Chapter 22: A Recording and a Visit
No POV a few hours later
After the meal, Horror gave his thanks and goodbyes. Then he marches a good distance away before making a portal to Error. It shuts after he steps through and he sees Error with multiple screens open and mumbling angrily, most likely arguing with the voices.
"YeS I kNoW tHErE iS oNlY a wEeK lEfT. I aM w0rKiNg On iT. JuSt lEt mE wOrK. HeY! No! I aM nOt-!"
He frowns. He hates it when the voices are mean to Error. He can tell by the tone that he reacts with.
"Hey, Error. Are you still investigating Dream by any chance?"He asks
"No. FriEnDs dOn'T iNvEstiGaTe eAcH oThEr. WhY?"
He grins, knowing what he did could be useful to prove the voices wrong about Error. Or to make Error ignore their cruel words and demands.
"Well, Obscuro wanted me to join them for dinner. I got sent early and heard Dream arguing with Nightmare. I heard what Dream was shouting and started recording it. Let me start it at when he talks about you."He says, scrolling through the voice recording.
Error glances at him, curious about what this could be. Then Horror plays it.
"Oh and let's not forget that you were lucky enough to befriend Error of all people! What kind of entitled idiot do you have to be to screw that up?"The recording echoes across the antivoid.
Error can already hear the anger in Dream's voice but also some pain.
"Wait-"Nightmare's voice quietly says
"A crafty, smart, strong, and dedicated destroyer of AUs! Anyone lucky enough to get into his inner circles is cared for and he does whatever he has to get the job done or help them. You got to enjoy his company that would've meant death for anyone else! One of the few who could live to see him smile, laugh, or cheer when he sees Asgoro on screen! To see him gaze in awe at the stars and to hear his wonderful ideas! You had his company! You had his company! His friendship, respect, and trust! But do you appreciate that? No! You disrespected him by calling him names such as the glitch that are known to annoy him or refer to him as a thing and treated him as if he was beneath you too! Even when you threatened me to not get closer to Error, you disrespected him by calling him a glitch! You had the nerve to order him around as if he served you when he had the power to eliminate you at any moment! And you clearly didn't appreciate him since the moment I compliment him, he checks if I'm lying or being sarcastic! Who could be the cause for that? Maybe the condescending octopus that uses sarcasm to verbally wound others! How little do you have to appreciate him for his first response to compliments is to check if it's true? Oh, and I've heard plenty of rumors about how you beat him around, knowing about his phobia and getting mad at him for showing a hint of independence! You used him like another pawn in your stupid game! A tool to toss away when it no longer works for you! You didn't even lift a finger when he went missing! You dared to betray him like that and punish your gang when they wanted to find him! And guess who found him? Me! He called for you and I found him! Do you have any idea how wrong that felt? He called for you, his friend, and yet you couldn't be bothered. How do you think he felt when he woke up and learned who came for him? That your sworn enemy was the one helping you because your friend for years didn't care enough to do it himself and prevented your loved ones from searching for you? How do you think he felt considering that question? He was broken down and wounded so badly but you couldn't be bothered. What kind of idiot makes their so-called friend experience that and think that it's ok? I'll tell you what kind of idiot. The kind that didn't deserve that friend. You didn't deserve him and he certainly didn't deserve your obnoxious cruelty."Dream snaps with a scolding tone before Horror pauses it.
"He continues to scold Nightmare about screwing things up. Sounded like he mentioned not having the gang anymore and that set Dream off somehow."
Error shakes his head hearing that. Nightmare goes to Swap for advice but doesn't use it. What a fool. Yet he can't help feeling touched by Dream's words, even if they're full of anger at Nightmare. He really thinks that he, the destroyer is that special? He knows he keeps his walls up but doesn't really consider how others may feel about getting into his close circle. He didn't think anyone would like being "lucky" since his power meant anyone he spared had to like him and his choices. It was more of intimidation in his eyes causing the praise. But Horror, Swap, and Dream clearly keep proving this view wrong. Part of him likes how defensive Dream got and how he ripped into Nightmare for mistreating him. He hardly noticed his tendency to question compliments but Dream clearly did. He recalls exactly what Dream is referring to and knows how he checked Dream for sarcasm or lies. It had become a habit by then and Dream was right. It formed from Nightmare's sarcastic responses to anything he was proud of. Oh, and hearing how angry Dream got at Nightmare for the trouble when he went missing really got to him. Dream understood how Nightmare hurt him by failing to be the one to find him or caring enough to try. Yet stating that a fool doing that doesn't deserve him? Hearing someone else say that he didn't deserve what Nightmare did or that Nightmare didn't deserve him? Hearing the care and value that Dream gave him went beyond admiration or appreciating his role, but also caring for his life meant so much to him. All that sank into him and his face burned up a bright blue.
