Chapter 4
⚠️cussing, talk of a fight, talk of bl**d⚠️
The next morning Austin was woken up by his alarm blasting his "Wake up!" Playlist from Spotify. The song just happened to be "E-girls are Ruining My Life" by Corpse.
He quickly jumped up and turned off the song before his mother could hear it and got ready for school.
He rushed down the stairs, hugged his mom bye, and then ran onto the bus.
Once again Alex was gone because of them being sick. So he plugged up his ear buds and continued listening to Corpse sing "E-girls are Ruining My Life" while looking out the window.
Once the bus came to a stop he quickly got out and into the Hell hole some people call school.
"Oi! Pink head!" Some kid yelled making Austin roll his eyes and turn towards the person.
"What do you want?" Austin asked as he saw Zack approach him.
"I want to know how you got Bae to defend you like that. He came up to me and started beating the shit out of me talking about how he is the only one to mess with you. He said that if I even look at you the wrong way then I will have some broken limbs. How did you get so much power over him?" Zack asked, wincing slightly.
He had a black eye and a bruised jaw. His eyebrow was also cut.
"He did? I don't know? We aren't even friends." Austin said before turning around and heading to class, only to be stopped by Zack again.
"I want to know an answer." Zack snapped as he grabbed Austin's shoulder.
Austin winced at the pressure but before he could say his snappy comeback Zack was pulled off of him and shoved backwards.
"Didn't I tell you to stop messing with him?" Bae bacily growled causing Zack to shrink back.
By now they where drawing the attention of fellow students and Austin HATED the attention.
He was perfectly fine with being invisible and only have Bae and Alex notice him but now all eyes where on him, Bae, and Zack.
"I just wanted to know how he managed to whip you around his tiny finger. That's all. No harm done here." Zack said, attempting to stand his ground.
"He doesn't have me whipped, you made him bleed so I came after you. Nobody should make anyone bleed and if it was anybody else then I would have still bet you up." Bae stated as his fist clenched by his side.
"Oh really? Well that's not what it sounded like when you where only talking about him. 'Harm Austin one more time and I'll break your arm' or what about 'I'm the only one aloud to bully him and I never get physical.' Seems like you have a crush and instead of coming out and saying it you just hide it with a bully act." Zack said making the crowd "Ooooo".
Austin had attempted to shrink back and leave but was shoved back into the circle by some kids that wanted to keep this going for their videos.
Bae started to lift his fist making Zack flinch back.
When the punch never came he opened his eyes and saw Austin with his tiny hand on Bae's bicep.
"He isn't worth it, you don't need to be suspended over this piece of shit." Austin said as Bae slowly dropped his fist.
Bae shut his eyes and took a deep breath while everyone waited for his next move.
When he opened his eyes again he was a lot calmer but still slightly pissed at this kid.
"Move." He said to a group of kids making them all quickly move out of the way.
He then walked off, only looking back once to silently tell Austin to follow him.
Austin quickly ran out of the circle and turned down the opposite hall Bae did so it wouldn't look like he was following him.
In reality the hallways connected at one point and that's where they would met up.
"Are you ok?" Bae asked right once he saw Austin.
Austin was playing with his toung ring and staring at the floor so when Bae spoke he jumped and stumbled back some.
"What?" He asked as Bae looked at him as if he was a scared animal.
"Are you ok?" Bae repeated, this time much more gentle.
"Im fine, nothing happened. I just don't like attention. Also I'm not a scared puppy so stop looking at me like I'm one." Austin attempted to sound threatening but failed miserably and instead now looked like a grumpy puppy.
Bae smiled softly at him. "I was just making sure and I don't think of you as a lost puppy. You look more like a cute grumpy puppy." Bae said making Austin blush and pout more.
"I'm scary! I don't look anything like a puppy." Austin pouted making Bae chuckle at his cuteness.
"Sure, whatever you want to tell yourself cutie." Bae said making Austin's blush darken.
Just then the bell rang.
"Oh my gosh we missed first period! My mom is going to kill me!" Austin said looking worried before he ran to his next class, Bae jogging behind him.
Once they got to class they sat down at the same time and where one of the first ones in, thanks to them not having to wait on a teacher to dismiss them.
"Oh, speaking of my mom... she wants to met you because I told her that you are my friend. The only reason why I did this was because she asked who drove me home and I didn't think that "oh my bully decided to drive me home" would be a very good story. She now wants you to come over so she can met you. You can say n-" Austin's rambling was cut off by Bae's chuckle.
"So you want me to come over to your house and pretend to be your friend to please your mom?" Bae asked with a smirk and a raised brow.
"Well if you put it that way it sounds weird..." Austin trailed off, his face red with embarrassment.
Bae laughed before replying, "I think I can pretend to be your friend for a few hours. I wouldn't want to disappoint your mother."
"What day do you want to come over? She said any day is fine as long as you don't care." Austin asked with a sigh. This was probably one of the most embarrassing things he has ever done.
I mean asking his bully to come to his house? Meet his mother! And then pretend to be his friend for a few hours. This sucked.
"How about today? I wouldn't want her waiting." Bae suggested as other people started coming into the class room.
"Whatever, the sooner I can get this over with the better." Austin replied before turning back around in his seat, now facing the front of the class.
Tonight would suck...
1,180 Words! I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖
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