Taehyung // New Year's Eve (2)
Omfg guys I cannot say this enough. Thank you all so damn much for your 100+ reads and your votes! It means a lot to me! Now I will finish the second and final part of my long wanted Taehyung one shot!
Your P.O.V:
I woke up with Taehyung's arms wrapped tightly around my torso. I couldn't help but smile, blush and fangirl all at the same time. I barely shifted my body and Taehyung woke up suddenly, looking around wide eyed.
"Who kidnapped me, I'll show y..." I muffled his silly statements by pressing my finger against his lips. He crosse eyed his vision towards my pointer finger l before looking at me instead.
"No one kidnapped you Tae. You came here" I explained giggling.
"Oh yeahhh" he responded laughing slightly. He stared at me for a long while, his eyes smothered mine. I wonder what he's thinking about. Suddenly, I saw he was now hovering over me, with a soft look in his eyes. He licked his lips and hesitated for a bit, and then leaned towards my face slowly. My face grew hot out of embarrassment with the addition of Taehyung's breath against my cheeks. Out of nowhere, he simply whispered to himself "Not now" and with that, he got up off the bed and headed to the kitchen to make breakfast I assumed.
Asking myself what the fuck just was about to happen, I too crawled out of bed reluctantly and went to help Taehyung with breakfast.
Once we had finished cooking, eating, and cleaning the mess up in the kitchen, it was nearly 1:00 PM.
"Hey Y/N?"
I spun around to see Taehyung wearing a sad face. I frowned slightly and walked towards him.
"What's up, are you okay?" I asked while caressing his face with my thumb gently. I felt a slight wetnesd on his cheek, which must've been a teardrop.
"I just.. I'm in love this girl and I have no idea how she's gonna react if I tell that to her straightup.." he explained through silent tears. Although my heart broke at the voice of Taehyungs words explaining he's in love with someone else, I smiled weakly abd tried to comfort him as best as I could.
"Well.. you should always look at what you have already done. Like do you know her well? Does she show any gestures that would indicate any feelings in return for you? Are you close? Things like that".
"...know her better than she knows herself probably. And we're very close actually, but I dont know how she feels towards me". He paused and sighed for a moment before his words continued on.
"I'm afraid I'm going to get turned down.." he finally finised.
"Who would turn Kim Taehyung down? They'd be stupid not to. Your sweet, lovin, kind, and definitely attractive enough that any girl would be a fool not to be with such a person like you" I replied.
"C'mere" I said before pulling him into my arms.
"We should start getting ready for the party.." he said after a long hug between the two of us.
"Ok" was all I saod before he grabbed my wrist gently.
"And Y/N?" I nodded "Thank you" he finished with a smile.
About an hour and a half had gone by and we we're finally ready.
I wondered and thought all day until the party..
If Taehyung is in love with another girl, why is he going to a party WITH me?
-timeskip to party-
Taehyung and I arrived at his place fancily dressed. I usually wouldnt be seen in a dress, but Taehyung said so. I also wore it with the addition of black leather boots with a small heal to lift my height slightly.
I couldn't help but think to myself that Taehyung looked really nice tonight. He wore a blood red tux with a black tie, his hair lied perfectly on his head.
Taking a deep breath, Taehyung knocked on the wooden barrier between the porch and the house, and almost immediatley, Jimin unlocked the door for me.
"Hey Y/N!" he said before hugging me. I hugged back lightly and when we faced each other.
"You didnt come home last night? Where we're you?" I blushed and Jimin's question, hoping Taehyung wouldn't tell him he was at my place.
"I'll tell you later" was all Tae said before high fiving Jimin and tugged my wrist passed him into the house. Music was playing moderately loud and J-Hope was found dancing like a dork in the living room while Jungkook, Namjoon and Suga watched laughing. Jin was in the kitchen cooking our snacks and entrees as usual. I went passed the living room, shaking my head and giggling to go say hi to Jin.
