Chapter 8:What to do, What to do
*Jon P.O.V.*
I was sitting on the couch cuddled up with Luke. It was the weekend so we really had nothing to do. I was bored out of mind and wanted to do something so I got the good idea to go to the mall.
"Luuuuuuuke" I called his name looking up at him. "Yes baby?" He asked smiling at me. "I wanna do something today" I said. "Well we could go upstairs and have a little fun~" Luke had said nibbling my neck. "No I was thinking of going to the mall silly" I said pushing him off slightly. "Ok ok we can go to the mall" he said chuckling.
"Should I call Ohm maybe he'll want to go with us" I asked. "Sure the more the merrier" Luke said. I called Ohm to see if he wanted come with us. "Hello?" Ohm said over the phone. "Hey Ohm me and Luke are going to the mall, wanna come?" "Sure I'd love to" he said. "Ok we'll be there in a minute" I said and hung up.
Me and Luke made it too Ohm's house and he got in the back seat. It took us about ten minutes to get to the mall. "So what are we doing?" Ohm asked. "I dont know we might just fuck around" I said laughing. As we went inside we started to look around. I smelled the familiar scent of something and I guess Luke was wondering what I was doing because he looked at me with a confused face as I was sniffing the air. "Smell something?" Luke asked. "Snicker fucking Doodles" I said with a big smile.
Both Luke and Ohm were laughing. "I suppose we should get over there and order some" Ohm said. "Awsome idea" I said. We made our way to the cookie stand and waited in line. We got our cookies and started to go around some more until I spotted two familiar faces.
"Lui! David!" I shouted. They turned around and when they saw me they came. "Hey Delirious" Lui and David said. "Hey guys" Luke and Ohm said behind me. "So what are you three doing here?" David asked. "I was bored so we decided to come here". "Well me and David were just leaving because we had gotten what we needed" "Oh ok well I'll see you guys later" "Later Dude" Lui said as he and David left the mall.
"Well what do you guys wanna do now?" I asked. "Well I was thinking of going to the park" Luke suggested. "Sure let's do that" I said. "Alright but I'm gonna use the bathroom real quick" Ohm said leaving. "I'm gonna throw the bag in the trash" Luke said also walking away.
I was standing by the wall waiting for them to come back when I felt a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. "Luke is that you?" J asked chuckling. "Nope" the voice sounded just like the person I didn't want to see today. "Evan let go" I said trying to get him off and he surprisingly did.
"Look I just wanna say I'm sorry for what happened in gym the other day. I was just really jealous that Luke got to you before I did". He sounded sad I guess he was telling the truth. "Ok I forgive you" I said. "Really" "Yeah just dont do anything stupid" I said chuckling.
Evan hugged me tightly I didn't fight since it was just a friendly hug. That's when I felt his grip let go very roughly. Luke had came back and was angry again and he looked like he was ready to start a fight with him because he was holding his collar very hard. "What have I told you about putting your hands on Delirious." He said. "LUKE" I shouted. He turned his head to me really quick when I shouted his name. "Its fine he just came to apologize". Luke was still holding him but I put my hand on his shoulder and I guess he got the message. He let go of Evan who caught his balance and stood up.
"So you were actually sorry for what you did?". Evan nodded. "Well if Del thinks your fine then I do too but I'm watching you" he said getting close to me. "I'll take note of that" Evan said.
Ohm came back and was confused of why Evan was standing next to us. "Is he coming with us?" Ohm asked. "That's if he want's to" I said. "I would like to come actually where are we going?" "The park" "That's a cool place to go" he said.
We left the mall and headed to the park. The first place I went to was the pond. Luke had followed me there as I sat on the bench. He sat next to me and put his arm around my shoulder.
"I love the pond" I said "Why it's just a bunch of water" Luke said. "I dunno it's just beautiful to me" I said smiling. "Well I guess so but I think you look more beautiful" he said looking at me. I started to turn red under my mask. "I-I uh" I stuttered not sure what to say. Luke pulled my mask up and kissed me and said "Your cute when your flustered you know that".
"Stop it you weirdo" I said nervously laughing. "Awww Is someone embarrassed how adorable" he said getting closer to me. Luke was then on top of me looking me in the eyes and grinning. I knew what he wanted but it we were outside and I was too afraid of getting caught.
"Luke were outside" I whined. "Oh come on no ones watching" he cooed. "You don't know that and its public indecency" "Fine but later I'm not holding back" he said sitting up. Now that was terrifying to hear. Luke treats everything like a sport, even small things.
