Arayas pov
We were out walking around in downtown portland, better known as the Saturday market. Well... On Saturdays. While walking around we saw glass, clothes, jewelry, food, everything baisicly! I smiled as we walked hand in hand around downtown Portland, I was wearing a black and white striped scarf with a red zip up hoodie, skinny jeans and Levi's (a/n she said some where that she loves Levi's) while Lliam was wearing a black zip up coat, jeans and nike's, (I don't know!) we were walking and then we saw the water fountain and he pulled me over to it, then pulled out two coins, two penny's. "One for you, and one for me!" I smiled, "but my wish already came true" he returned the smile, "mine too" he closed his eyes and I'm guessing he was making a wish, I followed and did the same 'i wish...we get a puppy!' I opened my eyes to see Lliam staring at me with a smirk, I threw my coin in and grabbed lliams hand again, "so, what did you wish for Araya?" I giggled, "I can't tell you! It's against the universal laws!" He chuckled, "yah, well...."
Lliams pov
She giggled, "I can't tell you! It's against the universal laws!" I couldn't help but let out a chuckle, "yah, well..." I tried to think of some bullshit excuse, "I got nothin'" I grabbed her hand and started walking away from the fountain into a crowd of people, she started pushing up against me, 'shit I forgot' she's claustrophobic, I smiled though, and placed a kiss on the cheek, people started to 'aww' but Araya froze as her whole face slowly turned bright red. She grabbed her scarf then used it to cover her face, I laughed, then smiled, "I love you Araya" she growled "yeah yeah, I love ya' too"
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