"Hi Jin!" I said cheerfully waving. He smiled and set down the pan back on the stove carefully before hugging me tightly. I rested my head on Jins shoulder only to see Jimin and Taehyung whispering to each other in the hallway. I rose my eyebrow in confusion but brushed it off.
Once Jin let go of the hug, he started small talk for only a few moments before Suga ran in the kitchen and back hugged me screaming my name repetitively.
"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!" Yoongi yelled laughing. I giggled
"I can't remember the last time I saw you! Do you?" he asked.
"Uh.. yesterday at noon. We all went grocery shopping together remember.." I reminded him.
"Oh y-" before he could finish Hoseok and Namjoon hugged me from both of my sides. I could still see and peak over both of their shoulders seeing Jimin and Tae talking quietly. Taehyung looked mad and annoyed whenever our eyes met. Only for a second. Eventually they all let go of me and we came to the living room. We all sat down on the couch, and there weren't any seats available, so I sat on Jin's lap because he is mother (lol). When Taehyung walked in the roomm and saw where I was, he looked infuriated. I pretended like I didn't notice but that wasn't enough for Tae.
He pointed to me and motioned to meet him in the right hallway. I hesitantly got up and at first I didnt see Taehyung, but all of a sudden I was pressed against the wall by hands on my shoulders. It was none other than Tae.
"Taehyung! What the-" he covered my mouth with the palm of his hand and stared at me irritated.
"Why we're you sitting on Jin's lap?" he demanded. I turned my head to the side slightly.
"...because there weren't any spots left on the couch???" I replied nervously. He rolled his eyes bitterly.
"You could've asked for a chair, I would have gone to the garage to get one" he said.
"Are you..jealous?" I asked randomly. He blushed almost immediately and his brows furrowed.
"Why would I be?" he responded through gritted teeth.
"Taehyung. He's like a brother to me, and he's way older than me. He's a great guy, but my eyes aren't set on him. Ok?" I explained, but it only made him look more hurt.
"...So.. whos the lucky guy.." he trailed off sorrowfully.
Should I confess?
I opened my mouth to speak when Hoseok yelled for us to come dance. Taehyung rolled his eyes once again and removed his strong hands from my shoulders. I heard him sigh before he walked away, as did I. After I knew he was wasn't in the hallway, I tiptoed to the wall that cut off from the hallway and the livig room to press my ear against the wall so I could hear what Taehyung was so mad about.
"Dude, she likes you Jin, it's that simple" I heard a familliar voice shout.
"Well she didn't make out with him" I heard Jungkook say. Someone must've hit him because after I heard an "ow" who was most likely Jungkook again.
"Yet.." Taehyung said. "She said she thought of Jin as a brother and nothing more, but I dont buy it" he completed his sentence finally.
"Taehyung, the way she looks at you is insane over what any of what we get combined. I honestly think she's falling for you and you only" I heard Jin tell them all. I gasped to myself.
"Right.. and let's say she is 'in love with me'. Why wouldn't she let me know lastnight? And what do I do? I push her. She'll nevr love me as much as I love her, at least not after that. Im so stup-".
"Wait- you we're at Y/N's lastnight...?" Hoseok asked. The others gasped. I walked in the room now. I had heard enough.
"Hey" I said plainly. Now they all seemed as if nothing happened, assuming I wasn't evesdropping.
"You ok?" Jimin asked me.
"Yeah, I was just telling my mom I got here safely, im fine.." I lied. They shrugged and turned the music back on. I leaned against the wall, watching them have the fun I wish I could be having but wasn't.
"H-hey.." I heard a familliar deep voice speak.
"H-hi.." I replied. He rab his hands through his hair and stuffed his hands in his pockets.
"Y/N, I'm really sorry about earlier, that was totally uncalled for and I ju- ...do you wanna dance with me.." he shifted between two different topics, but I agreed to both.
"It's okay Taehyung, I get it. And yes, I'd love to" I said with a smile which he returned.
