Chapter 20: Swap's Advice
Swap's POV a few weeks later
I smile, working at the stove, and grin with ideas about what to make next. My AU has finally reached the surface and we've started a new chapter much like how Dream is enjoying his. I can't wait to check in on him tomorrow with what Obscurro has planned. That chaotic being has proven to be a fitting, caring brother to him. Then I sense an overwhelming negativity behind me and frown.
"Hello, Swap. Are you free to chat?"
I turn around quickly, summoning bone attacks at the sight of Nightmare leaning comfortably in the kitchen doorway. He raises his hands calmly.
"Woah woah woah! No need for that. I'm just here to talk."He says
"Oh really? Drop the tentacles then and tell me what about."I say
He drops his tentacles and shrugs with a frown as he glances down.
"About Dream. I'm worried about him."
"You're funny, Nightmare. But I, the Magnificent Swap, am not a fool. You can give me the real reason now."
"That is the reason. How long have you known him?"
"Over forty years. But you cannot tell me that you are worried about him after all you've done or tell me that you deserve any trust."I say, crossing my arms.
"What will I have to give to hear about my brother? A taco or two?"He asks
"Buying Horror food usually gained his trust."
"Well, I'm not Horror and I'm insulted that you thought it'd be so simple. And that you dare to call him your brother after the numerous battles that I heard you curse Dream for calling you that. Do you have any idea how inconsiderate or insensitive your offer sounds?"
He is silent with a blank stare, giving me my answer. I turn off the stove, giving him my full attention. He struck a nerve in me by coming here. How could he possibly suggest or ask for that after everything? He cannot expect me to actually think I'd give up Dream's trust for a TACO! Dream's soul is not worth a taco! His friendship is not worth that or a million of them! And if he wants to claim ignorance, I'm going to give him a lesson!
"I have been there for him nearly from the day that he got freed from stone. When he needed food or rest, I gave him it. I spent weeks trying to catch him up on what he missed but it's very hard when he's illiterate! So I teach him to read and write or try to! Who was the one fighting alongside him for years? Me! Who was the one protecting him from Ink or the dangers of the multiverse he was clueless to? Hmm? Who was the one that told him he didn't have to give himself up to satisfy others and chased any creepy entitled fools away from harming him? Who has spent years trying to get him on a healthier sleep schedule and forcing him not to skip meals? Who was the shoulder he cried on when haunted by memories of the past and the loss of his brother? Who calmed him down and comforted him when he had breakdowns under the expectations or flashbacks of the day he lost his brother? Who was the one that had to tell him that he wasn't to blame for his brother eating the apple and that he won't be abandoned in stone again? Who was the one always there to heal him and help with his recovery? Hmm? It was me! All you did was sit in your fancy castle and scheme to torment him more and were the main source of his pain in all forms! Every time I healed him from your attacks on him, I had to reassure him that he's loved and valued because of the pain and doubt your words put into him! You were the reason I had to heal him to begin with and had to see my friend broken like that so don't you dare think that all that can be settled with a taco. I have spent years trying to get him better and you are not ruining that. Dream and his experiences are worth more than a stupid taco. I will not be the one bribed to let the Trojan Horse in when he is finally getting better! Just the very suggestion of that disgusts me since it shows how little you consider his worth! I was there, you weren't. I have spent over forty years by his side while you couldn't spend a single year out of over 500 years to show a hint of consideration for him that wasn't harming him. You showed how you felt for him and never made him a priority the way I did. So don't you dare come crawling to me now claiming you care with such an insulting suggestion and using the name you broke his arms over."I snap at him
He bows his head...seeming guilty? But that can't be...It has to be a trick...But then I recall Obscurro's game and frown. It seemed that the questions showed how little he knew about Dream's experiences and he seemed genuinely upset when hearing how he is treated in various they've dared to hurt him or mistreat him. I glance at him again, more bitter anger forming against him as the thoughts swirl in my head.
"Don't tell me that the game Obscurro made for us was how the king of negativity, the being powerful enough to detect and absorb negativity for power, learned that his brother was in pain. That was what opened your eyes, or eye in your case? Tell me that I'm wrong."
"They should've never thought of hurting him to begin with. They do not deserve to lay a finger on him."He says, clenching a fist.
