Chapter 15: Ungrateful and Undeserving
Error's POV
"Okay, so this is how the game is going to work. I'll ask you questions that only the ones who know about Dream as a person would know. All you have to do is press your button and give the right answers to earn points. Whoever earns the most points wins the game and gets the classified information about Dream. Simple as that. Ready?"Obscuro says
Swap glances at me nervously and I nod. He puts on a determined look and grins, nodding as well.
"Let's start with the easier category. Dream's favorites. These questions will be about his favorite things or interests. Let's see if you know these personal details."
The words Dream's favorites pop up on the screen.
"What's his favorite book?"
Yep, that's the easier category.
I grin, seeing that this already stumps Nightmare, puzzling him without an answer. I hit the buzzer and the podium lights up, turning Obscuro's attention to me.
"The AmEtHySt cAsTlE. It iS tHe fIrSt fAnTaSy bOoK hE g0t t0 rEaD hImSeLf."I say
"Correct!"He says
A picture of the book appears on screen and I recognize that it's shown in two places: Dream's bookshelf and in his hands. There's a ding as our podium turns green and then we see on our screen: Points: 1.
"What's his favorite flower?"
Nightmare hits the buzzer quickly.
"Sunflower obviously."He says
"Wrong!"Obscuro says
Swap buzzes in.
"Daffodils! He remembers them from when he was stuck in stone."Swap says
There's a ding and another point appears.
"What's his favorite food?"
"Ap-OW!"Nightmare begins to call out before Horror roughly elbows him to shut up.
Swap buzzes in.
"Umm, I don't think he has one but he might explore recipe books."
"Correct!"Obscuro says, giving us another point.
"What's his least favorite food?"
I chuckle, seeing Horror nudge Nightmare to speak, giving him a clear hint that he stubbornly refuses to use. I buzz in instead, the answer being obvious.
"ApPlEs."I say
"How can he have a least favorite food? Dislike apples?"Nightmare asks
"Would you like the food that reminds you of what took away your brother and home, as well as any little security you had? And he is a person. Just because he's positive doesn't mean he can't dislike stuff. Did you forget that when you became more octopus than person?"Obscuro replies, narrowing his eyes at Nightmare.
Nightmare frowns, refusing to answer.
"Moving on! What's his favorite place?"
Nightmare buzzes in.
"Wherever he can be Mr. Popular who people surround."He says with a roll of his eye.
The look of shock on his face is priceless.
"Nightmare! Please work with me here!"Horror pleas.
"Wherever he can have some peace, though he did enjoy the beach and stars."Swap answers.
"OfTeN wHeReVeR hE cAn bE aLoNe aNd aWaY fr0m tHe cr0WdS ThAt tRy t0 suRrOuNd hIm."I add
We got two points since we both gave correct answers. I can see Nightmare's shock turn to anger again as he glares at me. Not my fault that he doesn't know his brother that he keeps trying to kill.
The points increase as we go along and with each answer given, there's a replay of Dream to prove it. Minor details start getting revealed, slowly getting more serious. Nightmare would have zero points if it weren't for Horror being strategic when he allows that idiot to answer.
"Now let's see what other obscure facts you know. Does he enjoy being a Star Sans?"Obscuro asks
I hit the buzzer.
"NoT rEaLLy. It tAkEs mOrE tHaN iT gIvEs t0 hIm aNd hArDlY bEnEfiTs hIm aSiDe fr0m bEiNg a j0b t0 c0nNeCt hIm wItH fRiEnDs."I say
"Yeah, he doesn't really enjoy it anymore. Dealing with Ink causing trouble isn't the most enjoyable thing to have in addition to handling conflicts."Swap says
We get two points for that.
"Does he like going across AUs?"
Swap buzzes in.
"Not really. It's more of a tiring job without any appreciation."Swap says
"Bonus points if you can explain why."Obscuro says
Swap nods with a frown.
"Well, he has to listen to dozens of strangers a day make their complaints or ask favors of him and it's becoming less frequent that he enters AUs where he is thanked or respected in. He helps people but they often feel entitled to him in more extremes in some than others. He can't trust how genuine they are either. Are they happy to see him or to have his aura is a constant question that he has in his head. There's no repayment or acknowledgment of him or his needs and he can rarely have a break where he walks through an AU without being bombarded by strangers' demands."Swap explains
Swap gets us two more points for that.
"What does he fear?"
Nightmare hits the buzzer.
"Nothing. He's naive to believe that he's unstoppable."He says
"OwLs."I say after hitting the button to buzz in.
"He also fears his aura making him a target of the wrong kind of people."Swap says
"What kind of people?"Obscuro asks, glancing at Nightmare.
The two glare at each other for a moment.
