Chapter 18: Demanded Redemption
Weeks later, Dream's POV
"Dream, why have we been pouring water on this twig?"Obscuro asks
"This isn't just a twig, Obscuro. This is a tree sapling. I want to grow one near the house."
"Does it remind you of home?"He asks
I smile slightly, nodding. Remembering Mom...Nim...the tree sliced down and it all...
"Yes...It wasn't perfect but it had some good in it too. I want to help put the bad parts to rest and that's possible by focusing on the good or making good associations. I'm making something new....and I want to make it with you, Obscuro."I say
He gasps, his eyes sparkling with hope. I smile wider.
"My twin and I had a tree to sit under for years. This one could become ours to sit under and have fond memories under one day. Would you like to get a brother?"I ask
"How'd you know?"
"Well the clues were there in your feelings around me but Error also told me what you told him. I...never thought anyone would desire being my brother you are. I don't mind having you and it'd feel nice honestly...So what do you say?"I tell him
He beams with joy, hugging me to the ground. I burst out laughing as he rapidly cheers yes a dozen times, seemed overjoyed. He helps me back up and I dig into a pocket, putting a little ribbon on the sapling striped green and yellow to match the color of our clothes.
"I think I got my answer. Guess I should get a room ready for you?"I say teasingly
"I'll go get stuff from my hammock!"He says disappearing with a clap of his hands.
His squeal of joy and joyful giggles still ring out before fading softly. I smile wider, knowing how much this means to him. And I wasn't lying either. This would be wonderful...Nothing can replace what has been lost to the past...But that doesn't mean I can't find something new. Have something close to that again....A family...A brother...Happiness...Security...I sigh, shaking my head. My mind always has to get too sentimental and ruin these good moments lately.
"Finally, I found you. Quit avoiding my calls and face me!"A cold voice says from behind me
I feel my body stiffen up and I hesitantly turn around, seeing Nightmare marching over. I frown, knowing what he meant. Or what he could mean....I've been avoiding facing him in battles and working elsewhere to spread positivity. It seems to make more of a difference in the multiverse and now I'm actually getting appreciated for it. I haven't been mistreated ever since I came back from my break but part of me knows it won't last. I also started getting calls from an unknown number and I haven't answered, only hearing Nightmare's voice growling at me in the voicemail, as demanding as ever. I don't know how he got my number but I never answered, scared that he could track me if I did. I blocked his number within a week but somehow he kept calling or trying to reach me. He has even chased me down in other AUs but I disappear into the crowds using Error's gift to me.
I don't know what he wants with me but the last I recall, he threatened to kill me if I meddled with his gang again, especially Error. Now he's without his gang and Error, by himself and Obscuro was handling the entire multiverse during my break with a specific anger towards Nightmare that Error picked up on...Oh wait....Shit....
He must be furious now! He certainly wants me dead now!
I raise my hands defensively when his tentacles reach for me, stepping back nervously. His eye shrinks for a moment as his tentacles go stiff, as if he didn't want that or was hurt by that reaction. The reaction that usually gives him such joy...seeing me scared....By now my body knows to react on instinct to his tentacles...I can't help it...Then his gaze hardens into a glare. I glance around, seeing that I'm alone and frown.
I can't let him stay here! I'm not dying here! He can't know how special this place is to me or he will ruin it!
I turn my back to him and start running away quickly, locking in on another AU's positivity to teleport to. I didn't stop running, knowing it's only a matter of time until he arrives again. Just like with the Owl Demon he made...Never stopping until it hurts me...
I quickly slow to a stop when he appears a few feet in front of me, backpedaling quickly.
"Stop running from me! I'm sick of it! I just want to talk!"He snaps
"And I should believe that why?"I ask
"Why wouldn't you?"He asks
"Have you not been paying attention to our long history? Or remember what you said to me the last time you approached me alone like this?"
"Forget all that. I want to talk with you."
"Whatever Error did or the gang did, I had nothing to do with. They acted on their own and made their choices."I say quickly
"I'm not here about them. I'm here about you."He says, his voice as cold as ever.
