touch (acoustic) || kji
member : kai
type : fluff
traits / qualities : librarian kai x books lover reader
requested by : jaebird236
»Just a touch of your love is enough«
The first time I had noticed him was when there was a ruckus near the table I was seated at. I figured it was the usual kids who acted up, realizing it was actually some tall male and short female arguing over something.
I simply had sighed over the entire situation, brushing it off. I went back to reading the book I had opened, the character that was an assassin being my favorite. The fact that he was a professional made him even hotter for me. Him being after his target, and his fluent French had me swoon over him in a second.
French is so romantic.
I adore French and was quite fluent myself in the language, something of myself I was highly proud over. The years I had taken the time to learn the beautiful language were long, but worth it. The fascinating country of France being something that had won my heart.
I just love French and France so much.
But that's beside the point.
The ruckus had been the last thought on my mind, having not blinked twice at the occurrence. Until he came forward to the section, telling the couple they had to quiet down. To which he got more calm yelling in response. It didn't even seem like the small one was angry, her aura just screamed loud, even when she seemed to be smiling.
Having been unable to focus on the words on the pages before me, I kept reading them over and over again in hopes of them clicking to my mind soon enough. Yet all I could pick up on was her shouting about needing some book about a professional assassin for her sister who was on her honeymoon and she wanted to gift it to her when she'd be back.
I blinked, realizing the book was before me. Just as I turned to help them out, my eyes caught the male standing beside them instead and all my speech was lost. His glasses were rested over his nose and I felt my own nearly fall off of my nose. He was standing straight while he spoke to them with a voice of velvet.
He was able to pick the book out with ease and precision, handing it to the shorter with a smile. Patting her head, he earned a glare from the taller male beside her.
As I was taking this scene in, I forgot I was actually blatantly staring at them. When he turned slightly, his eyes met mine and I panicked, turning too fast back towards the book. In the rushed process, my glasses slid off entirely and onto the ground.
"I suppose these are yours, no?"
Knock me off of my feet all week.
In his hands were my glasses, a smile over his lips that had my heart somersault.
And now my whole week, my whole week is golden.
"Yeah," I gulped, ready to take them out of his hands, yet became frozen when he slid them onto my face.
My eyes stayed staring into his warm ones. His hand brushed my hair back to fit my glasses properly and he smiled, tapping my nose.
"Careful next time, hmm?"
And with a smile and the tilt of his head, he was off with a hop of his step.
You can choose whatever you like!
And then this will be Kai's ;)
I sighed, turning through the pages of the book mindlessly.
"Chocolate drizzle over top, order up!"
I stood, stepping towards the counter to get my cup. Instead, my hand met another's before it reached the cup.
"I-I'm so sorry," he smiled, pink creeping over his cheeks and I recognized him off the bat.
"No, it's alright," I pulled my hand back, letting him take the cup.
As he held the cup, his other hand reached out for mine. He held onto my hand, giving me the coffee instead.
"Mine will be here soon enough. Usually people don't get my order so I was a bit surprised, but you were in the library the other day, weren't you?" His smile had my chest flood with warmth and I felt my entire aura brighten just by being by him.
I feel like for the first time I am not faking.
"Yeah, thanks for that, and thanks for this too," I laughed lightly and he got his cup as well.
"I'm Jongin, it's great to actually run into you again," he grinned, his hand outstretched for me to take.
Can you see me glowing? That's how I feel.
My hand curled into his, shaking it firmly while I spoke.
"Y/N, the pleasure is all mine. You're just as sweet as when we first met," I smiled at him.
His eyes went large behind his glasses, going to the ground timidly before going to my chest.
"You're reading that book too?"
I blinked, glancing at what he was pointing at and I realized I had held my book tight over my chest out of nervousness.
"Yeah, it's actually really good. The entire concept for the male is exciting," my eyes sparkled while I spoke.
"He really is strong and the details of his profession make you delve into the book even deeper," he chuckled before continuing on. "Though he's not someone like me at all. I-I don't have the bad boy style or personality to myself really at all, he's got this great flirty persona. While I never break rules and don't have much arrogance."
Feeling feelings I never felt.
That's hot.
The way you got me under your spell.
"I agree with you. He's not anything like me either, I guess the high contrast is what really grasps me," I shrugged lightly. "It's quite funny since my sister is actually the one to party, even with her twin boys. Her husband has actually held her back from most of her reckless actions since she's pregnant again," I blinked after talking.
