Chapter Thirteen // Dani
The hot Arizona heat seeped into my skin as I stood on pit road before the race. This whole weekend had me on pins and needles. It was the first time I've seen Erik since I walked out of the house in Malibu, leaving his hungover self behind. He has barely looked at me since I walked into the hauler Friday morning. Whenever we did interact, it was full of mumbles and excuses as to why he needed a "break" from things.
Erik was acting like a dog with his tail in between his legs and it made me realize how immature he truly was.
He didn't even try to apologize for how he acted that night, nor did he try to win me back - not like I would accept his offer or anything, but it just shows you where his priorities are. He just wanted me for one thing and I'm so glad that I never gave into that.
Erik still doesn't know about Ryan and I. Honestly, no one knows about Ryan and I and I don't know how long that was going to last. The season has barely started so sooner or later people are going to realize Madison and Ryan are done and the bestfriend who always stood in the shadows is now by his side.
I was never one to follow fan gossip, but I couldn't help but wonder what was being said. I just don't want to come across as a homewrecker when it wasn't even like that. I sighed, shaking my head from these thoughts. I wasn't going to care what others thought of Ryan and I. I was in love with that man and that's all that matters right now.
I looked up and down pitroad, wondering where he could be. His car was only a few spots in front of Erik's so I had a clear view of the 12 team and he wasn't there. I looked over to the 20 team and realized I'm out of place. This wasn't my home anymore and truth be told, I don't think it ever was.
"Boy, are you a sight for sore eyes." Strong arms wrapped around my center as Ryan hugged me from behind. He kissed my neck before I turned around in his arms.
"Rough morning?"
"Not seeing you has killed me." I hate how it showed on his face that it bothered him that he hasn't seen me. The sun was barely up when I kissed him goodbye this morning, knowing I had to be with Erik all morning for media obligations. "I think you're PRing for the wrong team." I laughed and he smiled.
That smile.
"Danielle?" Ryan stiffened when Erik called out my name. "Fucking Blaney? You left me for him?"
"You didn't tell him?" Ryan asked me softly.
"He didn't deserve to know."
"Don't you think you should have warned him?" Ryan let go of me, twirling me around so I was behind him as Erik advanced towards us.
"So that's what you've been doing behind my back? Fucking around with Blaney? Probably fucked the whole garage for all I know!" I've never seen Erik so angry before but the darts he was throwing at me made Ryan shake in anger.
"How dare you talk to her like that. You know damn well Dani isn't like that. She was the best damn thing you've ever had and you threw her away like you're doing your career."
"Get the fuck out of my face, Blaney, and take that piece of trash with you. She doesn't put out anyways so have fun getting your dick wet by the pit lizards like you always do." Erik spat at the ground near Ryan's feet to prove a point. Ryan balled his fist and took a step forward but Erik's crew guys stepped in and shook their head no.
"C'mon, let's get out of here." I pulled Ryan away from the growing crowd. Thankfully there were no TV cameras around to capture what was said.
"I'm sorry, Ry." I whispered when we made it back to his car.
"Dani, there's no reason to apologize. I see why you didn't tell him, but I want you to quit being his PR. I'll get you a job at Penske or put a good word for you at another race team if needed."
"Ryan," I took his hands in mine so he would stop shaking, "thank you, for standing up for me and for offering to help me find another job, but now is not the time for any of this. You have a race you need to focus on and to win. You've had so much shit happen to you over the last few weeks, we've both had, now is the time to focus on your car and your team. You hear me?" Ryan looked down at me, his blue eyes brighter then sky and smiled softly.
"This is why I love you." He knocked his forehead with mine, closing his eyes and sighed.
"So? When can I say it?" Ryan and I jumped apart at the voice of his sister Erin. She stood with her hands on her hips with a knowing smile.
I could kill her right about now.
"Don't you have somewhere to be?" Ryan blushed, running his hand through his hair before putting his hat on and pulling it down to cover his eyes.
"Big brother blushing? You must really like her."
"Shut it, Erin." Ryan laughed, engulfing her in a huge hug before she ran off to find William.
"She knew this was going to happen, didn't she?"
"Since day one." Ryan shook his head, bent down and kissed me. Standing next to him on pitroad was something I should have been doing from the start and I'm so glad that I get to do that now and not get jealous because he's with Madison.
This just felt right and I'm so happy our lives are finally in sync so I can pray for this man before he gets into the car and tell him I'll see him in victory lane.
I found Erin as the race got started. We snuck away so she could bombard me with all of the questions I knew she was dying to ask. She asked me how Madison felt about this whole situation when we got our answer when we walked by the 9 box. I couldn't help but wonder if Chase's broken soul reached out to Madison because he felt the same, or if there was more there that none of us knew.