"Hmm, creeps or people that feel entitled to him. Everyone knows about him or the good his presence can provide but some get too attached to that idea. He once had a creep stalk him and make him feel uncomfortable. They demanded that he stay with them and make him happy. It's his job after all. This stranger was twice the size of him and kept pressuring him every time he politely rejected the requests. If I wasn't with him, that jerk would've physically hurt him for not complying with their twisted idea of what Dream owes them as a guardian of positivity. We found out afterward that Ink was spreading the news about Dream with a poor description that claims that he's supposed to help make others feel good regardless of the circumstances. That he will do anything to please them and their souls. Some can't help but make their own interpretations of that. Now he and I have a code word for when he's uncomfortable or dealing with that type of person again. He texts it to me and I start thinking anything positive for him to teleport away from them safely."He explains
"I see...I think I remember those moments."Obscuro says
"What...? No sickos are allowed to touch him! There's no way any bastard would dare!"Nightmare snaps
Is he...getting protective of Dream? Getting angry hearing this? Wow. It's either he's getting pissed off with this game or some brotherly instincts are finally making themselves known.
Obscuro replays the moments, replaying on numerous occasions how Dream was pressured, harassed, or pushed into things he was uncomfortable doing or didn't want to do for the joy and pleasure of the stranger who claimed he owed them. They never got what they wanted, but they certainly tried before Swap intervened or gave him an escape. Nightmare stares in shock, his jaw hanging open and his tentacles freezing up.
"What a grateful multiverse we have huh? Looking to harm or take advantage of the good you have? This is why we can't have nice things, people. Because nobody recognizes the need to appreciate it or respect him and instead try to ruin it."Obscuro declares to the cameras.
Nightmare's tentacles sharpen as he appears furious. And I mean angrier than I've ever seen him.
"Has he ever cried before?"Obscuro asks
Nightmare hits the button with a frown, although I did notice some hesitation.
"No, I would've seen it."Nightmare says
Obscuro simply glances at me and nods to let me answer.
"YeS, mUltiPlE tImEs."I say, crossing my arms.
"What?"Nightmare says in disbelief.
"Correct! With a multiverse enforcing values of toxic positivity on him, it wasn't long until he broke down. People rarely acknowledge that he's a person with his struggles instead of their hero to serve them. Think about it. Would you expect a guardian of positivity to express negative emotions? No, because that contradicts his role. But that in itself invalidates his feelings or experiences as a person. And let's see how far back this goes."Obscuro says
Obscuro replays memories as far back as DreamTale where villagers told him to "just stay positive" or to "keep smiling", and that he shouldn't frown or make certain comments. That's not what a positive guardian is meant to do. Then it shows him hiding away to release his emotions, crying about failing others. How he had nobody around him to comfort him and how he started getting frustrated with himself, smacking his skull as he tells himself not to cry since that's not what he's meant to do and his brother would be ashamed of him if he saw him like this...his brother would be strong enough to do this so why can't he? Then it shows the pattern repeated across AUs where he is told to keep smiling since others have it worse, often by residents of AUs that hardly know him. Crying won't help people and he's lucky to be a hero instead of a victim. Then it shows Dream's breakdown in the hospital, making me frown. There were too many times that he nearly did but forced it back in. He wasn't even allowed to grieve the loss of his AU before helping others and that breakdown was probably years' worth of tears built up in him. I glance at Nightmare and he seems to be at a loss of words, his gaze fixed on the replays.
"All that bottled up for five hundred years can't stay in forever. He isn't invincible people. He was going to break at some point and this behavior only speeds up the process. If you really appreciate having him around, share genuine positivity instead of this crap. Maybe look to help him instead of only helping yourself. What an undeserving multiverse by leaving all your problems to him and never accepting his."Obscuro says
There's some silence to let the point sink in before the next question is asked.
"Does he believe in his future?"
I see Nightmare put on a shaky smile as his eye quivers and his hand presses down on the button.
"Yeah, of course he does. That's what he fights for, right?"NM says, seeming to try to convince himself instead of Obscuro.
I buzz in.
"NoT aNyMoRe. He cAn iMaGiNe n0b0Dy n0tiCiNg hIs aBsEnCe aNd eAsiLy bEiNg rEpLaCeD. He sEeS hIs eFfOrTs g0iNg t0 nOtHiNg bUt aNoTheR cYcLe. ThAt'S eSsEntiAlLy aDmiTtIng iN No fUtUrE f0r h1m. JuSt a VicIoUs cYcLe tHat hE mAy nOt wAnT tO bE iN aNyMoRe, oR ANy cYcLe f0r thAt mAttEr."I say
"He can hardly allow himself to imagine a life outside of working for the balance and recovering from another beating. He doesn't let himself hope for a normal life enjoying himself instead of a life serving other people."Swap says
We earn two more points.
"Error, how the hell do you know these answers?"Nightmare asks, noticing that I've answered just as much as Swap.
