Chapter 19: A Captivating Dream
A week later, Dream's POV
I can feel Nightmare's gaze on me again...Great...No, don't think of that. If he sees that I'm uncomfortable, then it will just give him satisfaction.
I focus instead on the jokes that Obscuro is telling me as he swims in circles above my head. I smile at him and laugh when a few ones surprise me, making him beam with joy. I've never felt so happy in years and my brother here is just part of how it has improved. I finally get to laugh with others again and actually feel happy enough to laugh. I've been able to get on a much healthier routine to the satisfaction of Swap and have been dividing my time as I pleased. I spend some time with my brother here, sometimes cooking with Swap after his brother recently lifted the ban that kept me away from him, sometimes making scrapbooks with Blip or watching UnderNovela with Error, sometimes helping AUs, and some spare time for myself. It's still packed with activities but in a good way. I finally enjoyed it again.
Now that I've gotten to a healthier routine, I've found some abilities that I couldn't use before or have been able to train new techniques. Having spare time for once is wonderful.
The only thing that bothers me is the looming presence of Nightmare as he watches from afar. I've spotted him numerous times but he doesn't approach anymore. He is planning something and just considering that is unsettling. I make sure to hop through a few AUs before returning home so he doesn't recognize where it is. Obscuro has also put up barriers to keep my aura from being detected when I'm in the house so that it doesn't lead strangers of the AU to knock at our door. We don't need them getting tempted to fall into old habits and make demands on my doorstep.
Then I snap back to the present when hearing a yawn from Obscuro.
"You sound tired. Shall we go home?"I suggest, reaching up to him.
He hugs my arm and lowers himself down slowly, snuggling my arm as if it were a pillow. I get a nod from him so I teleport us home with a smile. I go to his room, tucking him in bed and shutting off the light.
"Sweet rest, Brother..."He says before dozing off.
I smile at him, slowly shutting the door. I walk to my bed and lie down, pulling the covers over me. I made sure everything was locked before dozing off, curious to see what adventure I'll explore tonight.
I've never been able to rest so frequently so it is only recently and by total accident that I've unlocked the ability to explore dreams in my sleep. Not mine, others. I caught onto this when it became a pattern of others in my dreams seeming to have more control over the situations and the environment or dreamscapes radiating more of their souls than mine. I can tell that it's my dream when I can feel the strong aura of positivity intertwined with it. There is nothing that I can experience that isn't tied back to it from what it seems. And lately, the dreams of others have been more detailed than the vague ones I experience.
My vision welcomes me to a darkened room filled with puppets of varying sizes and a window hidden behind scarlet curtains. I see various books on shelves and balls of yarn or strings. Oddly enough, I couldn't move at all as I have in the past few dreams. But I quickly caught onto whose dream this must be. The signs are all there.
Then a door opens and shuts as Error walks past me, not even seeming to notice me. He snaps his fingers with a grin after humming for a few moments.
"TiMe t0 gEt t0 w0rK."He says, stretching his hands and cracking some knuckles.
And Swap calls me a workaholic. At least I don't seek work in my sleep! And he tells me to use a bed to rest yet this is what he does sleeping in that hammock?
Screens surround him and he swipes through them, pulling some closer and pushing others aside. They looked like large files waiting to be many of them...Is this how he keeps his mind and memories sorted? I see categories and labels so there is a chance...He finished sorting through plans for destruction of AUs for the next six months and it doesn't surprise me how far he plans ahead. He's making calculating schemes even in his sleep. Does he ever stop planning and just relax or does he plan that too? Then he moves on to handling plans for his brother, Swap, the gang or Horror's needs, etc. One screen lifts itself up, showing his investigation into me. It's labeled Research Project: Dream. I see others float nearby, showing research into Swap, Nightmare, and Obscuro. I see a reflection in the glow of the file, showing a puppet of myself where I stand. That explains why I can't move or he didn't notice me. To him, I'm just another puppet on a string. But does that only apply to my current position in his dream?
So he really was investigating me....meeting me for information...Even as friends...
He glances at it and shakes his head, holding the file on me closer.