"Erin? Dani?" We both stopped walking as Madison climbed down the box and gave us a small smile. "Um, no hard feelings, okay?" She looked right at me as she said this. "I can already tell a difference in Ryan. I know you make him happy, more than I ever could and I just want you to know that I don't hate you or anything, okay?" I could tell she was a bit nervous. It honestly takes a lot to confront the girl that stole your man and went behind your back.
"I'm sorry things ended up the way they did, we shouldn't have gone behind your back."
"Everything happens for a reason, Dani, and as much as I want to be mad at you and Ryan, I can't. Not when it lead me to Chase." Erin and I both looked at each other. We had a hunch from what Ryan said and seeing her on the pitbox, but we also didn't know. "Yeahhhhh," Madison drawn out, "I wasn't expecting him at all but when everything happened with Ryan, he swooped in and yeah." My heart melted when I saw her smile, she was really surprised at how everything happened.
"I'm glad you found him. I know he's a great guy." Erin spoke up, reaching up to place a hand on her shoulder. "Call me if you need to talk, okay? I know Ryan is my brother, but we can also talk about him if you need to." They exchanged hugs and thank yous before we walked away.
It felt weird to tie up that loose end with Madison, but if she was really with Chase, then I had a feeling she wasn't going to be completely out of my life. Rather clear the air with her now, instead of never. Besides, she did help Ryan when he was going through a low point in his life.
Erin and I started to head back to the motorhome to watch the end of the race when we heard a loud crash in turn four. My head swiveled around, looking for a TV screen and my heart gave out when I saw both the 12 and the 20 car in a crumbling mess.
I covered my mouth, my heart racing erratically out of my chest as I waited for Ryan to climb out of his car. He did, pretty slowly and I knew he was hurt. I started to make a run for it towards the medical center when Erin stopped me. I looked back at the screen in horror as Erik ran up to Ryan, pushed him against his car and started to throw punches.
Ryan pushed him away but not before Erik clocked him in the face. I know Ryan isn't a fighter and him walking away from Erik as he ran after him proved that he was the bigger man.
Thankfully security and the medical team grabbed a hold of Erik and threw him into an awaiting ambulance.
I didn't bother to wait to watch Ryan climb into his, I knew he would end up at the medical center. I was fuming mad, balling my hands into fists as I marched over to the medical building. I flashed them my badge showing them I was Erik's PR girl and the moment he walked into the medical center I was all up in his face.
"What the fuck, Erik! You could have seriously hurt yourself or Ryan!"
"Oh fuck you, Dani, I didn't hurt your precious Blaney. Get the fuck out of here and don't bother coming into the shop on Monday. You're fired." I was going to let this go, I really was. It felt nice to just yell at him, but when Ryan walked into the room with a bloody lip and his eye turning a dark shade of purple, I rounded on Erik, punching him in the face as hard as I could.
Security was on me in a heartbeat as I yelled obscene things at Erik. He deserved every bit of it as Ryan laid on the gurney getting his busted lip looked at. "Are you okay?" A nurse whispered to me as she checked out my reddening hand.
"No, but it was worth it." She smiled at me like she agreed and glanced over to Ryan. I think it was safe to say that every girl wanted to beat up Erik for what he did to Ryan and I was more than glad to take one for the team.
"He's going to want to be with you." The kind nurse closed off a small section of the room so I could be alone with Ryan.
"Remind me to never get you mad." He laughed and then winced, holding an ice pack to his lip.
"Fucker had it coming to him. I'm sorry for all of this, it's my fault." Ryan grabbed my hand and squeezed it.
"It's not your fault, please don't think that."
"But if I would have told him I was with you, he wouldn't have wrecked you."
"Too bad I was the one who shoved him into the wall. He deserved it for blocking me for a good 10 laps."
"I cannot believe you right now." I wanted to be mad at Ryan for playing games like Erik, but I couldn't, not when I threw a punch myself.
"Here, I think you need this more than I do." He gave me the ice pack so I could place it on my hand. I quietly thanked him because now my knuckles were starting to swell. "C'mon, let's go home."
I followed Ryan out of the medical center and he didn't let me out of his sight when he met with the media. I know they were asking him about the fight but he played it off like it wasn't a big deal.
This is what I loved about Ryan, he never made a situation more than what it should be.
When he was done, he grabbed my hand and we walked back to his RV. We were barely behind closed doors when his lips were on mine in a tender kiss. "What was that for?" I pulled away, looking up at him.
"For being my everything." He kissed the top of my forehead and I swear I fell even more in love with this man.
A/N: I know this was a short chapter but I've had this one planned for a while now. I really think there's only 2 chapters left of this story.
I still haven't decided if Madison and Chase will have their own story but I'm really leaning towards it. I'm sure there's a few of you are curious to know what's going on with those two.
I hope everyone is doing okay during this time - I know how hard it is with no NASCAR around and I honestly want to try and do things (like post stories) during this time. No promises, but I am going to try.
Thank you to everyone who's read this story and commented, it really means the world to me! Love you all!
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