Chapter 10: A Search for Error
A month or two later, Dream's POV
I frown, shaking my head. It's been weeks since I last saw Error. A few days after my birthday, I tested his gift for me. I tried it on and saw in the mirror how it disguised me. My crown faded from sight and looks more like a beanie now. I can still feel it there, it just didn't look like the crown. My clothes shifted from a battle-ready uniform to a cozy green sweater and long pants that drooped over my feet. Even my eyes appeared as green as a leaf with the necklace on. I tested it with Swap and Farmer without them knowing to see if it worked, which it did. They didn't recognize me nor did they sense the aura that would give me away. I even tested it with strangers and they didn't shout that I was detected or run to me. It was a great feeling to experience but I chose not to take advantage of it. Instead, I focused on recipe practice or completing the books Error gave me. Then I noticed that there was a period that I didn't hear or see Error, not even a message about reading books. He went from inviting himself in to not even reaching out. I didn't think much at first since he often loses track of time or has other things keeping him busy.
But after a month, I got worried. Especially after our last conversation where he admitted his work issues. What if the voices caused too much of a headache for him or that giant complainer decided to cause him trouble? Then Ink mentioned to me that he was annoyed that he hadn't been able to annoy Error in a while nor could he find Error. But maybe he is busy filling those quotas or satisfying the voices. Maybe he is rebelling against it. Or spending time with his brother again. He could be anywhere doing anything and is strong so there shouldn't be anything to worry about....right? Just because he isn't destroying or facing Ink doesn't validate an assumption that something is wrong. And I should be the last person to assume that since it only limits what Error's life is, trapping him to a single part. He knows Error is more than that and has more in his life. Yet something still makes me mark on my calendar when I started getting worried about his absence. Then Blip came knocking at my door worriedly, asking me if I saw Error. He hasn't answered Blip's calls or been locatable by Blip. When Error's brother can't find him, that's concerning. I shook my head, saying that I hadn't sensed positivity from Error either. Blip thanked me and said he'd continue his search.
That was when I got an idea. I started using the necklace to disguise myself for my own kind of search. I leap through AUs, walking among other residents of the world and trying to listen for any news of Error. Surely if they saw the AU destroyer enter their world they would say something about it. But there was not a word about it. I frown, getting more concerned each day.
Then during a battle that Ink started, I notice the absence of Error here too. I decide to shoot his shot by asking the gang. It can't hurt, right? Surely they know where he'd be as their ally or doing their own search. It's been over a month now, certainly that means something to them. I glance around, lowering my bow cautiously and seeing that Ink is keeping Nightmare busy while Dust is sparring Swap. Killer was sent flying after getting in Nightmare's way, leaving Horror charging toward me with his axe. I dodge it, thinking that he's my best option since he seems to have the most value for Error. He seems to have a close connection to Error for Error to cover for him and I sense a deep respect and hope from Horror fixed on Error. He could be my best chance at getting answers or at least some reassurance.
"Hey, Horror. I have a random question for you. Are you open to hearing it?"I ask as I leap out of the way of his axe.
"Seriously? Now?"He asks with frustration, heaving his axe up again.
I duck with a nod, sliding back to get out of his reach. I don't even try to hit him, just trying to avoid attacks. Harming him wouldn't make him more willing to answer and harm isn't my intention.
"I answered your question the other day so can't you answer it?"I ask
"What is it?"He asks, taking another charge at me.
I slide to the side to avoid him.
"Have you seen Error lately? Blip visited me the other day asking about him and saying that he hasn't been able to locate him. I wasn't able to help him but that was a few days ago. Has he seen you or has Blip asked you yet?"
He pauses, his eye widening as he processed my question. Then he frowns, narrowing his eye again.
"Why would you care?"He growls, taking another swing at me.
"It's unlike him. I can't sense his positivity so it's not like he's hiding away watching UnderNovela. And it's his brother worried about him. You asked me about brothers. You really see me letting a brother worry about losing their sibling again? It doesn't make sense either, does it? Why would Error suddenly disappear when he finally got his brother back?"I tell him.
He freezes up, lowering his axe and his eye trembles with concern. Then he turns his back to me, throwing his axe over his shoulder.
"Boss? Where is Error?"He asks
"Don't tell me that you're actually listening to him!"Nightmare snaps
"He brings up good questions. He missed the last two meetings you held and hasn't seen any of us. You said he'd be back soon but you weren't worried. Do you know where he is or are you just leading us along to feed off of our worries? You know I am concerned for him and he is meant to be your ally so are you looking for him or not? Why does he seem to be asking the important questions more than you when Error has been with us for years?"He asks, his voice getting more stern and frustrated.
