Chapter 12: New Company
Dream's POV a week later
Knock knock knock!
"Coming!"I say
I open the door thinking it'd be Error since he forgot to grab a bottle of his meds but instead I find Horror standing at my door...again. Except this time he looks less empty or upset than before. I can't sense anything or read his expression.
"Umm, hello...Horror."I say
"I hear you're the one who found Error."He says
"Um, yes. Well it was a-"I begin, then pause when he pulls me forward.
He's...hugging me. I feel tears hit my shoulder and realize that he's crying. Then he steps back and smiles at me slightly.
"Thank you."
I stare at him in surprise and he takes the chance to keep talking.
"Boss, er-Nightmare wasn't going to do anything and it sounds serious. He looked like he went through something serious if he needed a bone to lean on like a crutch. I was getting worried but didn't have the freedom to find him. Thank you for helping him...I'd hate to think what could've happened to him if someone like Ink found him when he was wounded. He is kind of like family to me since he got me out of my AU so thank you."He tells me
I smile, seeing how deeply he cares for Error and understanding why. I shake my head at the thought of Ink finding him and smile at him.
"No problem."
"I'm also sorry for pushing you the other day with questions on Farm's land. It clearly upset you and I should've known better than to ask that."He says
"It's alright. It may surprise you but I've been asked worse things that strike my nerves harder. I'm used to it now."I say with a shrug.
"Ink doesn't exactly catch hints or understand what a bad question is."I say
"Oh...right..."He says
"Can you do me a favor, Horror?"
"Sure, what is it?"
I hand him the bottle of meds and Error's glasses.
"Error forgot these. Can you get these to him when you see him?"I ask
He smiles with a nod.
"You got it."He says, then glances to his right.
He marches to the right and chuckles.
"Here you go."He says
I lean out the door, seeing Error watching the house through a portal and looking embarrassed at being caught by Horror as he is handed his things.
"ThAnKs, HoRrOr."
"Can I come through to speak with Uncle?"
Error nods, letting him through. I smile, waving to Error. Error awkwardly waves before shutting the portal. I shrug it off, returning to figuring out the recipes I was studying.
After a few hours of experimenting or trying to learn the recipes, my phone dings with a reminder. I sigh, turning everything off and leaving to help people in other AUs. I made sure to take the gift from Error with me. I made it through a dozen AUs before getting stopped by someone I hadn't seen before.
"Excuse me, do you know where Error stays these days?"
"Why do you ask?"
"He hasn't answered my calls and I'm told that he is missing. My calculations say that you'd be a reliable source."
"Hmm, well he's probably with his brother and his gang."
"I checked Nightmare's castle. It's vacant except for that grumpy octopus. No sign of my apprentice there."
Error had a mentor...?
"Who are you, exactly?"
"404 is what you can cal me to tell the difference. I taught the destroyer everything he knew. Well, almost everything. He is very crafty. Did he complete the revenge plan I designed for him against Ink at the loss of his brother? Is that how he got with Blip again?"
"I'm sure that he used many plans against Ink. Blip was wandering AUs trying to find Error at that time and approached me, wanting answers about Error. They reunited shortly afterward. Error took over the gang from Nightmare and moved it elsewhere."
404 grins.
"Good for him. Thank you for informing me. I'll be off to find him."
He leaves after saying that and I move onto the next village to help. After a while I got tired of more thankless favors to do, so I slipped away from the crowds and put on the necklace. It quickly hid me away and I hear the shouting cease, replaced by assumptions or claims that I went to help others elsewhere. I go into a diner and take a seat, relaxing for a few moments as I read the menu. It's nice to have breaks like these...But then a thought comes to mind.
Why can I enjoy this gift when he deals with shouts and insults? Why would he only give me this escape from frustrations? Hmmm, well if he won't give it to himself, maybe I can give it to him too! Make him give himself this freedom!
I get an idea and focus on Science's excitement for new inventions, teleporting to him as I take the necklace off. I find him working away at his computer, checking scans and other data. I walk over to him and he smiles at me.
"Hello, Dream! What can I do for you today?"He asks
Think of a good excuse.
"Well I received this necklace recently but as usual Ink wants his hands on it too. I know he will break it though so is there something here that can clone or duplicate it so he can't tell the difference?"I ask
He nods with a grin.
