. I can tell a different soul is beneath that disguise as it radiates and consumes all that my aura has to give it, something Error and his soul never did. His soul never reacted to my aura or fell under its influence. But what happened to Error if this isn't him?
"Hey, Brother! I'm going to get the fireplace started! You and Error can come in whenever! We can relax on the couch and play card games like usual!"Brother says
I glance at him, seeing him head inside and unable to see the current issue partly because the walls of snow he built around me earlier block his view. He glances over for an answer and I nod hesitantly, raising my hand and signaling to him to lock the door. He nods, going inside. I may not know who is beside me right now, but it isn't Error. And it isn't just a random creep or someone from a random AU that got hooked on my aura if they can disguise themselves as Error or get here...
The worst feeling of dread overcame me as I realize that the hand on my new scar on my back isn't the hand of my friend. Then my phone rings and I take it out, quickly answering when seeing that it's Blip.
"HeLlO? DrEaM?"
"Hello, how can I help you?"I say, trying to act normal.
Don't want this stranger to know I caught onto them.
"ArE yOu oKaY?"
"Mhm."I say
"Is mY bRoThEr wiTh yOu? YoU dOn'T hAvE tO sAy aNyThInG iF yOu dOn'T wAnT hIm tO kNoW. JuSt sAy bInGe iF hE iS."
Am I giving myself away? Does he notice that I'm nervous?
"Binge."I say
"DrEaM, yOu hAvE tO gEt aWAy nOW. We hAvE a mArAtHoN tO wAtCh anD tHeRe's aN ErRoR hErE. YoUrS iS tHe wRonG cHaNnEl anD sOmEOnE sToLe hIs rEmoTe. If yOu uNdeRsTanD, gEt tO mE aSAp."
Is he...talking in code? Wait...Binge like watching a show...a show marathon to watch...There's an "Error" there...Does that mean that Error is with him? Is he trying to warn me that Error isn't really beside me? And stealing his remote? Is that referring to the necklace?
"Got it...I will be there for the marathon soon."I say
He hangs up and I glance at the stranger beside me, seeing him watch me carefully. I slide his hands away from me and put on a smile. I notice how torn his scarf looks, only showing more warnings that this isn't him.
"I'm so sorry, Error. To answer your question, today doesn't work. I made plans already. But I see that your scarf is torn. I can fix it for you. And can I have my necklace back?"I ask
He nods, quickly handing the items over to me. That also gave him away. He would know that it wasn't my necklace but my gift to him if it was really him.
"WoULd I bE luCkY eNoUgh tO hAvE yOuR cOmpAnY sOoN? I'vE waItEd a LoNg wHiLe tO bE nEaR yOu."
"I saw you a few days ago, Error."
"Oh...yOu diD?"
"WhAt diD wE dO aGAin?"He asks as I get up.
I take a few steps away from him, seeing Obscuro through the window and putting firewood into the fireplace.
"We read and talked together as I healed. You even bonded with my brother. You checked my code, remember?" I say, playing clueless still.
"I dOn'T aSsOciAtE wiTh nIgHtmArE aNyMoRe."He says, exposing himself again.
"But the real you would know who my brother is. Have you forgotten?"I ask, tucking my things away.
"I gUeSs for a MomEnT I dID. TyPicAl fOr a gLiTcH liKe mE. WhY eXaCtLy dO yOu lEt mE neAr yOu bUt nOt oThErS?"He asks, stepping closer.
That was the last thing that solidified that this wasn't him. That terrified me but I'm not running to Blip when this fraud is so close to my brother. I summon my arrows, quickly aiming at him.
"I think the real Error would have an idea. Who are you really?"
His grin disappears and the response I got was in a completely different voice.
"Just an admirer that you've ignored for too long. A glitch gets noticed by you and gets closer to you while I don't even get a glance in my direction? If that is what gets your attention, then fine. It's already quite rewarding. Maybe next I can learn what makes you tick."
He glances at the window.
"How does Obvnon get your attention instead of me? That worthless puppet? He cannot possi-Aaagh!"
I fired my arrows at him quickly, pinning him in the snow. He couldn't move and I take the glasses from him, noticing that it was being held together by tape. Obscuro quickly comes out and gasps in shock at the sight.
