Chapter 24
Lets hope tomorrow won't be terrible, I mean they will be coming out to everyone won't they?
The next morning both boys were woken up by "Defying Gravity" from Wicked the musical.
"Good morning love." Bae said with his deep morning voice as he pulled Austin closer to himself.
"Good morning." Austin replied, his voice also relatively deep from just waking up.
Austin then pecked Bae's lips before getting up and walking towards his closet.
Before he could get dressed however Bae got up and wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled him to his chest.
"Do you want to come out to the school today?" Bae asked, his breath fanning Austin's ear making the shorter boy shiver.
"We can if you want us to." Austin replied with a light blush.
"Then how about you wear my hoodie? Everyone will know your mind with ought us having to say anything." Bae said before spreading butterfly kisses onto Austin's neck.
"Sounds good." Austin smiled as he turned around in Bae's arms to hug him back.
The two separated from their hug and continued to get ready for the day.
Once they were fully ready Bae grabbed Austin's hand as they walked down the stairs, hugged their moms bye, and then left to Bae's car.
"Music time!" Austin cheered as he pulled out his phone.
"You now definitely can't do any of your 'fun' songs or I might have to pull the car over." Bae said making Austin blush darkly.
"Well I was going to play E.T. by Katie Perry and dance along to it but now I'm not." Austin said, his blush darkening slightly.
He quickly changed the song and pressed play.
"If I'm James Dean then you're Audrey Hemsworth" by Sleeping With Sirens started blasting from his phone.
"You listen to Sleeping With Sirens?" Bae asked as Austin sang along, whisper yelling when it was a screaming part.
"Yep! I listen to everything except for mumble rap." Austin replied quickly before going back to singing.
By the time they had gotten to school they had also listened to "If You Can't Hang" by Sleeping With Sirens, "In The End" by Linkon Park, and "Ain't It Fun" by Paramore.
When the two got out of the car Bae linked their hands together and pulled Austin closer to his side.
"You are so cute." Bae commented as they waited outside the school doors.
Austin blushed at the compliment. Currently Bae's hoodie was giving him massive sweater paws, one of the sides were off his shoulder and the hood was covering most of his face from view.
"Shut up." Austin muttered as he hid his face in Bae's chest.
"Nooo, don't hide your adorable face from me." Bae said as he wrapped his arms around Austin's back.
Before Austin could reply the bell rang allowing everyone into the school.
Right once they got into the school people started whispering and pointing at the two.
Austin hid further into the hoodie and kept his eyes down onto the ground.
"Don't worry about them, they are just jealous." Bae said as he led them both to Austin's locker.
Right as Austin opened his locker he heard someone yell his name loudly making him turn around.
"Hey bitch!" Alex said with a large smile as they hugged Austin making Austin smile and hug them back.
"Hey." Austin said as they pulled away from the hug.
"So are you two coming out or are you keeping it a secret?" Alex asked quietly as Austin continued to get his books out of his locker.
"Well we aren't going to come out exactly, we sure as Hell aren't going to deny it or hide it." Bae said as Austin shut his locker, instantly being pulled to Bae's chest.
"Nice! Also you look adorable in his hoodie." Alex stated making Austin blush.
"Thank you but we have to go to class now." Austin said right before the late bell rang.
They all went to their own homerooms and apologized for being late.
*Focusing on Austin*
Right once he interesting his homeroom everyone's eyes were on him.
He quickly apologized and went to his seat.
After a minute the teacher left to go and print some papers for them.
Austin kept his eyes down onto his desk, trying not to make any accidental eye contact.
"Hey, Austin right?" Some person asked making Austin look up at them.
"Yes?" Austin replied as he looked at the girl next to him.
She had a high ponytail, a blue crop top, and short shorts.
"Is it true that you and Bae are together? I thought you two were bully's?" She asked as she twirled her long hair between her fingers.
"Yes it is true. We are together, and we did used to be bullies. It's a long story." Austin said as he mostly kept his eyes on the desk.
"That explains the hoodie then." She said with a smile making him blush lightly.
"Oh yeah." Austin said as he looked up at her.
"Well I think you two would be cute together.... *she paused before continuing* do you want to be friends? I've always wanted a gay best friend." She asked making Austin instantly flatter more than he already was.
"I appreciate the offer but I am good with my two friends that I have already. I'm not a very social person but thanks for the offer." He said politely making the girl flatter.
"Of course." She said bitterly before getting up and moving back to her friend group.
Throughout the day both Austin and Bay continued to get asked that question and if they would be friends with them now.
They denied being the friends bit but they confirmed the being a couple part.
By lunch time Austin hugged Bae making many people look over at them.
"I'm so tired of all of these people." Austin said as he tightened his grip on Bae and rested his head onto Bae's shoulder.
"I know love, I'm sorry about them. It should all be over soon though. They will find a new thing to gossip about." Bae reassured as he hugged Austin back and rested his head on top of Austin's.
By the end of the day everyone knew that the two were together. Some didn't care, others were against it, a few were disappointed that both boys were no longer single, and some people made it feel like the most important think in the world.
"Come on Baeeeee, I don't want to be here any longer. I've socialized way to much today." Austin whined as he dragged Bae to Bae's car.
"I know love, we are going." Bae chuckled as they got into his car.
Austin instantly played "Teenagers" by MCR on his phone making Bae laugh.
By the time they were home they had also listened to "Girls / Girls / Boys" by Painc At The Disco and "Car Riado" by TOP.
"I would play Destroya by MCR but I don't think you could handle it." Austin stated as they got out of the car.
"Oh I definitely wouldn't be able to take it." Bae said as he wrapped his arms around Austin's waist.
Austin laughed as they walked into the house and walked up to his room.
They did their homework before eating dinner, watching Sweeney Todd, and then falling asleep.
Life was pretty good... hopefully it would stay that way...
1,241 Words! I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖
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