Very bold of him to go against Nightmare. He and Error must be close for Horror to stand against Nightmare for him.
"Yeah! He said he'd train with me which is rare enough and then disappeared! He never ditches plans without notice and that's coming from me! The complete opposite!"Killer says as he marches back over.
Dust pauses from his fight, glancing over as well. Swap stops fighting and Ink pauses, his eye an orange exclamation point with a blue question mark. He seems curious on where this is going.
Just like that, the battle came to a stand-still. Nightmare looks shocked and furious at the same time.
"Oh come on! Each of you cannot be stopping now!"He snaps
"His Paps is worried, Horror is worried, and we're worried. You seem to be the only one who isn't. It's serious when Horror is worried so you better answer him."Dust says
"Focus on fighting!"
"And waste more time that could help his brother's search? I don't think so. Paps and I vote for answers, what about you guys?"Dust says
"I agree."Horror says
"Yeah!"Killer says
"You're outvoted, Boss. Where is he and what do you know? Why haven't you had us search for him?"Dust asks
"Well, I-Wait! We are not talking about this now!"Nightmare shouts, looking very unsettled at being put on the spot as his tentacles twist together.
"I think now is just fine. It's as good as ever given that we've been asking for two weeks without any direct answers. And our gang can't work without a leader."Killer says
"I am your boss!"Nightmare snaps
"Yeah, you bark orders and hand out punishments like it's Halloween candy but Error is the one who put in the work. You make plans and paperwork but he is the one that leads us and keeps our mess together. He connects us while you just drag us around. You're just the landlord that he tolerates throwing tantrums."Dust says
I gaze at them in shock at what's unfolding. The trio that I thought was mostly loyal to Nightmare is turning against him for Error. And all it took was me asking Horror about him. What's worse is that I can sense a small bit of hope fixed on Error that each of them is clinging onto tighter now. It was just a domino effect that I set off yet seemed to make their concerns stronger.
"If Blip went to ask around for Error's whereabouts, then it's serious. Did you speak with Blip? Do you have any answers for us?"Horror boldly asks
Nightmare glances around, looking panicked for once and unsure of what to do. Then he grabs the three of them in his tentacles and flees from sight.
He didn't have any answers...At least, not any that he'd share with us in the open.
"Wow, he just fled out of frustration. Good job acting concerned to turn them against Nightmare, Dream!"Ink says, patting me on the back.
I nervously smile at him and he disappears moments later. Swap steps closer to me.
"I'm actually worried..."I say
"I know...But we can't admit that in front of Ink. He's unpredictable already, we don't need him against us and unpredictable."He says
"I've searched AUs but found nothing. Not a trace of him. Not even at OuterTale or the ones he has spared. It doesn't make sense. What do we even do at this point?"I sigh
He places a hand on my shoulder with a sympathetic smile.
"What we can."He says
So we try our best to do that. I continue my disguised searches, trying to get answers but not getting any progress. I search my house, wondering if he left some clue hidden somewhere during his visits. He's very smart and calculates every move he makes so maybe he knew what was coming and left something to hint at what happened. And what would be the last place anyone would think to look? With the ally of his enemy. I've already checked Ink's stuff but there's nothing to indicate Error's clues left with his nemesis, as unbelievable as that may be. So I checked my bookshelves, turning every page of the books he gave me, checking for something. But there's nothing. Then there's a knock at the door. I open it, surprised to find Horror at my door. He lifts a small device from his pocket.
"The other two are covering for me with Bo-You know who. Error gave me this device to use in case of emergencies and I set it to your location. I'm erasing it as soon as I'm done here. I just have to ask...Did you mean it? Can you really sense nothing from him? Not even an ounce of joy or something?"He asks
I frown, seeing him nearly tear a hole in his jacket by gripping it so tight. I frown, shaking my head.
"I can't detect anything from him. Haven't been able to for weeks now. I can't even feel twisted feelings or hints of negativity that would hint at Nightmare's influence. I'm guessing he didn't tell you anything."I say
He pauses, his hands dropping to his sides. He looks broken beyond repair at the news...empty. Like someone that was just informed of the loss of a loved one.
"He has tried to distract us with paperwork and avoid answering us. I'm sure even you can tell that won't work. Paperwork and Killer don't even connect at all. He is now rioting outside Nightmare's room and Dust is wrecking the halls, breaking every rule Nightmare set. He's taking the chance to be chaotic and just in general make a point of fuck you to Nightmare. It's only a matter of time before he snaps when too much of his precious castle is messed up. Like I said, they're distracting him. He's not able to push this aside...P-Push Error aside....We aren't abandoning E-Error...He has to...We have t-to..."He says, his voice starting to shake as tears fill his eyes.
