Yoongi // I'm Sorry
You're P.O.V:
A year ago today, something terrible happened. Something so upsetting towards someone that I don't even want to think about it. Yoongi, my best fr- well... On his part, he could give two shits about what happens to me anymore, so now I guess it's ex-best friends or "frenemies". For some reason that I have no clue as to what that reason may be, he hates me now, and shows it with ease almost everyday and time I see him. And it breaks my heart knowing that once I was in love with such a person, and maybe I still am, but why? If he hates me, then why shouldn't I?
I stare up at my ceiling, covered in posters, and a big photo print out of Yoongi and I still to this day hung above my head, with four transparent clear tacks stuck in all four of the corners. I sighed at the sight of it, and smiled at the thought and memory of that day we took photos together Because there somehow is still a part of me that thinks there is a good explanation behind him being a jerk to me for so long. And I have yet to hear that explanation.
-At school the next day-
I walked through the main front doors of __School/Name__, fixing my and headed to grab my sketchbook and text-books from my locker. I walked down the hall at a normal pace when my eyes shifted automatically to locker A-337, Min Yoongi's locker. I stopped in my tracks to stare at it for a while. The 4 slits made in the center of the locker made the back of a photo visible, leaving me to wonder what it was. It's probably impossible, but I imagine if it's the same picture that I have hanging above me in my room. Probably not, but maybe. I sighed and looked at my shoes solemnly. I just wanted Yoongi back, and leave whatever made him hate me so badly behind us. I miss him so much that it hurts. I just want to hug him again and never let go, I shouldn't have let him go the first time. That was the worst mistake of my life. I should've annoyed the hell out of him and gotten the truth out of him when I had the chance, but I played turtle and hid all my thoughts from him. Another mistake.
I looked up to see Yoongi standing between the space of where I stood and where his locker was. He wasn't frowning and didn't look like he wanted to kill me for once. He looked sincere. He just stood there, staring at me, and I did the same. He smiled slightly and scratched the back of his neck.
"Y/N, um.." he spoke softly. "I.. I need t-" he trailed off and stopped his voice to turn around and check if anyone was within range of hearing the rest of our conversation. There wasn't as of now so he continued.
"Y-yes Yoongi.....?" I responded still looking into his eyes. He licked his lips while looking at mine, making me shiver. When he does that whole "seductive" act, it scares me, because last time he licked his lips, we kissed, and that didn't go very well. I stared at his smiling lips, and they molded into the same identical smirk he wore the day he screamed at me at the top of his lungs for 10 minuets.
-First Person P.O.V. (so mine ig :T)-
Rumors. They we're just that. But these rumors said that you we're a slut and that you fucked all of Yoongi's friends and maybe even more in a week, then it went around school and reached Yoongi eventually, making him jealous and broken-hearted. Yoongi is in love with you, but he never had the courage to actually say it to you in words because he was so hurt, but he didn't want to give into little gossip at school because more often that not, it's lies. But he had to be sure, because he needed to know if it was true or not from YOU directly, not from some school gossip bullshit. He loves you.
He decided to hide his knowledge of the rumors from everyone, including his friends included in the rumors in fear that they'd say it was true. Then the 6 of BTS (being Jungkook, Jimin, Jin, Hoseok, Taehyung, and Namjoon) and Yoongi play truth or dare, because Yoongi wants to be sly about it, but it goes array. Jimin dares Yoongi to go on a date with you, and makes a remark that pissed Yoongi off, (Jimin said: I know how that'll end, and ended it with everyone else laughing, raising eyebrows and smirking, making it look really bad). Yoongi consents to the dare in hopes of answers and truth from you.
The both of you have a fun day and Yoongi completely forgets about the whole conversation he wanted to have about "the rumor thing" because he is actually enjoying having some one-on-one time with the girl he is in love with, and they go to a photo booth (the date was at a carnival btw) and just as the last picture is about to snap, you kiss Yoongi. Considering he's happy in the moment and had forgotten about what he wanted to talk to you about, he kisses back, but then pictures what you two are doing: but takes himself out of the picture and makes it to where he imagines you making out with all his friends and god knows what other people. But those we're only rumors, but it scared the crap out of Yoongi. Confusing to you, he had been kissing back, which was a good sign, and out of the blue, he pushes you away with an angry, hurtful look worn on his face and says "You are unbelievable" with much bitterness in his voice, not complementary at all, not a bit. You're lips quiver coldly at his words, and you question this in your head before you speak.