"Oh, but you reserve the right to toss him around and lay your filthy tentacles on him? You're no different from them so don't fool yourself in that empty castle into thinking you're above them. The evidence is there. Your castle is empty for a reason. You hurt and ruin anyone you touch or get close to and Dream is your worst case of it. Any higher mind and soul would be sophisticated enough to consider a truce and fair conditions to settle conflicts while maintaining any needs either of you have. Yet a false king like you only knows violence and tantrums as crappy solutions to get things done that you feel entitled to. You're the reason those pests as you call them felt ok doing it to begin with!"I point out.
"Oh puh-leez! You cannot be that stupid! You probably enjoyed being their justification since it meant more of his suffering and more negativity for you! News spread so quickly about how you're brothers or from the same AU! So many people tried to make a stupid argument that if you can use force on him to get your satisfaction, why can't they use force to be satisfied? That's Dream's job, after all, to satisfy them. They're just taking a page out of your book and giving him a little push to achieve their goals. Sickening people with disgusting motives but it's still a fact. You helped inspire, encourage, and justify their mistreatment. The only one who was worse at influencing it than you was Ink. Think about that, you're only 2nd worst in comparison to the soulless ally. You're his brother and have a soul somewhere in there yet there's a thin line dividing you from Ink. And let's not forget your little pet that nearly killed him and caused a breakdown! His largest breakdown in years, mind you! Where he questioned if he mattered or was just a tool! That breakdown was caused by the pet you made."
"I didn't make a damn pet!"
"Oh yea? Dream's descriptions say otherwise. A gigantic, horrifying beast of an owl covered in slimy, dark goop and tentacles ready to tear him to pieces. An abomination feeds on his pain and makes him relive or get reminded of what he lost constantly. Now, who does that sound like? I don't think it's just a chance that the bird he fears gets corrupted by you. No, not at all."I say, shaking my head.
"It's not my pet. I didn't even know that it existed."
"Well, it's certainly one of your creations, unfortunately. And I don't think for a second that you'd be hurt if that thing managed to kill him. His conditions proved that it nearly did. If he was gone, Obscuro may not have given you that sudden awakening and you would still be the bitter king trying to scheme his death or pain and claim that you hate him. You'd only be angry that you didn't have the credit of killing him yourself. So this sudden change in goals and sudden love or desire for your so-called brother means next to nothing to me. You've done nothing but hurt him and had over 500 years' worth of chances to change or take another chance for a relationship with him. He certainly gave you plenty. But nooo, it took until you ran out of offers from him and got called out by someone stronger than you for you to think of him. So I'm sorry to disappoint you but you're getting nothing from me. You're nothing but a threat to Dream, just like you wanted to be. The farthest thing from a brother."I tell him
He denies none of it, his frown growing. His tentacles twist together and he rubs his hands anxiously.
"Please, at least tell me something."
"Fine. He is a lot happier with his little brother than he ever was trying to reach out to you. Happy?"
"That thing of chaos is not a brother of his."He growls
"Hmmm, let me think that over. Are you saying that a boy who admires him, cares for him, protects him, comforts him, and learns from him isn't a brother? The one Dream calls a brother now? The one who lovingly calls him Brother back? The one who can relate to him and his pain of being trapped? The one that looks up to him and has looked at him with brotherly love cannot be a brother? The one who within weeks of bonding has grown a close connection, searched for him when he was missing, and punished the multiverse to protect him isn't a brother? The one who still holds a burning passion to keep him safe and improve his life in ways that only family can? He's not a brother? But you, the one Dream used to look up to, the one who rejected with hatred any call from him to you, the one who did nothing but cause him pain and could've cared less what happened in your absence, is a brother? Do you think you can even come close to being a good brother compared to him? You've had no brotherly instincts or acted on them for over half a century yet he has expressed them within a year and put it to action. He keeps Dream safe, happy, and loved in ways any family would...any good family. Family would rip the world apart to find each other and protect each other. My bro had done it for me and Dream tried to do the same for you. Now Obscuro does it for him. If that's not brothers to you, you don't know what brothers are. They aren't curses or burdens like you've called them either."I say, pointing out the difference between them.
He is in no position to get defensive or possessive of the brother title after he spent so much time trying to break it in Dream's mind. He can't come here now and thinks he can get it back after he painfully and repeatedly broke Dream to tell him that they're not brothers and called it a curse. He is bold and infuriating to even think that he has a right to say who Dream's brother is or who is good enough to be one after what he did.
