Ok so, Bakugo. I have a lot to say about him. This will be pointing out all the bad things he's done throughout the whole series plus some stuff I don't like with his apology (and death)
yeah so let's get into it.
Bakugo Katsuki is the childhood friend turned bully/abuser of the mc Izuku Midoriya. A lot of the fandom defend his character + his actions and even ship him with Izuku. I used to partially ship it (I liked the idea of childhood friends to lovers) but I do want to say that it would be an EXTREMELY toxic relationship. And their- well whatever their dynamic is, is already toxic af.
Ok so first of all Katsuki is in no way fit to be a hero. I want to point that out right now. After finding out the Izuku was quirkless he started to bully him, which is not what a hero should do. He proceeded to spend the next 10 years bullying and downright abusing him. Which first of all is extremely quirkest, and in no universe how a person who wants to save people should act. I will say that part of it is that none of the adults were fucking incompetent (i'll get to that in another chapter) and never punished him, not even at UA. But that is not an excuse and he should have basic common sense that abusing (both physically and mentally) a person is not right no matter what bs excuse you have. It is never ok. But yeah not a lot of characters have common sense.
So, what we see from the first few episodes is that bakugo consistently physically abuses Izuku and mentally does as well. He uses his quirk, which is illegal by the way, so that's one [1] law broken, on Izuku. And also constantly calls him [variations] worthless. Including the nickname "Deku" which is a play on the kanji of his name and means "useless". We see the consequences of this with Izuku's extremely low self-esteem and can possibly conclude that his self destructive behavior stems from his need to prove his worth or that he doesn't value his life. Which brings us to the next law Bakugo broke, suicide baiting Izuku. When we are first introduced we see bakugo tell Izuku to, quote, "take a swan dive off the roof of a building". Then, later we see that Izuku considers it. Meaning he could be suicidal. But that's not what I'm analyzing so let's keep that for another chapter. We also see him destroy one of Izuku's notebooks using his quirk so that's property damage and also illegal.
Also. after the sludge attack, Izuku was reprimanded for being reckless while bakugo was applauded for being brave. Which makes no fucking sense but I digress [I guess]
Now, moving onto UA. When bakugo gets into UA we see absolutely no changes in his behavior besides maybe toning it down because it could get him in trouble. Even then it's barely. He still uses his quirk illegally and NO ADULTS SAY ANYTHING! Also, in the first practical lesson with the heroes vs villains training (which I have some grievances on but for now I digress) Bakugo knowingly tries to kill Izuku and gets a slap on the wrist. If you don't know what I'm talking about, in the training exercise, he releases an explosion from his gauntlet, which is lethal. He knows this. In fact, All Might directly tells him NOT TO FIRE IT BECAUSE IT WILL KILL MIDORIYA. Yet he still does anyways. Luckily Izuku survives but just barely. Along with this Aizawa simply tells him to stop throwing a fit and reprimands Izuku for breaking his bones. (I'll get into Aizawa and his behavior in another chapter) So. Bakugo commits ATTEMPTED MURDER, and only gets told to "be more mature"; which reinforces that the teachers simply don't do their jobs. But I digress [for now].
Continuing on, throughout the series we see him continue to yell and use his quirk illegally with no repercussions. Then, in the training camp, while he was actively the main target of the attack, he wouldn't let his classmates help him, complained loudly [read: yelled] and overall made it harder for them to help protect him because he thought he would be fine on his own.
Also. When he dragged Izuku out for a talk and then proceeded to force him to fight (even though he threw the first punch and everything Izuku did was self defense) he still got rewarded with what he wanted to know and then BOTH OF THEM WERE PUNISHED??? I get maybe a day or something for Izuku because he went out after curfew but giving him 3 days and the ONLY reason that he didn't get the same amount as bakugo being that Mr. Anger Issues threw the first punch is dumb as shit. I'll get into it later though.
Now, I don't have any complaints about him through the first war/battle after the raid. Other than the fact that when he took the hit for Izuku, it was obviously just a recreation of when Izuku tried to save him from the sludge villain and honestly didn't feel sincere.
And then the apology. Ohhh the god dam apology. First of all why was he so vague about it. "I'm sorry for everything"?? Elaborate! Does he actually understand what he did! All he really did in the apology is make excuses as to why he did it [none of them actually justifying abusing someone for 10(+) years] and then be extremely vague. Now, the second thing about it, which makes him being vague seem calculated, is he apologized in front of the WHOLE CLASS! Why does this piss me off? Because we know that class 1A have a generally positive view of Bakugo if not seeing him as a little brash, and apologizing in front of all of them forces Izuku to accept it. Why? Because if Izuku decides he doesn't want to forgive Bakugo, which he has EVERY RIGHT TO DO, he can't. Because Bakugo was vague in his apology and simply gained the sympathy of the class by making excuses. He didn't actually SAY what he did and knows that Izuku wouldn't call him out on what he did. So he took advantage of that and put Izuku in a position where he has no choice but to forgive since the class would antagonize him if he didn't. That infuriates me.
Also his death didn't really bother me, it was an all around good end to his arc I suppose, but why did they have to bring him back? They killed so many other characters and yet why bring HIM of all people back? He was a pretty bad person overall throughout the series but I digress. This last bit is just my opinion.
Anyways, that's all. Feel free to point out any mistakes I made or things that I didn't bring up that you think I should. Also, this is in no way "bashing" per-say. I personally don't like Bakugo's character but this whole book is just about pointing out the flaws in the characters and plot so yeah :)
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