"Diamond! You have been accused of helping the thiefs brake out of jail!" Etta says,"As his attorney, I am here to prove without a shadow of a doubt, that the defendant is innocent!" I shout,"Um...I am not innocent Kendall, I did help them." Diamond tells me,"Your majesty, he lies! Never once have you questioned his loyalty, why now must you do so?" I ask, trying to sound calm,"Kendall! I. Am. Not. Innocent! I helped them! Five times in fact!" Diamond yells,"Diamond. You say you helped the thiefs, because you confessed, you will be spared. Gards! Escort him to the bakery!" Etta commands.
"Kendall GreenLight Soul! Stay in this courtroom." I command,"What do you need your majesty?" He asks,"You do not seem very good at being a attorney, maybe you should just be a healer, you are really good at it, and we get a lot of injuries because of Nora. I swear, Han may just be an appreciate, but he is a lot better than his mentor." I can tell he is considering my offer,"That is true." Kendall says thoughtfully,"Which part? The part about you being a good healer? Or the part about Han being better than his mentor?" I ask,"To be completely honest...both." He replies,"You may be excused if you want." I tell him,"Okay, good bye, and good luck on your next case." He calls as he walks through the doorway.
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