He grumbles to himself, seeming annoyed at the reminders of his past actions or words but I couldn't care less. Those actions and words hurt Dream deeply so if he's uncomfortable by the reminder, that's too bad. It's the consequence of being someone so harmful to him. If he really wants a change or to get near Dream, then he will have to face the discomforting reminders and consequences that he caused. He should be able to own up to it and face it if he truly was sorry or cares about Dream.
"So...what will it take to convince you?"
"Not a taco, I can tell you that. You can't buy my trust or connection to Dream."I say, narrowing my eyes at him.
" always worked for me. It's the only effective way that I know."He says
"I do not doubt that's true for you. But that sounds like you're out of luck then. You have some learning to do about genuine connections and putting the work in. You can go out and sit in that castle all you want, but it won't change a thing. Get out and learn what it means to earn trust or any bond. You better not come back to talk to me about stuff like this again until you learn the common decency to earn a relationship, not buy or demand it. And certainly not think you can buy my friend or the trust he gave me."I tell him
"This is going to be harder than I thought...."
I chuckle hearing that, shaking my head.
"I'm sorry, what part of this told you that it'd be easy? What made you think that one conversation with me would solve everything? That years of witnessing and fixing the pain you caused Dream would get swept under the rug or forgiven in a day? When he's finally able to laugh again and be happier? What part of me or any of this said that it'd be easy? If you actually thought that, you're hilarious. You have a lot of learning ahead of you if you assumed this would be easy."
He is quiet, seeming to think it over for a few minutes. He sighs, glancing at me with a shaky eye.
"Then give me my missions. What do I have to do to get your approval? To get to know about Dream?"He asks
I stare at him in shock for a few moments. He is looking to be assigned stuff from me? The prideful king of negativity is looking to be given orders? He must really want this if he is willing to lower himself from the one in control to the one bossed around.
I have to make this as challenging as possible. It has to challenge him for as much as he hurt Dream over all these years.
"Hmmm....I think one of your missions should be obvious. I hear that those Owl Demons are multiplying so if you can handle them, that will certainly be a step in the right direction. I don't care what solution you use, I just want them unable to hurt Dream again. Another step might be if you can convince Obscurro to not only like you but also trust you, then that may be another step. Hmmm...You like paperwork, right? Maybe writing up terms for a truce would be useful. It would be interesting to see how many drafts you write until it's a fair one. That will give me a clear idea of how you consider Dream and what his experiences are worth. If you have a truce and stop hurting him, that may be a large step forward that proves you mean what you say. I'm not giving any information to someone who still plans to hurt him or fight him so a truce could be evident that you really care about him. I think those missions would be good to start with and I'm sure you'll be busy sorting that out for a while. And that's just what I can think of to get my approval regarding my friend Dream. I have plenty of ideas for Error unless he isn't a priority for you either."I tell him
"You want to give missions for Error as well?"He asks, sounding surprised.
"I know he considered you an ally and friend, Nightmare. He was deeply hurt and betrayed when you didn't even bother to look for him. When every member of the gang except for you is looking for him, that indicates how much you consider him. He has been my friend a bit longer than Dream. I do not appreciate you breaking his trust or causing him such pain. You may have had a bad history with Dream but Error provided so much for you. You out of everyone should know how sensitive he is with his allies and we both know how serious he considers those who he trusts. So for you to earn it, keep it for years only to throw it away and abandon him at his lowest is something I can't comprehend. You had the rare privilege of being someone he trusted and you just toss those riches away for a weekly battle and who knows what other crap? Not only does that show how little you can be trusted to handle Dream's trust, but that sets a bad standard and reason to doubt giving you anyone's trust if you betray him on a whim. I heard all his complaints as he vented to me about you and how you hated the idea of him supposedly betraying you by befriending Dream. But guess what, Nightmare? You betrayed him first and that betrayal led to their friendship. I think the fact that the rest of the gang left you to join him should show how badly you screwed up. I honestly believe if you're willing to put in the work to get Dream back, you should be able to put in the work to get Error back."
He is silent for a few moments.
"....I've been making progress with him though. We still talk every now and then."
"Intruding on his antivoid to complain to him doesn't count as fixing things."
"How much does he tell you?"He snaps
"I'm his best friend and most trusted one so you shouldn't be surprised what I know from him. I'm just amazed that you haven't encountered his old mentor or his brother during any of your visits."I say
"Yep, his name is 404. I've met him a few times when hanging out with Error. I don't think he or Blip would appreciate you bothering Error after what you did."
"Well if Error doesn't like me near him, why wouldn't he just toss me away when I arrive?"