"W-what....?" you force out, stuttering before you're words slowly trail off into silence and he looks at you with the same irritated expression the entire time and he responds.
"I knew it was true!" he shouted. You raise an eyebrow at his words, more lost in his words than ever. A single tear struggles to make it's way the entire trail down you're face. It eventually dropped from you're eye, then off you're cheek bone. The tear fell to you're right pant leg, staining a small circle in the black faded fabric.
"Yoongi, what are y-you talking ab-" he cuts you off.
"Save it!" he yelled at the same tone as before "I heard it, and I- well I didn't want to believe it was true, I really didn't, but it is!". Still oblivious to what he's talking about, you're heart slowly begins to break. And it hurts badly inside you're chest.
"I- I don't understand where any of this is coming from Y-yoongi..But whatever I did I-I'm sorry!".
He scowled at you before scolding you once again, his words pierced your ears and heart.
"There's no way "sorry" is ever gonna be enough for what you've done to me" was all he said and then he stormed out of the photo booth, leaving you alone balling you're eyes out. You decided to run after him. He was already half-way down the road and on his way out, nearly reaching the exit. You quickly caught up to him and put your hand firmly on his shoulder, turning him around to face you directly. And when he does, you see his eyes filled with tears. He is so upset that he's crying.
And you have no idea why.
"What have I ever done to you?!!" you screamed at him through tears.
"You know exactly what you did!". He paused for a moment, leaving your mouth agape at his tone. People around us stared and kids looked up at their parents with terrified and confused expressions, some mumbling things. Probably asking to go to a different area or maybe even leave. But Yoongi didn't care as he kept yelling, ignoring the crowd around us growing suspicious of your guys' situation.
You were so angry, confused, and hurt especially that you could take it anymore. You weren't just going to hold yourself back any longer. You can't let him do this to you. You bit your lip trying to avoid what you were about to do, but let it happen. Staring at him in the eyes furiously, you rose your hand against the right side of his face, making a loud smacking sound echo to only my ears. Your lip trembled, and your mind shifted, regretting what you have just done to Yoongi. Shocked, he pressed his index, middle and ring finger(s) against his face in the same area that my hand had once been. He flinched at his touch, and I saw his face slowly growing a soft pink color. Still in tears you turn quickly around, crying even harder. Yoongi randomly clenches your wrist
"Y-Y/N.." he stutters. You struggle away from his grip and run out the exit.
'What have I done' you thought.
-Flashback Ends-
My eyes widen and my mouth is left open, still staring at Yoongi. He raises an eyebrow at my shocked expression.
"You.. Alright there...?" he asks.
"Is that why you hate me?" I respond back right after.
He turns his head to the side in confusion.
"Excuse me? I'm lost. What is what why I hate you supposedly?"
I sigh in annoyance, wondering if that day is why he disposes of my presence so much now. I look down and then back at Yoongi, who somehow got closer to my face. Our faces we're inches apart, and I could feel his warm, minty breath against my face.
"The date we had, at the carnival a year ago today - I-is that why you hate me? Because of what happened?"
He just stood there. No response. Just silence as we looked at each other.
After a good 25 seconds, he bit his lip before speaking "...That isn't the reason I "hate" you, Y/N. I don't hate you for the record, I am pissed at you, but i don't-"
"Then why do you".
His eyes looked deeply into mine, and I focussed on his facial features. His perfect skin, his jawline, his enticing lips, and his eyes. They could see right through my heart, and I knew it.
"Because Y/N. There we're rumors you had been hooking up with the rest of the guys and many others, and so I was jealous and freaked out, but I didn't want to believe it. But when you kissed me on the date, I thought I would be one of your next one night stands, and so I yelled at you".
This left no words for me to speak.
"Are you kidding me..".
"Wow. Who made that rumor may I ask?" I requested eagerly.
