Hometown Hero
In school, in science-
"Don't forget, lab reports by the end of the day. No extensions, no exceptions. Any sad stories, you can try. I'm always up for a laugh," our teacher told us as the bell rang.
I got up from my lab table, going over to the boys as Shawn asked Cory, "Did you do your paper?"
"No. You?" Cory asked.
"I didn't even know there was one. So what do we tell Sorrell?"
"The truth."
I sigh. "And what is that this time?"
"That aliens abducted us," Shawn answered.
"And ate our papers," Cory added.
"Good. We've got our stories straight," Shawn said as they both stood up and walked over to Dr. Sorrell.
"No, no, no, no, Tommy," Dr. Sorrell told the jock. "When I said 'no exceptions', I didn't mean you. You rest that touchdown-throwing arm of yours. Turn your paper in by the end of football season."
"I play basketball, too," Tommy stated.
"Well, then, just forget about it."
Once Tommy walked out, the boys went up to him. "Hey, Dr. Sorrell-" Shawn began.
"You know what?" Cory began. "Why don't I handle this? Because Dr. Sorrell and I have the kind of close-knit relationship that goes way beyond student-teacher. I mean, we are very tight."
I nod slowly. "I'm sure, Cory."
Later, that night, the boys and I climbed through the window.
"He didn't even know my name," Cory complained, climbing in and taking my hand, pulling me in.
"What are you so upset about?" Shawn asked as he climbed in after me.
"Oh, I don't know. Could it be staying up all night to finish my paper?"
"That I helped you with," I finish.
"Could it be breaking into school so my paper's not late? Or could it be losing half my pants on the barbed wire?" Cory asked quickly.
"I don't know why you didn't just walk through the gate like we did," I tell him.
"It was too easy. It looked like a trap."
I sigh. "Why do I let you guys talk me into these things?"
"Come on, let's look over here," Shawn told him.
"You know what bugs me the most?" Cory asked. "Tommy the football hero gets a free ride for throwing a stupid lucky touchdown."
"Cory, let me tell you something about breaking and entering. You usually don't hang around and vent while you're doing it."
"He's only fooling himself if he thinks this hero stuff's gonna carry him through life, though."
I scoff. "Oh, yeah. Troy Aikman's really hurting."
"I'm a felon, Cooper. Don't push me," Cory sassed.
"Cory, you're about as bad as a teddy bear goes," I chuckled.
"All I'm saying is, he's heading for a fall if he believes his own hype."
"Come on. Let's just put our papers on the desk and get out of here," Shawn told him, taking out his paper. "We are home free."
The light on Shawn's flashlight went out. "Uh-oh."
"Check the batteries," Cory said.
"Okay, okay. But I need a flashlight," Shawn replied.
"Ya think?" I ask, slightly annoyed.
"We need matches now. All right, we're in a chem lab. There's gotta be matches around here somewhere, right?" Cory questioned, moving around.
I felt something heavy crush my foot. "Ow. Watch where you're stepping, Cory," I tell him.
"Sorry," he replied before seeing him shuffle at a lab station before finally holding something in his hand. "Ta-da! Matches."
"As some famous guy once said, 'Let there be light'," Shawn spoke.
Cory lit the match box by accident, causing a bigger flame. "Ow, ow, ow, ow!" Cory yelled, running to a trashcan and tossing them in there, everything in there, catching on fire.
"You idiot!" I yell, looking around the dark lab to put the fire out, but everything was flammable.
"Backdraft!" the boys yelled.
"Oh, my God!"
We all climbed out the window and once we reached the floor, "Was the fire out when you left?" Cory asked.
"It's a trash-can fire. It'll go out by itself. Or tomorrow, when they take out the trash," Shawn told him.
"Shawn, Shawn. It's a chemistry lab. Chemicals explode."
"Oh, no, this is bad."
"This is really bad," I agreed.
"No, no, no, no. I ended my paper, 'In conclusion, chemicals don't explode'."
"Hey, where you going?" I ask Cory as he climbed back up the ladder.
