Story time!
This time on story time with someone who should be doing something else
Actually it's my mums birthday and I'm making her a cake and it's cooking so...
By the way the song in the media is pretty cool so if you're on a computer listen to it while you read this
So I was in the library after school with lady midnight, and I was sitting right at the back next to all the books, and I see this kid picking up clockwork prince
So he was probably year 7 or 8 and he walks past me whos eyeing his book and he sees I'm reading lady midnight and he stops by my table and its just a moment of recognisation from another fan
So yeah that was fun I spoke to some kid about lady midnight and TMI and this is why I take books everywhere
Once I was in the bookshop and there was a girl sat in the corner reading and she asked me what books I like and we ended up talking about Throne of glass and ACOTAR and she recommended some books for me and I just love it when these things happen
I mean, generally I freak out whenever anyone I don't know speaks to me, but when it's about books...
Also whenever I see someone reading a book I like I end up slapping my friend and squealing and looking generally insane in public
Has anyone actually finished lady midnight yet?
I'm a little over 100 pages in and its absolutely AMAZING!
Now you enjoy that picture of Jace and a bird!
Update: I made the cake and the icing is disgusting and the actual cake is really nice but I've not made chocolate frosting in ages so NO ONE CAN BLAME ME
Also I have my harry potter shirt on XD
Why do I say all this stuff?
Why does anyone read this book anymore its just me being an arrogant ass and going on about stuff you don't care about and somehow I don't get hate and you're all still here
I think this is an oppertunity to say thank you you guys! I don't say I love you all enough, but I really do. You're comments are always amazing and then there's those of you who message me and even those who just read, but keep reading, and I know you're there because I don't get 30 votes but I got 30 reads on the last chapter last time I checked.
unless someones reading the same part again and again because they're a creep stalker who wants to hunt me down and murder me
Maybe that's why I don't get enough hate, you're all plotting against me
You know what, go ahead! It'll be fun thrashing you all! (because I could totally do that)
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