"Uh.. I think it was Mathew, that ass ex of yours but I don't know for sure. I assume that is who made it because he's the one every one else said told them".
I scoffed in disbelief and trailed my eyes back to the floor, staring intensely at the tiles. They we're scratched and faded, they all had shifted apart from each other, leaving them un-even.
"Well first of all, NONE of that is true. I never laid a hand on Jimin, Hobi, none of them, nobody AT ALL, and they never laid a hand on me, ok? And secondly, you should never believe ANYTHING, and I mean ANYTHING that comes out of Mathew's mouth. His involvement in this costed me my best friend". I paused for a moment, only to look up at a speechless Yoongi. I continued-"I can't believe this. The entire time I thought.."
When Yoongi finally got the courage to speak, his words stumbled upon each other. "So you're saying you not once fooled around with any of my friends".
"Not one of them once. I only ever kissed you" I replied under my breath.
"Well this may be unbelievably inappropriate for me to even think of asking but, can we have a re-do?" he asked seriously. I blushed and my eyes shifted around everywhere trying to avoid the question, until he slowly backed me up against the lockers, placing one hand on my waist, and the other on the left side of my neck.
"Answer me, Y/N".
"What do y-you mean, Yoongi.." I questioned nervously.
"Can I please fucking kiss you again Y/N, god damn it, I need you" he answered eventually.
Without my response, he violently pushed his lips against mine. The kiss was an entire mixture of roughness, passion, and softness.
It was perfect.
His tongue forced it's way in between my lips, tangling my tongue with his repetitively. His hands slowly and cautiously trailed down from my shoulders down to my waist, and eventually to my butt, and once he reached there, Yoongi squeezed it gently. I gasped slightly, and I felt his devilish smile against my lips as he began to pull away.
"Yes" I said. He laughed a little.
"Didn't give you much of a choice did I now" Yoongi joked. He earned a smile from me, making me hide my face in my hands. He eventually grabbed ahold of my wrists to unveil my face.
"Don't hide you're face, you're beautiful" Yoongi complimented. I blushed and grinned like a weirdo. He brushed the hair that fell in front of my eyes so that he was able to stare into them (like in photo/gif)
As he did, he hugged me close and held me in his arms tightly, as if he was physically saying "Don't leave me". He pecked my neck gently, making me giggle quietly. He hummed 'Hold Me Tight' in my ear, making me smile against his shoulder.
"Getting rather cheesy with hold me tight now are we?" I playfully teased.
"Oh shush, it always reminds me of you, Y/N".
I pulled my face from off of his shoulder to see his adorable smile.
Damn Yoongi's sexy
"Oh really?" he said questioningly.
"You said I was sexy?"
Oh gosh, I said that out loud
I blushed horribly and buried my face in the crook of his neck. I can't believe I said that out loud. I mean, don't get me wrong, Yoongi's sexy and should absolutely by all means be aware that I think so, but Jesus Christ, whyyyyyyyy. I mentally slapped myself in stupidity. Yoongi laced his fingers with mine and held my hands to his lips. He kissed the top of my hand gently, making me blush.
"So are you cutie" Yoongi flattered me with his compliment. I hit his chest lightly, giggling.
"You shush, you" I told him. He just chuckled.
"And if I don't.. Then what?" he asked seductively.
"You know what you dork" I teased him again.
"I love you so much, Y/N". He smiled cutely.
"I love you too, Yoongi" I replied sweetly. He started laughing hard randomly. I rose my eyebrow in confusion at his sudden laughs. He sighed and put a hand on my shoulder.
"I know, Y/N. I read you're diary last spring" he confessed, still giggling with himself like a little school girl. My eyes widened, and I buried my face in his clothing once again, embarrassed.
In the end, we skipped the day at school and got some coffee and lunch together, hand in hand the entire time. Never did I think that this would all turn out to be perfect. And to be completely honest, this seems like it couldn't get any better.
Hi!!! I decided to add a little bit because I looked back on this realizing that it's kind of left random and no one know what happened lol. So I chose to write an ending to this to make the confusion clarified on how it ended.
Anyways, thanks for the reads and support, love you ARMY ^_^ <3 #fighting
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