"To save the school," he replied.
"Hey, while you're in there, can you change the ending on my paper?" Shawn asked, earning a look from me. "What?"
At school, the next day-
"Guys, I'm still scared," Cory told us.
Cory, relax," I tell him.
"We got away with it. We pulled the alarm, the school didn't burn down, we got our papers in. And the beauty? Nobody knows," Shawn stated.
Janitor Bud came up to us. "Hey, you three. I know."
I felt my stomach drop, but ask in a calm tone, "What do you know?"
"I know what you did last night. You, Curly. Come with me," Janitor Bud told Cory.
Cory looked to us in fear. "Guys?"
"Quick, rub off your DNA," Shawn told him.
"Come on," I say to Shawn, both of us following Janitor Bud into Mr. Turner's class.
"This is the guy," Janitor Bud told the three teachers. "After the fire alarm rang, I saw him running down the hall."
"Mr Matthews, is this true?" Mr. Feeny asked.
"Well, if he says he saw me, then I guess he saw me," Cory answered.
"Oh man," I mutter, biting my thumb nail.
"All right, Matthews. Attaboy," Mr. Turner told him.
"You betcha. I was asleep in my office. Well, closet. The alarm woke me up and saved my life. If it wasn't for your courageous action, today some other janitor would be sweeping me up," Janitor Bud retold the story, earning applause from the class.
"Sounds to me like the little feller's a hero," Mr. Williams said.
"Yeah. It does sound that way, doesn't it, Cory?" Shawn asked, walking over to the boy.
"Irony," Cory replied.
"Much irony," I agreed.
Mr. Feeny came up. "Well, how fortunate for us that you were passing by the school at that moment."
"Yeah, it was," Cory stated.
"What exactly were you doing out there?"
"Oh, I don't know. Just one of those right places at the right time things," Cory answered.
"And am I glad he was. Anybody who saves my life is okay in my book," Janitor Bud added.
"Yeah, good job, Cor," I tell him.
"You know, I'm a little uncomfortable with the whole school thinking I'm a hero," Cory told us.
"You are a hero," Shawn stated in a matter of fact tone.
"I don't think so."
I look down the path to Cory's locker. "Well, whoever laid down this carpet for you sure thinks you are," I say.
"Yeah, how do you know they laid it for me?" Cory questioned.
I roll my eyes. "It leads directly to your locker."
"It does," Cory spoke, before barely stepping on the red carpet. "Ooh. Plush."
"Cory Matthews," Dr. Sorrell called, walking up.
"You know me?" Cory asked.
"Do I know you? Who doesn't? I graded your paper this morning. A-plus."
Cory took back his half crisped paper. "But, sir, it's all burned. The only thing left is my name and the date."
"I saw where you were going. Keep up the good work. Oh, and, Cooper, Hunter?" Dr. Sorrell handed Shawn his paper. "D. Chemicals do explode." He finally handed me my somewhat paper. "An A...as always."
"Yay," I cheer.
"I got an A," Cory said.
"Wow. A D. I'm riding your coattails," Shawn told him.
"You know, this doesn't feel right."
"Cory, this is exactly what you were talking about yesterday. Your free ride. Tommy got lucky with his touchdown and you got lucky with the fire."
"Shawn's right," I agreed. "You complained about Tommy, now you got something to be praised about."
"The fire I started?" Cory asked.
"Nobody knows that. Come on, you're always saying how you want to be somebody. Now you are. You're a hero," Shawn told Cory.
Janitor Bud walked over. "I hope you don't mind, but I took the liberty." He placed something in Cory's hand that looked like a garage clicker. "Go ahead. Press it." With a simple press, Cory's locker opened. "It's a Locker Genie. You like it? And here's an extra clicker for your wife."
"Do you see this?" Cory asked once Janitor Bud walked away and he closed his locker with the clicker.
"Yeah. The perks of herodom," Shawn answered.
"You know, I could get used to this," Cory said, opening his locker once more.
"You deserve it, Cory. You saved a man's life."