"Maybe he doesn't think you're worth the effort. Using his strings to get rid of you would be admitting that you hurt him so he doesn't want to admit that. He wants to be stronger and avoid giving you any satisfaction. But that doesn't change the fact that you hurt him and he deserves some repayment for it. You hurt two of my close friends, Nightmare. You can't expect me to trust you near either of them or just have you correct your actions for one of them. They both deserve better from you if you really deserve a place in their lives at all."I tell him
"Why would he give me advice for Dream and hold a conversation with me if he didn't want me near him?"
"Tch, that should be obvious. If you come to him and bother him with complaints, he will try to give you answers so that he stops hearing them and can be rid of you. He's a problem-solver. He has a problem, he solves it. You bother him with complaints, he gives you answers so that he can send you away. And he is very observant and calculating. Have you forgotten who he is already? He's the one with precise plans for nearly anything he has to achieve. He can read people and their code to know their motives or learn what makes them tick. If he saw that you were genuinely upset about Dream, then he'd use that to benefit him. Giving you what you needed or wanted would help him get away quicker or could benefit him later. Nothing new for you given that's exactly how you treated him and his issues or your gang. You only helped in ways that benefitted you now or later and couldn't be bothered to actually invest in what bothers them. And I doubt he stayed near you long enough to give a precise plan, especially with the gift Dream gave him."I say, shaking my head.
"Dream gave him a gift?"
"Yes, and I'm sure it's being put to good use to avoid you. I was amazed seeing that it could hide his glitching so easily. It allows him to blend in and he seems to enjoy going places without being shouted at or being called a glitch, which apparently was a popular nickname you and other AUs gave him despite his hatred for it. How nice of you. If you want my trust, you'll have to work to repair your relationships with both of them. And before you ask, no it won't just take some chocolate for Error just like it won't take a taco for me to give you my trust with Dream. And to convince me to trust you or repair your relationship with Error, I'll need to see a fair truce written about what you will give him that will be better than his last alliance with you. If you can convince his brother, 404, and Horror to trust you or believe you, then you're on the right path."I say
He pauses, seeming to process my words.
"Why Horror?"
"He is fiercely protective of Error and is the closest to Error out of your gang. He was the one Error trusted most in your group and he looks up to Error. In case you forgot, he was the one most worried or demanding answers when Error went missing and I understand that he's still upset that you, his so-called leader, didn't try to find Error at all. He is considered family to Error and his brother. You want to get close to Error? Convince his family to let you in. I'm telling you right now it won't be easy especially since Blip's analysis points back to you as the reason that he went missing. Both Horror and Blip know it."I say
"What? How can I cause him to go missing or get hurt if I didn't even know where he was?"
"Blip checked Error to see what made him crash and the code told him that Nightmare and Owl code harmed him, usually meaning that it attacked him. Now what's something that would be an owl with your code able to hurt him? Oh yeah! The same creature that you made that attacked Dream! Good luck explaining that, Nightmare. You're going to need it. I know part of him wants the Nightmare he used to know back. They both do. Dream wished for years to have the brother he once knew back and Error spent a few weeks wishing he had his old friend back. But they're learning to move on and if you don't put the work in soon enough, they'll be just fine to be rid of you from their lives. Especially when those close to them say that they're better off without you and actually are living better lives without you."I say
"But...Error said that I'd have to convince people like you to get closer to Dream. Now you're telling me that I have to convince others in order to get your approval to get near him. Won't this just be an endless loop of conditions sending me back here anyway?"
Did nothing that I tell him about hurting Error register in his skull?
"So Dream is your priority still? I see that not much has changed in your mind with Error. You put battles with Dream above caring for him and now you're putting Dream above your former ally again. You should probably stop talking because you're not helping yourself. Does Error mean anything to you?"
His eye shrinks hearing my words.
"He does...I want my al-friend back. But by your logic of getting those close to him to trust me, that would involve getting Dream to trust me. You already gave conditions for getting close to Dream so it just seems like a long list of conditions to earn Error back."
"Sounds to me that you have a lot of work ahead of you. I can see your concerns but that's just the reality of it. You hurt a lot of people who may not be open to having you near them again. You hurt a lot of people so it's going to take a lot to fix. This is what happens when you don't appreciate those around you. You'll have to work for connections that aren't just based on conditions that benefit you. It's called being genuine and reciprocating, traits good relationships have. When you don't use others like tools to toss aside when you're done, you get a lot more out of it and so do they. Your old methods put these barriers and burned the bridges you seek to fix. So yeah, you have a long list of tasks or conditions. There isn't a sturdy bridge that gets repaired or made overnight. It takes time and that is something you'll have to accept if you truly want to fix this."
