Ahahahaha. . . .
So. Hi, guys. CatsCatsCatsAndCats here. So. . . I have some news. As my irl friends know, I play violin and I just had my concert on Monday. It went great, for those of you wondering. But anyway, the lesson I had on Wednesday brought some new opportunities. If you wanna hear bout them, go to the chapter being published next. Anyhow, basically I got something new to add on to my plate, and updates both here and on other books are gonna be slower than planned. Don't worry, it's not gonna be once a month or something like that, but it definitely won't be daily. Also, I won't update on weekends because the piano I use is at my Grandparents' house, and I go there over the weekend so no updates there. I'll try to update over my winter break, but no guarantees cause I'll be busy. Most of you know, I procrastinate, so yeah. Ahahaha. . . . Sorry bout that. Yeah woah look at that font. How do I get rid of it? If this font doesn't show up on when I publish, I'll either be happy or start screaming. UGHHH I HATE THE WAY THIS LOOKS! In conclusion, I hate this font, and updates will be slower than planned till next concert. The next chapter will explain what's on me plate, heck, I do this so often I might have to do a rant book. Tell me if you want that. See ya next time.
P.S. Look at this! I just noticed this notification.
I wonder what that is. WOAH, MY FONT IS BACK! YAY!!!!!!! Bye.
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