"And what for?"I ask
"Why aren't you wearing your cape for one thing."He says, pointing to me.
I frown, knowing that it currently hangs in my closet where it'll be safe and also allow me to move on. I shrug, keeping an eye on a tentacle lingering closer to me.
"Got tired of stitching it back together after every battle."
"Battles that you've been missing?"
"Why should I enter a battle with you when all it will do is result in the same thing. It's not like I made a difference there and Ink usually instigated it with you anyway. Your issues with him are not mine to handle when I could be making a difference elsewhere. We can both play our parts in the multiverse without having to waste time seeing each other."I say
"But what if I want to see you?"He asks, stepping closer.
What? What is he planning now? This has to be a trick or some sort of manipulation...He is trying to sound sincere for once....
I step back and he noticeably pauses seeing that, his fingers twitching.
"And why would you want that?"I ask
"Why wouldn't I?"
"Nightmare, you made it very clear to me that you want nothing to do with me if it isn't beating me into the ground. Your sarcasm or act of playing stupid won't fool me."I say, crossing my arms.
"So you really stopped calling me Brother."
"I stopped for a while now but thanks for noticing. Took me long enough to listen to you about how I'm not your brother and would just be a burden or curse to have as your brother....What did you want to talk about exactly?"I ask again, squeezing myself tighter as the words left my mouth.
"Have you forgotten about me, Dream?"He asks
I glance at him and frown, for a moment seeing the brother I loved so dearly. But then in a blink I see the one who has for years done nothing but push me and break me down with nothing but pure hatred...My brother hasn't been with me for 500 years. But those words, that soft voice for once....sounded so much like him...
Is that the game he is playing now? To hurt me? Remind me of the brother he claims not to be and hurt me more? Remind me of HIM and the loss? I'm not going to die or cry for his satisfaction if that is the game he is playing...
I frown, shaking my head.
"Are you that lonely in that castle now that if you're not fighting someone, you think you're forgotten? If your life and memory is defined only by fighting or hurting others, then I suggest doing some self-reflection. I've done plenty myself lately. And you think that you've left my mind because I take my time just working on myself? How entitled are you to have my time? Someone you called a pathetic lump of nothing? Just because I don't see you...don't want to face you or fight you anymore...It doesn't mean you have left my mind. Lately it feels like the worst is over...a weight off my shoulders and now my soul is sober from you to be honest...Is this some kind of game to hurt me, Nightmare? A new method to hurt me? Is that why you're really here? Well I'm sorry to disappoint. I'm not gonna cry. I won't give you want you want cuz I feel way too good today to let you ruin it."I tell him, putting on a smile.
I know the game he is playing won't work. I've improved myself to get stronger. To move forward so his words can't hurt me anymore. Now I know who exactly are the people to rely on and care about me. Two words from them can correct any lie he tells me or insult he throws at me. And that knowledge makes me feel a lot better facing him now.
"Game? I'm not playing a game. No methods or anything. I just want to know that I'm not being replaced by that thing."
"Thing?"I repeat, noticing the bitterness in his voice.
"That Obscuro thing. It has gotten too attached to you and seems dangerous."
"If you're trying to sound concerned and act like you're protective of me, you can stop hurting yourself. He is just fine. He's great actually. Don't be so worried, Nightmare. There's nobody that breaks me down like you. He's a sweet brother and great company."I say
His eye shrinks in shock.
"Yeah, it's new to me too. I've never had a little brother before but in some ways he reminds me of...Nevermind. Why would you care anyways?"
He steps closer, grabbing my wrist.
"Because I want you, Dream! Listen to me! I want you and certainly have more claim to that than some random pest of another AU!"He snaps
I see in his eye that he's serious with this demand.
Has he lost his mind?
I stare at him in shock at his bizarre claim. The fact that he was serious hurt me more. It actually does more than hurt me, it infuriates me. I've spent years holding a hope and a plea out to him, getting rejected each time...only for him to demand it when I stop looking for it? When I get better and find more loved ones than the brother I lost? That's when he wants me?