"I did, didn't I? Click." The locker closed. "And you know what? I'm glad I did. Nice guy, that Janitor Bud. He deserved to have me save his life."
"You're a hero, aren't you?" Shawn asked.
"You see a burned-down school anywhere? Hero," Cory replied.
"Okay, Superman. Just don't let it go to your head," I say.
"Trust me, It's not. I'm still the same Cory Matthews."
I stood in the doorway of the cafeteria, watching the pep rally for football.
Tommy began at the mic. "A lot of people think I'm a big deal around here because I throw touchdown passes. And I am. But I wouldn't have a field to do it on if it wasn't for this guy," he motioned to Cory as Shawn and Topy came beside me. "So this Saturday, we're dedicating our big game to our inspiration, Cory Matthews. So here to introduce the man of the hour is his brother Eric..." he paused before asking. "What's your last name?"
"It's Matthews," Eric answered.
"Wow, same as your brother's."
"It's weird, huh?" Eric laughed as he stepped up to the mic. "Okay, I'd like to start off with a megabig Patriots hello to all my fellow students. Specially you, Christine Wingate. I see you looking at me." I roll my eyes. "Cory Matthews. Cory Matthews...Cory Matthews. Now, what can I say, except, well Last week Stephanie and I broke up, so I am currently single and available. Call me. Cory Matthews, a hero."
More applause as Cory stepped up to the mic. "Thank you, Eric. Thank you, Tommy. My fellow heroes. I've been asked to tell my story, to give the football team a little shot in the arm." Cory coughed, obviously fake. "Excuse me, I still have some smoke in my lungs." I scoff as I lean into Shawn's side. "Now, you guys are playing this weekend, and you're scared, because the other guys are bigger than you. Well, last night, my friends, those flames were a lot bigger than me." More applause. "But did I run away?"
"No," the audience answered.
"That's right, my friends. Because if you're gonna succeed in business, or on the gridiron, you have got to believe you can do it. Remember, there's a little Cory Matthews inside each and every one of you." No reaction. "It's a metaphor."
More applause as Topy leaned over to us. "Isn't it great what's happening to Cory? Everyone loves him."
The football team chanted Cory's name as they picked him up.
"And his head just swell up bigger than the moon," I say, crossing my arms.
After school, a lot later with Cory-
"This was the greatest day of my life," Cory bragged. "Do you think the student council can really do it?"
"What?" Shawn and I ask.
"Get the school named after me. Cory Adams High," Cory grinned at the idea.
"Look, Cory, I'm glad you're having a free ride and all, but-" Shawn began.
"What, Shawn? What?" Cory asked.
"Well, I just want to make sure you still have your feet on the ground," Shawn answered.
"Yeah, Cory I feel like if this goes on any longer, you're head is going to be bigger than Jupiter," I tell him.
"You know, it sounds like you guys are trying to rain on my parade. Which I believe is on Tuesday," Cory said.
"I'm just saying what you said. You know, don't buy into your own hype," Shawn told him.
"Shawn, this is different, all right? I'm just letting people think what they want to think. It's not like I'm gonna walk in this door and lie to my parents," Cory replied as we walked through the kitchen door.
"Surprise!" Cory's family exclaimed.
"Why do I feel like you spoke too soon?" I ask.
"For me?" Cory questioned them.
"Yes. There's the man that saved the school," Mr. Matthews cheered.
"Eric told you?"
"I didn't have to," Eric stated.
"Hey, everybody told us. That phone hasn't stopped ringing all day," Mr. Matthews added.
"Well, then, why didn't you just answer it?" Shawn asked.
They ignored Shawn. "So, Cory, tell us everything," Mrs. Matthews asked.
Cory began. "Well, Mom, Dad, I don't know what you guys have exactly heard, but here's what really happened..." he paused, looking to us. "I was walking back from Chubbie's when I saw the flames." I sigh sadly. "I didn't have time to think. The next thing I know, I'm running into the building..."
At school-
"Hey, you didn't stay for dinner last night," Cory greeted us.