I can feel the hope in him get shaken and frown.
"Error is very powerful, Horror. We can't doubt him. He has to be out there."I say
He looks at me and I feel his hope get stabilized again. He sniffles, wiping his tears on his sleeves.
"Right...Of course...I just had to know...Fuck...Fuck fuck fuck! Fuck that piece of shit! Error trusted him and was supposed to be his ally! This asshole! H-He....He is so concerned with treason or betrayal but is betraying Error and expecting us to follow him! That selfish piece of shit keeping us from him...stringing us along...Nightmare that fucking leech on him...He doesn't deserve Error...I don't get why Error stays with how he is treated...And I can't even do anything...I'm nothing compared to them..."He says, stomping his foot repeatedly.
He continues to curse Nightmare out, venting his hatred and frustrations right on my doorstep. The feeling of anger and powerlessness radiates from him and I frown, seeing his pain and shame at being unable to do anything. Nightmare may not realize it, but his gang is crumbling from within and he is only adding fuel to the flames by avoiding the issues. I've never seen Horror break like this...he looks soulbroken but I know it's only a matter of time before that pain turns to anger or vengeance. Seeing how defensive he was of me being a possible threat to Farmer, I can only imagine what may be coming for Nightmare when Horror is scorned or furious enough to turn on him and seek compensation for the harm caused to or loss of Error. And if Dust or Killer join him, then there may be a shift that hasn't been seen all these years with untold consequences.
He recollects himself and presses the button, disappearing with a cold, empty expression.
I hear a phrase like "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." Swap even jokes that "Hell hath no fury like Error scorned." to remind us to never anger Error but what happens when a trio is hellbent on revenge for Error? "Hell hath no fury like a Horror scorned"? That's something I don't ever want to see...
I frown, very unsettled at what his visit means. Things are getting desperate. It's never good when it gets desperate.
Then a sense a spark of new positivity. Relief. I lock in on it, recognizing it as Error's.
Yes! Finally! A sign! Oh I wish Horror didn't leave now!
I quickly teleport away, finding Error leaning against a rock with his clothes torn apart. His left arm is dangling from his shoulder and his foot is twisted in ways it should never be. He's covered in severe wounds and there are even cracks by his head. A rebooting bar above his head just completed above his head, explaining the relief I sensed. He opens an eye, glancing up with a blurry white dot rising shakily as error signs still buzz in the corners of his eyes. He reaches up slowly at thin air, squinting a bit.
"HoRrOr...? Bl1p...? N-NiGhTmArE...? SwA-?"He says, reaching up.
He quickly drops his arm and winces in pain, then drops his head with his eye shutting. I've never seen him this bad before. Never seen anything beat him this bad before or in such poor conditions. And what's worse is hearing the names leave his mouth. When he had nothing and is at his lowest, he reached out for the ones he trusted...that he relied on. Horror's complaints were right. He did trust Nightmare. He trusted his ally enough to have his back and to find him...Help him...Be the ones he woke up from a reboot to. But he isn't. Knowing that all he has done is distract or delay and prevent searches for him sickens me when Error was probably rebooting here in such poor state and could've used the help. Surely Nightmare could've locked in on his pain if he spent even a minute considering Error. Error has been a very reliable ally to him over the years and this is how he's repaid? Horror's right. Nightmare doesn't deserve Error as an ally. Or anything if this is how he treats Error.
I shake my head. I can't be blinded by anger. I can't be angry. Not now. Focus on the situation. But...that doesn't make it any better. Of all the names he called, of all the people he expected...none could or would find him. I did yet that just seems to hurt more when considering how Error would see it. He's found by someone that's not even considered his friend instead of the ones he loved...He clearly was so beaten down that he knew he couldn't get he reached out for the ones he relied on...He trusted them to come for him or seemed to have some bit of hope...Better than Ink I guess.
I glance around to see a torn-up AU around us. Error certainly put up a fight before he got left here. I notice some strings loosely hanging from some bone attacks and glance at Error. I certainly can't touch him directly or I'll hurt him. So I wrap the strings around Error carefully, then teleport home. Error lands on his bed and I smile, proud that my plan worked without making him crash. Then I lock in on Blip's hope to get him and bring him to Error. He'd probably be more comfortable with his brother healing him and he did call out for Blip.
"Blip! You gotta come with me now!"I say
"WhY? CAn'T Y0u t3Ll I aM bUsY?"He asks, multiple screens of code running to locate Error.
