Chapter 23: Animals and an Old Fear
A few weeks later, Dream's POV
Ah, now that's done! Everything is sorted and the dishes are done!
I hear chirping and small cries outside and frown. Obscuro is off rechecking AUs and I've spent today maintaining the home as an excuse to avoid going out and inevitably getting chased by Owl Demons. I step outside to see where the cries are coming from and see two little animals crying near the tree sapling. One looks like a baby bird while the other looks like a baby chipmunk, both with cuts down their backs from claws as they cry out. What's different about these two animals is that they have dark black in their feathers or black fur with the chipmunk having white and faint yellow stripes as well. I'm no nature expert but I think chipmunks usually have different colors. Their eyes shine a dim yellow and I quickly dismiss these differences with the guess that they're from another AU. I kneel down carefully, reaching out to them.
"Sssshhh, ssshh, it's ok. You're going to be ok."I say, gently feeling their wounds.
With a bit of magic, their cuts were healed and it only took a bit of energy from me compared to the large chunks of energy I lost healing people. They still seem weak though so they need more care. I gently lift them up slowly, noticing a faint yellow color on their bellies but dismiss the note in my head to focus on caring for them. I take them inside, wrapping each one in a warm, small blanket to soothe them. Their pained cries ceased after that and the baby bird seemed to chirp a happier tune.The chipmunk liked that I made the blanket around it like a hiding hole for it since it seemed to curl up in it eagerly. When I peeked closer, it pops its head out to rub its nose against my face near my nose, which is its way of showing affection from what I understand. I set up a small container of seeds or nuts for the chipmunk while the bird got a water bowl. I tested it to see what kind of food it eats since some birds eat seeds or fruit while others eat meat. I set small pieces of each food in a container, letting the baby bird choose what it likes. The baby bird went for the fruit so I took note of that.
I went back outside once they went quiet and dozed off to check if there were any parents nearby. I glance at the skies but don't see any birds searching for its baby. And no chipmunks were running near the tree sapling. Were these injured animals abandoned by their parents? I frown, returning to the animals and trying to take care of them. I set them up in the corner of my room, letting them have a dark, quiet space to rest. When Obscuro arrived, he was very excited to find the baby animals when I explained things to them. He keeps trying to care for them or fix their food routine. Then after a few days of no animals nearby searching for the babies, we thought the animals would do better with us. The animals didn't seek to leave anyway, seeming comfy. And they grew attached to me after a while, following me everywhere. The baby bird grew into a routine of flying to land on my shoulder while the chipmunk often zipped around my heels. Obscurro named the chipmunk Squeakster and I named the bird Nocturne after a musical character in a story I read that's as cheery as the bird's rare chirps. Soon enough we had a proper space set up for them inside and outside as we had the front yard fenced in with bushes planted. They liked to curl up by the tree sapling though. Soon enough I found Nocturne sitting on my shoulder whenever I had to go out while Squeakster liked to only follow me if I was doing work outside the house like in the gardens, never to other AUs. The portals seem to scare Squeakster so I make sure he has food and water before I go if Obscurro isn't home to keep an eye on him.
It didn't take long for others to notice the new guests following me around. Horror was the first to comment on it when I came to help on the farm again. Farmer tried to shush him but I could hear them as I feed the chickens in the barn with Nocturne flying to the top of the barn's ceiling.
"Isn't that-?"Horror begins
"Ssssshhh, yes I know."Farmer says
"Does HE?"Horror asks
"He knows that it's a baby bird. He loves it and it's friendly so I don't see an issue."
"But doesn't he fear those things?"Horror asks
"Yes! Especially dark ones given that one attacked him!"
I chuckle, shaking my head.
"I can hear you both. I fear owls, not just dark birds. And I feared them before that beast's attack. Nocturne is very friendly though."I say, offering some seed up in one hand and seed for the hens in the other.
Nocturne swoops down and picks the seeds carefully.