"StArT nEw eNtRy. S0 tHis iNvEsTiGat1oN sEemEd t0 b3c0m3 m0r3 c0mpLiCaTeD tHaN iNtEnDeD. Th3 b0oKs b3cAm3 m0r3 uSeFuL f0r b0ndS tHaN f0r iNforMatiOn. His oPiOnS oN st0riEs rArElY rEvEalEd aNy deEpEr aNsWeRs t0 aNalYze. WhEtHer tHiS f0oL lAsTeD s0 loNg bY sHeEr lUcK j0iNed bY hiS eFfoRtS anD NiGhtmArE's stUpIdiTy oR siMpLy duE t0 b3iNg a t0Ol iN fAtE'S tWiStEd gAm3 pr0tEcTeD f0r eNtErta1nm3nT pUrp0seS, iT iS uNcl3ar. I mAy n3v3r kn0w tHe diFfErEnCe f0r cErtAiN. He s0meh0w deFiEs wHaT w0uLd cl3aRlY m3aN deFeAt f0r oTheRs, tHaT muCh iS cErtaiN. To aNsWeR tHe qUeStiOns aBoUt hIm sPeciFiCaLly, iT apPeArS tHat hE hAd pLeNty oF c0mpLaiNts bUt eXteRnAl pReSsuReS l0ck3d iT iN hiM. HiS rEstRaiNt iS str0nGer tHaN miNe wItH hAndliNg th0se f0oLs aNd aNomaliEs. EspEciAlLy wiTh hAlF th3 sHit tHeY gAvE h1m. It iS n0t hiS auRa preVenTiNg hIm, tHaT iS cErtAiN. He cAn expr3sS aNytHiNg hE wiSheS, evEn nEgaTiVe em0ti0ns....HmM, wHaT eLsE..."He explains as it records his words.
Error pauses for a moment, then snaps his fingers.
"UpDatE oN hiS mEntAliTy. It wAsn't tHe bEsT uNdeR aLl tHat prEsSuRe aNd sHiTty dEfiNiti0n oF dUtY wiThoUt tHe rEspEcT tHaT c0meS wiTh iT. I sTarTed wiTh tHe quEsti0n oF h0w hE caN rEspEct m3 wHen h3 d0eSn't s3eM t0 r3spEcT hiMsElf, bUt tHat hAs bEen iMproViNg. He gIvEs aLl tHeSe rEas0nS aNd iS s0 cAsuAl ab0ut hiS rEspEct or kiNdneSs toWaRdS mE aS iF iT's tHe m0st siMpl3 tHiNg iN tHe mUltiVerSe. He 0nCe anSweReD bY sAyiNg tHaT h3 juSt d0es. PeRhApS iT wAs a sMaLl aCt oF deFiAnCe At fiRsT t0 aLl tHe eXpEctAtiOns PuT oN h1m. Wh0 w0uLd eXpEcT hiM t0 rEspeCt m3 aFtEr aLl? EvEn iF tHe l0giC sEemeD br0keN f0r rEspEctiNg s0meThIng tHaT huRtS AUs, h3 juSt d0eS. He sHoWs a gr3at3r uNdErStAnDiNg oF h0w tHiNgS w0rK aNd vAluEs m3...sHoWs a beTtEr uNdErStaNdiNg oF mE...HiS lAcK oF c0mpLaInTs oR sEekInG m0re s3eM maiNlY t0 b3 duE t0 be1nG sTuCk iN sUrviVaL m0de aNd c0nCeRnEd aBoUt tHe nExt aTtAck uNdErStaNdAbLy. I'v3 iMpr0vEd hiS c0ndiTiOns aNd hiS aTtiTuDe t0wArD m3 hAsn't chAnGed. He's liKe h0rRor...ThAnKfuL f0r wHaT i gAvE aNd wiLliNg t0 w0rk wiTh wHaT hE hAs. HiS c0nditi0ns aRe iMpr0vIng aNd tHeRe iS a tRuSt buiLt bEtWeEn uS. He SavEd mE aNd g0t mY br0tHer bAcK aFtEr aLl...KeEpS tRyiNg t0 giVe bAcK t0 m3 aS i fiNd m0r3 ar3as t0 iMpr0v3 f0r h1m. He hAs sTaRtEd t0 breAk hiS hAbiTs aNd sNap oUt oF tHe miNdSeT hiS aU aNd tHe muLtiVeRsE driLlEd iNt0 hiS coDe. He hAs goTtEn aNgRy aNd sTaRtEd pUsHiNg bAcK, wHiCh iS rEmArkAbl3. He iS sTaRtiNg t0 gEt hiS 0wN liFe aNd eNjoYiNg iT. He iS liviNg f0r hiMsElF iNsTeAd oF oThErS aNd tHaT se3ms bEsT f0r hiM...HmMm..."He explains as he fiddles with his scarf.
