Chapter 10: Emotional Stress
"What rumors?" I asked them. All three of them looked at eachother with worried faces. "What is it" I said starting to get anxious. I'm getting scared and confused, wondering if something bad happened.
"Someone started a rumor that you and Ohm fucked" Lui said fast. I was taken back by this as my eyes went wide. "What the fuck" I said loudly thankfully not drawing any attention.
"Who said it" I said angrily. "We dont know some people started talking about it and we overheard them" Mini explained. I looked away for a sec rubbing my fingers against my temples. I looked up for a moment and saw Ohm. A few people started talking to him and one guy high fived him. Ohm looked genuinely confused at their gestures and spotted us for a moment.
He walked over here to talk to us. "Hey guys what's up and why is everyone so happy about me?" he asked. I looked at him with a very anxious face and so did the others. "What's wrong and why is everyone looking at me like that?" he asked again. "Ohm the reason those people are 'happy' about you is because they think you did something risky" David said. "What risky thing could I have possibly done" he said smiling. "Ohm people think we did it last night" I told him blatantly. He started laughing for a sec until he looked at me and knew I was serious.
"Oh...oh god" he said flustered. "Ohm did you say anything about this to anyone?" Lui asked. "N-No I didn't I swear. Me and Del were hanging out while Luke was getting him medicine because he was sick" he explained.
I was worried but mostly more worried about Luke. If he heard about this he would be heartbroken. He would hate me. I guess I was noticeably sad because Ohm asked me if I was alright. "I'm fine we just gotta make sure Luke doesn't know about this ok" everyone nodded.
"Luke doesn't find out about what" I heard behind me. "Holy shit dont do that Luke" I said calming down. "Sorry sorry, anyway what are yall talking about?" he asked. "We were talking about Tyler's party party this weekend and we were asking Delirious if you and him wanted to go" Mini said quickly thinking.
"Oh sure we'll go" Luke said buying the lie. The bell rang and we all went to our next classes. I made my way to the locker room's and started changing into my gym clothes. I was still thinking about the rumor and what would happen if Luke knew about it. I was pulled out of my thoughts when Luke had called my name.
"Hey Jon you alright you've been zoning out for a while" he said. "Y-yeah just thinking about some things. Let's just get to the gym" I said walking away.
After our very tiring gym session I changed back into my normal clothes and started to head to my next class when I suddenly got pulled out of the crowd of students. "Hey what the hell" I yelled but when looked I noticed it was Ohm. "Oh hey Ohm" I said. "Hey Del we really need to sort out this entire issue" he said worried. "Yeah I know I just don't know how. We can't really just go to everyone in the school and say the rumor was fake" I said.
"Yeah and it feels like I'm lying to all the people that are 'congratulating' me" "Yeah and I feel bad for keeping it from Luke because he'd hate me if the rumor got to him" I said worried. "Its ok Del, Luke won't hate you he's a reasonable person so don't worry we'll get through this" he said looking at me reassuringly. "Thanks Ohm" I said as I hugged him. "No problem little buddy" he said hugging me back.
"OHM IM ABOUT TO FUCK YOU UP!" I heard from across the hall. 'Oh shit' I thought.
*Luke POV*
I was in my next class when I heard someone laughing and noticed it was Evan. "Hey what are you laughing about Evan?" I asked. He looked at me confused and said "Oh no one told you?" He said sounding dramatic. "Told me what?" I asked confused. "I've heard from a little birdie that Delirious was having some fun with Ohm last night" he said smiling. "What do you mean by fun" I said gritting my teeth. "You know the kind of fun you have in bed" he said emphasizing the last two words.
My blood was boiling at that point. I got up and went out of the classroom. I tried to calm myself down. But just imagining it sends chills down my spine. Just the thought of Jon moaning his name it makes me mad.
I heard voices down the hall and turned to see. Ohm and Jon were hugging which just set me off especially after being told what happened. I was seething with rage I needed to take my anger out.
"OHM IM ABOUT TO FUCK YOU UP!" I yelled across the hall.
*Del POV*
I saw Luke coming down the hall towards us. He was angry as all hell. "Luke" I said as he was coming closer. "Ohm I'm gonna beat the shit out of you" he said balling his fist. "Luke think this through" I said trying to calm him down. "Oh I've already thought this through I just need to figure out where to bury him" he said. Ohm backed up but Luke grabbed him and punched him. "I fucking trusted you and backstab me like this". I quickly grabbed his arm before he could throw another punch.
"Jon let go I'm not done pounding his face in" "No you dont understand" I said still pulling him back. We kept struggling for a minute before Luke's elbow hit my head and I fell down.
"Ow dammit" I yelled in pain. Luke looked at me and let go of Ohm. "J-Jon I'm so s-sorry I-I didn't mean to" he stuttered out.