"But that bird is as black as those things!"Horror says
"Maybe it's the association with Nightmare that makes the difference. Which is understandable, I wouldn't want something so similar to him near me. I've seen those two way too close to the farm lately. I've seen those beasts and they're more black due to their goop than because of their feathers. Those are hostile and destructive just like Nightmare while this bird is friendly and just happens to be black. Let's not generalize black to be evil, alright? That would be giving Nightmare and his creations too much credit."Farmer says
"Maybe...Alright..."Horror says
"You've seen Nightmare here?"I ask
"He kept knocking at my door the past few days demanding to speak with me. I wasn't letting him in even if he said he wanted to talk, claiming that he changed. It only took me warning him to leave or that I'd call one of you to send him running away. I've seen him watching me as I work as well and it's honestly unsettling. Even when he had his gang or was fighting you, he never took such an interest in my AU."Farmer says with a shrug.
"I am so sorry, Farm-"
"It's fine, Dream. It's just an eventuality in this multiverse. He didn't cause a mess so I'm not too worried. But he was acting weird, saying that he wanted to give proof or something."
Horror and I glance at each other. He looks just as shocked as me.
"Either of you know what he could mean?"
"He has been shouting that he has changed or wants to change ever since Obscurro came along and picked on him for everything. I told him that I don't believe his apologies or words and wanted to see some action...Guess this is him acting."Horror says
"Yeah, he suddenly is claiming that he cares or that we're brothers instead of Obscurro after everything. He says that those things aren't his pets but his actions send mixed signals. He acts concerned but at the same time entitled to his desires and dismissing the past. He recognizes that he has done wrong but is too uncomfortable to be told the effect it had. He seems to be stumbling into the earning stage of his apology. I heard from Ink that Nightmare went to him to find ways to earn his trust since I'm his friend..."I say
"Pffft. He went to Ink for help? That's desperate. What did Ink do?"Horror asks
"Put him through various tasks and tricks just to mess with him. It's Ink, what do you think he did? We may not be the closest of friends but he on some level still considers me important and will keep me safe if he sees an issue. He doesn't want to lose my company and I know that much is genuine since there's no soul for my aura to influence. And he'd never pass up the opportunity to mess with anyone."I say
"Do you sense anything from Nightmare?"Farmer asks
I nod.
"He's...feeling guilt and regret...It's genuine and mixed with hope that lets me sense the regret he has...He has never been regretful or genuine so it's very telling. But after all these years...after all that happened, that guilt doesn't mean he can walk into my life again and get crowned the Forgiven Brother...right?"
"That's right. He has to stick to his word and act to improve things. A few apologies doesn't clear his record that easily. Just because he's guilty doesn't mean anyone has to forget what he did. How else did he get his feared reputation if not by hurting people? He has to learn to face his actions and live with it the same way you had to learn to live with the scars he gave you. He has to learn to be more sensitive to the issues instead of avoiding them and demanding another chance. He needs to be ready to have an honest conversation on the past and moving forward or he will not get anywhere. Until that day comes that he changes his approach, you have nothing to worry about with him. He has to put the work in, not you. That goes for both of you. You spent years putting work in for him, now is his long overdue repayment."Farmer says
Horror smiles and nods.
"So we can make him work for it?"Horror asks
"Hell yeah. If he comes back here with demands, that's exactly what is awaiting him. Work. Do you have any idea how much could get done on the property if he's helping out? If he really wants to prove he changed and get support or trust of others, he has to put time and work in."Farmer says, making Horror laugh.
Then Horror pauses, humming for a few moments.
"What are ya thinking about, Horror?"Farm asks
"How to get him to repay me for the days he starved me or locked the fridge....For everything he did to me and the gang...Oh! I got it! I'll make him wash the dishes!"
"They become a mountain in the sink after Killer is done combined with me cooking! He always expected me to do it at the castle even when he was punishing me so it would be a taste of his own medicine! And I'll add the condition that he can't use his tentacles! He will hate that but if he's serious and does it, that will show some dedication! Plus I think Dust and Killer will take the chance to get repayment or test him while he does that too."
I chuckle, knowing from Error how Nightmare enjoys using his tentacles to multitask. Error said that he usually went through stacks of paperwork using his tentacles to help him. So losing that ability to deal with such a large job would really test his patience and devotion to making things up. And going from bossing others around to doing the chores he gave them would be a hit to his pride and knock him down a bit, so it'll certainly be a fair punishment for his poor treatment of them. May not be physically painful, but it'll do enough to Nightmare to make him regret it and may even think twice about doing it again. He wouldn't want to face that humiliation of working beneath the ones who served him again.
"And Error?"