After an hour of sitting around and playing a little bit we all decided it was time to go home. We dropped Ohm and Evan off at their houses and me and Luke went to his house.
We were cuddled up on the couch just like this morning. "So what you wanna do now since were home" Luke said. "I dunno maybe just sit here watching TV until we pass out" I said laughing. "Sounds like a plan" Luke said pulling me closer and kissing me head. "I love you Jon" "I love you too Luke".
It was about another four hours before I started getting tired. It was almost midnight so I guess it was time to go to sleep. I looked up and saw Luke knocked out. "I guess I'm sleeping for tonight" I mumbled under my breath. I decided to get comfy and laid my back on Luke's lap.
I closed my eyes and began to drift off into sleep slowly.
*Ohm POV*
When Luke and Del dropped me off I was sitting on the couch watching TV. I never really did get over the fact that Del and Luke were a thing but I wasn't gonna say that infront of Del.
I never even told him I liked him and the only time we were close was over the weekend. I still love him and I'm keeping the promise of protecting him when Luke isn't around. God I just wish I had gotten to tell him how I feel before Luke did. Maybe then me and him would have been happy together instead of him and Luke.
While I was so caught up in my thoughts I was snapped out of them when I heard my phone go off. It was a text from Bryce one of my good friends. I told Bryce everything even my crush on Del.
Bryce: Hey Ryan you doin well
Ohm: Yea just got back from hanging wit Luke and Delirious.
Bryce: Nice. You still not over that entire relationship are you.
Ohm: No I'm still thinking about.
Bryce: Don't worry you'll fine someone or they might break up you never know.
Ohm: I know but I haven't even told him yet.
Bryce: Well why wait now at least if they do split he'll come to you first.
Ohm: Bryce your a goddamn genius that's exactly what I'm gonna do.
Bryce: Alright just don't mess anything up cya.
Ohm: I wont cya.
I turned my phone and TV off and went to my room and laid down in my bed. Tomorrow I'm gonna tell Del how I really feel about him.
*Evan POV*
When I got dropped off at my house I immediately went to my room. I had to think about how I could get Delirious with me and away from Luke. Luke doesn't trust me at all to where I can be with Del alone so either him or Ohm have to be with us.
If Del would give me a chance I'd show him I'm better than Luke but he's always around him no matter what.
While I was pacing around my room my phone started ringing. It was a call from Tyler. "Hey Evan" "Hey Tyler" "I wanted to ask you if your gonna hang out with us tomorrow" "Who's us" "You know me, Mini, Scotty, Marcel, Brock and Brian" "I dont know I'm kinda busy" "Dude are you still thinking about that kid Delirious" "Yeah" "You can't be serious. Why can't you leave him alone".
Tyler was right, I couldn't leave him alone something was holding me back. "I dont know I just really like him ok" "Weirdo" "Hey you acted the same way with Mini" "Yea well he was still single" "Whatever" "Look if you just party with us it'll take your mind off the whole situation" "Fine I'll go but dont expect me to not be talking about it" "Ok ok whatever I'll see you there, bye" "Bye". I hung up the phone and sat down on my bed.
'What am I gonna do' I thought to myself. I still like Del but Luke gets in the way so I can't do anything. Maybe if I ask the guys for help I can deal with this situation faster.
*Luke POV*
I woke up to see the TV off and Jon under my arm. He was still asleep looking so adorable like an angel. I picked his sleeping body up and took him to my room. I placed him on the bed and tucked him in. I wasn't tired anymore so I decided to get something to eat.
I headed downstairs and went to the fridge. I grabbed some leftover cake I had saved a while ago. "Devil's cake for a Devilish boy hehe" I laughed and sat down on the couch. I turned the TV back on and began eating my cake.
It was about another hour before I started to get tired but I still wanted to finish watching my show. I heard footsteps coming from upstairs.
"Luke what are you doing" Jon said looking sleepy. "Oh I'm just watching my show sorry if I woke you up" "No it's fine but its past midnight and you should be going to sleep" "Oh but my favorite part is about come" "Luke if you stay up it will be nearly impossible to wake you up" "But" "No buts come on". Del took the remote and turned the TV off.
I followed Jon up the stairs and got in bed with him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and he was facing me. "Hey Jon" I said. "Yea Luke" "What are we gonna do when we leave highschool" "I don't know" "Maybe we can go to college together and have a bunch of parties there" "Yea maybe". "I love you Jon" "I love you too Lukey"
"Awww you gave me a nickname" "Dont get used to it" "Your adorable like that you know" "Shut up and go to sleep already" "Ok ok".I closed my eyes drifting off to sleep.
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