I liked his better
He nodded and locked his arm with mine while staring at me.
"I have a question Tae" I said finally. He nodded.
"We're you jealous?" I asked. He sighed and bit his lip nervously.
"Maybe" he replied smirking. "C'mon" Taehyung dragged my arm towards the living room where the music was lively. 'I Need U' urban mix was playing, but out of nowhere I looked at the clock. 11:57. Time flew faster than I thought.
"I- ..Don't know how to dance.." I told him embarassed. He smiled.
"Aww it's okay here, I'll teach you" he said before getting closer to me.
"First, place your arms around my neck, or rest them on my shoukders, whatever is more comfortable" he instructed. I followed his wkrds and laced my hands together behind his neck.
"And then leave the rest to me" he said softly before putting his hands on my hips. I blushed horribly, but let him continue.
"All you have to do is sway back and fourth along with me and the music, okay?". I nodded in agreement.
Throughout the song, I tried to keep rhythm with the melody, and actually did sufficiently. I rested my head in the crook of his neck, keeping my breathing soft.
"I forgot to mention you look beautiful tonight.. not that you don't usually, its just.. I've never seen you in a dress before" he complimented me sweetly. I smiled to myself at his words.
"You look really handsome tonight and usually as well" I said back.
"Thank you"
I felt his grip on my waist tighten slightly, pulling me closer to him. I looked at the clock once again. 11:59.
Then I removed my head from Taehyung's nape and looked at him with wide eyes. He smiled and caressed my face.
"Y/N.." he whispered gently. I continued to stare at me.
Ten seconds to midnight.
"I need to say something.."
"And it may weird you out"
"Or maybe even hate me"
"But I cant lie to myself or you for that matyer any longer"
"Its been along time coming as your friend"
"And I've grown closer to you than I have anyone else in my life"
"This may seem or come as a shock to you"
"But it's time I let you know"
"I've been keeping a secret"
"And I let it be known now"
"I love you"
Those were the last words coming from Taehyungs mouth before he slammed his lips against mine. I kissed back almost immediately after he began the kiss, and I felt him press his warm body on mine, making me fall onto the now empty couch with Taehyung hovering his lips over mine once again. He didn't hesitate to lean in for another kiss again, it was more rough and passionate than the last. He bit my lip gently, but at first I didn't let him in. He grew slightly more aggressive and bit harder, forcing me to leave my lips parted for his tongue to roam and look for mine. Just before things got heated or 'sexual' (a/n don't get any ideas u pervy armies XD jk don't kill me), I heard the boys feet shuffling in the hallway to the living room screaming "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" repetitively.
Hearing them, we pulled away sadly, and just as they walked in the room, I saw Taehyung smirking while licking his lips. I rolled my eyed smiling.
"Dude, we were outside blowing shit up and firecrackers and fireworks went off and-" Jimin stopped talking when he saw us both smiling at them all weirdly.
"Oh god, did you guys do it on the couch?" Namjoon asked, making the boys and Taehyung laugh. I just went into turtle mode and hid in my jacket out of embarrassment.
"Nah, but I may have confessed and kiss her once or twice" Taehyung teased. Jimin clapped, pretending he was impressed.
Eventually the boys stopped bothering thetwo of us with stupid questions, so when I heard the door close I lied on Taehyung and stared into his eyes, smiling.
"What? You think it wasnt hard for me to kiss everywhere but your lips lastnight?" Tae teased, I shook my head laughing.
It was silent for a while. Until I said his name, wanting his attention. He looked down at me, playing with my hair.
"Was all you said at midnight true?" I asked.
"Very" he replied.
"I love you too, dork" I pecked his cheek and cuddled next to him.
Then I realized he asked me to help him feed the cats nextdoor. They we're all making pissed off sounds and hissing, but they could wait.
All I have right now is all I need.
Except for the cats screaming and loud ass fireworks lol
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