I tear my wrist free from him, feeling it gently.
"Tell me, Nightmare...Does breaking me make you feel good? Because you have some nerve to ask that. Remember the words you told me? Hate me til the day I die? All you've done is pushing, and pushing me away. Now, I'm pulling away from you. I give and I give and I give and you take and you take. Say you want me out of your life and I'm just a dead man walking. Now you say you want me back in your life. What kind of claim could you have to be near me when all you've done is state that or hurt me? Hmm?"I snap at him, stepping out of his reach.
He seems to flinch when I glare at him and my words sink in.
"Please, Dream. Just hear me out-"
"And why should I do that when you never heard me out? After all you've done to me? Five hundred years trapped in stone all alone and spent the following years getting beaten or chased until I'm nothing! Broken down and unable to sleep peacefully because of you! Oh but now I should hear you out? So you want me now? That's funny, cuz you didn't give a fuck back then. Here you are coming back around now and I'm all good now....Finally good now. Finally getting better. After everything....If you wanted me, you should've said it. You had plenty of chances. I gave you plenty and you responded with a tentacle to the face when I gave them. Isn't it somethin' that I get more when I'm giving you nothing? Isn't it magic that when you stop looking for it, it happens? When I stop and move on from getting a tentacle choking me for hoping that it's then when you decide to give a damn about me and want me? And now I'm supposed to just open my arms and hear you out without a doubt or hint of hesitation? When I have someone else who has been caring for me and healed me from the pain you caused me. Someone who listens and protects me. Multiple people actually that I could trust and know I can turn to. What makes you so confident that you can claim to be equal to them after what you've done?"I snap at him, feeling my fists clench.
Dear stars it hurts so badly but now I don't have to keep it bottled up. He wants me hurt and in pain? To absorb some negativity? Fine! But I'm telling him how I feel and don't care if it's an unpleasant experience for him after all that he caused me! I'd rather shout and express my anger than get another beating for him to absorb my pain from! Then I feel tears run down my face and pause, wiping them.
"Dang it...You actually got some tears from me...Are you happy now? You better be. Stop calling me. I won't be answering you. Now that it's over, you should know that I won't call back."I say, taking off towards a nearby town.
"Hey! Wait! Get back here!"He shouts
I quickly put my necklace on again, getting it out of my pocket. I quickly turn a corner, clinging against the wall as the disguise takes over and I see the sleeves take shape over my arms. I wipe my tears to focus and hear his steps getting closer, quickly alarming the people of the AU. I start running among the crowd of terrified people as he searches for me, finding nothing of course. He doesn't even touch anyone, his gaze scanning the crowd for me. Our eyes met at one point but he hardly noticed. I follow a group into a cafe where they boarded up the windows except for some spaces to peek out after barricading the doors. They watch through the gaps anxiously as he passes by and I hear him groan with frustration.
"Dang it...that didn't work either...How can I get through to him? I screwed that up...Right when I got him close enough to see him...Uuuggghh...."
So he was planning something....Just another trick and manipulation....
That only seems to hurt me more. I teleport home, take off the necklace and clean myself up. Then I hear a knock at the door, seeing Obscuro smiling at me with a small collection of items in his arms.
"Hello, Brother!"He says
I smile at him, feeling joy fill my soul hearing those words.
"Welcome to your new home. Let's get you set up."I say, letting him inside.
The next day, Error's POV
Hmmm...If I go to that AU, then I'll be able to get a third of the list done. Then I can go there to get the other half and I can check in on Horror along the way...And then...
"I don't get it! What am I doing wrong? What will make him listen? This is so frustrating! Ugggh!"I hear a familiar voice complain.
I glance down from my hammock and frown, seeing that Nightmare dared to intrude on my antivoid. I put away my list and crossed my arms.
