Izuku's Trauma
Ok so I really want to talk about the incompetence of the adults, Aizawa's flaws as a character even though so many people like him, All Might and why people bash him so much (that would be a lot of pointing out fandom flaws), but I want to talk about this. Because Izuku's trauma is severely brushed under the rug and also happens to correlate a lot to adults and bakugo so I'll talk about it now.
Right, so this won't be going in any specific order of events but I want to talk about Izuku's trauma in general and how it's handled/not shown.
In the series, the main character, Izuku Midoriya is born quirkless. We see that he faces 10[+] years of torment and abuse at the hands of [mainly] Katsuki Bakugo. The fact is that he should have a lot more PTSD from that. Also, he's seen as suicidal, after considering taking bakugo's bait and jumping off a roof. Yet, when he interacts with bakugo he seems generally fine other than some stuttering which he quickly gets over, which makes no sense! Also, how come he seems to trust his classmates and teachers so easily even though he's had such bad experiences in the past? First of all he should have a lot of issues with trusting adults. From what we've seen, they obviously either brush off his issues or actively participate in it. (even Aizawa and All Might) So why don't we see more of that? We see some self confidence issues (which is definitely a result of bullying) but it's never directly addressed!
Also, how come we don't see any scars from the abuse? In one of the middle school episodes, Bakugo uses his quirk on Izuku's shoulder which should cause third degree burns from the above of heat we see him use (borderline explosive). He doesn't go to get it treated and probably handled it himself and yet we don't see a scar! (yes, third degree burns scar over)
Also, even after a lot of the event he goes through, such as seeing his teacher's head bashed into the ground, his friend almost being killed right in front of him, almost dying at the mall, the whole training camp incident, FIGHTING THE YAKUZA, participating in WAR, we never see him (or any other characters for that matter) go to therapy. And we don't see any of the effects those types of things would have on people either! literal CHILDREN went to war, saw people die, almost died themselves and yet we see no effects of it. Which is frankly annoying.
Yeah nothing specific, just generally his trauma not being handled properly.
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