"HoW d0 yoU nOt? Do y0u iGnOrE aNy nEgAtIviTy hE fEeLs wHeN y0u ABSoRb nEgAtIviTy? It'S nOt eXaCtLy sUbtLe Or iN sMaLl aMoUnTs. AnD i kNoW iT bEcAuSe hE hAs sTatEd iT. I dOuBT y0u'rE gEtTiNg nEAr hIm nOw, jUsT liKe yOu wAnTeD Or pLaNnEd. WoW, h3 wAs nIcE eNoUgH t0 mAKE yOuR dReAm c0Me tRuE aT hIs eXpEnSe aS wELl. CaN yOu bEliEvE tHaT?"I reply, then focus on Obscuro as he thinks of the next question.
Nightmare doesn't say a word.
"Does he believe in Nightmare?"Obscuro says
I hear a broken laugh from Nightmare and then he buzzes in.
"Hah, that's easy. Of course he does. He calls me Brother enough times to make that clear."He says
"He kNoWs nIgHtMaRe bUt d0eSn'T hAvE tHaT StRoNg bElIeF iN hIm AnYmOrE."I say after buzzing in.
"WHAT?"Nightmare snaps
"Nightmare, he stopped calling you Brother in battles months ago. He stopped calling you Brother outside of battle as well. I talked with him a few times and he has accepted that you want nothing to do with him as a brother, telling him that his brother died years ago. What did you think that meant?"Horror says
"He loves his brother in his memories but no longer believes that he's reachable. He knows that Nightmare is a being that keeps the balance in his own way and he has to work around it. Negativity can't exist without positivity and vice versa. His belief in Nightmare is gone and now it's just an acceptance of the circumstances."Swap says
Nightmare looks speechless, his hands shaking.
"Why so surprised? It was only a matter of time before beating him down verbally and physically would crush any beliefs he had. Isn't that what you wanted? To crush him and his beliefs? He's the enemy of you, right? You hold no connection with enemies. He's just dirt to you, right? A worthless burden as you called him. Haven't you said that brothers are a curse? Why are you so upset when the curse is lifted?"Obscuro asks
"Shut up."Nightmare hisses
"You can't be dumb enough to feel entitled to have it both ways...unless that crap you're covered in has corrupted your mind and melted it to tar-like goop too...You can't seriously think that you can keep him as a brother and also constantly badmouth him and complain or hurt him. Maybe it gave you a twisted satisfaction for him to call you brother as you tore him down, but any relationship like that is doomed to break. Without reciprocation or acknowledgment in the slightest of his efforts or words to reach you, he'd eventually stop. Either by choice or because it's what he needs to be healthier after all the scars you gave him mentally or physically. Trauma is a thing for him too and you've given him plenty to cut you out of his mind to preserve his health. Anyone can realize that a brother who abuses them isn't a brother worth keeping ties to. It's either you have him as your brother or you don't. Pick one cuz you have no reason to complain about him breaking away from you after you wished him dead or gone for years. He still has a brother, he just died over 500 years ago."Obscuro says
"I said shut up!"
"Sorry, but you're not the boss of me. You got what you asked for so don't whine about that. And I'd be happy to fix the missing brother issue for him. Give him a brother he deserves that loves him and doesn't hurt him."
"What do you have against me?"
"What do I have against you? Everything you ungrateful brat! I was in your shoes once as well! Hated and used by a village full of people who didn't care about me. I was alone and hurt by them for their satisfaction. Except I didn't have a sibling like you had Dream. I didn't have a concerned brother asking if I was okay or tried to bandage me after getting beaten like you had him. I didn't have someone to make me laugh or talk to like you had him. I didn't have anyone and I was lucky to cross paths with him after being trapped for 300 years. Hell, while you kept him in stone for 500 years, I was trapped in some puppet for them to toss around for 300 years until it was erased and I was freed! He was a great brother to you and gave you all the love that he could and held onto that love for you for over a century! I look up to him and can't grasp how you can hurt him or blame him after everything he tried to do for you! How you can hurt and throw away the kind of brother I wish and many other wish they'd have but don't! The kind of loving family that people would kill for! And then there's you, who'd kill that good in your life because you feel like it and have the nerve to say that he ruins everything or that you have the worst life. Your life was bad but not the worst. You had him and it's your fault that it got worse when you threw him away. You are a level of ungrateful that I can't help but despise and an insulting stain on the name of brother's everywhere."
The screen replays many moments from DreamTale, showing Nightmare's horrible moments before eating the apple. But it also shows the moments that Dream ran to him and asked if he was okay or who did this to him so he can handle it, which Nightmare refused to do. All the times Dream tried to cheer him up and made him laugh or took interest in the books Nightmare loved and kept him company. Then the screen splits between replaying Nightmare's awful past and Obscuro's. It showed Obscuro getting chased or beaten and insulted just like Nightmare was, but where Nightmare had Dream to comfort him, Obscuro had nobody. The comparison plays out until he and Dream are both trapped and Nightmare leaves the memories.