"You don't understand, it wasn't goddamn true" I said tears forming in my eyes. I got up and ran before he could say anything else.
I ended up in the bathroom so I went into a stall and started to cry. I was too emotionally stressed to deal with them. I cried for a few minutes until I heard a knock on my stall.
"Hey buddy it's me Evan, I saw you run in here and you were crying so I thought I'd pay you a visit" Evan said sounding sympathetic. I opened the stall door and looked up at him. "Hi Evan I'm not feeling well" I said rubbing the bruise on my head that still hurt. "What happened your head" Evan said shocked. "Oh Luke accidentally elbowed me when I tried to stop him from hitting Ohm" I explained. "Oh I'm so sorry Del" he said.
Evan hugged me close to him. I felt all my emotions come out of me and started crying more. I buried my face in his jacket as he continued to comfort me. I looked up at him and smiled. "Thanks Evan I really needed that" "No problem dude" he said wiping my tears. "Hey Tyler's having a party after school wanna come? it'll take your mind off things" he said. I thought for a minute, maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea. "Yeah sure I'll go" I said.
"Nice so you wanna go right after school?" He asked. "I was gonna leave school right now. To take my mind off things aswell" I said. "How about I keep you company?" he asked. "Um yeah sure you can come with me" I said smiling.
We exited the bathroom and made our way out of the school. "So Del where do you wanna go before Tyler's party?" He asked. "I dunno maybe the park" I said not thinking ahead. "Ok sure I'll take us there in my car" he said grabbing his keys out of his pocket.
We got in his car and he started heading towards the park. I looked out the window and thought about everything that happened today. It hurt me a little inside that Luke would just go up and fight Ohm without thinking about it first.
I was taken out of my thoughts when Evan started talking to me. "Hey Del you ok? Are you still thinking about those two?" he asked. I nodded my head a little bit. "Dont worry man I'm sure everything will be alright soon enough" he said comforting me. I smiled at him and nodded.
We made it to the park and I went by the pond and Evan followed me. I sat on the bench that was facing the water and Evan sat next to me. I remember coming here when I was really little. Sitting here every other day and gazing at the large pool of water in front of me.
"Wow it's so beautiful out here" Evan said happily. "Yeah I used come here alot when I was younger" I said. "Well it's a great place to be, the water looks so nice just like your eyes" he said looking at me. I blushed a little bit at that compliment. "Jeez Evan if I knew you were gonna flirt with me out here I would've just gone home" I said laughing. "Oh come on you know you can't resist me" he said leaning on me. "You got good looks I'll give you that" I said feeding his ego.
"Oh I think Del might have a crush" he said teasing me. "You wish" I said chuckling. "I'll keep fact how about we make a bet?" he said with a wide grin. "Ok what is it?" I asked. He picked up a pebble off the ground and showed it to me. "If I can make it this pebble skip at least 3 times in the water, you owe me kiss". I was thinking if I should agree to the bet but then I realized I could add my deal to it. "Ok but if it doesn't you have to get wasted at the party" he nodded and proceeded to get into position to throw the pebble.
Evan threw it and I thought he wouldn't make it far. It went one...two...and three. 'Dammit' I thought. He turned to me smiling as like the devil himself. "Well well well Delirious looks as if I won" he said. "This changes nothing between us" I said seriously. He started leaning in getting closer to my face.
Then as if by some sheer coincidence his phone started ringing. He got away real quickly to answer it. "Yeah...oh hey Tyler...oh ok yeah I'm coming over I'm bringing Delirious with me...uh huh ok we'll be there in a few minutes...bye" he hung up the phone. "Ok Del let's go and get to Tyler's we don't wanna be late" I nodded and we went to his car. He seemingly forgot about the kiss but I wasn't complaining.
*Time skip*
We made it to Tyler's house and when Evan knocked on the door a person opened it. "Hey Evan" "Hey Tyler" they both greeted eachother. "Hey your Delirious right?" Tyler asked. "Yeah that's me" I said. "Nice Evan wouldn't stop talking about you" he said with a follow up "Shut up" from an embarrassed Evan.
We went inside and I could see a few people I knew. Mini,Lui and David were here so I decided to approach them. "Delirious!" they all said. "Hey guys" I replied. "Hey how is everything going with Luke, last time I saw him he stormed out of the classroom" Lui said. "Yeah about that. He tried to fight Ohm but I was able to stop him before he could get a second hit off of him" I explained.
"Well I hope everything will be alright" Mini said. "Alright guys enough of this sappy crap let's have fun" David said. We all nodded in agreement and went off to have some fun.
End of this chapter spent like a week on it because I was procrastinating. Anyways yeah next one soon.
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