Chapter 14
Everyone has problems, no matter how popular, rich, or even oblivious to the world the person may be they still have problems. Just because they might be able to throw money at the problem does not mean that it's not a problem. No one can truly escape this part of life. That's just a simple fact about life.
And with problems, come solutions to said problems. Some will decide to take the problem head on, get it solved and out of the way. Others will tremble in fear with the problem just growing as they try their hardest to fix it. But for me, I avoid the problem all together, and no, I don't mean it to be in the snobby way that I am a saint an have never had a single problem.
I mean have you read about the lives of saints? They live it rough.
I literally avoid the problem at all costs. If the problem is a place, I don't go near it. An activity, I don't do it. A thing that could move, I high tail the opposite way as fast as my tiny legs can carry me.
I know avoiding my problems seems cowardly, but that's how I deal with them. At least until I can actually handle them.
It's been a week since that heart breaking night in which Will decided to tell me he had slept with the girl that I have called my best friend for the last three years. And to say I was taking every step to avoid my problem would be an understatement.
I am currently staying at my older brother's apartment, and have refused to go to school. I have locked myself in his guest room and not once left the apartment. I threw my phone at the wall shattering it. And I disabled all of my location setting on my laptop.
I might have went a little far...
But I can't deal with even the idea of both of betraying me like this, so until I can at least look at a picture of them with balling my eyes out I am not returning.
"Quinn. I'm coming in." My brother knocks, and pops in with out waiting for my response, and instantly scrunches up his nose, making his stubble look like a hobo.
"When was the last time you took a shower?"
I shrug my shoulders, and wrap the throw blanket tighter around myself. "I don't know. When did my life get shattered?" Which just caused him to roll his eyes.
"Quinn, it's not that bad." Theo says giving me a reassuring smile as he sits at the end of the bed.
"Yeah, and having the guy that you pretty much love, but you keep getting hurt by, and the girl in which you call a best friend for three years, sleeping together, is "not that bad!"" I yell at him, and he just puts his hands up in surrender.
"Well Quinn's a bitch. What did you expect?"
"For her not to sleep with Will!"
"Well Will's a manwhore."
"Yeah, one that I foolishly fell for." Tears start streaming down my face again, and I roughly wipe them away. When does it stop hurting?
Theo hugs me and eventually I stop crying, and just hiccup a few times, causing him to hold me at arms length and chuckle.
"Quinn, I know it hurts like a mother fucking truck ran over your heart, then decided to dump rocks and a few boulders on top of it, but you need to be strong. You need to move on, and you need to show them that this doesn't hurt you." He tells me.
"But how?"
"Well first I recommend a shower, you reek like back alley hobo." He smiles, causing me to laugh.
"Says the one that has the whole hobo look down." I say guesturing towards his face, and he mocks hurts, puting his hand to his heart and wiping a fake tear away.
"I would like to inform you that this hobo look get's all the ladies wanting more." And I just scrunch up my face in disgust, but then his face turns serious again. "But seriously, take a shower then go back to school. Do your soccer thing. Make some friends. Go graffiti a car. I don't know. But do what makes you happy." He gives me a reassuring smile then pushes me in off the other side of the bed.
Groaning in pain I get up and glare at him, "Why'd you push me?"
"I felt like it. Now shower. I want to go out tonight, and you're coming." He says.
"Where?" I ask him, not really wanting to go anywhere.
"To hoboville." He smiles wildly.
"So where you came from?" I question him, "I knew we weren't really related."
"Uh-huh, sure. we could be twins if you dye your hair back, bottle blonde." He rolls his eyes.
I just glare, and make my way to the bathroom, taking a shower. And god I am so glad I did. When I was taking my shirt off I got a whiff of it, and oh my goodness, I have no idea how I haven't died of toxic inhalation.
When I finish, I get dressed in a simple pair of skinny jeans converse, and dark gray crop top with my maroon color leather jacket, then walk out to the kitchen.
"She doesn't smell like an alley cat anymore." My brother praises, and I just roll my eyes and grab a cookie from the packet he was eating out of.
"I'm guessing you're Theo's little sis?" The guy with a surfer style hair cut asks me, and I just nod. I guess we're going out with people.
"Hi, I love your outfit. Totally hot." A girl with platinum blonde hair says bubbely, and I just smile. She's very enthusiastic.
The girl smiles widely at me, then frowns, then smiles again, "Oh how rude of me, I'm Rosi, Theo's girlfriend, and that," she points to the surfer hair cut, "is MK." And he gives me a curt wave.
Theo then walks up to Rosi, and hugs her from behind, kissing her cheek, making her giggle, and turn around in his arms, and I just stare at the floor. Looking at them reminds me of why I'm here. Glaring at the titles, I bite the inside of my lip in hopes that the pain that in my brain and heart would go away.
"Not in front of my poor eyes." I hear MK squeal, and I look up to see him cover his face with his hands, and I can't hold back a chuckle.
"Fine, let's get going. I was thinking we go clubbing." Theo suggests, his arm wrapped around Rosi's waist as he looks at me and MK for our approval for tonight's plans. I shrug but MK gasps.
"You can't take your little sister clubbing!" He exclaims.
Theo and I burst out laughing, "And why not?" I ask him when my laughter subsides.
MK looks at me as if I'm crazy, his nose scrunched up, eyebrows furrowed, "Uh, first you're underage. Second, what are you going to do while we're there? Sit at a booth and be bored? Get hit on by middle aged horndogs?" Then he looks at Theo with a concerned look, "I don't see why you would even be okay with suggesting this." He shakes his head in disapproval, and I just shake my head in my own disapproval.
Theo puts his hands up in surrender, "Hey, it's nothing she's never experienced before. She's been clubbing before without me."
It's my turn to look at him like he's crazy, "Um, by walking into the club. Ordering drinks. Dancing with my friends?" I answer him. I mean is he really that dump, going to clubs is pretty basic.
"How did you get in though?" I just shrug, and look at my brother, waiting for him to control his friend. These questions are getting old. I mean it's pretty weird that he cares.
"Just leave it." Theo hushes him, and MK goes to speak again, but Theo stops him, "She can handle herself just fine, trust me. Now, I know Rosi and I are going clubbing, I'm pretty sure Quinn is as well. You can come or you can ditch us." Theo says finally, and walks towards the door with Rosi still attached to his hip.
It's funny how she stayed quiet during that whole thing. I wonder why?
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