"Oh I'M sorRy! I mUsT hAvE r3booTeD aND foRgOtTeN wHeN wE bEcAmE fRiENdS aGaIn anD I perMiTt3d yOu tO eNtEr mY hOmE!"I growl at him
He glances at me and tenses up.
"Sorry, Error. I just need someone to talk to."
"StiLl d0n't rEcAlL wHeN wE g0t 0n g0od t3rmS."
"How did you get Dream to talk to you?"
"Oh sO hE iS wHaT tHiS iS aBOUt?"I say, shaking my head.
"Yes! He won't listen to me!"
"GeE i w0nd3r wHy? ThE bRoThEr tHaT nEVeR liStEnEd iS nOw bEiNg iGnoReD. HaVe y0u f0rg0tTeN tHAt f0r tHe lAsT 50-s0meThInG yEaRS aT a MiNiMuM tHaT yOu HaVe bEeN nOtHinG bUt hArMfUl t0 hIm? On t0p oF tHe 500 yEaRs hE wAs iN sToNe, y0ur OnLy m0d3 t0 fUnCtiOn nEaR hIm wAs viOlEnCe aNd t0 hUrt hIm. NeGlEcT hIs nUmEroUs aTtEmPtS aT c0nNeCtIng oR tAlKiNg t0 yoU t0 beAt hIm uP oN sIgHt aNd vErBaLlY bReAk hIm inTo nOtHinG. YoU nEvEr gAve hIm aNy cOnsIdErAtIoN aSiDe fr0m a bUrDen t0 tOsS awAy. YOu aCtEd liKe iT wAs a criMe f0r m3 t0 geT nEaR hIm bUt n0w iT's jUsT fiNe f0r yOu. ShOuLdn't tHat tElL yOu hOw liTtLe yOu tHoUghT oF hIm? BuT yEaH, I wOnDer wHy hE wOn'T hEaR yOu oUt nOw aNd I cAn sPeaK wiTh hIm. MayBe iT's bEcaUsE I'm sOpHisTicAtEd eNoUgh t0 n0t aTtaCk hIm oN tHe sPoT anD tRy t0 uNdErStAnD beFoRe I deCidE t0 deStRoY."I tell him
"He won't even stay near me! He will run from me and there are times that I can't even sense him!"
"NiGhTmArE, I tHiNk yOu'Re mIsSiNg tHe pOiNt. WhAt yOu aRe deAlIng wiTh iS sOmeThInG cAlLed tHe cOnseQuEnCes t0 y0uR aCtIoNs tHaT haVe bUiLt uP oVer tHe yEaRs. ThE oNlY reAsoN He diDn'T mAkE tHiS cHanGe iS bEcAuSe hE fELT hE wAs eXpEcTeD tO cOntInUe aNd wAs t0o traPpEd uNdEr tHe pReSsUre aNd pOoR cOndItIoNs t0 l0oK f0r s0meThIng bEtTeR. YoU gIvE hIm nO reAsOn t0 tRuSt yOu oR bELiEvE tHat y0u'rE nOt tRyInG tO uSe hIm. He hAs bEeN mAnIpUlaTed bY eNtiTlEd pEoPle bEfOre s0 y0uR dEmAnDs d0n't fAlL oN dEaF eArS s0 to sPeAk bUt tHeY fAlL oN eArS tHat hAve hEaRd tHe nOtEs oF a bRoKen rEcOrD. ThErE iS nOtHiNg tHat mAkEs yOu aNy diFfErEnT fr0m tHe pEsTs he deAls wiTh oN a dAiLy BasIs. YoU caN'T pOsSiBlY eXpEcT tHaT hE'd liStEn tO yOu wHen You deCidE tO tAkE bAck tHe tiTlE of BroTheR tHat yOu pUt 600 fEeT uNdErgROuND."I say, shaking my head.
"But you've done just as much damage to him as I have! We both have battled him with the gang!"
