Chapter 5
I woke up with a slight headache. I placed my arms over my eyes. I heard someone walking towards me or the door. I can't tell anymore.
"Cassius, are you alright?" I heard a voice.
"No," I said, trying to make my headache go away.
"Okay, what can I do?" the voice asked.
"turn off the lights," I mumbled. I heard the footsteps walking away or towards me. Then it was dark again. I opened my eyes. I looked around see red eyes starring at me. I backed away from them.
"Cassius, it's just me," the person said, moving into my eyes sight.
"Am- Ambrose," I said shakenly.
"Yeah, it's me. I didn't mean to scare, ya," he said, walking closer.
"It's alright. I guess I'm not use to seeing your red eyes," I sigh, relief that it was only Ambrose.
"It's okay. I didn't know that they glowed in the dark," Ambrose chuckled.
"Yeah, I'll keep that in mind," I said, sitting up more. Ambrose sat down next to me.
"Cassius, did I really scare you or are you cold?" he asked, looking at me worriedly.
"Why are you asking?" I asked him looking up at him.
"Because you shaking like a leaf," Ambrose said. I was thinking hard on Ambrose question. Did he scare me or was I cold. Well I don't feel cold so it must be the first option.
"I'm cold and it's was scary seeing the red eyes only. So you scared me a little," I confess. I looked at him more closely, seeing the hurt in his eyes made me freeze in my spot.
"I'm sorry, Cassius," he apologized, looking at the floor.
"Hey, we didn't know that your eyes glow so, it's both of our faults," I reassured him. Ambrose looked at me with tears threaten to fall. I pulled him into a hug.
"I don't want to scare you, Cassius. I'm sorry," Ambrose sobbed.
"It's fine, plus a little scare hasn't killed me," I said, rubbing his back. We sat like this for a good minute or five. Ambrose backed away looking at me.
I really did scare him. I feel so awful about it. I don't think I can forgive myself. I backed away from him. I looked at him. I could see that he wasn't shaking anymore.
"I'm really sorry about scaring you," I apologized again.
"Now, that's enough. I know you feel guilty about scaring me but I'm fine. I thank you for keeping me on my toes," Cassius said, getting pissed. I looked away from Cassius, "Ambrose, look at me," Cassius ordered. I couldn't resist his order. I looked at him, " I don't blame you for anything. I knew the risk for bring you under my wing," he reassure me. I couldn't help but smile.
"Alright, Cassius, whatever you say," I chuckled.
"I'm glad that we can get somethings done. Now, what is the time?" Cassius asked.
"It's about two o'clock in the afternoon," I said. He sighed leaning on the headboard.
"Man, I thought it would be later," Cassius sighed. I got comfortable next to him.
"Really why?" I asked.
"I don't know," He said, looking at me with his green eyes.
"Right but anyways how you feeling?" I asked, worried about his health.
"I feel fine just can't get rid of this headache," Cassius stated, putting his hand on his head. I heard a knock on the door, "Come in," he said, letting the person they can enter.
"Well sorry for disturbing your sleep, Father but I came in to check on you," Sister Tina said, sweetly.
"It's fine. I was awake anyways," Cassius said. She looked towards me.
"Father, who's sitting on your bed?" She asked frighten. I close my eyes, remembering that the lights are off.
"It's just Ambrose," He said to her.
"But his eyes are glowing," Sister Tina stated.
"I know but remember he is a demon," Cassius said calmly. I felt a pang in my chest. I was just a demon that he have to keep an eye on.
"Right, sorry again," She said, leaving the room. I got off the bed and walked to the couch.
"Ambrose, what are you doing?" He asked.
"Sitting on the couch. Clearly, you don't want a demon to set by you," I mumbled.
"Stop being ridiculous and get over here," Cassius said.
"Why?" I asked, not moving from the couch.
"Because I want you over here," he said, not showing to much confidence.
"Why do you want me to go over there. When it's clearly obvious that you don't want me here," I stated, "I'm I just a demon that you have make sure that doesn't destroy humanity. What am I to you, Cassius?" I asked him out of frustration.
"You're not just a demon, Ambrose. I'm sorry I said that about you. You are much more than meets the eye. I should know. And for the last question. You were the only person who could change my mind," Cassius whispered.
"So, we where friends before I die or something else?" I asked. I want answers on why Cassius means a lot to me.
"We were close friends but some people mistake us as a couple," he muttered, looking at the floor.
"Oh okay and?" I asked, walking slowly back towards the bed.
"I told them that we weren't but I could tell that it hurt you. You still accept the friendship anyways knowing that we could never be. Then you found someone better than me. I was angry but happy for you. I know you deserve better then what I could offer. I let you be. It still haunts me to this day that I was never there for you when you needed it," Cassius whimpered. I could tell he was crying. I wrapped my arms slowly around him.
"So, why couldn't you be with me?" I asked. I'm not sure if I want to know.
"Because it's against church rules for a guy and guy to be together but I'm going to change the rules and the whole thing if I have to," he said, looking at me into my eyes. I smiled at him.
"And I will be here every step that you make," I said smiling at him. I know what he is planning and Cassius going to need support for this plan of his.
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