Chapter 23
⚠Semi cussing, talk of sex in a song, someone being flustered, choking, someone being embarrassed, possibly second hand embarrassment⚠
"Lets play!" Alex said with a grin as they started laying out the game...
Once the game was set up Austin and Bae went on either side of the mat.
"Okay, whoever wins goes against me in the next round while the looser gets to be the spinner person!" Alex said happily before spinning the spinner.
"Right hand green B." Alex called out before spinning the spinner again as Bae put his right hand on the green circle.
"Left foot red Austin." Alex said making Austin comply.
They continued to do this until Austin was almost in a split and his two hands where trapping Bae's waist. Bae on the other hand was in an awkward squatting position with both hands by his side.
"Lucky bastard." Austin muttered as he slid further into a split.
"Austin, right hand blue." Alex said making Austin groan, that didn't help his poor thighs at all.
When he moved his hand though he lost his balance and fell into a full split.
"OWW!" Austin yelled as his eyes watered. He was NOT flexible and his legs were not meant to do this.
"Oh fuck! Are you okay love?" Bae asked as he quickly picked Austin up off of the ground, bringing him out of the split.
"Yeah, I'm fine...just not flexible." Austin said as he attempted to direct his attention to Bae and not to the pain in his thigh and crotch.
Bae caught onto what Austin was trying to do and decided to help by kissing him.
Austin melted into the kiss and just so he was being being more helpful Bae decided 'why the Hell not?' and rested his hand on Austin's throat before applying a little pressure.
Austin let out a muffled moan and Alex shrieked.
The two pulled apart quickly and turned to Alex.
"Right in front of my SALAD! How dare you!" Alex said with a laugh as they moved their hand from their eyes.
"You don't have a salad you twit." Bae said as he rolled his eyes, this kid just killed the mood.
"I am my salad you dunce! My poor asexual eyes and ears! I did NOT need to see or hear that in my lifetime." Alex said before they started laughing.
"Sorry Lex." Austin said with an embarrassed blush.
Instead of replying Alex just laughed harder. They laughed so hard that they fell off of Austin's bed and into the floor.
"What is so funny?" Austin asked, his blush growing even more. He didn't like being laughed at.
"Sorry, I just didn't think I would ever have to use the line 'Right in front of my salad' with you of all people. Who knew you would get a significant other before me. And who knew you weren't so innocent as you led on." Alex said after they calmed down their laughing.
"Wh-?! Oh shut up!" Austin said with a pout making Alex laugh again.
"Okay, I think that's enough picking on Austin for now. Who won the match last time and who is going against you this time?" Bae stated and then asked Alex as he pulled Austin into his lap, instantly having Austin cuddle into his chest.
"Fine, fine, but it is my job as a friend to do so. Also you won so you will be going against me next round and unlike Austin here, I am very flexible." Alex said with a smirk before getting up off of the ground.
They quickly did a cartwheel and landed in a split. "I can do much more than that but there isn't a lot of room in here." Alex said with a shrug. They did go to gymnastics after all.
"Bring it on pipsqueak." Bae said before gently setting Austin onto his bed and getting up to one side of the mat.
"Pipsqueak?! I'm five seven!" Alex defended as they stood on the other side of the mat.
"And I'm six one and a half so you're a pipsqueak to me." Bae shot back with a smirk.
"What does that make Austin then? He is only five four." Alex asked as Austin grabbed the spinner for the game.
"That makes him my little bean boyfriend, now can we please get to the game?" Bae asked as Alex awed at the 'little bean boyfriend' bit.
Austin blushed at the statement but spun the spinner for the game to begin.
"Bae, left foot green." Austin said as Bae complied.
"Wait! Before you say mine I wanna put on some music!" Alex said as they grabbed their phone and pulled up a song off of YouTube.
E.T. by Katye Perry started to play from the phone as they set it down onto Austin's desk.
"What is with you two and kinky songs?" Bae asked as Austin spun the spinner for Alex.
"They are the best songs! They are great to dance to and being the asexual person I am people don't expect me to know so many! It's hilarious when people are like 'Oh I don't think you will know this song but I like it' and then play WAP or something like that. I then proceed to rap and/or sing every part of the song and shock them. Their faces are always priceless." Alex explained with a grin.
"Makes sense for you but what about Austin?" Bae asked as he glanced over at his adorable boyfriend.
"Alex, right hand yellow." Austin said clearly not paying attention to their conversation.
"Well he is a kinky bitch and I listen to the music a lot around him so he just picked up on the lyrics." Alex said as they put their right hand on one of the yellow dots.
"Oooooooh, that makes a lot more sense." Bae said before realizing something "Wait, you claimed that Austin was so innocent before me but you just said that you two would listen to those kinds of songs. So technically wouldn't it be you who made him less innocent?" Bae asked before Austin told him to put his right hand on a red dot.
"Technically yes but you were the one to make him show it." Alex said with a laugh as Bae blushed.
They continued the game for a while until Alex was in a backbend and Bae was on top of them, semi straddling them with his hands caging in Alex's head.
"Bae, left foot yellow." Austin said as he tried to not laugh at the two.
If Bae did what Austin told him to then his leg could be between Alex's legs and he was not about to do that.
"Okay, I'm out. You win." Bae said as he moved over to Austin causing Alex to instantly allow their arms to give away.
With a thump Alex hit the floor while Bae sat down next to Austin, instantly getting cuddled by him.
"I am happy you quit because I don't know how much longer I could have kept up that backbend." Alex said from their spot on the ground.
"Yeah well I wasn't about to put my leg between your legs so your welcome?" Bae replied as he wrapped his arms around Austin.
"If you had done that then I probably would have quit from being even more uncomfortable so thanks." Alex said with a smile before checking the time on their phone.
"Oh sh*t, I have to go home now. Bye Bitches!" they said before hugging them both bye and leaving.
"That is one interesting person." Bae commented as he laid himself and Austin down onto the bed.
"Yeah, you learn to get used to them. They were my only friend before you. They were the only person that talked to me other than you really. They are super nice though and always there for me even when sick. Alex is a great friend." Austin said as he cuddled closer to Bae.
"I don't know why more people don't talk to you. I mean you're adorable and can be hot as Hell when you want to be and your very approachable." Bae commented as he ran his fingers through Austin's hair.
"I don't know about all of that but I know that I am not very social so there is that." Austin said as he leaned into Bae's hand.
"Well tomorrow is Monday so we will just have to change that wont we? I bet your mom will be happy if you get more friends." Bae suggested.
"Oh please no. I have social anxiety and am perfectly fine with the two friends I have." Austin said instantly as he moved so he could look Bae in the eye, showing that he meant what he was saying.
"Okay, that's fine to. That just means that I don't have to share you with anyone else other than Alex." Bae said as he brought Austin back down to his chest.
Austin just chuckled in response before cuddling closer to Bae.
After a few minutes Bae felt Austin get heaver on him and looked down to see that he was asleep.
With a smile Bae decided that it was late enough to go to sleep as well. Tomorrow they had to wake up early anyway for school so going to sleep sooner than normal would probably be the best.
With that mindset Bae too fell asleep.
Lets hope tomorrow won't be terrible, I mean they will be coming out to everyone won't they?
1,543 Words! I am now officially working on 3 books along with 1 one-shot book so all of my books will have semi slow updates, sorry about that.
But if you want to read my new book "Knights [BxB]" then you can find it on my account<3 (It's now also done :) )
Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!! 💖💖💖
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