Chapter 14
⚠️cussing, mentions of past abuse⚠️
"Justin is back." Bae said bluntly...
Ms. Grey looked at Bae with wide eyes before she looked down at the coffee table.
"And how do you know this?" She asked as Bae pulled Austin into his lap again.
She raised a brow at the two but didn't say anything.
"He called me yesterday saying that he just wanted to say hi. Then when Austin came over to check on me he thought it was you and told me to give you the phone." Bae explained as Ms. Grey nodded.
"Did he say what he wanted from us?" She asked knowing that the only reason why he would contact them was because he needed or wanted something.
"No he didn't, I hung up before he could." Bae said making Ms. Grey nod once again.
"Well if he tries to come back into contact with you then block him. Delete his number and pretend he doesn't exist. He is not someone we need in our lives." Ms. Grey said as she looked Bae in the eye.
"Alright." Bae said as he leaned over and picked up his phone, Austin being pressed against him as he did so.
"Oh, I guess I already blocked him. Anyway, that's why your here. I didn't want him to try and come home and see you. He might have tried to hurt you and I didn't want that." Bae explained sheepishly while hiding his face in Austin's shoulder.
"Well thank you honey but I think we will be fine. Also just a quick question but when did you get so comfortable with this boy?" Ms. Grey asked with a raised brow.
All time before now all signs had pointed to Bae being straight but most straight boys don't set their male friends in their laps and cuddle with them.
Austin blushed at her question and turned away from her, only to see his mom's smirking face.
"We are just friends mom." Bae said as he lifted his head slightly from Austin's neck before putting in back down.
"Hmmm, okay." Ms. Grey hummed not believing it for one second.
"We really are only friends, just became friends recently too." Austin said to Ms. Grey making her smile at him.
"Of course dear." She said before turning towards his mother.
"Would you mind if we talked in the kitchen for a moment?" Ms. Grey asked Ms. Hall.
"Not at all." Ms. Hall said in response before standing up.
The two adults stood up and went into the kitchen leaving Austin and Bae alone in the living room.
"Can I move now or?" Austin asked after a minute of silence.
He was still sitting on Bae's lap and even though he didn't mind it he thought it was kind of weird because he had never seen boys cuddle like this before. Especially when one of them was flaming (extremely gay) and the other was most likely straight.
"Not yet." Bae said before turning Austin in his lap so Austin was now straddling him.
Austin blushed at the action and their new position but instead of doing anything about it he just sat there.
Bae then hugged Austin.
"Are you ok?" Austin asked as he hugged back. He was still not used to them being nice to each other and hugging and everything else yet.
"Mentality or physically?" Bae asked in response before nuzzling his head into the crook of Austin's neck again.
"Both." Austin said in response as he rested his head on Bae's shoulder.
"Well mentality I'm pretty fucked up but physically I'm great." Bae said against Austin's neck 'accidentally' kissing his neck every now and then.
Austin blushed brightly as he shivered slightly making Bae smirk.
"You two need to some in here and eat lunch! You still haven't done that." Ms. Hall yelled from the kitchen making the two boys sigh.
"I'm not hungry." Austin muttered against Bae's shoulder.
"Well I don't want to annoy your mother. Come on." Bae said before standing up, Austin quickly wrapping his legs and arms around Bae so he wouldn't fall.
Bae put his hands under Austin's thys to keep him up and walked into the kitchen.
"Bae! Put me down!" Austin said while weekly punching Bae's shoulder.
"Oh so we're back to Bae now?" Bae asked making Austin huff in annoyance.
"Shut up." Austin muttered before they entered the kitchen.
"Oh there you are boys, what do you want for lunch?" Ms. Hall asked not even batting an eye at the fact that Bae was carrying Austin.
Ms. Grey looked between the three of them and raised a brow.
"Has this happened before?" She asked Ms. Hall getting a chuckle out of Ms. Hall, a blush out of Austin, and a small smile from Bae.
"No but they do cuddle quite often and I have no clue what they do when I'm out of the house for ernes." Ms. Hall said as she and Ms. Grey looked over at the boys.
"All we do is play video games or watch movies!" Austin defended. This technically wasn't a full lye, it just wasn't the full truth.
"Yeah ok...Anyway, what do you two want for lunch?" Ms. Hall asked again as Bae set Austin down onto the ground.
"I don't care, food is food." Bae answered as Austin nodded in agreement.
"Well Ms. Grey, where would you like to eat? We can all go and pick something up or you and I can pick it up while the boys stay here." Ms. Hall asked before discreetly winking at Austin who blushed and rolled his eyes.
"You can call me Stella and how about pizza? Almost everyone likes pizza right?" She asked making them all nod.
"Alright well how about we go and get the pizza while you two stay here and find a good movie for us to watch?" Ms. Hall asked the boys who nodded.
So Ms. Hall and Ms. Grey left to get pizza. Leaving Austin and Bae...alone... in a house...for about an hour. (The pizza place was fifteen minutes away and it would take them a while to make the pizza and get back home.)
"So what movie do you wanna watch?" Austin asked as he looked for the DVD case.
"Whatever you wanna watch is fine by me." Bae replied as he sat down onto the couch and watched Austin walk in circles looking for the case.
"So if I picked Care Bears then you would be ok with that?" Austin asked sarcastically.
"Hells yes I would, Care Bares where the best! The original ones though, not the new crap." Bae said making Austin stop.
"I... I honestly would not have pegged you as a Care Bear type but I one hundred percent agree with you." Austin said with a smile, getting a smile back from Bae.
Austin finally found the DVD case under the book shelf for some reason. He laid down onto the floor and got it before getting back up and dusting his clothes back off.
"You're the guest, you pick the movie." Austin said before throwing the large DVD case at Bae.
Bae caught it with ease and opened it, revealing a ton of different movies.
They all ranged from little kid movies to rated R movies.
"Why don't we watch "Fifty Shades of Grey"?" Bae asked with a smirk as Austin's eyes widened.
"Eww no! Do you know how much sex is in that movie. It's disgusting!" Austin said with his nose scrunched up.
"Aww but it could just set the mood for later." Bae said as he leaned over and kissed Austin's neck...
1,262 Words! I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖
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