Traitorous (Err)
Suave directed Error in the direction that the vampiric version of his estranged husband had gone. Into the woods and towards the gardens of the Vampire King's castle. The woods were ominous as Error ran to catch up with Mots, thoughts of what could happen to the baby running through his head. How at any time the baby could be killed, or worse, be turned into a vampire like him. But why? Why did they want Error's baby? What reason could they possibly need for a child? Could they not have one of their own? Was there more to the story? Error was spurred to run faster as baby cries reached him. WHAT WAS HE DOING TO LITTLE EXIST?! Error used his strings to pull him up in the trees and help him to travel faster. He broke into the gardens in no time, running for the labyrinth where he heard his baby girl. ("exist!!! mommy's coming!!!") "€×-1-1$-+!!! m0-00-0m-¥-$$ <0-m1-n9!!!" Error cried out, tears threating to spill down from his sockets. Error rounded the corner and nearly slammed into Mors, having had to dodge the last second. Error's eyelights locked on to little Exist who was crying, scared.
Before Error could get a word in, Caedes came, landing on the ground as his wings closed. "mors! what's going on! why do you have reaper's baby?!" Mors smiled lovingly at Caedes. "you'd always wanted a baby, caedes... without the blood of the vampire king, i can't give that to you... but i can do the next best thing. she can be ours, caedes! all you have to do is turn her, and we could have a baby! one that looks similar to me, at least..." Caedes stared at the two with surprise before he made up his mind. "don't be a fool, mors. we can get an audience with the king yet and have our own baby! give her back. n o w." Caedes warned. "you are really going to doom this child to a life with separated parents? she could have a better life with us, as one of us." Mors growled. "i don't know what you mean! just give her back to error!" Mors eyelights flashed red as he glowered at Error who felt frozen, somehow. Unable to move or speak. "are you sure? after what he did to reaper?"
Mors had been watching? Since when? And how? Caedes seemed just as confused. "i don't understand... they love each other. i already caused enough trouble between them and i won't do it again! give. her. back. last warning." Mors scoffed and Error felt himself summon his strings against his will, a manic smile in place, rather than the dread he'd been feeling. "tell caedes what you did to reaper. the truth." Caedes frowned. "you know compeling mortals is ill-" Caedes was cut off by Error speaking without wanting to. ("i destroyed those wings of his so that he couldn't leave again. i wanted him to hurt.") "i-i de-str-oy-ed th-ose w-in-gs of h-is s-o th-at h-e cou-uld-n-t le-av-e a-ga-in. i wa-nt-ed hi-m to hu-rt." Error wanted to explain more, about how Reaper hurt him first, but he could no longer speak. Caedes looked horrified. "but... but reaper loves you! how could you?!" Error tried and tried to get it across that Reaper really didn't and that Geno, no, Caedes would always be his first choice. "it was just an accident, you know..." Caedes whispered. "i tried to patch things up so you guys could move forward and you hurt him. mors, take exist to reaper, i'll handle this."
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