Chapter 13: Birthday Suprise
*Luke POV*
I drove all the way to Virginia just to see my family members before my birthday. I dont know why I agreed to this, But Jon did say family was important so I guess that's why I'm here.
I made it to my parents neighborhood and parked my car near the drive way of the house where I saw a bunch of other cars. 'Great everyone's here' I thought as I grabbed my bags.
I knocked on the door and waited for someone to open it. Someone came to the door and opened it. That person being my Dad.
"Luke! You made it" he yelled happily and hugged me. I hugged him back "Hey Dad". He let me and inside and I saw my mom on the couch. When she saw me, she immediately got up and hugged me. "Ah it's so good to see you again". I hugged her "Its good to see you to mom".
"We prepared your room for tomorrow and everyone is going be in the spare rooms" my mom said cheerfully. "Can't wait" I said with a fake smile. I haven't seen these people in forever, its gonna be awkward as hell.
I went upstairs to my old room. "So many memories of my young dumbass self" I chuckled. I put my bags down and layed on my bed. I started thinking about Jon and wondering if he missed me just as most as I miss him. "God it's only been a few hours and I wanna see him already" I thought out loud.
*Del POV*
"Alright Brian I think that's enough beer" I said gesturing for him to stop bringing drinks. "What do you mean that's enough? It's a party there's never enough" he said grinning. "I think hes right Brian, if everyone gets too drunk who's driving who home?" Brock asked setting the table. "At least someone is making sense" I said turning to Brock. "Yea yea I guess that's enough" Brian said putting the case down.
I went over to Mini who was making the cake. "So how's it coming Mini" I said as he put the mix in the oven. "Its going great, Tyler is getting the rest of the things we need for the cake" he said smiling. "Nice and um thanks for doing this" "Oh it's nothing, its kinda fun and really sweet of what your doing for Luke" "Hey it's what were doing for Luke everyones included" "Heh yea well we should wait for it to be done Tyler will be coming back soon" "Alright I'm gonna see what David and Lui are up to" I said leaving the kitchen.
In the living room David and Lui were on the phone with someone. "Uh guys" I tried to say but they were very focused on the call. "Ok so this is what were having two of every pizza box ye have" David said through the phone. "Oh and bread, and a few cookie pizza's as well" Lui said bouncing on the arm rest. "And the garlic bread and cookie pizza's" David finished placing the order over the phone and hung up.
"Sorry for the delay we were ordering food for the party" he said turning to me. "You guys did order a lot, are you sure we have enough money for that?" I asked. "Dont worry about it, my dad owns a pub it'll be all taken care of" he assured me. "Why am I not suprised it's a pub" I chuckled. "Hey never too far from your Irish routes" he said as we were both laughing.
I decided to go outside to get some air and let everyone do their thing when I noticed Ohm sitting on the steps. He noticed me and patted the empty space on the rest of the staircase and I sat next to him. "So what are you doing out here all by yourself?" I asked him. "Ya know just thinking about everything that's happened so far that's lead to this point" he said smiling. "Wow that's actually a lot" "Yep I'm a heavy thinker" we both chuckled. "So you know what everyone else is doing?" I asked him. "Well Marcel and Scotty are movie hunting and Smitty and Droidd went to the game store" "Well by the time everyone's back we should be ready" I said looking at the time.
"You know Del what your doing is awsome thing" he said looking at me. "Dont get all sappy on me. Mini already did that" I said punching his arm lightly. "I mean it Del. Anyone would be lucky to have someone like you. When I first met you I could tell you were an amazing person, I just didn't expect you to be this outgoing" "Well I'm only like that if it calls for it" he chuckled when I said that and got up. "I'm ready to go inside if you are" I got up and nodded and we went back inside.
When we went inside everyone sitting on the couch and me and Ohm joined them. I really hope this goes well.
*The Next Day*
*Luke POV*
I woke up really early seeing as it was still dark but could see the sky being faintly blue outside my window. I got up and smelled something really good. I put some clothes on and headed downstairs.
I saw my mom in the kitchen and I guess she noticed me because she turned to me and smiled. "Luther, your up already?" She asked still cooking what she was making. "Uh yea I didn't feel like going back to bed so I just got up and I started smelling food and came down here" I explained. "Well I'm making breakfast for everyone, you can go back upstairs until I'm done just dont make too much noise" she said turning back.
I headed back upstairs and went up to my room and watched some TV. A few hours go by and I get a knock on my bedroom door. "Come in" I said turning my head to the door.
