Chapter 2
Austin was extremely confused but before he could do anything the bell rang signaling for the next class...
At the end of the school day Austin ran out of the school and towards the bus. He really didn't want to met up with Bae because he would probably be punched or harmed and his jaw still hurt slightly from the new kid.
Before he could walk towards his bus he was pulled away from them and towards a bench in the grass next to the parking lot.
"Let go of me! I need to catch my bus or I can't get home!" Austin yelled as he tried to pull away from the person dragging him away.
"Then I will drive you home, calm down I'm not going to hurt you." Bae stated as he moved to sit down on the bench.
"I don't trust that at all." Austin said with a glare as he looked towards the busses again.
Just as he looked over he saw his bus leaving the parking lot.
"F*ck." Austin cursed as he sat down heavily next to Bae.
"If you try and kill me then make it quick and as painless as possible." Austin sighed as he shut his eyes.
"When have I ever physically harmed you? I only verbally bully you." Bae asked and then stated as he looked over at Austin.
The sun was hitting his face in a way that brightened all of his features and made his bright pink hair even brighter.
"You do know that even though my eyes are closed I can still feel you staring at me right?" Austin asked with out opening his eyes.
Bae blushed and looked away making Austin smirk.
"I wasn't staring at you, I was looking at the hot girl behind you." Bae said making Austin's eyes open.
"What hot girl?" Austin asked while looking behind him.
He was very gay and everyone knew that because he didn't try and hide it but he did want to know who Bae was talking about.
Sure enough there was a very pretty girl coming towards them.
"Do you know her?" Austin asked as he turned to face Bae.
"Nope, you?" Bae asked as she grew closer to them.
"The only people here I know are you and Alex." Austin said making Bae look over at him with a slightly shocked look.
Before he could say anything though the girl had reached them.
"Hello! I'm new here and I was wondering if this is a place to wait for cheerleading club?" The girl asked while twirling her hair and looking Bae over.
"So she is a dumb blond." Austin thought with an internal eye roll.
"No it isn't, this is just where we talk. Isn't that right Bae?" Austin asked as he connected his and Bae's arms together and leaned on his side.
He honestly had no clue why he was doing this but seeing the girl go all googoo eyes towards Bae ticked him off.
"Wh- Oh yeah, this is just where we talk. Cheerleaders wait in the gym with the basketball team." Bae explained with a blush as Austin nuzzled his head against his bicep.
"Oh... ok, thank you. And you two are cute together." The girl said before walking back inside the school and to the gym.
Once she was inside Austin detached himself from Bae's side and stood up.
"What was that about?" Bae asked as he looked up at Austin who was biting his tounge piecing. Something he did when he got bored and he didn't have a book or drawing supplies.
"What? All I did was tell her that this wasn't where cheer practices was." Austin said before going back to playing with the ring.
"But you also cuddled up to my side and called me by my real name." Bae stated while standing up as well, slightly towering over Austin.
Bae was almost a foot taller than Austin. You would think that Bae was really tall but really Austin was just really short.
Austin was 5'4 while Bae was 6'1½.
"That was not cuddling and Bae is your name, she was new so she should know your name." Austin attempted to defend as he took a step back.
He put up a good act of being a tough boy and he could fight but only when his adrenaline was running. Most of the time he was quite easy to intimidate.
"And anyway, what did you need to tell me to make me miss my bus?" Austin asked changing the topic as he started playing with one of the rings on his finger.
"I was just going to tell you some info on the new dude that punched you this morning." Bae stated catching Austin's attention.
"You could have led with that." Austin huffed as he sat down onto the bench again and pulled out his phone.
"I will be late home today but not by much, a friend wanted to talk to me before I leave. He will drop me off at home so don't worry." Austin sent the message to his mom before putting his phone back up.
"Well are you going to tell me or are you just going to waist my time?" Austin asked as he looked over at Bae once again.
Bae moved and sat next to him and started talking. "So his name is Zack and he is clearly new here. You where right about him being a wanna be because right once I walked towards him he started not so subtlety flexing as if trying to impress. I don't know but it was sad. Anyway, I asked him why he punched you and he shrugged saying and I quote "He was in my way so I fixed the problem." So I pu- *he caught himself before continuing* I talked to him and now he shouldn't mess with you anymore." He finally finished.
Instead of responding right away Austin looked at Bae. As in truly looked at him, he took in his dark purple hair, his light blue eyes. Then he saw a small cut under his eye. His eyes flickered down to Bae's hands and saw that they where slightly bruised and had a little bit of dried blood on them.
"You got into a fight with some kid just because he punched me?" Austin asked sounding shocked as Bae looked away.
"Well not only did he punch you but he made you bleed, that's not ok for anyone to make anyone bleed so I took care of it. Don't take it personal. Now unless you want your parents to worry I should drop you off." Bae said as he stood up.
Austin gave Bae his address and then they got into Bae's car. Bae driving and Austin in shot gun.
"Can I play some music?" Austin asked as he pulled out his phone.
"Sure." Bae replied making Austin smile.
"Just so you know I am going to sing along and if you have a problem with that then oh well, your have another thing to bully me about." Austin said before turning on "Waving Through a Window" from Dear Evan Hansen.
"I wouldn't pick on you for sin-" Bae was cut off by Austin singing.
"I've learned to slam on the breaks... before I even turn the key... before I make the mistake" Austin continued to sing the song, he sounded amazing.
Bae was very happy that Austin had decided to sing in the car because there was a fifteen minute drive from the school to Austin's house and it would have been very awkward if it was just silence the entire time.
When "Waving Through a Window" turned off Austin changed the song to "Sincerely Me" that was also by Dear Even Hansen because he thought it was fricking hilarious and loved it.
By the time they reached Austin's house they had listened to "Waving Through a Window", "Sincerely Me", "Giants In The Sky", and "Your Fault". The first two are from Dear Evan Hansen and the last two are from Into The Woods.
"So I'm assuming you like musicals?" Bae asked as he pulled into the driveway.
"I love musicals!" Austin said with a large grin before rembering this was Bae and not someone he should be pippy around.
"I mean, yeah I like musicals. Anyway, thanks for the ride even though you made me miss my bus in the first place." He said quickly before getting out of the car and running inside the house, not giving Bae any time to reply.
"So who drove you home? Your only friend is Alex and they are sick." Austin's mother asked right once he opened the door making him freeze...
1,466 Words! I hope you have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖
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