You Have A Panic Atack
He usually thought of you as a strong and fierce person, but when he saw you look so fragile it broke his heart. You had started crying and hyperventilating. He tried to ask you what was wrong but your words were broken and breathy. You stumbled into his arms and he wrapped them around you, as if he could form a wall to protect you from anything that would cause you this much panic. He whispered reassurances into your ear and eventually your breathing slowed and the tears stopped falling. He held you for a long time after, not wanting to let you go.
Soo thought it would be a great idea to invite you to walk the carpet for the premier of his new film with him, arm in arm. You were excited and honored that he was proud to show you off to the world. As you both stepped into the limo, the nerves you had been fighting suddenly overflowed. You felt dizzy and your limbs started to tingle. "I don't know if I can do this Soo." He looked over at you trying to hide the concern he felt. He was worried that it would be too much for you, but recently you had been getting better with your social anxiety. "If you want we can turn around and I can come by myself." You couldn't, he was overjoyed about you coming and you weren't going to let your anxiety beat you today. "No, it will be okay, just give me a few minutes to calm down." He took your hand and kissed it, then smiled up at you. "Take as long as you need. I'll be holding your hand the whole time." Then he got close to your ear, "By the way, you look stunning."
Baekhyun was awoken by the ear shattering scream that escaped your throat. He immediately tried to coax you out of the nightmare that you seemed to be having. You woke up clenching your chest with the feeling that your throat was closing in on itself. You tried to speak but no sounds were coming out. Knowing how terrified you must be feeling, Baek pulled you close and rocked you back and forth trying to stop the episode.
You had recently heard some upsetting news but tried to push it to the back of your mind. But that didn't last forever, the stress caught up to you all at once. Your whole body became numb and the world became a blur. Chanyeol noticed the look of confusion on your face and how you didn't seem stable. He grabbed your shoulders, "Jagiya, what is going on? Can you hear me?" When you didn't show any response he just stood there and held you. Knowing that if he wasn't able to help, he could at least be there with you.
You had been walking around the city when you spotted something that triggered a panic attack. You felt the world begin to spin and stopped walking. "Sehun, I'm not feeling to well right now." He led you over to a bench and wrapped an arm around your shoulder, you leaning into him. He gently kissed your forehead and just kept talking to you, reminding you of things that you liked and made you happy. Trying to drown out the outside world so all you heard was him. You closed your eyes and only focused on his voice, which always calmed you down with its deep and beautiful sound.
You had a few bad incidents with animals when you were younger and when you finally met Jongin's dogs, although they were harmless, you felt like something bad was going to happen. Flashbacks passed through your mind as your heart began to race. He knew about these incidents, and when you froze up all he wanted to do was make everything okay. He put the dogs in a room until you calmed down and felt ready to meet them. He made sure that you wouldn't feel threatened by taking them out individually and holding them in his arms while you pet them. After they were all back in the other room, he took you into his arms letting you know that he would never let you near them if he thought they would cause you harm.
You felt the familiar pain rise in your chest and your ears started ringing. The world seemed to be falling back on itself, but luckily Jongdae was there with you. Last time you were alone and he received a call from work that you were sent home due to the sudden panic attack. He knew stress was the problem, but you had told him that you were dealing with everything just fine. You were sitting on the couch reviewing information for a presentation but nothing seemed to be going right and you lost control. According to your boss, everything had to go perfectly, and as of now it was going to be a train wreck. You didn't think you were crying but you felt the tears on your skin. He sat down with you and brought you into his chest. When you started to feel better again he offered to help you with the presentation until you felt confident with it. He even made you food since you had been skipping meals to work on it.
Minseok knew about your history with anxiety but he had never seen one of your panic attacks first hand. When you started to lose control of your breathing he pulled you close to him and lifted your chin so your eyes would meet his. "Hey Y/N, it is alright. I am here. Just breathe, please breathe." He tried to hide the panic that overcame him in his own face.
The large crowd that suddenly enveloped your boyfriend and you took your anxiety over the edge. You were usually prepared for this sort of thing when you went outside with Yixing but this time it was overwhelming. Even though he shouldn't risk getting hurt he still made sure to wrap his arms around you to create an extra barrier other than his own security guards. He noticed how your face went white and you mentioned how you didn't feel well. It broke his heart to know there was nothing he could do to change this situation due to his popularity. You nuzzled into his shoulder but continued to walk until you got to your destination. He kissed your forehead and apologized for the situation. You told him it wasn't his fault but clung to him till you felt better.
He didn't know what triggered it, but as soon as he noticed how tense you became and how sweat had formed on your brow he needed to make it better. "Tell me what you need Y/N." He would guide you gently to a place where you could sit and he would rub your back and softly console you.
Tao came home from a day at the studio to find you right in the middle of a panic attack. At this point you had situated yourself on the couch leaning forward with your head in your hands. He rushed over to sit next to you, gently rubbing your back. When you sat up and wrapped your arms around his neck, he lifted you up and took you to your bed. "Just relax, I'll handle dinner." He gave you a sweet kiss and covered you up before he left to make some food.
The sudden paranoia that something bad was going to happen when you were waiting to board the plane with Kris. When you tightened your grip on his hand, he noticed how pale you had become. You felt like your heart was going to beat out of your chest. "Y/N, is it happening again?" He knew that you had a fear of plane crashes and that sometimes it got the best of you. You nodded and looked down trying to steady yourself. He took your face in his hands and placed his forehead against yours. "Nothing is going to happen; this is the best company there is. I even looked up how well they upkeep the machinery. Just focus on me, I won't let anything happen to you."
Hope you enjoyed x
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