"I sensed some relief from Error and found him! He's in bad conditions but I brought him to a bed to rest! He called out for you so could you help heal him so he doesn't crash?"
His eyes twinkle and I didn't have to say another word. He teleported with me and got right to work.
"ThAnK yOu, DrEaM. Once I hEaL hIm, I'm cHeCkInG hIs cOdE tO fInD wHo hUrT hIm. It hAs To bE iN hiS rEbOoT hIsToRy..."
I nod, letting him work. I step away to the kitchen and sigh with relief, then get a new idea. I start cooking some meals for them, specifically the kind Error would like or help him recover. After a few hours, he started waking up and I brought the tray of food in.
"P-PaPs...? W-WhErE a-a-aM-? H-h-hoW...?"
"EaT uP fIrSt, bRoThEr. YoU nEeD iT. YoU'vE bEeN miSsInG fOr nEaRlY fOuR mOnThS nOw uNtiL DrEaM fOuNd yOu."Blip says as I carefully set the tray on Error's lap.
I frown, knowing that for only three of those months I was worried or doing something useful.
Error glances at me, looking shocked.
"I sensed your relief and teleported to you. It must've been when you finished rebooting. Don't worry, I didn't touch you. There were some loose strings around bone attacks that I tied between us before teleporting here. Your brother did the healing, not me."I say
"WhAt...hApPeNEd? FoUr monThS?"He asks, his hands shaking.
"Do yOu rEmEmBeR aNyThINg?"
"I rEcAlL gOiNg tO dEsTroY aN AU, gEtTiNg hIt bY s0m3tHiNg aNd cRaShInG....I cAn't ReMemBer mUcH..."
"It mUsT'vE bEeN a LoNg rEbOoT. YoU lOsE mOrE mEmorIeS aFtEr tHoSe. YoU sHoUlD rEsT hErE uNtiL yOu rEcoVer, rIgHt dReAm?"
"It would be the safest place to stay. Hardly anyone knows this place exists and they wouldn't look for Error here."I say
Blip nods.
"ThEn iT'S sEtTlEd! I wiLl cOvEr yOuR wOrK, bRoThEr! It wiLl aLl wOrK oUt! I aM juSt sO gLaD tO hAvE Y0u bAcK!"
Blip hands me Error's torn clothes and snaps his fingers, having Error in what looks like a cozy set of pajamas to cover his wounds or bandages. Error smiles at him and Blip steps out to grab a few things, leaving me with Error.
"So, wHaT diD i miSs? HoW bIg wErE tHe sEaRcHeS wHeN mY aBsEnCe wAs nOtIcEd?"He asks
I frown, hearing how expectant he is and knowing that he may not like the answer. I take a seat beside the bed and fold my hands together.
"I only really got worried after a month passed since I thought you were just doing other things. Ink noticed and complained that he couldn't annoy you, but that's all he did. Your brother probably was searching the longest and him coming to me asking about you was what worried me more. Swap also got worried but we both know he can't search the multiverse, especially without his brother knowing or trying to stop him. He was mostly calling any connections he had to hear if they've seen you at all. And well...the gang is complicated...."I say
"WHaT dO yOu mEaN? Did tHeY nOt nOtiCe?"He asks, already sounding hurt.
"Your absence was noticed. There's no denying that. Horror especially noticed and was worried. But they couldn't search for you because Nightmare was keeping them busy with battles or other tasks. It seems like he was avoiding their questions about you so that they would still listen to him."
He frowns, his eyes shrinking and seeming deeply hurt.
"But that's not to say that it worked...."
I see his eyes brighten with interest.
"During one of the battles that happened during your absence, I asked Horror if he had seen you. He froze up when hearing that your brother was looking for you and turned around to get answers from Nightmare. Killer and Dust followed his lead and they straight up stopped fighting the battle to demand answers from Nightmare. They said they wanted to know where their real leader was and didn't back down. Nightmare dragged them away without answering them and last I heard, Killer and Dust are rioting in the castle while Nightmare is failing miserably to keep them distracted."
"YOuR sOuRcE bEiNg?"
"Horror sneaked out using an emergency device you gave him and visited me, asking if I could sense anything from you. He said Nightmare was trying to keep them busy with paperwork but I think you know that's the worst attempt at a distraction for them...When I told him I didn't sense anything from you, he broke down. You would've thought I was a doctor telling him I didn't sense a soulbeat for you. He cursed Nightmare out too before he left. People were really worried about you, Error. Not everyone could do much to search for you though."I tell him
He's silent, seeming to take it all in.
"I'm sorry that I wasn't one of the people you expected to come when you finished rebooting. I know that must hurt a lot."I say
"You woke up briefly after I found you and reached up, calling out a few names. Nightmare, Horror, Swap, and your brother before you passed out. I'm sorry they weren't the ones who found you."
