You Wear Their Clothes For The First Time
Would see you wearing one of his hoodies, inside he's really loving seeing you in his clothes and would kinda hint that he wants to see you in them more often yet not make it overly obvious that he likes it so much. Would try and put a light nagging tone into his words or make it seem as if it isn't okay to do all the time, but just do it all the time anyway because this kid won't admit he likes it so much.
"Is that my hoodie? I guess you can wear it because it is cold, just on this occasion though."
He would be lowkey mad but that would only be because you decided to wear his favourite shirt, which he had probably spent a good 10-15 minutes trying to find and you've been wearing it all along. He'd lightly express his annoyance but it wouldn't last long because he couldn't help but smile at how cute you looked in that shirt.
"I've just spent so long looking for that shirt Y/N...Ugh you do look really cute in it though!"
Baek would tease you, obviously he likes that you're wearing his clothes but he ain't gonna admit that now is he? No instead he chooses to tease you, he'll make little baby noises at you and pinch your cheeks, constantly saying how cute you are but in an annoying voice. You'll roll your eyes and go and take his jumper off and change into your own clothes but he'd stop you and tell you to carry on wearing his, leaving you 100% confused because he's so bipolar.
"Aweee look at the cute little baby... wait where are you going I didn't say that take it off!"
Would be flustered af. He wouldn't even know what to do, his mouth would be gaping and his eyes would shoot out of their sockets. Don't think he wouldn't love it though because he does it's just he's never seen you in his clothes and it's a big shock to him. When he tries speaking to you he'll stutter and wouldn't be able to stop the massive smile on his face.
"I-I...I like it, I like you I-I mean...It's fine."
He would first just look at you, eyes fixated on your body as he shamelessly checks you out. He would compliment you but then not at the same time? I guess he would still use his sass but would also show that he really likes it when you wear his clothes, still checking you out by the way. I wouldn't be surprised if he started getting a lil cheeky and place his hands on your butt, you just never know with Sehun.
"You look good in my clothes, not as good as me though."
Wouldn't know how to handle the situation tbh, he probably wouldn't even say a word to you and would stare at you in awe. After a while I see him getting into a clingy mood and having a need to hold you because you looked so damn good in his hoodie, especially since it was so long on you so you didn't actually need to wearing anything else. Would ask you to go cuddle him and throw a bunch of compliments your way.
"Jagi you're so cute~ come cuddle with me!"
He would freak out tbh, only on the first time though because he's just so shocked and you hadn't wore his clothes before. He'd be super extra about it and would end up shouting, not at you but just at the situation. He was especially surprised because it was his boxers you were wearing too which just shook him up even more.
Would lowkey be a massive turn on for him, seeing you in just his T-shirt and then how baggy it looked on you... boy you better run.. He'd lick his lips and do an overtake on your whole body, won't be long until he can't help but pick you up and take you to the bedroom, he's going to teach you a lesson on what happens when you wear his clothes unexpectedly.
"You look so damn good but unfortunately princess I'm going to have to punish you for making me feel this way so early in the morning."
Confused bean alert. He'd look at you wearing his boxers as if they were shorts and millions of questions were running through his mind. He actually thinks you mistook his boxers for your own shorts and never once thought you had done it purposefully. Tries to be a gentlemen by telling you they're his but ends up feeling stupid when you told him you wanted to wear them.
"Sweetie I'm pretty sure they're my boxers, not your shorts~"
Would be shook af to see you wearing his clothes, when he first sees you his eyes were wide and he was lowkey gawking. He snapped himself out of it before you saw him and replaced his shock with a smirk, he'd look you up and down like Xiumin but wouldn't be as foward. He'd come up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and placing a few kisses to your neck, you would get the jist of what he wants so would lead him to the bedroom.
"My my, what a nice surprise this is babe."
He probably wouldn't even give a shit honestly, he'd walk into the kitchen, greet you, then go look in the fridge. When you say to him your wearing his jumper he'd look back at you and just give you the look that says 'and?' then go back to looking in the fridge. He uses your makeup or even wears some of necklaces all the time so he doesn't really see what the big deal is.
"That's all very nice but I came here for cake."
This guy, idek it depends what time of day it is with him tbh. Like if he just woke up and saw you in his clothes then he'd be really confused/shook and his mouth would be hanging to the floor. But if it was late afternoon/evening he'd be more like Xiumin and Luhan, looking at you with lustful eyes and licking his lips, but would be a tease and wait for you to make the first move cuz really he's just enjoying the view.
"I-I... is that my shirt?"
Hope you enjoyed x
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