The person who walked in was someone I never expected to see before. "Heya Luke how are you doin" she said waving her black hair and yellow highlights. "H-Hannah?" I stuttered getting up from my bed. She ran up to me and hugged me.
"Its been so long how has life in North Carolina been treating you?" she said curiously. "Its been great. How have you been" "Oh I've been well nothing particularly exciting happening except your birthday" "I'm supsuprised you came after our falling out" I said putting my head down. She put her hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eyes "Hey that's all in the past now ok? No need to worry about it. Besides today is your day" She smiled and I had to smile back. She always found away to keep you smiling.
"Ok so catch me up on all the things that's been happening in your life since I was gone" She said sitting on my bed.
*Time Skip*
I was sitting on the couch looking at all my relatives watching a football game on the TV. We all had a plate of food my mom and aunt cooked for the party. Hannah came sitting next to me and had something in a wrapped box.
"Hey I made you something before I came here." I looked at her and smiled "Oh really? You shouldn't have" "No no I insist open it" she handed the box to me.
I opened the box and it's a wood carving of my "Red Dude" character. "Hannah its awsome" "Knew you'd love it. Looks like my mastering in wood crafting came in handy" I smiled and chuckled a little. I looked at the time and saw it was late and I should be heading back to Del.
"Looks like I have to go, John is waiting for me and I dont wanna keep him waiting" I said getting up and putting my finished food away. Hannah came up to me with excitement in her eyes. "Hey let's take a picture before you go, for old times sake" she said with her hands together. "Ok but make it quick I dont want John to spam me messages of where I am." She took my phone and posed holding my arm and took the picture like that.
"Ok got it, now gimme a sec" she fondled with my phone for a little more and gave it back. "What did you do?" I asked. "Oh nothing just hurry and get to Johnny boy, hes waiting for you" she said innocently.
I headed out the door but not before saying goodbye to everyone. Ok now to head home.
*Del's POV*
"Alright I think that's everything for the party" I said laying on the couch. Everyone found a seat and sat down. Ohm sat next to me and smiled. "This was a great idea Del I'm proud of you buddy" I smiled back at Ohm "Thanks dude, felt like forever putting this together. Luke better like it." Everyone agreed with my statement and we all laughed.
I decided to check my socials since I didn't have anything else to do and everyone was watching TV. I scrolled through instagram when I had saw Luke had posted a photo. It was with a girl i had never seen before. The caption was "Hanging with bae on his birthday". That confused me for a little bit and I had so many thoughts going in my head.
'Is he cheating. Who is that. Why is she holding his arm. Why did she call him that' I thought. I got up from the couch and headed upstairs, ignoring the calls from everyone.
I went up to the bedroom and sat down. I contemplated what was happening and if what I was doing was worth it anymore. In the middle of me thinking I heard a knock at the door.
"Yeah" I said calmly. "Hey Del its Tyler, you doing ok?" Tyler asked. "Yeah I'm fine" I answered "Can I come in?" He asked. I opened the door for him and sat back down.
He sat down next to me. "Hey what's wrong it looks like your about to cry" I thought for a moment and decided to show him the picture I found. He looked at it and chuckled. "Del dont get upset over this. Its probably just a friend you didn't know about" he said reassuringly. I looked up at him "Really" "Yeah stuff like this happens all the time" he said. What he said made me feel alot better now that I thought about it more.
"Thanks Tyler, I needed that" I said "No problem dude" he smiled and looked away for a sec. His smile faded and he looked rather depressed.
"Del I gotta get something off my chest" he said seriously. "What is it?" I asked. "The night of the party. When you got drunk and Evan had you." He said giving me flashbacks of what happened. "Yeah" I said waiting for him to continue. "I was the one who set up the party for Evan. It was a part of Evan's plan and he told me and I agreed to do it because he was my friend. I-Im sorry." He stuttered the last part.
I thought for a moment and hugged Tyler. "Hey it's fine you weren't the one who assaulted me so were cool. I forgive you dude." I let go of him and we smiled at eachother and laughed afterward. "Ok let's head downstairs before the others ask what the hell were doing up here" he said rubbing his neck. "I agree" I said getting up and opening the door.
We headed back down and I sat on the couch and Tyler sat next to Mini on one of the seats. "Hey Del you ok?" Ohm asked. "Yeah I'm fine just had a real good talk with a friend." I said smiling and looking at Tyler. Tyler looked back at me and smiled aswell.
Can't wait for Luke to get back and see what we all did for him.
Hey guys. So this took forever to get out sorry. I was just really worried and I was put in the hospital for a few days too so I couldn't really do anything. But I'm back and ready to write.
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