You Try To Cheer Him Up
The disappointed look on Junmyeon's face was evident when you got home. You looked at your phone seeing if you were late but you were actually a bit early. Wondering if you had done something wrong you recounted the past few days, nothing stood out.
You went over to join him on the couch giving him a kiss on the cheek before sitting down. "Why do you look so blue right now?"
He turned to you with a little pout, "You know how we planned that weekend getaway for our anniversary?"
You nodded, still a bit confused. "Well the manager let me know that some promotional opportunities popped up during that time, and that I won't be able to go."
You were a little upset, but you knew what dating an idol meant, your time isn't always the priority. You gave him a smile, getting over the disappointment quickly. "Oh well, we can get away another time. Just being able to spend some time with you is enough, no matter where."
Relief washed over his face, you knew that he never wanted to make you upset. You wrapped him in a loving embrace and gave him a kiss.
Kyungsoo came home with an upset expression. You looked up at him with concern as he moved forward to hug you. "Some stuff happened, it will be alright."
You didn't say anything, you just squeezed him tightly. As he pulled away you smiled which made him smile back at you. He could never resist your charms. Kyungsoo moved to your bedroom and changed into his casual clothes. You followed him and tried to tell him some things that you thought would make him happy. His strong and silent personality showed through as he would smirk and react without much conversation, which he usually did when he was upset. He tended to keep his words to himself. He moved to the kitchen and started pulling out pans and materials for the dinner he had planned for tonight.
That is when you moved forward and placed your hand on his, "Sit, you are tired and need to relax. I have helped you make this enough times."
He smiled and let out a small giggle. "Alright, just don't burn the house down." You gave a judgy look, and he couldn't help but kiss you before he sat at the table.
You made it your mission to give Baekhyun all the love and affection possible in order to make him smile. He had been informed that he would be leaving to promote CBX's new album in Japan again and he didn't want to leave you. He had missed you so much last time that he already knew how sad he would be. Of course, Dae and Min would try to cheer him up, but he still didn't want to go. You showered him in kisses, tickled his sides, cuddled up to him, anything you could think of. Finally, he gave up pouting and started to giggled loudly as you started to imitate him and his brooding behavior.
"Please continue, your face is cute when you do that." You scrunched your face and continued to pout. He couldn't help himself and kissed you, deciding to be happy and enjoy the rest of his time with you before he had to leave
It was quite odd when you came home to your happy virus boyfriend being mopey on the couch you knew something was definitely wrong. He looked up with a pout and opened his arms for you to cuddle with him. You fell into his arms, he was laying down so you were now laying partly on top of him.
You gave him a pout that matched his own, "What's wrong babe?"
He told you about how he was having some issues getting his song on the new album even though he worked super hard on it. You understood how important his songs were to him and it bummed you out too. When he started to frown again you immediately showered him in kisses. He giggled as you placed kisses on his forehead, his cheeks, his chin, and nose. Eventually he brought your lips to meet his own, the song forgotten for the time being.
The boys were off on tour and Sehun had been texting you about how much he missed you. You asked him what time he was free to chat and he let you know that it would be in the middle of the night where you were. Not that you cared, you just wanted to talk to him and hopefully take away some of his homesickness. You received the video chat request at around two in the morning. As soon as you saw his face, you were filled with joy.
"I wish I could reach through the screen and hold you right now." You felt the same way, distance really made you love him even more. "Are you sure you don't need to sleep right now? I don't want to keep you up, just saying 'hi' and seeing you for a bit will be alright."
You shook your head. "Trust me, seeing you and cheering you up is more important." You both talked about how your day went and he told you about how great the places they had been to were.
"I'll bring you back here with me next time." You giggled and excitedly agreed. Then you heard little footsteps approach you from behind as Vivi walked over to you. He stood up on his legs trying to jump on your lap. You smirked at Sehun before you bent over to pick him up and set him on your legs. Sehun's smile widened as soon as he saw his fur baby in the camera and took on his voice which he reserved for his son only. Vivi moved around happily when he saw Sehun as well.
When you finally became overwhelmed with the need for sleep you let Sehun know that it was time to say goodbye for now. "Alright. Thank you for staying up for me. I love you, and I can't wait to be home and wrap you in my arms again."
When Jongin came home after dealing with a sore back at rehearsal all day he wasn't in the best spirits. He plopped down and wrapped his arms around you, his face in your chest. You ran your fingers through his hair as you asked how the day went, knowing that the answer wouldn't be a nice one.
