•Whats...llaraya? (Part 3)
Lliams pov
We sat on the couch, I smiled, she was happy, playing games with me. I looked at her, her brown eyes were staring intently at the screen. It was about 2:30 In the morning, she was yawning and dozing off. She finally laid her head on my shoulder and started to breathe slower and peacefully, I looked at her, and simply smiled. I picked her up gently and brought her to my bed laying her down softly and smiling at her, even though she didn't see my smile. I looked at her, 'i love you Araya' i started to walk away out I the room to leave, 'i love you too Lliam' I froze, frozen, 'did she, is she? She atn be she's-' I turned slowly around and looked in her direction, she wasn't asleep, "so, Lliam I take it you like me?" I froze for a moment, "y-y-yes?" She smiled, "so were llaraya now" we both smiled, I walked up to her tears brimming my eyes, and hugged her, "I love you"
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