Long Live The Prince
He slid back the slot. A pair of frighteningly bright green eyes stared back at him. The irises were studded with diamond implants.
"Oh-- oh," Jenx said. His hand shook as he opened the door. "Y-- you're--"
"Yes. Is anyone else here?" The tall man peered around him into the apartment. He wrinkled his nose. "I suppose not."
The man strode in. Jenx stepped aside, still not sure quite what to say. The man looked into the Aux room, briefly. Turning back to Jenx, he asked, "It's off?"
Jenx nodded. His mouth was dry.
"Good, good," said the man. He looked down at Jenx, with a mild smile. "You are Master Jenx, designer?"
Jenx nodded again.
"Then I was right. Suffice it to say, I need your help," the man said. He went to the window and pushed aside the curtain. "They're after me, you know."
"You? You-- you mean, tonight?"
"Yes," said the man. "Their own prince, at their own party. I trust it is to be a spectacular scandal. They've been planning it for months, I suppose."
"But-- you're the prince! You'll have security!"
Prince Florzel stared hard at him. Then he shook his head. "It's the party, my dear. No one's safe. And someone plans to kill me. Which is why," he said, "I need the help of the best designer in the host district."
"Me? But it's just a hobby," Jenx said.
"Oh, stop with the false modesty. It's all over arcAdia. Avoiding an ex? Go to Jenx. I need a disguise."
"Well, sir," Jenx said, turning towards the closet, "it's rather short notice. The party's just an hour away. What style are you going for?"
"I don't care about style. Just make it concealing. I might be known in the tabloids for my 'casual cool,' but I assure you I do not greet death with open arms," Prince Florzel said.
"Alright," Jenx said. "I think I have just the thing. I was saving it for All Soul's Night, but I can make another, of course."
He pressed print. Layer by layer, a dark suit grew in the closet. It was finished with a half-mask with a long bird's beak.
"Hm," said the prince, "that will do nicely. Thank you, Master Jenx. You do not disappoint."
The prince stepped into the suit and pulled the mask over his face. "I'll be on my way now. Here, take this." He took Jenx's wrist and transferred 9000 bits into the credit account embedded in his skin. "I trust that will keep you discreet."
Jenx could barely muster a thank you. Prince Florzel half-smiled under the mask and went out the front door.
Jenx stood in his room for a while. He looked down at his account. Yes. That had all happened. He had saved the prince from assassination. With a baroque mask and a fairly nice tux.
Outside, the soft hum of an electric car echoed down the empty streets.
He returned to the aux room and reconnected.
> MastrJxX: Back.
> Grinn8mr: Lmaooo that was long... what were you doing, taking a dump??
Jenx hesitated.
>MastryJxX: Yeah.
>Sexiboi: Without me ;)))
>Sexiboi: Wait.
>Sexiboi: I thought he was going to say shower.
>Grinn8mr: LMAO
>Grinn8mr: Oh my G_d
>Grinn8mr: Yasha has a....
>Sexiboi: Stop!
>Grinn8mr: POOP KINK!
>Sexiboi: I DO NOT!
>Grinn8mr: Jenx, you have just gone through the traumatising experience of witnessing Yasha's poop kink first hand. How are you feeling?
>MastrJxX: Incredibly shaken. I think I might need years of therapy to recover from this horrible event.
>Grinn8mr: Sir! Sir! What have you learned from this monstrosity?
>MastrJxX: Only that I pity all those who experience it first hand.
>Sexiboi: Guys stop! What if people think I really have a poop kink and a guest requests it??? I'm way too hot to have my body tarnished by poop.
>Sexiboi: Covered in choclate, fine.
>Sexiboi: Covered in poop, NOT FINE!
>Grinn8mr: Hey Jenx, do you want me to pick you up for the party tonight? I got two free pass chip from Mexy for which means you and I wouldn't need to wait in line to get in through the general entrance lol.
>Sexiboi: Hey! Why wouldn't you use your free pass with me ;(
>Grinn8mr: You work in the pleasure district. You wouldn't be coming through the general entrance anyways, you'll be with the other Gwami.
>Sexboi: I knoooooow but I still can't believe that Jenx got picked over me for anything.
>MastrJxX: Hey! Rude!
>Sexiboi: Sorry my fella, I simply tell it as it is. Just keeping it real. Y'know...classic Yasha style.
>MastrJxX: But yeah, Vi, sounds like a plan to me.
>Grinn8mr: Great LMAO!
>MastrJxX: Oh hey, Vi, did Mexy ever say why she thought the prince would be coming?
>Grinn8mr: Nope.
>Sexiboi: I hope he comes! Have you seen his pictures in the magazines? He's HOT!!!
>T00str: You're so gross.
>Sexiboi: Suck me.
>Sexiboi: ;)))
>Sexiboi: I want those dimoned studded green eyes piercing into my very soul. AHHHH I'm getting hot just thinking about it!
>Sexiboi: Why sooooo interested in him Jenx? Do you have a thing for him too, cause I will literally fight you.
>Grinn8mr: Like you two would even have a chance. I'm shocked that there's even a possibility that he would be at an event not completely populated by blue bloods.
>Sexiboi: Haha, true.
>Sexiboi: Hey, do you guys think I should hook up with that pink haired girl who kept eyeing me at the last party. She was kind of cute but I think she got waaaaay too much ear surgery. Like I get that pointed ears are making a comeback and all but I fricken can not stand banging someone and having to worry that their ears are so pointed that they'll literally cut my beautiful, perfect, incredibly handsome face!
>T00str: You make me sick.
>Sexiboi: Thank you Niby poo I try.
>Grinn8mr: LMAO!
>Sexiboi: Yo, I'm going to go get ready for the party guys.
>MastrJnxX: Me too.
>Grinn8mr: I already got changed while you were gone Jenx. I just need to do my hair and makeup. Want a sneak peak?
>Sexiboi: Yes!!! I want to see!!!
>Grinn8mr: A pic is coming your way lol.
Beside the chat a large picture popped up of Vi wearing a turquoise suit. Her short green hair was slicked back and she was winking at the camera. She was grinning, fully displaying her cosmetically sharpened teeth.
>Sexiboi: Cute.
>T00str: Yeah.
>Sexiboi: I mean, obviously you don't look as good as me.
>T00str: Stop.
>Sexiboi: Haha, okay for real guys. I need to go get ready. See you in a few hours babes.
-Sexiboi has logged out of arcAdia-
>Grinn8mr: Lmao me too! See you soon guys! Jenx you better not keep a girl waiting.
>MastrJnxX: Will do. I'll be going now too.
-Grinn8mr has logged out of arcAdia-
Jenx pulled out his chord.
-MastrJnxX has logged out of arcAdia-
He sat there for a moment staring at the white ceiling above him. He had a feeling the party tonight was going to be different than any he had gone to before. The feeling made him nervous, so much so that he probably wouldn't have gone, that was...if he had a choice.
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