I can't do anything but listen in amazement at how detailed he has been tracking things. Then he turns to me, stepping closer.
"As mUcH aS i'd liKe t0 fiNd a WaY iNt0 hiS hEaD aNd aNaLyZe aNy reAl aNswErS i fiNd, I tHiNk i'Ll pAsS. He hAs bEc0me m0rE tHaN jUsT tHe g0ldeN f0oL i heArD iN meEtInGs 0r sAw rUnNiNg w0uNdEd fr0m bAtTl3s oNlY c0ncErNeD f0r otHeRs. I d0n't miNd tHe rEsuLtS bec0miNg iNcoNclUsiVe oR rEmaInIng uNkn0wn. HiS coDe mAy n3vEr rEveAl aNytHiNg b3cAuSe iT iSn't pArt 0f hiS c0d3 bUt s0meThIng h3 ch0osEs t0 b3 oR d0. He'S a wAlKiNg c0ntraDicti0n t0 aLl tHe eXpEctAtiOnS or tAl3s oF hiM aNd iT's mUcH bEtTer liKe tHaT tHAn t0 gEt mY aNsWeRs aNd b3 disApPoIntEd bY wHaTeVeR tHe c0d3 wriTeS uP. He'S 0n3 oF th3 b3st AnoMali3s I'vE eNcoUntErEd aNd mY oNlY c0nc3rN iS h0w Fat3 miGhT rEaCt wHeN h3 iSn't pLayiNg tHeiR gAmE aNym0r3. I'Ll hAvE t0 iNveStiGaTe tHeSe nEw aNomaliEs hE eNcOuNtErEd liKe ObsCuRr0 oR tHe oWL dEm0n bUt tHiS wiLl bE mY lAsT eNtRy f0r tHe t0piC. AlTh0uGh i hAv3 t0 aGrEe wiTh oBsCurr0. Th0s3 aNomaliEs d0n't r3aliZe h0w g0oD tHeY hAd iT. t0o diStRaCtEd bY hiS auRa t0 n0tiCe h0w g0oD h3 iS. ThErE's m0rE tHaN hiS aUrA tHAt cAn h0oK y0u, aLtHoUgH i d0n't know wHy hiS aUrA d0eSn't aFfEcT mE. I d0n't wAnt t0 kNoW eiThEr. I liKe beInG iN c0ntr0l oF mYSeLf aNd n0t aCtiNg liKe a m0tH blIndLy atTrAcTed t0 a fLam3 liKe tHoSe An0maliEs. SwAp sAyS tHaT fRieNds d0n't iNveStigAtE eAcH oThEr 0r aNalyZe eAcH oThEr aNd As muCh aS n1gHtmArE w0uLd hAtE iT, tHaT's wHaT DrEaM bEcAmE. EvEn iF iT wAs pArTlY bY rEaLizInG tHaT wE b0tH c0UlD d0 wAaY bEtTer iN tHe aLlY dEpArtMeNt. EnD eNtRy."He says while staring right at me.
So this all started because he was confused by my respect and at times support for him? I didn't think it was that big but that clearly to Error it was. I thought it'd be for serious information or obscure details of my AU to learn, just something else that would seem more important.