"I dunno. He'd probably tie him up and toss him around or something. Or make him act like a living puppet. He can get very creative but I don't think he'd want to deal with Nightmare. Betrayals are not something he takes lightly and I've never heard of a second chance or redemption that Error accepted. But that reminds me....I'll probably do blind-folded axe-throwing at him for not handling that situation properly. He cannot convince me that he couldn't sense Error's pain or negativity that whole time. It's that or he was unconsciously absorbing it. The fact that he restrained me and punished us for wanting to search for Error is another thing that still can't be undone with sorry."
Farmer glances at me for confirmation.
"Error got rid of all the puppets of Nightmare. Well, any that were still in one piece. He only keeps anomalies that he has interest in or likes in his collection unharmed. Betrayal isn't something to get past easily. And I'm not exactly happy that Error suffered like that either and was neglected by Nightmare so I don't blame him for wanting nothing to do with Nightmare. Trust is important and Nightmare tossed it away like it was nothing. If he comes to me as if I'm a stepping stone toward getting Error's trust again, I'd be happy to test him myself."
"That meaning?"
"Archery practice. It'll be a good test to see how genuine he is and Error suffered terribly when he turned his back on Error. It may improve his understanding of the fear or pain Error experienced. Regardless, I don't let anyone near my friends if they could cause them harm. Swap keeps creeps and stalkers away from me and I help keep trouble from him. Error and I are friends so Nightmare won't be an exception to the protect-your-friends or no-friend-abandoned rules. Besides, I'm sure his brother and mentor have been plotting some ideas to use one Nightmare for what Error experienced that may be worse. Blip has a theory that Nightmare not only neglected him but created whatever caused Error's pain so you can believe that he's going to make Nightmare's life a living hell before he lets him near Error again. Two expert coders close to Error are waiting for him and I think their vengeful power is exactly why he is going near us instead of them. He knows he is dead if he tries."I tell them.
Horror chuckles.
"Step foot in that antivoid and he is dead!"
"I think we know after that livestream that it's the same case if he is ever caught near you by Obscuro."Farmer says
"Oh, without a doubt. That kid is scary."Horror says, making me chuckle nervously.
It feels strangely nice hearing how I have people protecting me that others don't want to go near. Between Obscuro and Swap having my back, I feel safer than I have in years.
"The day he convinces Brother that he's good for me is the day I'll let him back in."I say
"I wish him the best of luck to see that day."
"I think he will need it. If he can hold a grudge for 500 years, he's about to learn how long grudges can be held against him."Horror says
Then he pauses as we each hear a growl outside. I recognize it and frown, opening a portal.
"Both of you go through now."I say
"That growl is the growl of those Owl Demons. It has only been directly hunting me down and even if it wasn't, I don't want either of you to deal with that. Go through so you're safe."I say
They glance at each other with a look of concern. Nocturne soars through the portal once seeing home. Farmer sighs, stepping through as well. He glances back and frowns.
"Horror! No!"He snaps as I hear the barn doors slam shut.
I glance over, seeing that he ran down the steps leading to the chicken area of the barn and went out. I can hear the beast growling and screeching in pain.
"Get away! Go! Shoo! Shoo!"I hear Horror shout
"I'll get him, Farmer. Just get where you're safe."I say, handing him my keys.
I run down the steps before he can argue, exiting the barn and summoning my arrows. I see Horror swinging his axe but having to leap out of the way. Then it focuses on me, twisting its head backward to see me. I fire my arrows, slicing tentacles off and making it screech again. I get more arrows and wound the claws.
"Get out of here, Horror!"
"No! I've trained with Nightmare! I can handle a bird version o-"He begins
A talon slams down on him with brutal force and the air gets knocked out of him.
I fire more arrows and it falls backward, losing the talon and unable to get up. But I feel a deep slice across my back as I reach for Horror, seeing him turn to stone from the wound outward. Then I feel my body get more rigid and harder to move. I see one last tentacle swing at me before I slice it off by firing an arrow. I drop down, feeling a new wound on my back. I check my hands as they start to turn grey and reach for Horror to heal him somehow, but it doesn't work. My vision gets sealed away and the last thing I hear is the final weak cry from the Owl Demon as it drops its head, too weak to fight its wounds anymore.
......Crap.....Not another 500 years...Horror shouldn't suffer that...
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