"I kept messing up, my back doesn't want to move certain ways right now." You gently pried him off you, saying that you needed to do something quickly. He gave a small pout as you walked away leaving him alone. You made some arrangements over the phone and returned to join him on the couch again. About forty-five minutes later there was a knock at the door. When Jongin opened it, he did not expect to see his dogs and his parents.
He greeted them excitedly and when they walked in, he gave you a giant hug and a kiss. "Thank you Jagiya! You are the best girlfriend ever."
You heard Jongdae on the phone, and it didn't sound like a very good conversation. You were sitting in another room to give him some privacy, but his voice wasn't the quietest to begin with, especially when he was upset. He walked out of the room, his face contorted in frustration. You walked over and wrapped your arms around him, your head in his chest.
Your affection instantly helped him calm down and feel better. "Want to talk about it babe?"
You looked up at him but he shook his head. "No, I think something else would be better right now." He lifted you and brought your mouth to his as you giggled.
"Alright, I'm all yours," you said as he carried you to somewhere more comfortable.
You noticed how quiet Min had been since he had gotten home. He hadn't said anything about being upset, but you could tell. You walked over and wrapped your arms around his neck giving him a cheesy smile. He tried to muster one back but it looked forced.
"Min, you have to tell me if something is wrong. I can't help if I don't know."
He nodded and placed his forehead against yours. "Everyone is just stressed and tired. Practice didn't go very well today, and I feel like I should help since I'm the oldest. Junmyeon can't do everything by himself."
You understood how much he cared. "Well no one can be responsible for keeping everyone happy, don't be too hard on yourself babe."
He smiled and then kissed you. "You are right." Then he kissed you again.
"Maybe I could take your mind off of this for a bit..." You backed away and grabbed his hand. He followed you energetically with a stupid grin.
Yixing called you at work letting you know that he would be staying late for a meeting with his managers to go over his scheduling conflicts between his Chinese and Korean promotions. You heard the sadness in his voice, knowing how he wanted to reunite with his brothers for a much longer time than he was being allowed to. He had also been busy filming all day and had to be exhausted. You decided to prepare a nice, relaxing bath for when he came home. Complete with lit candles, flower petals, and champagne. When he came home you gave him a big hug and a kiss and led him to the bathroom.
"Wow, baobei, you really know how to surprise me."
With that you directed him to undress and get into the water. He did as he was told and you joined him after he was comfortable. You sat in between his legs with your back against his bare chest. He wrapped his arms around your waist and you could tell that he felt relaxed.
As the time passed, you both shared what happened during your hours apart today and you let him vent to you about all the issues that weight heavily on his mind. As you went to bed later that night he let you know how much your gesture meant to him. "You always know how to make me feel better, that is why I love you."
Lu was pouting about something. Some news about not getting a role in a movie that he really wanted to be in. Trying to get his attention you moved in front of him. He seemed to be out of it and was staring blankly as if he didn't notice you at all.
"Lu? Babe? Hello!" You moved closer and he blinked a couple of times, coming to.
"Sorry baobei, I just really wanted it." You leaned on his shoulder and held him tightly.
"I know. But you know what else I know? I know that you are an amazing actor, and if they didn't want you, then you don't need them anyways." He smiled down at you and kissed your head. "You are also the most handsome, they were probably jealous." You felt him giggle as he wrapped an arm around you.
When Tao became extremely cranky, you knew something was wrong. You immediately resorted to cuddling up to him and telling him how much you cared for him. The boy would try and act like he was still mad but the smile would creep onto his mouth.
"Taooooooooooo, you are literally the best. Don't be upset." He turned to you and kissed you sweetly, holding your face in his hands even after the kiss was over. To top it all off, you offered to go shopping with him. This made him even happier. You knew that browsing stores would take his mind off of whatever was bothering him.
When you were at the store he picked out a really nice outfit and bought it for you. "My baobei needs to be spoiled after dealing with me."
You had been making silly faces at your boyfriend from across the room as he was working on something at the table. He was on the computer and had been conversing with his manager over the phone. You didn't want to bother him, but when you noticed the shift in his demeanor and the unhappy tone his voice had taken on, you wanted to make the situation better. Luckily you had gotten him to smile back at you. He even blew you a kiss.
When he had finished with his task he plopped down on the couch and pulled you close. "Well thank you for cheering me up during that."
You smiled up at him and he gave you one in return. "That's what I'm here for."
"My number one cheerleader."
You both giggled, "Maybe I should get an outfit." His eyes lit up and he gave a delighted smirk.
Hope you enjoyed x
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