"Yeah, we had a date at Chubby's," I tell him which wasn't a lie, but we also didn't want to watch Cory continuously lie.
"Look, I know you guys mad at me, and I didn't want to lie to my parents, but I just figured that if I'd told them the truth it would have made things a lot worse, you know?" Cory explained.
"Sure you're not just getting off on this whole thing?" Shawn asked.
"Shawn, I'm just giving people what they want. I mean, I don't want to disappoint them."
"Disappoint them?" I ask.
"Listen to my morning. Listen to this." Cory pulled out a small list from his pocket. "Photo shoot with the homecoming queen. Sushi with Dr. Sorrell. Then I gotta fight traffic to greet the new exchange students at the airport. I don't know how to make it stop."
"You could just tell them no," Shawn answered.
"Well, I'm afraid to do that."
"Why?" I ask.
"'Cause I don't want to go back to being the same old Cory Matthews," Cory stated.
"And what was wrong with him?" I ask.
"Betty, I've been at this school for two years, and people still call me Eric's brother, Shawn's friend, Betty's friend, Shawn and Betty's third wheel, or my favorite, 'Hey, kid, move'."
"Cory, aren't you afraid this whole hero thing's getting out of control?" Shawn asked.
"Look, I lied to my school, I lied to my folks. How much worse can it get, right?"
"Matthews. How would you like to tell the rest of Philadelphia what a hero you are?" Mr. Williams asked beside Mr. Turner.
"There's your answer," Shawn stated.
Mr. Turner continued. "Eli called some of his buddies, arranged for an appearance on Philadelphia Tonight."
"They want me on TV?" Cory asked.
"Not just you, they want your whole family. They'll be at your house tonight," Mr. Williams added.
"Huh? How great is that?" Mr. Turner asked proudly.
"Excuse me," Cory told them before using his clicker to open and close the locker, banging it against his head.
"Famous people. They're all weird," Mr. Williams said.
"Come on, Eli. He's just nervous. I mean, he can save a guy from a burning building, but he's scared of a little TV camera. It's almost cute," Mr. Turner stated.
I chuckled as me and the boys walked away causing Cory to say, "That's it. I've reached my limit. I can't go through with this."
Mr. Feeny came up as he heard that, "Can't go through with what, Mr. Matthews?"
"Cory's gonna be on TV," I answer when Cory froze up.
"What on earth for?"
"They just want him to tell the whole story about the fire," Shawn added.
"Oh, wonderful. I've also been waiting for him to tell the whole story."
Cory started to fidget. "Well, Mr. Feeny, I think you pretty much know everything."
"Perhaps you're right," our principal replied before going back inside his office.
"What did he mean by that?" Cory asked, anxiously.
"Oh, it's Feeny. Three years and I still don't understand a word he says," Shawn answered.
I slightly laughed. "You don't understand a word anyone says."
"What?" Shawn asked.
Later that night-
Cory began to pace nervously in his room. "Well, there's no turning back now. The news van has pulled up." He looked out his window. "They're bringing in cameras, cables, lights. Ooh."
"What?" Shawn asked.
On the bed, I perked up at the word. "Ooh, bagels? Where?" I got up, looking out the window.
"You know what?" Cory began. "I'm glad you guys are here with me for this."
"Where else would I be, Gomez?" Shawn teased getting me to laugh.
"Plus, everything that goes on in our lives, I'm always there," I tell Cory.
"I mean, I'm partly to blame. I'm the one who told you to ride this whole thing."
"So you're gonna go on TV with me?" Cory asked Shawn.
"And lie to the entire city? What kind of idiot would do something like that?" Shawn scoffed.
I cough loudly, pointing to Cory.
Eric exited the bathroom. "Half hour to our debut, boys. And girl."
"Our debut? Eric, what are you talking about?" Cory asked.
"I'll tell you what I'm talking about. Rich Herrera."
"What?" Shawn questioned.
"Rich Herrera. He's the weather guy on Philly Tonight. He is such a lame-o. But when the TV audience gets a load of me, Herrera's out, Matthews is in. Bet you that's not in his five-day forecast, huh?"