It's dead quiet.
"I honestly don't get how someone like you could get a brother like him and be stupid enough to not appreciate him. You had what I never did, someone who loved you unconditionally and you said I wonder how bad I can screw this up! So yeah, there's a lot to be held against you. I can hold a lot against you and hate you. You're not the most likable person. Except I'm not the kind to get my hands dirty and we still have some questions to go through. I'll just be the kind of brother you could've and should've been. Maybe one day I will get his recognition as a brother and we both can happy but until then, let's continue."He says
After a few more comes the final one.
"Does Dream love or care for himself?"
"Not with the way he overworks himself. No sleep or food until he helps other people. He can't stop to help himself when he can help others or he thinks that's selfish. It's hard to convince him sometimes."Swap says
"There's no way that's-"Nightmare begins
"Correct!"Obscuro cuts him off.
I frown, seeing how low Nightmare's tentacles hang as he appears shocked. Like all his beliefs and views have been broken...which they actually have. Obscuro disproved everything he complained about in those meetings regarding Dream. Horror pokes him but he is completely unresponsive. Horror looks at me and shakes his head, being the only one on their team that actually earned points. The points quickly get tallied up and Obscuro glances at me in surprise after checking who earned which ones. I grin, seeing him give a nod of acknowledgment. Then his gaze focuses on Nightmare.
"Wow, you were right Nightmare. You don't know him better than his friend! I think everyone learned more about the positive guardian that they take for granted. That said, we have a winner in this trivia game. Team One will now be transported to him while I continue to have my fun! So long!~"He says
I see the platform under NM and Horror disappear, leaving them to take a big fall but I use my strings to gab Horror so he doesn't get hurt. Then we get teleported and I glance around, seeing Dream's living room. Horror lands on the couch and Swap is the first to stand up and glance around. I quickly go upstairs to Dream's room, finding him under some blankets in bed with headphones attached to a sleep mask over his head. I see him smile, seeming so relaxed. Swap runs in beside me and sighs with relief at the sight of Dream. I take the chance to check the code of this place.
"Thank the stars he is okay!"
"SeEmS liKe hE iS 15% d0nE rEcHaRgInG oN sLeEp...FiNaLlY gEtTiNg tHe ReSt HE nEeDs. OnLy tHiNg iS tHaT wE cAn'T lEaVe tHiS pLaCe uNtiL oBsCuRO iS dOnE nOw."I say
Swap nods and we leave to let Dream rest, seeing Horror march into the kitchen.
"What are you doing?"Swap asks
"You said he hardly eats. The sleep mask says he's 15%% recharged so that's 15% of the sleep issue solved. Why not fix the food issue?"Horror says
I smile at him and see Swap's nervous expression.
"HoRrOr tAKeS f0oD oR sTaRvAtiOn sEriOuSlY, SwAp."I tell him
"No more skipping meals for him."Horror says, starting to cook in the kitchen with a grin.
Swap steps in to join him.
"When did Dream get this home anyway?"Horror asks
"I mAdE IT f0r hiM."I say
Both their heads snap to look at me.
"WhAt? NiGhTmArE gEtS a FucKinG cAsTlE aNd sTiLl cOmpLaInS. Dr3aM dEsErVeD s0Me pLaCe t0 sTay wHeN tHe mUlTivErSe hAs tHe cArDs sTaCkEd aGaInsT hIm."I say
"You really like balance, don't you?"Swap asks
"WeLl iF tHeRe'S g0iNg t0 bE mOrE cOnfLicTs tHaT aRe bUiLt uP tO bE s0mEtHinG gRaNd oR sEriOuS, tHeN tHeRe sHoUlD b3 s0mE tRuTh t0 iT. CaLl iT EvEniNg tHe pLaYiNg fiElD. aNd i KnOw h0w iT iS t0 b3 miStReAtEd bY fAtE wiTh eNdLeSs sHiT tO hAnDle wiThOuT aDeqUaTe sUpPoRt."I say with a shrug
Horror nods, confirming that. Swap smiles at me and I shake my head as the voices get louder again, asking me dozens of questions or making their comments.
"AnD iT'S wHaT a fRiEnD wOuLd dO. HeLp tHeM, RIGhT?"I say
They both nod, smiling. I head back to Dream's room, leaving the comfier shirt that I was originally bringing him on his nightstand. I see an old picture of him with Nightmare and turn it to the wall. His memories have hurt him enough. I smile when I see the picture from the beach day beside his lamp.
We can give him something better. I can be better to him now that we're friends...for his benefit, not mine.
"Error! Come help us! Do you know where he keeps the baking tools?"Horror asks
"CoMiNg!"I say
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