Chapter 16
⚠️Being locked in a room, someone being embarrassed, cussing, heavy making out⚠️
"So how should we get them together?" Ms. Grey asked, and that is how the two came up with a plan that would hopefully get the two together and soon at that...
When they finished their plan they walked back into the kitchen.
"Alright boys, because Justin might be attempting to fine Bae and I, Austin's mom is letting us stay the night." Ms. Grey said with a bitter smile. This part was true and didn't have much to do with the plan.
"You two can either share the guest bedroom or B you can sleep in Austin's room with him again." Ms. Hall said making Ms. Grey raise a brow.
"Again?" She asked, this was all an act. She knew that they had cuddled going to sleep together in Austin's room before thanks to Ms. Hall telling her. She just wanted to see the boys reactions.
Austin blushed and looked down at the coffee table as Bae smirked slightly.
"I'll stay with Austin again if he is ok with that." Bae said making both of the mothers smile.
"Great, now what should we have for dinner?" Ms. Hall asked as she looked around the room at everyone else.
*Time Skip To Night Time*
"Goodnight boys, you can have tomorrow off from school and just have a three day weekend. Turn your alarm off." Ms. Hall said before shutting Austin's room door and leaving the two.
"Damn, you two should come over more often if she is going to give us days off of school." Austin laughed as he pulled out some of his pajamas.
"I would be ok with that." Bae said before coming up from behind Austin and wrapping his arms around his waist.
Austin froze for a second before leaning into Bae's embrace.
"You're so cute." Bae said before pecking Austin's blushing cheek.
"Shut up." Austin said, his blush darkening.
"I only speak the truth when I'm talking about you." Bae said as he kissed Austin's earlobe making Austin shiver.
"I need to change into my pajamas, I'll be back." Austin said before getting out of Bae's embrace with his clothes and going to the bathroom to change.
Bae striped to his boxers and got under the covers, getting as comfortable as he could.
When Austin walked back in he saw that Bae didn't have a shirt on and his top and pants where on the floor.
"Why aren't you wearing pajamas? Didn't your mom bring you some?" Austin asked making Bae chuckle.
"She brought me some day clothes in her rush but forgot the pajamas. I'll be ok though. I'm the only top I need." Bae said the last bit with a wink making Austin roll his eyes with a small smile.
"I can't lie that was pretty smooth." Austin chuckled before getting under the covers as well.
Bae instantly pulled Austin to his chest, big spooning him. "Goodnight Cutie." He said as Austin cuddled closer to him.
"Goodnight." Austin said back before falling asleep.
*The Next Morning*
Austin had forgotten to turn off his alarm even with his mother's reminder and so "You'll Be Back" from Hamilton started blasting from his phone.
The two jumped awake at the sudden noise.
"Bloody Hell." Bae muttered as he rubbed his eyes.
"Sorry about that." Austin said with a blush as he grabbed his phone.
He was about to turn it off when Bae started singing along.
"And no don't change the subject, cause your my favorite subject." Bae smirked at Austin as he blushed at Bae.
"My sweet submissive subject. *He put a hand on Austin's neck* my loyal royal subject." Bae stopped singing and smiled at Austin.
Austin's face was as red as the fake blood on his MCR poster that hung on his wall.
He quickly turned the song off but Bae kept his hand on his neck.
"Ok well I'm going back to sleep, you can stay up if you want though." Austin said as he gently pushed Bae's hand off of his neck.
He then turned around and attempted to go back to sleep.
"Are you boys ok? We heard some really loud music and then it get cut off." Ms. Hall asked through the door.
"Yeah, everything is fine. I just forgot to turn my alarm off." Austin yelled back, not getting up from his laying position.
"Alright well Stella and I will be downstairs if you need us." Ms. Hall said before leaving.
"Ok, thanks mom." Austin yelled back.
What he didn't know was that Ms. Hall had locked the door from the outside so they wouldn't be able to unlock it or open it from inside.
"Part one of our plan is done." Ms. Hall said with a small smile to Ms. Grey making Ms. Grey smile back at her.
"This is kind of a weird way of getting our children together don't you think?" Ms. Grey asked getting a shrug in response.
"If they truly don't like each other like that then nothing should happen. If they do like each other then they should be together by the end of the day." Ms. Hall replied with a smirk.
"That works for me." Ms. Grey said before the two clinked their coffee mugs together in a silent cheers and drank their coffee.
Back up in the boys room Austin was just about to fall asleep when he felt a kiss on the back of his neck.
He ignored it and tried to go back to sleep.
That was until it happened again.
"What do you want?" Austin asked as he rolled around to face Bae.
Bae had already leaned in for another kiss to Austin's neck and instead kissed his lips.
There was a shock of electricity between the two at the small peck.
Bae quickly pulled back, "I'm sorry, that was met for your neck." He said as Austin just laid there looking shocked.
"Do it again." Austin said shocking Bae.
"What?" Bae asked making sure he had heard correctly.
"Kiss me again? Maybe longer this time?" Austin asked this time a lot less confident.
Bae smiled at him before placing a hand on Austin's cheek, caressing his face before he leaned in.
Austin leaned in as well and the two kissed, this time fully intentional.
Their lips moved insink with each other, Although Bae was in control of the kiss.
When Bae was going to pull back Austin got a sudden surge of courage and bit down onto Bae's lip.
Bae gasped at the movement, not expecting the movement at all.
Austin took that chance to slip his toung into Bae's mouth.
Bae caught on and their toungs fought for dominance, Bae winning easily as Austin quickly submitted.
Austin's hands found their way into Bae's hair as Bae's hand where on Austin's waist.
He pulled Austin onto his lap so Austin was straddling him.
They pulled apart for air, both of them panting slightly before Bae started to kiss Austin's shoulder.
Then up to his neck and then right under his jaw on his sweet spot.
Austin muffled a moan with his hand before having his hand be moved from his mouth.
Bae flipped them so Austin was under him as he pined Austin's hands above his head.
Bae continued to kiss, suck, and tease at Austin's special spot making Austin moan.
He tried to keep himself quiet but Bae wasn't having any of that.
Bae moved up and kissed him again.
Austin kissed back and Bae let go of Austin's wrists.
Austin's hands instantly went to Bae's fluffy dark purple hair.
When they pulled away that time Bae rested his forehead on Austin's.
"That was..." Austin trailed off not knowing if he should tell the truth or not.
"Pretty hot." Bae finished with a smirk as he saw Austin's dark blush.
"Could we maybe do it again some time soon?" Austin asked, his blush darkening even more if that was even possible.
"Only if you'll be my boyfriend, I don't do all of that f*ck buddies sh*t." Bae said as he got off of Austin.
They where now sitting next to each other.
"Oh... well...
1,372 Words!
Hahaha I'm evil! You all get a lovely cliffhanger!!!😈
Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖
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