"Yep! The device at the back wall there can scan anything and duplicate it exactly inside and out! All code or programming included! You can even edit it on the screen if you'd like!"He says, pointing to the left.
"Thank you!"I say with a smile as he returns to his work.
I find the device and place the necklace inside the scanner. It immediately starts running and dings with something popping up on screen that says:Error's code detected. Safe to continue?
He probably put this security on the machine out of caution. Especially with how often Ink comes and misuses his things. But it either recognizes Error's string or his code that programmed the disguise...
I glance around to make sure I'm not being watched, stepping closer to block the screen just in case. I continue and it starts duplicating the necklace exactly, just with an orange string instead of the blue one that it's tied on. It asks if I'd like to edit the program in the duplicate and grin, hitting yes. It simplified the directions or tasks that the necklace does into clear terms: Hide Dream from recognizable appearances. Disguise Dream and Dream's clothes. Contain Dream's aura or any traits of code that gives Dream away. Do not break when worn by Dream.
I hit edit it wherever it says my name to say Error's instead, then submit it. It taps into the duplicate, uploading the changes and then dings with the door opening once complete. I take both necklaces out and teleport home. I test to see if it worked. I put mine on and my disguise works, then I put on the other and no disguise appears. I hope that means it'll work for Error. I grin, then think of a way to make it look different. I get some paint and make the locket of the duplicate a dark blue instead of the green I was given. If I handed him a green one, he'd think I'm returning it on a different string or that I broke it. I don't want that. I want him to enjoy it.
Then while that dries I continue trying to decorate my house with hand-stitched pillows and crocheted blankets that I made after reading a few guide-books Error and Blip gave me. I put a few framed pictures up of my friends around the house, although I keep a few hidden in my room in case Ink ever made a sudden visit. He has no idea about my connection to Error, although the picture Blip gave me from the beach day would make it quite obvious. I keep that picture in my room on a night stand so that I can quickly tuck it away if intruded on. It still feels strange to adjust to having a real home...But every decoration helps cement it as a fact in my mind.
A few days later, I use the necklace to explore an AU in peace and smile, admiring the scenery. I take a seat at a diner, reading through the menu as I hear casual conversation and soft music. Then I hear someone slide into the seat across from me.
"One kid's menu please."A voice says
"Of course."
The waitress steps away and I glance past my menu to see a short skeleton sitting across from me. He smiles through a veil attached to the fabric of his nightcap. I see he has what looks like oversized pajamas on with longer sleeves that he has to roll up to use his hands and decorated in weird symbols that look like question marks. All his clothes are shades of green with bits of blue or yellow.
"Hello, Golden Archer. You blend in nicely here. Don't worry, I won't mention your real name and let them bother you."He says
What? How can he tell? Nobody else has been able to see through Error's gift.
"It's kind of my thing to notice obscure or hidden things. I hear it adds to the chaos but I'm not sure about that. My name is Obscuro and I've heard about you after I got freed."He says as he is given his menu.
"Freed?"I repeat
"Mhm. I got trapped for 300 years and just got out recently. Not a fun experience. I got doll-ified if you get what I mean until something made me get freed. I hear that you've been busy from the moment you got out of your AU."
"That's true...It's only recently that I've gotten these breaks."
"How long were you trapped for?"
"Five hundred years from what I understand. The time that I've been free still hasn't gotten close to that amount of time."
"Weren't you just a child when you got trapped?"
I nod. He grins.
"Something we share! Do you want to share the kid's menu?"He says, lifting up the paper he is coloring.
"No thanks but I appreciate the offer."
He shrugs, going back to coloring.
"What do you think stars are for?"He asks
"Hmm?"I hum, seeking clarification.
"What are they meant for? What power or meaning do they hold? Both of us have them printed on our clothes but I don't quite know what it's meant for."He says, pointing to multiple symbols on his clothes with stars at the center.
"I think they hold good meaning. They're meant for wishes, hope, and create wonders. At least they seem to create wonders when I see them in night skies."I say
He smiles.
"That sounds nice."
"Do you know what the symbols on your clothes mean?"I ask
"Not really. I was given it by an elder of my AU but didn't explain much except for it showing what I am...powers and dangers or something...He's gone now and I haven't found anyone who can translate them. That's why I put the question marks on them. Nobody even knows why I am here. I don't know why I'm free either but people say I'm trouble when I just want to play or don't have a known reason for existing....What's it like to have a reason that people like?"He says
I frown, seeing how he doesn't completely understand but is hurt by what he does understand. I shake my head, seeing the waitress return. We give our orders and she leaves.