"Ah yEs, tHe oThEr peOpLe yOu buRnEd bRidGes wiTh aNd t0sSed aWay wHeN iT wAs cOnvEniENt f0r y0u. NiGhTmaRe, i gEt tHaT yOu hAd a CHaNge oF sOuL aFtEr ObScUrO mAdE yOu fAcE thE faCtS bUt y0u rEaLlY aRe iN nO pOsiItIoN t0 coMplAiN. WhAt diD yOu eXpeCt whEn yOu hUrT eVeRyOne tHaT wAs wiLlInG tO hElP yOu? UsInG mE, tHe gAnG, DreAm, aLl Of Us aS tOoLs tHat yOu'Ll pRaiSe oNe mInuTe anD tHrEaTen t0 kiLl tHe nExT? YoU lEfT yOuRsElF wiTh nOtHinG aNd nObOdy bEcAusE yOu wErE tOo bUsY bEinG bIttEr wRiTiNg paPeRwOrK anD dEgrAdInG aNy BoNd yOu hAd. YoU caN'T sImpLy wAlK iN aNd dEmAnD iT baCk. AnD tHaT's tHe sAme cAsE wItH mE. I hAveN'T dEmAnDeD anYtHiNg fr0m hIm aNd tHe fOunDatIoN oF cOmmUnIcaTiOn tHaT I maDe wiTh hIm oUtsIdE oF baTtlEs hElPed mE woRk t0 soMeThIng bEtTeR. BuT i'Ve aCtUaLlY pUt In tHe wOrk t0 mAke a sTaBlE sTrucTuRe bUiLt fRom ThaT fOuNdaTiOn. I hAve woRkEd t0 eArN tHe tiMe aNd rEcoGniTiOn frOm hIm aNd uNd0 tHe hArM i cAuSeD hIm oVeR tiMe. BuT iT haS uLtImaTelY bEeN uP tO hIm. If h3 d0eSn'T wAnT t0 giVe mOrE chAnCeS, ThAt's hIs rIghT t0 d0 wiTh eItHer oF uS."
He stares at me in shock after my explanation. I shake my head, opening a portal.
"If yOu'Re gOiNg t0 kEeP cOmplaIniNg, whInE aNd wAlK. I hAve oThEr tHiNgs t0 d0 aNd a LonG liSt oF eRrAndS."I say
He follows behind me and frowns as I walk through the shops, pausing at a section in the supermarket, seeming shaken up.
"Dream came here once...and I spoke to him right here..."
"ThrEaTeNed hIm, yOu mEaN?"
He silently nods.
"SeE? YoU sEt yOuRsElf uP f0r faIluRe. iF yOu haD s0me0ne tHrEaTen y0u, w0uLd yOu laTer gIvE tHem tHe cHaNcE tO gEt cLosE aGaIn aNd pOssIbLy kiLl yOu? EspEciAlLy wiTh a hiStoRY pROvIng They cAN or wiLL? WoUlD yOu beLiEvE tHeM wHeN tHey sAy tHey doN't mEaN aNy haRm?"I ask, checking my list.
"He d0eSn'T kNoW aBoUt whAt oBsCUrO diD aSiDe fr0m tEaChIng tHe muLtIveRsE a lEsSon oN hiS beHalF. He d0esN'T kNoW yOu haD a ChaNgE of sOul aNd hOnEstLy, eVeN if He diD, iT doEsn'T mEaN hE haS t0 hEaR yOu oUt oR lEt yOu iN."
"TrUst hAs t0 bE eArNed. y0u cAn sAy aLl tHaT yOu wAnT bUt iT woN't mEaN anYtHinG wiThOuT aCtiOns tO baCk iT uP. PrOve tHat yoU'Re bEtTER oR sOmeThIng g0oD f0r hiM. I jUst haD tO kiLl s0me aNomAlY wH0 cLaImEd tHaT siNcE he d0eSn'T abUsE dReAm aNyMoRe, hE dEsErVes tO haVe DrEam f0r hImsElF. YoU'rE nOt mUch diFfErEnT. Oh I am diFfErEnt Now sO i sHoUlD b3 abLe t0 haVe hIm! ThAt eNtItLemNt iS a t0xiC wEeD tHat w0n'T dO anyOnE aNy gOoD uNtiL iT iS rEmOvEd."