I'm sure telling him my life story only made our conversation further awkward.
You're doing gre-
"That's hilarious," he burst into laughter. "There's always those party people and then there's the ones who'd rather really just stay in with hot chocolate," he sighed happily.
"There's this great coffee shop down the street where they have the best hot chocolate," I gushed.
"We've got to try it out some time together!" He cheered.
"I'd love to!"
And I'm not afraid to fade into emotions.
We both fell silent after our excitement in realization of our words.
'Cause I know that this could be something real.
"I-I don't come off strong, but you're really easy to talk to," he sheepishly explained and I shook my head.
"You're fine, really. I'm actually planning on going back to the library tonight so I-I was wondering if you'd be there."
"Yeah! I'll be there, I'm actually heading back there so we can go together, if y-you want to," he smiled, his eyes over his shoes and I nodded.
We walked out, small chatter between us while we made our way to the library. As we got in, I sat down at the table by the window and he sat beside me, our coffee cups on the table.
"Hey, did nerd girl finally get a boyfriend?"
A group of kids sat across from our table, snickering.
I didn't raise my eyes, keeping them over the book while my hands fidgeted with my cup.
"You're so amusing," Jongin spoke up, my eyes going to him in surprise.
His chin was rested in his hand, his elbow over the table as he kept his eyes over the group. A smirk stretched over his lips ever so slightly.
"Are you laughing at us, nerd boy?"
"Nerds? That's the best you punks can do?" Jongin scoffed, not inching a muscle when one of the guys pushed back his chair to stomp over here.
"What did you say to me?"
"Don't harm the furniture in here. I do hope you know that these are a very pricey collection, yet with an intellect of yours to pick on others, I'd figure you can't appreciate art as it is," he chuckled huskily.
"Don't act so smart with me or els-"
"Actually, watch your mouth instead. I'll have you and your friends fined for causing commotion in my library."
I was sure I had nearly choked over my coffee at his words.
This was Jongin's library?
"So rich nerd boy thinks he can arrest us?"
"You're quite amusing, I still stand by that. Firstly, I've owned this library for years now, and I can guarantee to you I wasn't rich when I had to work to get to where I am now. Another note, I never said arresting any of you. A federal crime or government law isn't being broken here, but public violations are definitely made. The one to decipher that is me, Kim Jongin. So please, give me further reason to throw you all out of here," he remained unfazed entirely, not bothered slightly over the situation at hand.
"Leave. I'm not one to settle things with my fists, so besides getting physical, I can still tear you all apart. Consider this a favor on my part due to my kindness," he folded his hands together before him.
Raising his head, he stared at the group until they grumbled, shuffling themselves out and he turned to stare at me with a small smile.
I, on the other hand, was left speechless and gaping at him.
"What's wrong?" He hummed.
"Y-you're so humble?"
My words came out as surprised as I was, and I blinked at how it sounded like a question.
"Thank you, I suppose it comes naturally," he chuckled lightly.
"Your beauty must come naturally," I blurted out.
"Hmm?" He raised a brow at me, not hearing what I had said and I shook my head fast, a slight yawn coming out of nowhere as my lips parted. "Yeah, being pretty must be tiring."
"Then you must be exhausted," I tilted my head and he began to blush.
I promise to keep this a secret, I'll never tell.
"That's a terrible idea," I frowned while Jongin threw his head back and laughed.
"C'mon," he urged.
"I know it's not our typical style, but it'd definitely be a fun event and you can invite your sister and I-"
"Did that small pregnant lady give you the idea?"
I pursed my lips when he only gave me a smile.
"Absolutely not."
"But she's like the mom of our friend group and now she's actually becoming a mom of her own!"
"That's ridiculous, she's only a couple of years older than us," I threw my hands up and he pouted at me.
"I thought it'd be really nice."
"Did her tall husband threaten you?"
"Well, you see-"
"Jongii, listen," I started off, my expression clear and he glanced at me.
"I love you."
His words threw me off and I broke out into a grin, pointing a finger at him.
"Don't play that card on me!" I argued, grinning at him while he only smiled.
"C'mon, it's not the first time I've said it," he stood from his seat, stepping towards me.
You and I and nobody else.
My breath stopped when his eyes met mine, his low gaze steady over me.
Take control of my whole body.
"I love you too," I breathed out, watching him hover over me as he stood by me.