"That's not Error. Get inside and lock the door. I'm going to see Blip and find answers."
He nods, zipping inside while I teleport away. I appear in the antivoid and find Blip with multiple code screens already open. I see Error laying in a hammock with his arm in a sling and rubbing his head. I shudder as the wave of relief hits me and makes me realize just how unsettled I was. Then a thought crossed my mind. What was that creep going to try as they suggested in the conversation? Ways to warm up? What would they have done if I didn't catch on before letting them inside? What would they have done to my brother since they clearly don't like him for some reason? It's unsettling to consider....
"DrEaM? ARe yOu aLriGhT?"He asks, glancing over at me.
I smile, able to sense that this is the real him. His soul isn't reacting to my aura and that's a clear identifier.
"Oh tHaNk gOoDneSs yOu got hErE! ThE eRrOr yOu wErE wiTh iSn'T mY bRoThEr! Th1s iS! ThaT oNe iS a FrAuD!"Blip says
"Trust me, I know. He looked like Error, sounded like Error but didn't act like Error."
"HoW cOuLd yOu tELl?"
"The abnormal fizzling by the face made it seem like I was looking at a screen or hologram instead of a person. And I wasn't going to believe that the super organized planner randomly forgot his plans or that he was just over a few days ago. If they pretended to be Ink, I'd understand but not Error. He keeps very good care of his clothes so I don't think he'd walk over with his scarf torn, necklace cracked and glasses held together with tape of all things. He didn't know key information in our conversation, like the necklace being his or who I considered my brother. And the most obvious thing was how the guy who would crash if getting hugged suddenly had no problem brushing his hand across my back and getting very close to me. That said, here are your things back, Error. I got them from the fraud."I explain
I carefully hand his scarf, necklace and glasses to him. He stares at me in some sort of surprise as his eyes twinkle. Then his cheeks turn a deep blue.
"StuPiD aNnOmAlY....mAkInG mE Act liKe a dIsGuSTiNg fOoL..."
"YoU'rE vEry oBsErvAnT, DrEaM."Blip says
"It wasn't that hard to tell. The more they talked the more they exposed themselves. It just took knowing Error to know that it isn't him. The fraud was basically waving a dozen red flags. I've never heard Error proudly refer to himself as a glitch for example. But souls don't lie either so the fraud was as good as disguising themselves as a kid putting a sheet over themselves and claiming they're a ghost. No disguise can fully hide what's underneath and that soul was setting the alarm off."
"WhAt dId tHe sOuL tElL yOu?"
"It was feeding off of my aura like there was no tomorrow. It reminded me of all the other AUs where people get addicted to it and try to get closer. Error's soul shows no reaction to my aura's influence and even rejects it for whatever reason. I can tell the difference between emotions caused by my aura and which ones are free of its influence. Error never fell under its influence and I wouldn't believe it suddenly caught him. And I got the unsettling feeling that I only get when I'm near what Swap calls Cider-Addicts aka the creeps addicted to my aura that won't take no for an answer and want every bit of it that I can offer them. It basically told me that I wasn't safe with the friend I think I was with. I'm so sorry, Error."I explain
"WhY tHe hELl aRe yOu aPolOgIzinG? THaT aNomAlY sToLe hOrRoR's pOrtAl dEviCe aNd gOt tHe jUmP oN mE, nOt yOu. ThAt aNoMaLy wAs a piEcE oF gArbAgE tO yOu wHiLe uSinG mY fAcE. ThEy sHoUlD bE aPolOgIziNg."He says
"You still got attacked! And that fraud had no issue doing more! You shouldn't be hurt and have your identity stolen because some weirdos get attached to my aura! This...This is just another version of the same old problems. I'm just causing trouble. My aura is causing trouble...They've always tried things like this and I've tried to keep others out of it so they don't get hurt. They attacked you because they saw you getting near me and wanted to use that as a way in. It's my fault you were even attacked. Swap had some issues in the past where they'd try to separate him from me but now this is an escalation of trying to use force and stealing identities more effectively......But it's for the same result...If I didn't have this aura, nobody would be targeted."