"He....has changed a lot, Error. He flinches when I get too close and raises his arms defensively around me...I hate that..."He says, sounding saddened.
I glance at him, seeing that he seems genuinely upset. Not angry, but upset as he admits it.
"YeAh tHaT'd bE a liTtlE sOmeThIng cAlLed tRaUma tHaT y0u gaVe hIm 24/7. AnOtHer cOnsEqUeNce To yoUr aCtIons tOwArD hIm. He haSn'T reActEd liKe tHat t0 mE s0 tHat shOuLd sHow The eXteNt oF paIn tHat yOu hAve cAuSeD hIm. I kNow hE haS cHanGeD aNd I hOneStLy aDmiRe iT. He iS wRiTiNg a bRaNd nEw cHapTeR aNd iT iS nOtHinG tO fRowN oVeR. WhAt gOeS aRoUnd, c0mEs aRoUnD. You lEfT hIm wiTh nOtHinG aNd sPeNt yEaRs maKinG suRe hE haD nOtHinG. I wAs pUzZlEd bY hOw diFfeReNt bOtH oF yOuR pOsiTiOnS wErE. He hAd nOtHing yEt diDn'T cOmplAin yEt yOu haD eVerYtHinG yEt cOmplAinEd cOnstaNtLy. NoW hE is gEtTiNg eVeRyThIng anD y0u l0sT eVeRyThiNg bY yOuR oWn hAndS anD woRdS. We'Ll sEe h0w yOu eNjOy It aNd wh0 wiLl bE laUgHinG n0w."I say with a roll of my eyes as I place items in my cart.
He follows me to the next aisle. For once he is quiet.
"You...admire him?"
"If i hAd tHe cHaNcE t0 wRiTe pEsTs 0uT oF mY daiLy r0uTiNe tHe wAy hE hAs, i'd bE mUcH bEtTeR oFf. He iS sEtTiNg b0undar1es wItH tHe bAlAnCe tHaT n0t eVeN i cAn sEt. it'D b3 liKe mE deStRoyiNg anD liViNg liFe wiThoUt iNk b3iNg a paIn iN mY aSs."
He nods slowly, then he glances at the shelves and frowns.
" the gang? I hope they're not causing too many damages for you."He asks
Ah, so now he is trying to care about us. Or to sound the part at least.
"ThEy'Re dOiNg jUsT fInE. ThEy cAn fiNaLly brEaThE eAsiLy aNd rEsT pr0peRlY. kiLleR kEepS tHe dAmAgEs t0 a miNimUm. ThEy eVeN crEaTe eVeNts oR miSsi0nS t0GeThEr t0 hElP m3 wiTh dEsTr0yiNg aUs wHiCh aRe sUcCeSsfuL suRpriSeS."I say
"YeAh, aPpArEnTly wHeN y0u eNgAgE wItH tHeM aT tHeiR hIgHs aNd l0wS wiTh0ut c0nsTaNt criTiCiSm aNd d3grAdIng iNsUlTs, y0u cAn bE suRpriSed bY thE mAsSiVe improvEmEnT. I'vE nEvEr se3n tHeM w0rK s0 weLl aNd tHeY've onLy g0tTeN sTroNgEr. CaN'T y0u sEe tHaT wE'Re aLl sTroNgEr iN tHiS nEw cHaPtEr? AnD yEt, iT wAs cUtTiNg aWaY fr0m y0ur seLfiSh aSs tHaT aLloWeD uS t0 d0 s0."
He's quiet, having no excuse to give. I sigh, shaking my head.
