23. Trouble back home
Normal: eng
slanded: Korean
underlined: Hindi
Sakshi was in India since a few weeks as she had came to visit her family and friends after her graduation. And Sakshi had just returned from an outing with her friends and she let herself in with her spare key , but unlike what she had expected she was met with a scene of her mom and some other dude shouting at her younger brother Hritik and some girl who looks like she is around the same age as Hritik.
Sk: what the hell is happening here ?
Mom: ask you brother what he did. He is set on tarnishing our family name .
Sk: what happened Ritu ? And who are these two ?
Hrit: didi I'm so sorry , I didn't think it will end up in all this.
Sk: first tell me what happened Ritu. Trust me I won't get too mad after all I'm your didi you can tell me anything.
Hrit: didi this is Jhanvi she is my girlfriend.
Sk: oh hi nice to meet you . Now why was mom mad at you as I know she don't mind us dating once we cross 18.
Hrit: Jhanvi is um.
Sk: she is what come on spit it out.
??: I'll tell you. Jhanvi , my sister is pregnant right now . Your brother trapped my little sister in name of love and took advantage of her .
Sk: is it true ?
Hrit: no d-
Sk: I wasn't talking to you Ritu I was asking Jhanvi. Dear can you tell if what your brother said is true. You don't have to hesitate . Just tell me are you two in a relationship and did you consent to having sex or did my Ritu take advantage of you like what your brother said ?
Jh: I'm scared.
Sk: no need to be I promise you neither my brother nor yours will harm you in anyway as long as I'm present ni matter what your answer . Also you are over 18 right ?
Jh: ya I'm 19.
Sk: ok then tell me girl to girl what is the truth just tell me the truth and I promise no one here will hurt u .
Jh: Hritik didn't do anything wrong , I gave my consent to what ever happened between us and we have been dating for 2 years now he have never touched me without my permission and also didn't ask for anything like that until I turned legal age.
Sk: see Mr. ?
Jg: Jagan , my name is Jagan and if what my sister said right now is true then I'm sry for shouting at you miss .
Sk: you can call me Sakshi. Also it's ok.
Jg: so what's the plan now ?
Sk: well luckily abortion now is legal for unmarried women for pregnancy caused by failed contraception.
Jg: oh ya I forgot about the change in the abortion law.
Sk: ya that's there but before all that I wanna know what you want Jhanvi ? Is it a abortion that you want or do u wanna keep it , don't look at Hritik or your brother just tell what you want. Cause at the end of the day it's your body and it's your health bith mental and physical that's gonna be effected more than anyone else.
Jh: didi truth be told I'm scared , I don't how I will manage being a parent at this age. But I can't ever think about abortion , I can't kill the life growing in me no matter how scared I'm about taking in the parent role.
Jg: but Jhanvi are u crazy , you have to abort the child.
Sk: no Jagan she doesn't have to , she can if she wants to but none of us can force her , she is over 18 and have to right to decided if she wants this or not.
Jh: thank you didi , I just can't bring myself to kill the life growing inside me ..
Sk: it's ok. Now Ritu what's your plan ? ..
Hrit: if Jhanvi wants to keep the child I'm going to be there helping her out and supporting her as much as I can.
Sk: good now you guys stay and chat while us the older adults needs to discuss some matters regarding all this kk.
With that Sakshi , her mom and Jagan left to discuss things further about everything.
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