"I'll be honest, it isn't much better. I started out thinking it was a good thing and liked having a purpose that's supported, but that support only goes so far. Nobody knows why I'm here if I'm not useful to them. A purpose defined by positivity or serving others doesn't give much room to explore an independent life...It just becomes a trap of expectations and issues if I don't meet them. Just look at me right now. I have to be disguised to just eat at a diner like a normal person because if I don't, my boundaries won't be respected and people will think it's my job to help them or not be here at all. To me, you got a better start for your life. Nobody knows your purpose so you can define it for yourself instead of going through the trouble of redefining it like I am."I tell him
He listens carefully, nodding.
"Even if I accept definitions they give me like trouble or being of chaos?"He asks
"Live however you feel comfortable living. The only one who should be able to define your life is you. Enjoy the freedom to do that."I say
His eyes seem to twinkle and he nods.
"That's the nicest thing I've heard in years....Wouldn't you like some space for your own life and know who really is connected to you? No need to hide? Who is there for you and not your aura or role?"He asks
I hesitate, unsure of where this going. I nod.
"Perhaps someday I can provide that to you...I will think of something. Right now, do you want to play a game?"He asks
I shrug, nodding. With a snap of his fingers, a stack of cards appear and he deals them between us with a look of joyful excitement. He explains the rules and we played and ate until we paid and left.
It was fun.
Over the next few weeks, Obscuro continued to pop up and chat with me or play games. We played anything that could be suggested. Ball games, card games, board games, crafting things, a large range of things as we got to know each other better. It was often when I had the necklace on that he visited me, although there was a few times he appeared when I wasn't wearing the necklace. It felt nice seeing his joy and knowing that I was causing it, not my aura contained by the necklace. I saw some of his abilities in each of these visits like his ability to summon anything with a snap of his fingers and his ability to hover in the air as if gravity doesn't affect him. He'd spin and laugh with joy whenever he won a game. He seems like he's just a little kid looking to play which makes me smile slightly. The years haven't taken his joy or innocence away and neither has the multiverse in the way that I had to lose mine for my responsibilities. I see this as better and I'm happy for him. I'd never wish anyone to go through my experience. The comments of others who don't know why he's here already hurt him so being called the list of names that I am including a failure when expectations aren't met would be worse. He seemed to keep returning to get closer to me and looking up to me. I am happy to give him the company that he needs or desires, knowing how bad the options in the multiverse can be elsewhere.
"Hey Dream? Did you ever have siblings?"He asks as we sit in my house playing a board game.
That question surprised me. Usually, everyone knows my sibling connection, enough about it to tell anyone who will listen. Although they can exaggerate details from what I've heard.
"You haven't heard?"I ask
"I heard plenty about the good you do or are meant for but that's all they usually discussed. Which I now realize is very narrow-minded or one-note. They only cared about what they could benefit from...Hmm..."
"Well, I did have a brother. A twin brother."
"Does that mean he was as good and nice as you?"
"He was. He was wonderful, although that mostly went unrecognized by others...Despite us being twins, I looked up to him."
"What happened to him?"
"I lost him the day I got trapped in stone."I say
"Did he get trapped in stone too? I can try to free him for you.....Or did he die in the time you were trapped like my AU did while I was trapped?"He asks
"In a way, yes...He did die. It's complicated but I've lost the brotherly connection to him and it's clear that he may never seek it back."
"What's his name?"He asks
"Never heard of him....until now." He says, sliding his piece across the board.
I can see something running in his mind as there seems to be some deep focus in his expression as if he's thinking hard on something.
I guess 300 years trapped kept him out of the loop of the mess that the multiverse has. Otherwise, he would know about the terror Nightmare spreads....
"I didn't have a brother or any sibling...It was just me and town people that talked in riddles...."He says, a bitterness growing in his voice.
Then he glances at me and smiles.
"Your turn."He says, handing me the dice.
Okay then...
He changed the topic and we continued playing the game, although I did take note of that bitter moment. In some ways, he has had it better but also worse than me...I guess with or without expectations or roles, there's never a perfect life. But at least we can provide each other some good company.
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