"I...kNoW iT iSn'T aS siMpLe As tHaT tHoUgH. i kn0w iT cAn'T bE. I miSs oUr OlD aLliAnCe. ThE nIgHtMaRe I kNeW i cOuLD rEly On aNd cOnsIdErEd a fRieNd. WhEn cOmInG tO vEnT liKe tHiS wAs n0rMaL aNd nOt aN iNtRusIoN oN mY sPaCe. BuT THaT nIgHtMaRe hAsN'T bEeN wItH mE f0r a wHiLe nOW. I wiSh thAt y0u c0ulD tUrN baCk tHe tiMe aNd hoLd AnY OF uS cloSeR inSteAd oF y0uR hAtr3d aNd pRiDe. BaCk t0 wHeN wE wErE sTiLl a GaNg f0r y0u t0 hAvE tHiS cHaNgE oF sOUL. BuT It to0k y0u ThIrTY y3aRs t0 mAk3 uP y0uR dAmN miNd. FoR SoMe, tHaT's 30 yEaRs tOo mAny."I tell him
He's quiet, his tentacles hanging low.
"BuT g0 oN, tELl m3. WhAt w3nT wr0Ng t0dAy?"
"....He yelled at me. He was angry...."
Ignoring how stupidly close that sounds to the complaint of an oversensitive child, that is certainly different enough to upset Nightmare.
"WeLl c0nGrAtS! Y0u'r3 tHe tHiRd peRs0n oR gRoUp t0 eVeR iNciTe hIs wRaTh! I bEt tHaT wAs a rArE dEliCaCy 0f nEgAtiViTy f0r y0u t0 eNjOy."
"I didn't like it..."
"Oh? YoU dIdN'T? WhAt d0 y0u liKe ThEsE dAyS oR wiTh hIm aT aLl? YoU dOn'T liKe hIm rEaChInG oUt wItH hOpE oR lOvE bUt yOu d0n'T liKe hIm d0iNg wHaT yOu wANTeD aNd leAvInG yOu aLoNe. MaKe uP yOuR mInD. He iS sTrOnGer nOw aNd yOu miSsEd yOuR cHaNcEs. DiD You tELl hIm tHaT yOu dEsErVed a cLaIm aS hIs bRoThEr oR to bE iN hIs liFe? ThaT wOuLd bE veRy iNsUlTiNg aNd hUrtFul t0 sAy aFtEr eVeRyThInG. AgAiN, yOu'Re nOt eNtiTlEd t0 hiM aNd cAn'T deMaNd tHat hE heArS yOu oUt aFtEr y0u'Ve dOn3 nOtHinG t0 eArN iT."
"I tried to talk more with him to earn it but he ran off and disappeared in a crowd. I couldn't even sense his aura. How am I supposed to earn it?"He asks
I chuckle, knowing why he can't sense Dream. I'm so glad it works.
"OoOh yOu pOoR OctOpUs. i d0n'T hAvE a CleAr aNsWeR On hOw fOr yOu bUt mAyBe aCtInG iN a wAy ThaT maTchEs YoUr wOrDs woUlD bE a StaRt. ShOw cOnsIdEraTiOn aNd Act liKe tHE bROThEr yOu cLaIm t0 deSeRvE bEiNg aRoUnD hIm. MaYbE yOu sHoUlD w0rK t0 mAKE uP f0r ThE haRm tHaT y0u enJoYeD cAuSiNg uNtiL rEcEnTlY. FiX tHe oThEr rElaTiOnsHiPs yOu rUiNeD mAy bE a gOoD idEa. He kNoWs tHat y0u'Ve hUrT tHoSe aROUnd yOu sO iF hE sEnSeS tHat tHeY'Re hAppIeR aRoUnD yOu, mAyBe tHat wiLl sHoW tHaT yOu'Re nOt tAlKiNg a LoaD Of bUlLsHiT. MaYbE hAvInG tHe cHanCe t0 wAlK a mOnTh oR moRe iN hIs sHoEs, aLoNe iN tHe mUlTivErSe sEeKiNg yOuR bROThEr, wiLl gIvE yOu thE iDeAs yOu nEeD. BuT uNtiL tHeN, I hAvE nO pRoBlEm wItH hIm usInG tHe gIfT i gAve hIm t0 avOiD yOu."I explain to him
"You gave him a gift?"He asks, looking shocked.
