The hurricane was still in effect when I woke up. I could hear things being thrown around outside. I looked down and Serena was missing. I jumped up and ran down the hall. She was laying on the couch watching TV. I sighed and looked at her. She looked concerned.
"Everything okay?", she asked.
I nodded and looked out the window.
Trees were down, wires, cars had been flipped. This was a serious storm. I felt a magical presence, but then it was gone. Must've been my imagination.
I walked over to the couch and leaned down to kiss Serena's forehead. She smiled and wrapped herself tighter in her blanket. I could feel the presence again... it was nearby. It felt similar to the Angel's magic back at the convenience store... however I couldn't check while Serena was here.
I had a horrible idea. I held both my hands out at my side and focused, closing my eyes. A shockwave seemed to emit from my body and I opened my eyes. Time had frozen. Outside the window, a tree branch floated inches off the ground. Drops of rain hung in the air. I opened the door and stepped into the street. The presence was closer now... almost as if...
Shunk! A spear of pure light pierced my shoulder. With a cry I yanked it out and it dissolved. I could hear laughter above me.
"Nice spell demon, unfortunately it won't be enough to save you!"
Another spear soared towards me and I dodged out of the way. I could feel the pain from casting the time freeze spell coming on. I slumped over and threw up into the street. The Angel landed next to me.
"So you're out of magical power", a feminine voice said.
The blow hit me like a truck and I flew into the wall across the street. The Angel approached me slowly, watching. I stood up and wiped my mouth.
"I don't need it to take you out", I said, braver than I felt.
The Angel laughed.
"We shall see", she said.
I dove towards her and a fierce wind tore at me. I could feel blood dripping down my face. She laughed more now.
"As if you could kill me, Sera", she mocked.
I held my hand out and Lightcleaver appeared in it. I ran at her and struck out at her, missing. Her spear pierced my stomach now. I threw Lightcleaver at her and it clipped her wing as it disintegrated. She growled and pushed the spear farther in. I screamed out in pain and grabbed her neck. She was choking as I raised her off the ground.
"I've had enough", I said deeply.
Her eyes were wide and I squeezed tighter. She stopped struggling and I tossed her to the side. The spear had disintegrated and my blood was pooling beneath me. I had to get back to the apartment. As I stepped away, something struck me from behind. I fell to my knees as she grabbed my hair.
"You fool! You should've finished me", Sera said into my ear.
The pain was immense... I couldn't die here... not like this.
"For the Almighty!", Sera cried and I felt something change.
My wings flapped to life and Sera was thrown back. I felt a new strength surge through me. Lightcleaver has grown to double its length and I stared Sera down. She was trembling now.
"It can't be... he was presumed dead...", she mumbled to herself.
"I said... I'VE HAD ENOUGH!", I boomed as I cleaved her in half.
She was merely a pile of dust now and I fell to the floor. My adrenaline rush had abandoned me. I managed to rise and stumble to the apartment. I closed the door and collapsed into the living room. I made use of my depleted magic to heal myself enough where it wouldn't be suspicious. Serena unfroze at that very moment.
"Ryuji! What the hell?", she said, bewildered.
I laughed.
It hurt so much, the joyous sound causing pain to echo through my body. How long did I have to keep my Angel killing a secret? Serena was kneeled beside me and I held my hand out for her. She grabbed it and looked at me.
"What happened?", she asked in a panic.
"I went out for groceries and it felt like I was gonna pass out coming up the stairs", I lied.
She pursed her lips.
"Why do you always got to scare me?", she said.
I laughed again as I sat up. Moving hurt... I couldn't reveal that. I moved into a kneel and then slowly rose. She seemed skeptical. I pulled her close and she sighed.
"Well? What'd you buy?", she asked. Shit... I hadn't thought this far ahead.
"They uhh... didn't have what I wanted", I pieced together.
She yawned.
"You're looking pretty tired still babe. Why don't we lay down", I suggested.
She pulled me into the covers with her on the couch as I cuddled her cold body. She was watching that sitcom again. I guess she liked it? I still didn't really understand it. Maybe it reminded her of her family... that would make sense. She was sleeping again soon enough. It almost bothered me that she was so tired. Maybe a new job was in order... besides, our boss was a creep. He was always trying to peek underneath the wait staffs skirts. What a pervert.
I settled in next to Serena and closed my eyes. The Angels were definitely upset with me for whatever reason. I thought back to the fight. What was that surge of strength I had? It was like a new power had awakened inside me... was I evolving or something? I was still thinking as my mind fell into subconsciousness. I'd figure it out tomorrow... too much work for right now...
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