"But...everybody loves Rich Herrera..." I tell Eric. "I'n part of that 'everyone'."
"Hey, he is nothing but a head of hair and a winning smile," Eric said, pushing his hair back. "So. How do I look?"
"Head of hair, winning smile," Cory answered.
"Yes! I am so the new weatherman," Eric applauded himself.
Cory approached his brother. "Eric, what if this TV thing didn't happen tonight?"
"What are you saying?"
"Well, what if I told you that I'm not really a hero? That I'm the one who started the fire, and this whole thing kinda snowballed."
"You're protecting Herrera, aren't you?" Eric asked, not understanding the point.
"Guys, this is the low point of my life. I mean, after this I am going straight to hell. And you know what the worst part is?" Cory asked us.
"What?" we ask.
"They'll expect me to put out the fire."
"We'll we're here for you, Cor-" I began before I saw. "Oh, food!" I dragged Shawny to the table.
Connie from the news began to explain. "Okay, guys. This is how it's gonna work, okay? In 30 seconds they're gonna throw it to us, okay? And then I'm gonna pop you a couple question marks. You know, we'll talk. You know, 'We love him, we love him, we love him.' Okay? Now, don't hold back on me. Tears if you got 'em. Okay? We'll do a commercial, we'll march out the hero, he'll tell his story, flames, flames, flames, flames, flames. We load up the van and we're drinking by nine. Well, not the young ones, of course."
"Yikes, she's always like this?" I ask Mr. Williams who was passing by.
"After she mellowed," he replied before taking his place beside Mr. Turner.
Connie began with the Matthews once more. "Okay guys. Three things to remember. I want you to smile, have fun, and don't you dare talk over me."
"Definition of annoying," I say before grabbing a bagel.
"That's how you are on camera," Shawn replied.
"I'm not that bad," I scoff.
"Fine, worse. Whatever," Shawn joked.
A guy from the crew came up to us. "Uh, excuse me. Are you part of this?"
"Uh, excuse me, yeah. I helped Cory start the fire," Shawn replied.
"I told them not to, now shoo," I mumble out to the guy hoping to enjoy my bagel in piece. I look to Shawn who was dumping food into his basket. "Hey, don't take it all," I tell him, pulling another bagel out.
"Let's get outta here," Shawn told me.
"But we told Cory we'd be here," I respond.
"You live next door, let's just sit on the roof and eat this food."
I began to debate. "Rooftop? Food? Alone time with you?" I turn to Shawn, pecking his lips before taking his hand. "Okay, let's go."
The next day, at school, Cory came clean now everyone knew-
"Janitor Bud, how can you take away his Locker Genie?" Shawn asked our janitor.
"I mean, he still saved your life," I say.
"Okay. I owe you my life. But Feeny signs the checks. Clicker," Janitor Bud told Cory who handed it over. "Mrs. Fraud?" He looked to Topy who did the same.
Cory closed his locker. "Well, so much for the perks."
"Come on, Cory. Would you rather go back to being a hero again?" Topy asked.
"Nah. I'm happy just being plain old Cory," Cory wrapped his arm around all four of our shoulders. "I mean, look. I got my best friends, I got my girlfriend-"
"Hey, kid. Move," Tommy cut him off.
"And I got my old name back."
"Even, sometimes being our third wheel?" I ask.
"Even being your guys third wheel," Cory replied.
Tommy went up to Dr. Sorrell. "Hey, Dr. Sorrell. I got practice tomorrow, and do you think-"
Dr. Sorrell finished for him. "Oh, sure, Tommy. Miss the lab. Take all the time you need."
Cory came up to our teacher. "Oh, Dr. Sorrell. Hey. Um, listen. I'm glad I ran into you. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, and here's a note from my mom."
"Tell someone who cares," Dr. Sorrell replied before walking away.
Cory smiled, regardless. "It's good to be me."
I'm sorry I haven't been updating lately. I've been working all day and it's been kind of taking a toll on me.
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