The Aftermath
As I walked into the school the next day I got a ton of dirty looks.
"Hey, Susan," Angie said walking up to me.
"Hi Ang-" I started.
"Why are you talking to her, Angelica?" Asked Mildred, one of the popular girls.
"She's my best friend," said Angie, "and my name's not Angelica, it's Angie. My aunt's Angelica, not me."
"But she's a whore!" Protested Mildred.
"Piss off," said Angie.
Defeated, Mildred stalked off. Angie turned to me. "It's okay," she said, "I know you're not your mom, and I know I'm not my dad."
We walked into history class and sat down, not being late this time. "How was last night?" Asked Angie.
I shrugged, "it was fine."
"Don't lie to me," said Angie, "did he hit you?"
I nodded and Angie hugged me in response. "Why don't you tell anyone?" She asked.
"No one would care," I told her.
If it was possible for Angie to hug me tighter than she already was, that's what she did. "I would!" She protested.
"Fine," I said, "just you."
"That's not true," Angie said, "your mom would care, Philip would care, Theo would care, my mom would care, my dad would care, Eliza would care, James would care, John would care, Alex would care. So many people would care!"
"You just listed your family, which is a ton of people and most of them hate me. You said Theo, who's only talked to me when Philip made her. And you listed my mom, who could have done something but didn't," I said.
When Angie was about to respond the bell went off and Ms. Schuyler (This is totally not Peggy, why would you think that?) started the class by calling attendance.
"Steve Armanaiam," Ms. Schuyler called out.
"Here," Steve grumbled, looking at his phone. He never payed attention in class and learned nothing. He always bragged about his D average in history, his best subject. (It was going to be a D- but I'm feeling nice today.)
"Mr. Armanaiam, we don't use our phones during class, right?" Asked Ms. Schuyler.
"Correct," he said, putting his phone down. He picked it up again once he thought Ms. Schuyler's attention was off of him.
"I'll take your phone, Mr. Armanaiam," said Ms. Schuyler.
"I'm not using it," he said.
"Yes you were," said Ms. Schuyler, "now give it to me and report to the principal's office right after."
Steve sighed and handed his phone to Ms. Schuyler, then proceeded to stomp out the door. I heard a crash from outside. "Who are you?" He said from the hallway.
"Your worst nightmare," a girl's voice replied.
Ms. Schuyler drew our attention back to attendance when she called out the next name. "Alexa Branum."
"Here," Alexa said. Alexa was a straight A+ student and was a total teacher's pet. It got annoying if you knew her for long enough.
"Theo Burr," Ms. Schuyler said.
"Angie Hamilton."
Angie raised her hand, "here," she said.
"Philip Hamilton." (I know they're not actually the same age but they are now.)
"Here," Philip said.
"Susan Reynolds."
"Here," I said. I noticed I got a lot of dirty looks but I ignored them.
I zoned out for the rest of attendance until Ms. Schuyler cleared her throat. "Today we have a new student," she said, "I want you to all be nice to her- actually," she smirked, "you all know how to treat people so I'm not going over this. You're not five."
Some people in the class *cough* Alexa *cough* forced out a laugh.
"Frances you can come in now," Ms. Schuyler said. A girl walked in wearing a black tank top and black ripped jeans walked in.
"Can you introduce yourself?" Asked Ms. Schuyler.
Frances smirked and Ms. Schuyler gave her a look. She clearly saw it but decided to ignore it. "My name is Frances Laurens, I was homeschooled before this, I like turtles, and Ms. Schuyler's my mom."
"Thank you Frances, you can go find a seat now," said Ms. Schuyler.
"France, over here!" Angie called out.
Frances moved to sit over by us, "Hey, Angie," she said.
"How's life?" Asked Angie.
"Fine. Who's this?" Asked Frances pointing at me.
"I'm Susan," I said.
"Hi Susan."
The rest of class was normal, I couldn't wait to find out more about Frances after class.
Yes, this is Jeggy. Yes, this is Philidosia. Yes, this is Hamliza.
~F. Laur
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