I'll admit, for some reason I wasn't that guarded around Error and part of me answered all those questions after speaking with Swap to see what would be the crack in Error's case. What answer would do it for Error and why? How long would he dig and for what? But...he never stopped coming and part of me was happy about that. Yet I also catch onto his compliments and how proud he sounds of me as I improve...saying that I deserve my own life and that I'm one of the best anomalies he has met? And he's ending his investigation because he's more satisfied with me than any answers? Him? The one who wants answers to everything? It's unbelievable...It seems the respect is mutual. And his closing makes it sound like he isn't going anywhere now that he's done searching. Our bond isn't conditional anymore, nor does it end with or without what Error looked for. And that makes me so happy.
"ThAt sa1d, 0pEn uP PlAnS f0r MiSsIoN gr0uP A."
A group of code screens rise up labeled for the group, each with a familiar name. Swap, Blip, Horror, Dust, and I each had their own files shown on the screen. There was one labeled for Nightmare with a big red X on it. Another was labeled for 404.
"HmMmM...I sHoUld r3w0rk tHe c0d3 iN H0rR0r aNd DuSt's nEw h0m3 aNd mAkE suRe tHaT tHeY hAvE eNoUgh r3s0urCeS. Make sUrE kiLlEr hAs eNouGh mAtEriAlS aNd ThEn.I HaVe To cOmpLeTE tHeSe tAsKS t0 maiNtAiN cl0s3 fr1eNdShiPs...KeEp THEm sAfE aNd hApPy..WaiT...I tHiNk i sHoUlD uPdAtE y0u aNd m0v3 y0u 0vEr t0 a diFfErENt c0rNeR. y0u've swUnG t0o cl0s3 t0 tHe aSsh0leS' aReA."He says, pointing to an area with torn puppets of Ink and Nightmare.
He grabs me, dragging me to the other side of the room. That made me realize that I'm connected to the puppet that's in my place. Then he takes some string out with a grin.
"If i c0uLd fIguRe 0uT h0w t0 stuFf v0ic3 b0x3s iNt0 tHesE pUpPeTs, iT w0uLd b3 muCh m0r3 aCcuRaTe. I w0ndEr iF i cAn tAkE pi3c3s fr0m mY mem0riEs t0 pUt iNt0 tHe v0iCe b0xeS. I kN0w wHaT i'D pUt iN yOuRs."He ponders with a chuckle
A voice a puppet? Wait...If I'm here, will that affect me or will I meddle with his dream? I should try to start waking up to avoid that...
He snaps his fingers with a grin and a voice box that would usually be put into a stuffed animal appears in his hand. He snaps his fingers again and mini-screens of code appear. Each one has short moments displaying me doing different things or talking. Some are calling his name and I gaze at them curiously. Is this how he sorts his memories? He has three rise up and grow bigger than the rest. One shows me cursing Ink out on the phone, another shows me wounded and telling the group of strangers to screw themselves, both seeming to focus on my anger specifically. The screens seemed to be tinted a brighter yellow. Then the third shines the brightest out of the three and shows me laughing on a loop.
"NoW wh0 neEds aN aUrA wiTh cApTivAtIng m0meNtS liKe tHeSe? ThaT v0icE aNd lAuGh?"He asks rhetorically
He...likes my voice and laugh...?
The three memories drop into the voice box and he glances at me.
"LeT's beG1n, sHaLl wE?"
I quickly force myself to wake up and avoid that procedure. I sit up, glancing around to recognize my room. I take a few moments to process it, wondering if it was true. I shake my head. There'd be no reason for him to lie snd there's no way he knew I was in the dream. There's no way he'd openly say and do that if he did. He'd definitely be uncomfortable and question how I got there, not go on those speeches and use his puppets. I have seen him talk to puppets when happy or bored. But...he really focuses on the moments when I lost my composure? Calling them captivating moments? I do find the words sweet. I didn't know Error liked my laugh and it could be a sign he has a better connection with me. Most would like me for when I'm positively happy as expected, so Error liking those memories shows that he likes me for different sides of me and more than the role I'm supposed to play. I'm not very surprised that Error has such control over his dreams.
I smile, seeing the sun start to rise again.
I have to find a way to get into MY dreams instead of others, as nice as that was.
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