"DrEAm, We bOtH kNoW YoU hAVe nO cOntRoL oVeR yOuR aUrA. Even iF yOu dId, iT dOeSn't jUsTiFy tHeiR bEhaViOr. It iS tHeIr chOiCeS aNd aCtiOns, nOt yOurS. YoU aReN't mAkInG tHeM dO tHiS aNd iT iSn'T yOur rEsPoNsIbiLiTY. IT iS ThEiRs. So sToP gAslIgHtInG yOuRsElF iNtO thInkIng tHaT iT iS oR sOmEtHinG tO aPoloGiZe fOr. YoU'Re a VicTiM oF tHeiR aCtiOnS tOo. Do yOu hAvE aNy iDeA whAt tHoSe fReAks cOuLd'Ve dOnE tO yOu oR tRiEd?"Error tells me
He held a stern glare at me as he spoke and I listened carefully. I frown, recalling all the times that they nearly succeeded and Swap had to intervene or today...Learning what makes me tick has never sounded so wrong...Error was investigating me but at least his methods treated me as a person....combined with what he could've "shown me" when we went inside...
"I have some ideas..."I say
His strings grab me, pulling me into the hammock and making a pillow between us. I feel a few strings wrap around my hand, squeezing it firmly.
"YoU dEsErVe bEtTeR tHaN tHaT, DrEaM."He tells me
Blip nods, stepping closer to check Error's head.
"DrEaM, cAn y0u d0 m3 a fAv0r?"
"Of course."
"NeVeR g1vE mE suCh a sHiTtY ap0l0gY aGaIn. NeVeR ap0l0g1ze f0r tHaT fiLtH oF tHe muLtiVeRsE aGaIn."He says
I see how serious he is and nod. Then my phone rings and I answer.
"Brother, I know who that is. It's one of my old bullies. The one that trapped me for years. If he's here pretending to be Error...Is he okay? He's not trapped, is he?"
"Who iS cAlLinG? YoU seEm tO UpSeT aGaiN."Error asks
Bully...bully....bullies....bullies...bullies...I lost Nightmare to bullies. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't have lost him! I'm not losing Brother! I'm not losing my brother to bullies again!
"He isn't trapped. I'm coming back so that you're not."I say
"Okay..."He says, sounding scared before hanging up.
Error looks at me for answers and I shift out of the hammock, summoning my arrows and bow.
"Obscuro says that the fraud is his bully...One of the bullies that trapped him. I'm going back so that pest doesn't get any ideas."
"DrEaM, yOu cAn gEt hUrT. If tHaT cReEp Is sTrOnG eNoUgH tO hUrT ObScUrO, tHeN-"
"I couldn't protect Nightmare from his bullies but I'm going to do better for the brother I have now. I at least have to try."
He frowns and so does Blip. Blip shakes his head in disapproval, narrowing his eyes at me.
"YoU aRe NOT pUtTiNg yOuRsElF nEaR a cReEp aNd rIsK yOuRseLf! YoU'rE nOt lOsInG hIm eIthEr!"
He opens a portal and pulls me through it, tossing me onto the couch. He sees Obscuro and drags him to the couch as well. Error sits between us after simply getting a stern look from his brother. Then Blip marches outside, slamming the door behind him. Error shakes his head, holding Blip's gloves.
"ThAt f0oL iS aS g0oD aS deAd."He says
"What happened to you, Error?"Obscurro asks
"N0tHiNg sEri0us. n0w, i s3e tHaT y0u hAvE tHe f1repLaCe g0iNg. HaVe eItHeR oF l3aRnEd tHe bEsT wAy t0 wArM uP?"
"That being?"Obscuro asks
"HoT c0co, dUh."
"I've heard of that...I think."I say
"Is that what the steamy mugs have?"
He looked insulted that we had to ask. Then he marches into the kitchen with his strings rising. We glance outside, seeing Blip beat the stranger to the ground. His gloves are off so he isn't holding back. I glance at Obscurro, seeing his relief.
"You are explaining who that was outside later."
He nods, and then Error sits with us and hands us each a mug with steam rising from it. I glance into my mug, seeing a few marshmallows swirling inside a chocolate liquid.
"Enj0y y0ur h0t cH0c0lAtE y0u tw0."He says with a wink at me as he uses his strings to hold his mug.
Obscurro glances between us before nodding and taking a cautious sip, humming with satisfaction.
Today has been....interesting...
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