Horror smiles, seeing that Dream's words got through to him as he tries to hide in his scarf.
"Is...Is hE oKaY?"Error asks, still able to notice the pain hidden beneath the anger Dream's voice expressed.
"Well, one of those Owl Demons your brother has been trying to track flew at him. He shot it down and I sliced the tentacles off but that pretty much ended the conversation with Nightmare. Dream thought he was being distracted by Nightmare to let that thing attack him and nearly shot Nightmare for it. Nightmare made the mistake of insulting Obscurro so Dream warned him, making it clear that he won't allow Nightmare's negative influence near his home. I saw that he was shaking and stepped between them. Nightmare tried to act apologetic but I put an end to that. He left after that and once he was gone, Dream and I handled the bird before Obscurro came for dinner. He tried to act okay but he didn't stop shaking until a few minutes before Obscurro came home. It seemed to be uncomfortable so I didn't mention it to Obscurro. I could see that Dream wanted the dinner to be a positive event."He explains
Error nods, considering it for a moment. Then he shakes his head.
"I lEaVe f0r tw0 miNuTEs t0 deAl wiTh tHe voiCeS aNd hIs dAy gEtS rUinEd. UgGh....ThAnkS f0r lEttInG mE kNoW, HorR0r."
"What have you been working on anyway? You mentioned having a week left."
Error puts on a smile that Horror knows all too well. It's the stressed smile that signals that Error doesn't want to share a burden.
"DoN't wOrRy aBoUt iT. CaN yOu g0 maKe suRe KiLlEr iSN'T bUrNiNg tHe kiTcHeN dOwN?"
"Of course."He says with a nod, teleporting away.
Error looks at his work and frowns, dismissing them. That can wait. He has other work to do.
A few hours later, there is a knock at Dream's door. Dream checks the clock, knowing that Obscurro has gone to sleep by now. Who could be coming so late? A thought crosses his mind that it's Nightmare returning for more trouble and frowns. He knows where he lives and "complimented" his home but that only indicates that he took note of it for a scheme to be done later. He summons his arrows and cautiously steps to the door, looking through the peephole of the door, sighing with relief that it's just Error. He dismisses his things and opens the door.
"Hey, Error. What brings you here?"
"I r3al1z3d tHaT tH3 st0r3s diDn'T hAvE sEaS0naL cl0tH3s s0 i br0uGhT tHeSe tHaT i mAd3 f0r y0u. i h0p3 i'M n0t diStUrBiNg y0u."He says with his face hidden in the scarf.
"No, you're not. Obscurro went to sleep but I think I'm going to stay awake a bit longer."Dream says, letting him step in.
He hands Dream a stack of blue clothes as he nods. Dream knew there had to be more than that to this visit. If it was just about clothes, he'd drop it through a portal and tend to other things. He wants to talk about something. Dream glances at the items, seeing that he made various winter items with his strings. A few hats, scarves, and gloves among the clothes all in a royal blue color.
"I h3ArD fr0m h0rRor thAt 0n3 oF tHoSe 0wL tHiNgS f0uNd y0u s0 i wAnT t0 mAkE suRe tHaT y0u'rE 0k. I d0n't bLaMe y0u f0r n0t wAnTiNg t0 sl3eP aFtEr tHaT."He says
Dream glances at him, realizing that the clothes are just an excuse to check on him. And that strangely feels so nice. He smiles at Error and Error's face burns more seeing his smile again. Then he clears his throat.
"S0, uMm...d0 y0u wAnT t0 r3aD 0r s0m3tHiNg t0 ke3p y0ur miNd oFf oF iT?"
"That sounds nice...Thank you, Error."
They sit on the couch together, reading quietly as the night ticks away on the clock. Error promised not to snitch on him to Swap if he doesn't sleep but after a few chapters, Dream fell asleep. Error realizes this when he hears a soft snore beneath a book and sees that Dream dozed off with the book falling on his face. He smiles slightly, putting the books away and using his strings to move the clothes to Dream's room. He carefully moves Dream to bed, tucking him under the blankets. He sits in a chair for a bit, in case Dream wakes up from a painful flashback and needs help, but that moment doesn't come. The sun came, and he was still sitting beside the bed. He shuts the curtains to let Dream rest undisturbed, then considers how Obscuro will be waking up soon. The chaotic entity won't like finding him in Dream's room so he decides to return to his work.
He has to check with Blip about the progress of tracking those Owl Demons after all. He wants to round them up and eliminate them.
Little did he know that there are some creations of Nightmare's about to go against their code. Can something made of negativity learn goodness?
(sorry for the short chapter, was running low on ideas. Wanted something short and sweet. More coming soon.)
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