Chapter 13
"Y/N?" "What are you doing here?" "Where's Tony?" "What's with this suit?" came the barrage of questions as you blinked stupidly up at the team. Your head was bleeding and you mind felt fuzzy.
"Y/N." Cap said firmly. "Take that suit off now," he ordered. His tone was so firm and angry that you knew you were in a ton of trouble. And would probably be grounded forever once Tony found out about this. You gave the order to Karen and the suit removed itself, folding itself once it was off into a small rectangle about the size of a hardcover book. Cap grabbed it from your lap while you protested. Nat looked you over.
"Besides the head wound which needs stitches, she's fine," Nat told Cap.
Cap nodded brusquely, obviously still super pissed. He hauled you to your feet and kept a firm grip on your arm. "Romanoff, get Hulk calmed down. We're going home. Now." He hauled you to the jet, keeping such a firm grip on your arm that you were sure it was going to bruise. He sat you firmly in a seat on the jet. "What are you doing here?" he demanded.
"Helping," you replied sourly. You had helped. Cap glared and you shrank back from his anger. "Dad's passed out drunk. Again. Or still. I heard the call come in. You needed someone out here desperately. I got my suit and came out to help." You explained quickly.
"Why do you have a suit?" he demanded.
"I made it," you snarled back. Just because you were in high school didn't mean you couldn't create you own Ironman suit. You were your father's daughter.
"And when were you planning on telling us about this?"
You looked down at your lap. "After I convinced dad to let me help... I was hoping you wouldn't notice the difference tonight..." you admitted softly. Cap softened marginally since you were obviously in distress and had activated his mom mode.
"Sit there. Don't move. Don't touch anything. This isn't over," Cap told you firmly as the others were getting on the jet.
"Um...Y/N... where does Loki think you are?" Nat's voice was hesitant. All of the jet's occupants turned to stare at you.
You shrugged. "At home? Unless he's figured out I'm gone.... I didn't exactly tell him what I was doing." Last you had seen him, he was going to the library to pick out another book.
Loki was going to kill you.
Clint flew the jet back to the tower as fast as possible. The second the jet had landed, Cap was back on you, hauling you to your feet and dragging you by the arm into the tower. "Cap, let me go!" you told him.
"No way." He growled, dragging you to the main floor of the tower. The living room looked like a bomb had gone off. All of the furniture was thrown against the walls, everything toppled and plenty of things broken.
"Y/N?" Came Tony's voice from a couch that had been righted. You could see he was nursing a hangover. Somehow he'd sobered up in the last hour or so. You blanched, not expecting to have to deal with him until tomorrow at least.
Loki ran into the room then and yanked you away from Cap, holding you too tightly. "Y/N, where were you? We couldn't find you," his voice was frantic. You wrapped your arms around his waist.
"Y/N was flying an Ironman suit that she made herself into a battle across town," Cap interjected oh so helpfully.
"You did what?" Tony and Loki demanded at the same time. Loki finally took a step back to look you over. He placed his hand against your head to heal the cut there. He was still angry, but he wouldn't let you stay injured.
"The team needed help," you said softly, refusing to look at either of them. Loki glared at you, but it wasn't just a glare. It was also hurt and betrayal.
"You promised," he said softly, his hurt and sorrow worse than his anger. "You promised you would come get me when you did something stupid again."
"You would have come with me?" you asked incredulously. You were also one of the only ones brave enough to stand up to the god when he was angry like this. He would have made you stay. He looked away then, and you knew that you were right, he wouldn't have let you go help. He might have gone, but would have made sure you'd stayed. "They needed dad, but he was in no shape. I know I'm no substitute, but my family needed my help. They needed protecting. What would you have done?" you demanded, hot anger in your eyes. You had made your own Ironman suit and you had used it and helped the team. It was your first mission, of course there'd been some bumps. You should have been proud of your accomplishment. Instead you were getting your ass chewed by the entire team. "Next time will you come with me?" you asked softly, hoping to appease Loki.
"Next time?" Tony demanded, the glass of water he'd been holding smashing to the ground and shattering. He grabbed your shoulders and shook you hard, making you yelp in fear and surprise. "There will be no 'next time'," he snarled. "I never wanted this life for you. Never wanted you to take on the mantle of Ironman. This is never happening again. You could have died out there," his voice caught and you saw the fear for a moment before he switched back to anger. Anger at both you and himself.
"I didn't, though. I made that suit, dad, and I made it well. At least until Hulk ripped the mask off of it..." you grumbled. "You couldn't go and the team needed help. What did you expect me to do? For all you want to protect me, and for all that I was adopted, I am your daughter. What did you expect me to do when our family was in danger?" you demanded hotly. He blanched, finally taking in what you were saying.
"You're right. It should have been me out there," he finally admitted. "But you're not out of trouble. You shouldn't have gone in my place. You're grounded at least until the entire team is no longer pissed off at you, and we are never telling Pepper about this. Don't even think about going in your lab. I'll make up more punishments for this stunt later I'm sure. At least part of your punishment is dealing with him." he gestured his head at Loki, who was still bristling in anger. "Now get to bed," Tony ordered. You rolled your eyes, but stepped toward the elevator, knowing Loki would follow you so he could return to the part of the conversation where he got to yell at you. Tony took your suit from Cap and actually looked impressed at how compact you were able to get it and the craftsmanship behind it.
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