"Is there anything else I should know to work my way back into their circles?"
"Hmmm...Well, when you do fix your connection with Dream, don't assume that it's a complete win. He will have doubts and you'll have to work through them. And just because you reconnect with him doesn't mean he opens the door to let you near Error. He was also upset by your abandonment of Error. He was the one who saved Error and saw the pain he was in. He couldn't understand how you, Error's ally and someone he trusted enough to call out for at his weakest, would leave him to suffer. He couldn't understand how you could hurt or abandon Error. You were lucky to have Error as an ally yet he was the one who helped him through recovery. He may hold that against you as a reason you shouldn't be near Error. He deeply believes that real allies or friends don't abandon each other or let each other suffer. The nobody-left-behind rule. And you, Nightmare, broke that rule. So don't think that Dream will welcome you back or be the key to getting near Error again. Not even he may trust you near Error. And don't be surprised if you never get near Dream or Error even with all your efforts. You can convince every soul near either of them that you've changed and good for them. You can try all you want but in the end it is up to Error and Dream if they want you in their lives. And if you really care about them, you'll respect their decisions if they don't let you in again. You are never entitled to anyone."
He nods slowly, pausing to let the words sink in.
"I see...Thank you for telling me....What would you recommend as a first step?"
"Showing yourself out now. I think you should get a move on with the others or at least start that paperwork I suggested. Having it in writing may go further than your empty words."I say
He nods, sinking into a puddle. After a few minutes, a portal opens and Error drops in through it.
Dear stars. Since when was my home the meeting place for workaholics? Him, Dream, and now Nightmare dropping in? I wonder if I should post "office hours" for my AU at this rate...
"HEy SwAp! HoW aRe YoU dOiNg?"He asks
"Doing alright. What brings you here?"I reply, going back to cooking.
I see him glance at Nightmare's black puddle and frown.
"InK bOtHerInG yOu aGaIn?"He asks
"No, I actually was visited by Nightmare for once and I think I helped him take his blinders off."
"He thought he could buy my trust with a taco to get closer to Dream. He kept asking questions and didn't seem to completely understand the weight of his actions and the damage he made. I made him realize that he has a lot of work ahead of him and that earning connections doesn't mean buying it. It was honestly insulting that he thought it'd be so easy. That I'd be so easy to convince after everything I've witnessed. He is so focused on fixing one thing that he forgets the other damages he caused. It was frustrating but he thanked me and left a few minutes ago. He might mail stuff to me if he's serious about it though. I'm sorry if he went to your anti-void again and caused you to come here."I tell him
"WhaT jUnK cOuLd hE bE ma1LinG yOu?"
"I said that a few improvements to earn trust could be writing useful truces with terms that would tell what he could give that is better than before."
He chuckles.
"ThAt wiLl dEfinItELy bE iNtErEsTiNg tO sEe. I cAmE tO sEe wHeN yOu'D liKe tO hAng oUT aGaIn."
"I see...Done watching Dream this week?"
"YeS. It'S niCe sEeInG tHaT tH0sE aNoMaliEs g1viNg h1m rEsp3cT. He se3ms t0 gl0w n0w."
"Okay, Error. You got lost in his smile. I get it."I chuckle
He goes silent and I glance at him. His cheeks are glowing a deep blue and I chuckle. I've noticed a change in his behavior toward Dream and it's funny to see his reactions when I tease him about it. He won't admit it but I know his feelings are growing for Dream. The looks he gives Dream aren't just for friends.
"Yes, Error, I've noticed. It becomes obvious whenever we're both around Dream how you fixate on his smile or laugh. You're lucky he hasn't noticed...yet. Feel free to talk to me about your feelings when you're ready to admit having them."I say
He only hides his face in his scarf and I shake my head with a grin.
"ShUt uP, sWaP..."He grumbles
"You better be careful, Error or you might tell him in your sleep.~"
"I d0n't taLk iN mY sLe3p! I aM n0t tHaT bAD!"
"Dream has discovered a new ability to enter the dreams of others. He doesn't have control over it yet so I'm just warning you. Be careful where that imagination goes. He may just see it."
I get some snacks and share them between us.
"So, what does your next week look like?"I ask
He smiles slightly and we start chatting.
I love my two friends and seeing them so happy is the best.
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