The fight
"Nora? What are you doing?" I ask confused,"I am getting our spells ready! Mlm and Iln think they are better mages then us!"
>Flash back<
"Han has a lot of potential, he has already mastered a lot of spells, tis amazing seeing as he is but a new apprentice." "I do believe you are right, I think he could master the secret spell!" "Nora! You do not really think so do you? No apprentice is allowed to learn that spell!" "Mlm, are you saying you do not believe in him? I will prove he is the best apprentice!"
>End of flash back<
"Really?" I ask not amused,"You got us in this mess?" Nora looks at me like I am the crazy one,"Yes." She responds bluntly.
They think they can show me up?! I will show them! Then we will see who is laughing!
I grab Han's arm and drag him to Mlm's hut,*Knock knock* Iln answers, rubbing sleep out of her eyes she asks,"Oh, are you and Mlm having a meeting?" She then looks at Han,"Hello Han De Amor! Let us go practice wile the mentors chat."
The two walk off and I storm into the hut,"Mlm! I am here to battle!" Mlm walks down the stairs that where carved into the old tree, still dressed in her night garments, she seems surprised to see me in her home,"Nora, what are you doing here? What is this about a fight?" My jaw drops to the floor,"I am here to defend the honor of Han De Amor from those of you who mock him!" I exclaim bravely,"...I do not know what you are talking about. How about some tea?" I must have intimidated her,"I do believe I will partake in some tea." I say happily.
I am such a good mentor!
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