Chapter 3
It honestly wasn't that hard to leave.
We were stopped by a security guard but Serena quickly explained we were just visiting a sick relative and he let us past. I made a mental note that she was quick.
After escaping to the streets once again, she led me through the dark to her apartment. It took a couple minutes of us stumbling up about three flights of stairs before we got to the locale. She leaned me against the wall and swung the door open. She turned to pick me back up but I had already made my way inside.
"Pretty nice place you have here", I said as I looked around.
It was decent, as far as apartments go. A small kitchen/dining room next to a living room with a sofa on it and a decently sized TV. Down the hallway was what I assumed to be her room but I didn't dare go in.
"Thanks. You can crash on the couch", she said as she unloaded her purse and keys by the door into a bowl.
"My room is just down the hall if you need anything, don't hesitate to call."
And with that she disappeared down the hall and the sound of a door closing soon followed.
I sighed. It looked like I was gonna stay the night here.
I took my shirt off and threw it over the arm of the sofa and then threw myself onto the cushions. With a loud exhale, I closed my eyes.
It must've only been about 3 minutes before I heard the door open and quiet footsteps make their way towards me. I kept my eyes closed and my body still until I could fully assess the situation. I could hear a soft snicker and then a hand run across my stomach. Something warm was then thrown over me and I peeked ever so slightly.
Serena had come to give me a blanket. I didn't really grasp why she felt the need to caress my stomach, but I pushed it off so I could sleep.
I awoke early the next morning. Shallow rays of light filtering in through the windows. Serena must've still been asleep cause it was quiet throughout the apartment.
I quietly swung my legs out of the blanket and stood up. I walked into the kitchen to search for some breakfast. The fridge was empty except for some eggs and milk. I picked the eggs and milk out of the fridge and moved to the cupboards. I found what I was looking for inside: flour. I had all I needed.
It was gonna be a small breakfast but it would have to do. The pancake batter was easy and the eggs were practically done. It only took about 20 minutes to fully prepare and by the time I was done, I could hear a door open from down the hall.
"Something smells delicious", Serena called from down the hall.
As she rounded the corner, I nearly fell over. She wore nothing but her underwear and a baggy t-shirt. She must've noticed I was staring cause she tensed up real fast. Her face turned beet red and we looked at each other.
"Uhh... well this is awkward", I said as I placed my hand on my head.
She laughed and relaxed a little.
"I kinda forgot you were here", she said with a blushed face.
I resumed my task trying not to stare at her for long periods of time. She sat down at her small table and I could see her looking at me in my peripherals.
As soon as I finished, I brought the pancakes and eggs to the table and she retrieved two plates. We sat and ate in silence. It was only broken when we exchanged comments or questions. I finished and stood up to retrieve my shirt and when I turned back around, Serena stood right in front of me.
"Umm, can I help you?", I asked slowly backing up into the arm of the couch.
She blushed and leaned forward. I froze as she placed her head on my chest over where a human heart would lie. She stood there for a minute and then stalked away to her room. I stood there, frozen. "What the fuck was that?", was all I could think. I put my shirt back on and sat down. Serena reappeared in a sundress and placed the plates in the sink.
"I think we should invest in some new clothes for you", Serena called out from the kitchen.
I looked in her direction. I didn't have any money for that. Let alone the trust in myself to pick out clothes.
As if she read my mind however, she said, "I'll cover the costs and the picking, I just need you to come with me."
I guess that settled it. Just use the human to propel me forward. I'd try to use this up as long as possible.
"Sure thing then", I said with a false smile.
She seemed happy I agreed and we made our way out to the streets of the city. We talked casually while we walked and she clung close to my side. Either out of fear or something else, I wasn't quite sure. It was only a 10 minute walk from her apartment to the store and bells rung as we entered.
"Hello!", called a warm voice from inside; the cashier, "what can I interest you in today?"
Serena explained we were in search of some clothing for me and the cashier gleefully led us toward the men's section of the store. It was painful having to sit there like a pet as the two talked about clothing. It was like I wasn't even there. After what felt like six hours of debating what I would look "good" in, we finally had our purchase and started the trek back. Halfway through though, she stopped.
"Are you hungry?", she asked with a smile.
I nodded, eager to use her for more. We stopped in at a cafe for lunch. She had ordered a salad and for I, a sandwich. I took time to examine her again. Her quaint features and fragile body. It would be easy to dispose of her after she fulfilled my needs. It was a shame, as she was beautiful in her own way.
The waiters brought us our food and I scarfed my down. She laughed and claimed I looked like an animal. I could feel the eyes of the others occupying the cafe turn and look in our direction when she laughed.
When she finished, we browsed around some more. By the second store I was ready to go back to her apartment and take a nap, but she insisted we keep going. It was only late afternoon when she suggested we go back... With about a million bags. I, of course, carried them all up the stairs and into the room so we could unpack it all. Clothes, food, other necessities.
"Can you start dinner?", she asked me as she unloaded her purse and keys.
I nodded and walked into the kitchen. From the kitchen I had the perfect view of her. She unzipped her dress and stepped out of it as it fell to the floor. She must've known I was staring because she had the biggest smirk on her face.
"It's not nice to stare you know", she said as she picked her dress up and retreated to her room.
She was cunning too it would seem. Trying to draw me in. That's alright though, she had no idea I was using her for her money.
She returned soon after to relieve me of cooking duty and I sat in the living room in front of the TV. I had yet to find a human show that wasn't pointless or just plain stupid. All of them revolved around the same few things: money, women, and fame. The three things humans are always seeking.
It wasn't long before dinner was ready. Serena plated the food and brought it to the table, it's wondrous smell bringing me to it. It was simple but delicious. I thanked her for the meal and returned to the couch to continue my search for a worthy show. She cleaned up dinner and joined me. She snuggled up next to me and picked the remote out of my hand.
"How about a movie?", she asked.
I knew what a movie was, but this would've been the first I'd seen, so I agreed and let her navigate. In Hell, there's only pain and suffering, not anything like this. No entertainment or relaxation time. She would never understand and she didn't have to, since I was just leeching off of her for the time being. And when that time ran out, I would already be gone and on to my regular way of living: alone.
She chose a movie that she claimed was "scary", and decided we would watch that. It couldn't be scarier than some of the shit I'd seen in Hell, so I wasn't too concerned. The only thing scaring me was how close she was. There was no reasoning to it. The whole situation, now that I thought about it, made no sense. If she wanted to thank me for saving her, she could've just said thanks and been on her way like any other human.
This was too much, I refused to believe a "generous" human existed. Not to mention the fact that she once again wore her t-shirt getup from this morning. She had no idea what I was, and I couldn't blame her for that, but you'd expect a little hesitation.
The movie played and every time something "scary" happened she would cling even tighter. She eventually fell asleep, from trauma or exhaustion I wasn't sure, but I wrapped her in my blanket and turned the TV off.
I needed some time to myself to attempt to comprehend how I'd arrived at this point. I slung on a sleek black jacket and a new shirt that she had so generously bought for me and made my way outside into the dark. After all, the middle of the night is a demon's best friend.
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