"WhY diD yOu eVeN cOmE lOoKiNg fOr Me? F0r tHe bAlAnCe?"
"You were missing and your brother was worried. With the way that the gang or Ink ruins AUs rapidly, it would be months before the destruction was an issue for balance. I was more concerned about you given our last conversation. I know you're strong but I wasn't sure if the voices became too much or that complainer did something to harm you. It was the right thing to do. It was clearly serious and I didn't want to enable something horrible. And seeing how worried other people were about you, there was no way I'd let it slide. I wasn't going to let Horror or Blip worry when I could do something about it. I wasn't going to wait for you to just drop in again or get in a worse condition. I was going to help regardless."I tell him
"YoU wErE gOiNg To fInD aNd hElP tHe 0n3 fiGhTiNg y0u oN y0uR bRoThEr's s1dE? Y0u diDn'T hAvE t0."He says, seeming puzzled.
"I know, but I wanted to. Nobody would expect me to do so but I didn't see others searching. And our sides don't matter much. I understand that we have different jobs that naturally oppose each other. Well, anyone who could search wasn't doing much. Swap can't hop AUs without help and the gang can hardly get away from Nightmare's demands. I wasn't going to leave your brother to search an entire multiverse by himself. You just got him back...You can call us even with helping each other on a whim."I tell him
He's silent for a few moments and I start sewing his torn clothes back up. Then I hear a "TcH" from him and glance over.
"I d0uBt InK oR ThOsE aNoMaLiEs liKeD sEeInG yOu sEaRcH f0r mE."He says with a roll of his eyes.
"Ink didn't know that I was searching for you. He thought my questions during battle was just an act to manipulate them against Nightmare. And nobody knew that I was in AUs looking for you."I say
"I hIgHlY dOuBt tHaT."He says with a roll of his eyes.
"Did you forget what you gave me for my birthday? It came in handy for the searches."I say, lifting up the necklace.
He stares at it for a few moments, seeming at a loss for words.
"YoU....UsEd tHaT? To fInD mE?"
"Tried to at least. If I walked into AUs without it I'd get surrounded by people asking favors and ignoring any questions I had. If I even mentioned you they'd probably start cheering about how the Star Sanses will beat you or something. But with it on, I was nobody. I was able to go through AUs easily to check for you or listen for any news about you. Surely if you went through their AU they'd have something to say about it. It didn't result in much but it was better than nothing."I tell him, stitching his jacket back together.
It goes silent again and I point to his food that he hasn't touched. He starts eating and I see his tongues slip out, then hear him hum with satisfaction. Then he glances at me and freezes up.
"ThAt diDn'T diSgUsT y0-?"He begins
"Did you like the food? It was my second time cooking it. Oh, I'm sorry. What were you gonna say?"I ask before apologizing for cutting him off.
"f0rGeT iT...ThE f0oD iS gOoD..."He says, going back to eating.
I return to sewing his clothes, finding several tears or rips and shake my head. This will definitely have to be washed after I put it back together. Then I notice him watching me curiously.
"SiNcE wHen diD yOu kNoW t0 d0 tHaT?"He asks
"I kind of learned it as I went along after battles got Swap's clothes or my clothes damaged. I've gotten better with it the more I had to fix our clothes. I hope you don't mind the yellow thread that I'm using. I ran out of blue threads after fixing Swap's clothes the other day."I reply
"It'S fiNe....ThAnKs, buDdY....f0r fIndInG mE....I'M gLaD s0mE pEoPlE wErE wOrRiEd aBoUt mY aBsEnCe oR nOtIcEd iT..."He says before glancing away.
I pause for a moment, realizing two things at once hearing that. One, this was the first time he recognized me or called me a friend. I would be happy about this if it weren't for point number two: part of him didn't think anyone would worry or notice his absence....And my explanation confirmed part of it. Nightmare, one of the people he trusted for years or thought would find him didn't show any worry about him or attempt to find him. That has to hurt...There's no way I can be happy at being recognized when it comes at such a loss for Error. What do you even say in this situation?
"No....No problem, Error. You're hard not to notice and're worth searching for. I'll go find some pain meds for you."I say, setting his jacket aside once I finished the last stitch.
I step out of the room, finding Blip standing beside the door with a smile at me. He doesn't say anything and lets me pass but I hear him quietly say something.
"GoOd tO kNoW wE cAN tRuSt OnE oF tHeSe tWiNs...."
I keep going, shaking my head and focusing on finding pain medicine.
This is going to be a long recovery...
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