"YeP, aN eXpEriMenTaL giFt iN tHe f0rM oF a nEcKlaCe. It dIsgUiSeS hIm aNd hIs aUrA s0 h3 caN eNjOy liFe iN pEaCe. NoT eVeRyOnE eNjOyS ThE nEGaTivE tReAtMenT oR rEaCtIoNs tO tHeIr aRrIvAl In aUs liKe yOu dO. He wAs siCk oF gEtTiNg hArAsS3d aNd i'M sIcK oF tHe iNsuLts oR beInG cAlLeD a gLiTcH. s0 i tRiEd t0 heLp hIm aNd iT hAs sEeMeD t0 w0Rk."I say, going to the produce section.
"What are you shopping for?"
"SwAp wAnTs t0 GeT dReAm's liTtLe bRoTheR On a hEaLthIeR mEaL rOuTinE. No sKiPpIng mEaLs liKe dReAm hAs. I aM jUsT gEtTiNg tHe iNgReDieNtS f0r hiM."
"You consider that his brother too....?"
"ObsCuRo? i d0n'T haVe mUcH oF a cHoiCe. ThE cHoiCe iS hIs. I cAn r3c0gNizE a g0oD bRoThEr aNywHeRe aNd oBscUrO hAs tHe l0oK aNd sOuL oF a bRoTHer. ThE wAy hE tAlKs aBoUt DrEaM, aCtS aRoUnd hIm, l0oKs aT hIm sHoWs tHaT hE iS a g0oD bRoThEr. ThE ch0icE f0r dReAm oN tHe suRfAcE d0eSn't seEm tHaT hArD. Ch0oSe bEtwEeN a cRuEl, aBuSivE wAlKiNg oCtOpUs tHat mEeTs tHe cOnsIdEraTiOn oF bRoThErhOoD wiTh dIsgUstEd hAtE Or tHe bOy Wh0 hAs v0iCeD nOtHiNg bUt loVe aNd DesIre f0r The prIviLeGe oF brOtHeRhOoD aNd wAgEd a WaR aGaiNst tHe mUlTiVeRsE To pRoTeCt hIm fr0M aNy wHo hArMeD hIm? Wh0 sHoUlD He cOnsIdEr a BrOtHeR? YOu wAnTeD hIm nOt To bE yOuR bROTHeR. ConGrAtS, hE dOeSn'T tHiNk oF y0u aS a br0tHer. YoU diD iT! YoU'r3 n0 loNg3r br0tHeRs. BuT YoU nEvEr sAiD anyThInG aBoUt h1m HaViNg mOr3 bRoThErS."
He frowns, glancing down as I pick through packages of blueberries or apples.
"YoU wAnT t0 gEt cLoSe t0 hIm oR hAvE hIm bAcK? cOnViNcE tHoSe cLoSe tO hIm tHaT yOu dEsErVe a MinUtE nEaR tHeM. ThAt tHeY cAn TrUsT yOu. WoN't bE eAsY aNd iT wOn'T sToP. I aM stiLl w0rKiNg On iT mYsElF. BuT y0u hAvE t0 EaRn It, nOt dEmAnD iT. It'S uP t0 thEm t0 c0nSiDeR yOu sAfE aT anY p0iNt oR a tHreAt. i wIsH yOu g0od lUcK wiTh oBsCuRo aNd cOnvIncInG hIm n0t t0 cOnsiDeR yOu a StaIn oN tHe nAmE oF bRoThErS."I say, putting food in the cart.
He nods slowly.
"NoW i wiLl g0 cHeCk oUt wHiLe yOu sPeAk wItH hOrRoR."I say, pushing my cart away.
"WHERE?"He shouts, turning around
I quickly slip away through the aisles and put the necklace Dream gave me on, disappearing among the other customers.
"NOT YOU TOO!"He shouts, realizing that I got away.
I shake my head with a grin as I buy the food.
This is going to be interesting and seeing him try to redeem himself...
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