Master of anticipation.
His hand came down over the table where we were sitting. He licked his plump lips slowly. My eyes stayed over his glistening lips while his hair fell over his glasses.
Why you making me wait so long?
"Come here."
Fingers on my buttons and now you're playing.
His voice was harsh, deep and rough with abrupt need and I stared at him. The smooth sound of his voice was now raspy.
Don't you keep it all to yourself.
I stood before him, feeling his hands go over my hips firmly. Jerking me close to his chest, he smirked at me. His hands moved over my waist to curl over my lower back. His arms stayed looped around my sides to keep me close to him.
So won't you take it.
His nose lightly touched mine, his lips feathering over my lips. The soft wispy touch had me close my eyes and soon I felt his lips firmly push onto mine. My arms went around his shoulders, my hands playing with the hair on the back of his neck as he kissed me hard. The kiss deepened, his plush lips moving over mine quickly before he pulled away to breathe.
"So do you agree to the idea?" He grinned at me and I could only stare at him.
He raised a brow at my open gawking over him, smirking slightly.
"Want to take pictures of me? I'd be more than happy to pose before you."
Photograph with no t-shirt on.
"I-I think the party is a great idea," I spoke fast before he could act on his words.
"I'm so glad you agree! I promise it won't be a loud party," he bounced before me with a giddy smile.
"She may be short, but she's the definition of loud," I crossed my arms and he shook his head at me with a pout.
"She's our pregnant friend, I'm sure we'll be fine," he grinned excitedly.
"As long as you invite her sister, I really like her. She's got some great book recommendations and I wanted to talk to her about this new release that's coming soon," I kissed his cheek softly.
"I'm sure the tiny pregnant one can yell at her sister's husband and get them to come," he cheered.
"I'm pretty sure they're back from their Paris honeymoon trip anyways," I said.
He smiled at me, gently tugging me over his chest, his lips brushing over mine.
"Thank you."
"There's no need to thank me, I'm sure we'll do great planning for the party and u-"
"Hey, can you drink beer when you're pregnant?"
Jongin turned to see the tall male from the first time we met standing there as he questioned him.
"How am I supposed to know?"
"You're a librarian, I'm sure you're smart and stuff."
"Well, I don't think you should since it's not safe for the baby or the pregnant mother, so no, don't drink beer while pregnant," Jongin smiled kindly, fumbling around before he began to speak again. "Oh! And w-we're having a party here so it'd mean a lot if you and your wife would be able to come as well as her sister and husband," he grinned with enthusiasm.
"Any party you can count us in," he grinned as he waved and left.
"So that's settled!" Jongin jumped with excitement, bouncing around to set things so we could start planning.
Pick what you like!
This one is for Kai ;)
"I'm so excited!" Jongin bounced about as we opened the doors for the guests to come in.
I smiled at his giddy self, laughing lightly at how adorable he was.
"I can tell, the party is something I'm happy with too. It didn't turn out loud and obnoxious like I thought it would as we planned. I guess we'll just have to see how the guests like it," I leaned into Jongin as he pulled me into a hug.
His plush lips melted onto mine, kissing me gently.
"Thank you, thank you! I-I don't really like parties either, but this is a really nice and calm party so I'm very happy we were able to plan a softer idea for the party," he jumped around the library that we had set up.
"Why aren't you wearing your glasses?" I noted and he paused for a moment to pull me into his arms.
"I-I wanted to go without them for tonight so that I can hold you and dance with you without my glasses knocking on your forehead," he shied away and I grinned.
Remembering the moment from earlier when he had tried to kiss me, his glasses instead sliding off and hitting my nose in result.
"You're such a cutie h-"
My words were cut off when his arms went tight around my waist, his hands rested over my lower back. The quiet music started to play and he began to step to the harmony of the piece. I leaned into him, resting against his chest while we moved together. I glanced to the side to see our friends start to come in and wave and I smiled. Turning back to Jongin to show him how everyone was arriving, my breath hitched in my throat.
His eyes were kept on me intensely, his heated gaze having me nearly stumble. Before I could speak up about his simmering stare, his features flooded back with warmth.
"You make me so happy," he whispered shyly.
I was taken back by the sudden change in his demeanor, grinning back at him nonetheless.
"Then hold me close," I replied happily.
"Let's dance the night away, my fairy."
»Just a touch of your love is enough«
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